Individual citizens acting of their own free will have gained nation state status for all 50 states from the international court freeing the population from control of the corporate American government. We have the backing of the military, who in conjunction with federal marshals directing local law enforcement to do massive round ups of the subversive elements within the US. These arrests will be done peacefully, legally and hopefully without bloodshed. The Federal reserve will be disbanded as well as other agencies that have been actively going against the interests of the American people. Tomorrow we take our country back. God bless you all, spread the word and get supplies early.
Mass arrests tomorrow
Other urls found in this thread:
Bring it on mother fuckers.
Yeah, sure, whatever
Well.. If I hear one liiitle peep, I'm going str8 to Costco and home depot
>inb4 1 post by this id
See all the distractions today and movements of the elites. We're wrestling back control in a hopefully bloodless coup.
>its happening on x day
No man knoweth the day or the hour
Cool. Keep me posted.
Good point. Except you are forgetting one minor detail. This thread isn't about revelations.
Fake and gay.
Top fuckin larp m80.
You are not a person, you have a person.
A person is a fictional entity In law, similar to a corporation. Check out old versions of block's law dictionary user.
Why OJ? He isn't quite honorary but he did murder a coalburner and a drug dealing Jew. The only shit he was ever known to steal was later proven to be his own. I'd spare him.
No wonder I couldn't get that personal loan to pay for a hair transplant this weekend. They know it's over.
let me introduce you to the National Defence Authoritarian Act, which allows for indefinite detention of americans who promote sedition or terrorism
I am terrified by your thought
big if true
Man I wish.
Are you with the GFOL ? Are we preparing for "the Event"
So I have family members in the police force and they never said anything about mass arrests tomorrow. Not even a hint or warning. Are you SURE this is a thing nationwide? Or is this a DC focused thing?
if true, i'm posting in the biggest happening thread of my lifetime.
if LARP, 8/10 gave me hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Please let some actual crazy shit happen tomorrow
Fuck off with your fear-mongering ya' stinky Brit.
>We have the backing
Who's We?
>inb4 OP is actually a communigger.
You know what if it truly happens Ill buy you a 6 pack user and we can celebrate together
Sage mothafucka
>Sov Cit
>IRL Larpers
How's that gold fringed flag treating you
Posting in a potentially historical thread
if only.
you lost me at fed being disbanded, we know that will never happen, not in our lifetime
I heard about this, can't wait, thanks OP
>See all the distractions today and movements of the elites.
Such as? I don't see anything of particular note.
It's true....All of it.
"Grandad what was it like the meme war?"
Don't play with this man's heart, Sup Forums
It was an incredible history that only we will ever know about.
Shed a tear for General Mike Flynn every time
whatever you say, sweetie.
Fake and Gay
Hopefully JIDF, David Brock, CTR, Shareblue, and Antifa get shut down for good. I'm sick of faggots on this board.
Even I cannot believe.
I wish. If this turns out to be real it's going to be the best day of my life.
these happening threads are getting tiresome
No, the fucking CTR Shareblue Leftypol threads are tiresome. This is interesting.
Could it be related to the McCain/ISIS bromance?
>Sections 841 to 843 of the Act, known at the Never Contract with the Enemy Act, require the United States Secretary of Defense to establish programs in each of its global military commands to ensure that contracting, grant awarding and formation of cooperative agreements do not facilitate the payment of funds (or the provision of goods and services in kind) to persons or entities which are "actively opposing United States or coalition forces involved in a contingency operation in which members of the Armed Forces are actively involved in hostilities".[10]
The Act has extended to a global context similar provisions which related only to combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.[
This all the way
in other alien posted on /x/ potentially.
to the underage newfag maybe
But for people that have been on Sup Forums more than a year, its essentially spam. Nothing will happen, and its just another tween roleplaying for replies from retards like you.
what should we do OP? is their anything we can do to help or should we just stay indoors
>The Federal reserve will be disbanded as well as other agencies
Bull fucking shit. I don't believe you whatsoever bwcause the entire world is dependant on the federal reserve, one way or another at this point. It won't be "disbanded" in a single day. There has been no leadup to such a thing and OP is a larping fuckboy. For the record the federal reserve disgusts me and frankly it's infuriating how much people have bought into the federal bank notes meme
Thank god someone else knows. If you don't believe look up the red number on the back of your Social Security card at
moar happenings? see guys you just had to wait 24h
I was the user "selling" these in that LARP a few months back
Mass arrests would be the greatest day ever - I'd just leave work and go to the bar to drink and watch it happening
The same people who watched idly as Obama signed that call Trump a fascist for not letting trannies join the military welfare complex.
Right, so are you doing this to protect civil liberties or what?
So glad I don't live anywhere near DC anymore.
Also literally nothing is going to happen. If it does, then I'll run through the streets naked.
Doesn't it feel like we've been on the edge of a cliff for like 2 months now? The whole investigation shit is like a cancer that needs to be cleasned and its just gnawing away. Idk I feel p weird rn desu.
Total absolute bullshit. They will NEVER end the fed, and the deep state will never be disbanded unless it's actually killed.
Man. You're such a defeatist. Just fuck off, nobody needs your faggot ass attitude over here. Optimists only.
giving OP and the cause my energy
>using a hand crank, not a 12 ton electric winch
I hope you're right OP
They can't keep getting away with it
This is true, my sources within the government have confirmed it.
Same, hoping I become some sort of footprint in history.
This better be real you faggot
Sleep comfy lads
If this actually happens, how much shit will hit the fan?
God Im glad to see you faggots here forreal.....Americans think they know everything but don't even realize their country's history...makes me chuckle how STUPID chattel can be
Why are you hiding behind an American flag then you retarded faggot
I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that Trump sleeps in tailor-fit Trump suits... Fucking guy is ballin out of control 24/7/365
>possibly posting in historic thread
>>Sup Forums
what's the point of the winch if there's trap doors?
Kek wills it
Who says I'm hiding?
But hey you know everything so let me just sit back and watch you post m8
Home Depot opens at 6am
I will help in anyway I can. Godspeed user.
Jackie Kennedy is dead.
Cool thread cool stuff
You can't disband these institutions over night or there will be a fucking war or mass hysteria. It's bullshit.
What is......"Shit that'll never happen. This lame ass LARP has been on since the early 90s, and the OP who put this on Sup Forums for the 1,000th time is a huge faggot, and should just KYS?"
Rude. You are wrong, kek wills it.
Ok after i want ww3
Order 66 when??
>still authorized to drink
>4 hours until pt
>not going into work tomorrow
yeah i'll let you know when we get spun up. And in all liklihood we would never get spun up for shit like this. Fuckin weeb.
Its all over guys. Good luck.
Eenie meenie miney moe catch a nigger by the tow truck
Wut bout da joos do ?
Merciful lord in heaven, Im praying, plz OP, deliver.
>implying shit is going down tomorrow.
>implying anything good will ever happen.
>read launcher
a catapult design would be funnier
Praise Kek
Sorry, I don't get who you're talking about. The elites are arresting people to get things back under their control? Or the elites are the ones who are to be arrested?