Why are there so many Aushwitz survivors if it was a death camp?
Why are there so many Aushwitz survivors if it was a death camp?
The meme of precision german engineering and efficiency isnt very accurate. If africans and muslims were in charge they would've done it right.
Lesson to take away: Jews are crafty. Don’t let this be your wives and daughters
because the allies saved them from the evil nazis
God bless the Aussies.
The great thing about fiction is anyone can be a part of it. Just look at how many people have Hogwarts shit.
>tfw you will never be masturbated to death in a German death camp.
Time to unleash the Black Israelites
>tfw great grandpa was a holocaust victim but a non-practicing Jew and a pretty nice guy
is it fair to say that there is a portion of the Jewish population that is non-Zionist? I feel as though Zionists are more harmful than a simple Jew
I think most people mean that, but it's a distinction that's never made.
>gradually, i began to hate them
I thought Aushwitz was both a death camp and a concentration camp.
>be jewish grandma
> tell 28 grandchildren about muh shoah
> constantly go to town halls or schools to talk about your survival
> a student asks: whathappened.jpg?
> oy vey, i was asked to walk from point a to point b and sometimes they didn't give me caviar every four hours and then the war ended...
> student: so you weren't in the camps?
> w-w-well nnnoo...
> do you know anyone who was in the camps?
> look at the Mossad agent standing in the back, telepathically communicate *the goyim know*
Little known fact- Auschwitz wasn't an actual deathcamp, it was an amusement park.
Are you retarded? The sign litterally said that she did not survive aushwitz
It could be read both ways.
1. She did not survive (i.e. she survived but her reason for surviving was not...) for me to sit silent and afraid today...
2. She did not survive (i.e. she died) ...]
Classic Hebrew trick to confuse goyum.
Research the lost holocaust surviver that were removed from steven spielbergs movie its on you tube
it's always been interesting to me that every Aushwitz survivor MUST be a military spy.
because the holocaust is propaganda, so of course these "survivors" are aware that it never happened.
>che guevara t shirt
Why are so many jews involved with the far left?
makes one ponder...
They're heavily involved in the far-right too? Have you read Breitbart?
>My grandma did not survive Auschwitz.
Oy Vey!
>far right
>surviving a 5 star hotel resort
What a feat
Why didn't they just kill them all right away?
Why did they use a comfy gas chamber instead of brutally killing them, you know since Nazis are monsters and all.
Wow awesome source great job!
Which one should I watch
If you think being a white guy within a nazi regime means you will have a easy life, oh boy you are mistaken.
>be white
>live in a nationalist socialist government
>own a small business, 5 employee
>one day government official comes in
>tell you third of your product is needed.
>can't really talk back so you say ok.
>month later all employees quit, can't pay them
>official comes back
>says your late, breaks your arm
>puts a gun to your head, says don't be late
>you cry, say your employees quit
>next day your employees are back
>most are bruised and limping
>nobody can work because severely injured
>you get hanged for being a enemy of the state
I'm a neet, red pill me on world war 2.
Wasn't it about opium and China or something? What's this got to do with Jews?
Who were the good and bad guys?
>official comes back
>says your late, breaks your arm
>puts a gun to your head, says don't be late
>next day your employees are back
>most are bruised and limping
>nobody can work because severely injured
>you get hanged for being a enemy of the state
I think you have seen too much Hollywood movies.
>be factory worker
>want a promotion, ask your boss
>boss says no
>you only have 1 son in the hitler's youth
>wtf you have 9 children, 8 girls
>Boss says Ansell has 3 sons, he gets it
>go home and complain
>your son overhears you
>tells on you
>you get hanged for being a enemy of the state
Yep, you watched too much Hollywood movies.
Kikes totally got you.
at least I don't live in a delusion that white country automatically means good. White people can create pretty shit societies too. Look at Poland for example, tell me this, how come every Kurva I met abroad always wanted me to take her to 'Merica?
>It's another Amerinigger acting retarded
I almost thought I was gonna have a normal conversation.
>be white
>live in a nationalist socialist government
> try to setup a small business with five employees
> succeed because the jew competitors who were violently trying to force you out of competition and forming cartels gotrekt
>hire hardworking aryans who the jews enjoyed watching beg on the street
> innovate and advance your products because there is no more destructive jewy sabotaging more creative people trickery
> all workers feel a camaraderie and brotherhood, work even more productively
> after work, hike with your children and the local aryan families in the beautiful pristine hills
>frequent festivals and fairs with tastygermantits, good food, and good cheers
>government asks if you need anything else to help you succeed as a business?
> well it would be nice to sell our products in chile, government answers "great!" and literally fastbacks your export license and helps negotiate a deal that doubles your profits
> feels comfy desu.
Complains about death camps and wears a Che t-shirt?
>/pol cant do math
when you kill six million, there are a lot of second and third generation holocaust survivors.
Fourth gen holocaust survivors deserve reparations due to the psychological trauma.
>lefties using a kahanist symbol
lmao what
these guys are the most racist and ethnocentric group imaginable
I'm not sure. Both of my grandparents actually died in Auschwitz.
just stop there amerifat. che was alpha in all ways.
Kill yourself
Yeah, and how about all those horror stories you hear about the 5 million gypsies and POW's talk about how awful it was?
Oh wait, you don't. Have you ever wondered why
Zionists that actually go through with it and move permanently to Israel are fine.
Why would the Germans use valuable resources to kill millions of people whilst losing the war on multiple fronts?
Exegetical fallacy #12: shitskins cannot be alpha.
It's not your fault. There are a lot of people who are easily influenced by propaganda. Today your a nazi, tomorrow you might come across somebody convincing and you'll be a commie and it's not your fault, people like you were meant to be led, it's genetics.
i think her grandma is a pretty cool guy eh survives auschwitz and doesn't afraid of anything
Your great grandparents gassed 600 gabligillion of my ancestors. I was gassed 7 times myself and now I have terrible Asthma and need to be prescribed an inhaler so I don't pass out in the middle of the Sabbath. Pay up Goyim.
Dumb goy, keep supporting the Rothschild agenda.
>the eternal republicuck
Why would you need any resources to kill them once they are rounded up and in a camp? The simplest way to kill them then is to just stop keeping them alive. Yet they fed them, watered them, gave them medical care, etc for years. Really forces one to ponder...
You're right, the real way to defeat the Jews is to keep them in our countries where we can keep an eye on them. Deporting them all or encouraging them to fuck off is just what they want!
Everybody knows the best time to exterminate a person is between kickball and piano lessons.
white actually does mean that you niggerlover
That's what what the soviets did, starvation is a far more efficient way of slaughter than gassing.
I guess the propagandists in the USSR didn't say that they all starved because that hit a little to close to home.
Watch this goy: youtube.com
>David Icke shilling
>Doesn't recognize the Jews as reptilian aliens
>Accepts the holohoax narrative
>pushes a shill new age religion
Video disregarded.
Just watch the video fag, I don't care what this guy normally pushes. This video is on point.
The black jews need our support.
The funny thing is the bodies they always show are starved. But that is because typhus is a wasting disease that makes it impossible to absorb most nutrition from food.
>it was real in my mind
I don't care about what he talks about in this video. I know what he normally pushes, and thus, this video is just an attempt at subversion.
I think they added the gassing because they wanted to give the Nazis an "action" that makes them evil. If they just starved them and let them die, you wouldn't be so ready to demonize all of them.
Not watching your retarded LARPicke video, user. Retard conspiracy theories about Jews always come to the same conclusion, do nothing because there is nothing that is possible that is desirable. They always present some absurd arrangement that makes anything that happens part of the Jew plan, making all actions irrelevant. Fuck that. I want Jews out of my country and out of my civilization, anything towards that end is good.
Of course, but it was all just made up as they went along. That is why so much of it contradicts itself, Jews that were let go because they ran out of gas, Jews not being gassed because they got sick, etc. Just ridiculous crap, but they use moral shaming to make people accept it. In the end it doesn't matter what the details were, even if they gassed a billion Jews it wouldn't justify the things they use it to justify.
Yeah because you're a kike and kikes always attack character so that they can evade the content.
You're dumb, this is not even a conspiracy theory. Are you not aware that Israel was founded by the Rothchilds?
>grandma survives, has children who have children
>grandma doesn't survive, does not have children to have children
hurrrrr why do contemporary Jews all claim their grandparents survived the holocaust
This. I was told 11-12 million (6 million jews and 5 million others, gypsies, blacks, and gays) IN FUCKING SCHOOL. They've quietly dropped that extra 5 million though, and that was only 15 years ago. 15 years ago I was lied to about the holocaust, and they've had 5 times that much time to lie. Was also told about lampshades (bullshit) soap (bullshit) and literally fucking hollocoasters that automated dumping living jews into the furnace.
I apparently have relatives who survived the holohoax too. My grandparents have old documents showing as much, from Auschwitz that is.
none of them. watch actual historical critique instead of hollywood jew lies.
Nazis weren't Goodfellas
"Thanks for being here, hope you come back!" - Totally Real Auschwitz-experience certificate.
Every rich Jewish family funded the creation of Israel. We are still better off if they all fuck off there. There is no argument against sending them there other than that some of them would like it, except for even more retarded arguments about the end times.. I'm not against Jews just to spite them, I want them gone because it is good for my people.
I tend to think of Zionists as part of the Jewish community as comparable to jihadists in the muslim community. It's not all of course, it perhaps is not even most in possibility, but wherever muslims congregate there will be some measurable outgrowth of jihadist extremism. It's the natural extension of Islamic doctrines.
Millions and millions of them!
The funny thing is that Israel is exactly what Hitler would have wanted.
A far right Jew means foreign wars for Israel.
Zionism isn't the main problem with Jews, just like jihadism isn't the main problem with Muslims. Their entire way of being is in conflict with us. Even if there was no wars for Israel and no terrorist attacks both groups would still not belong in our countries and would still cause no end of other more subtle problems.
look up the World Jewish Congress... it pushes and defends zionism in all the diaspora communities. It also is made up of billionaires and rich people.
they took a trip to Europe more than a decade back and got copies of some sort of official processing papers or something with people with the same last name as ours.
>Why are there so many Aushwitz survivors if it was a death camp?
Because they wouldn't be survivors if it wasn't a death camp, retard.
>retarded arguments about the end times
Dumb goy. There's a reason why Israel now has a monopoly in security/defense/spy technology. They are going to use that as a backdoor to gain control of all your nations after they funnel in enough wahhabi terrorists to create the demand.
This is NOT a conspiracy theory, this is fact. They are aiming for a global police state centred in Israel under the control of the Rothschilds. There's a reason why Wahhabi Saudi Arabia is untouchable and it's not because of the oil, the Wahhabis were put into power by the Rothschilds as a manufactured enemy. Saudi Arabia and Israel are sisters.
Damn burgers really are dumb.
"Zionism" in its modern context is vague enough of a term that a wide range of behaviors are applicable to it. I agree though, just in terms of group interests, problems would exist.
>retarded conspiracy theory that claims the Jews literally control everything so there is no point in doing anything
I knew it. Makes you feel comfortable, doesn't it? 'Knowing' that there is no point in doing anything because it's all under some other force's control? Just because it is an evil force doesn't change the fundamental nature of your rationalization. You are making excuses for inaction, denying your own agency. Everything you believe is neatly wrapped up in a way that removes any reason for you or anyone else to do anything. You are a slave, with a slave's view of the world. The Jews are your masters as you give them ultimate power over you.
checked, and witness the extreme depravity of the jewish mind to even come up with these fantasies. It's really a look into the mind of collective madness. It says a lot more about them than Germans or White people in general.
>It's a shoah world after all
What are you fucking stupid or are you a kike shill trying to misdirect everyone?
I never said you couldn't do anything, I'm saying what has to be done is to cut the head of the snake, the Rothschilds family and their peers.
You on the other hand are trying to advocate following along with the Rothschild plan and just sending Jews to Israel.
>white people can't even commit genocide right
Most useless race in history.
With a Che Guevara shirt? Who is she kidding?
Because spoilers: It never happened
>I never said don't do anything, I said do this magical thing that will undo civilization level trends and which I have no means of doing
Let me guess, anything that doesn't instantly accomplish this Hollywood solution to your comic book version of ethnic conflict is also part of the Rothschild plan? Wake up, user. There is no single plan, no single head to this snake. That isn't how any conflict works. You only choose to believe that because it is easy, because it lets you off the hook from having to help your race.
>Auschwitz jew
Bullshit. Polish and German jews were turned back by the US.
>Prohibited from landing in Cuba, the St. Louis and the remaining 907 refugees[10] headed towards the United States. Captain Schröder circled off the coast of Florida, hoping for permission to enter the United States. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, advised Roosevelt not to accept the Jews, however
It's this kind of ridiculous shit that turns people. On its own it's not that much, but when it piles up like the Himalayas, it can become an avalanche