How are Americans going to react when China overtakes their economy?
How are Americans going to react when China overtakes their economy?
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saging that fucking bullshit chart wong made, what a complete crap smear
>wahhh! it's not going to happen!!!! wah!!!!
This is the response I always get from americans haha.
Grow a set of balls and face the truth!!!
>Implying a communist country can ever compete with a capitalist one
China is going to collapse in on itself. The military is a sham (and not actually obligated to protect the people). All the companies are in serious debt. The rich in China are actively trying to get their money out because they know it's going to collapse.
It happens like 2 years ago
They seem to just ignore it
They effectively are capitalist. Private enterprise is booming.
Homegrown companies like Lenovo, Alibaba, DJI, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Oppo, Huawei, Baidu, etc.
Then also a company like Foxconn, who are technically Taiwanese, BUT most of their factories are based in China, and they are the largest private employee in China, with over 1.3 million employees.
They have a stock market, the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
It's effectively a capitalist country, and they will overtake you.
>source: my arse
Not an argument.
>All the companies are in serious debt.
ALL of them? Every single one? You realise China is a free market economy, right? Businesses are privately owned? Lenovo, Alibaba, DJI, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Huawei, Baidu - are they ALL in debt? Proof for that?
>China is a free market economy
Sure it is. Government-owned businesses are Free Market, right?
China by all rights should be stronger than the United States. But they've misallocated resources so badly in the last decade it's probably going to set them back at least 20 years when it breaks.
China's economy is larger in terms of PPP (purchasing power parity).
That means if you take the total value of goods/services produced in China in a year (which is what GDP is), then you can buy more stuff in China with that value, than you can with America's equivalent value in America. This is because things are cheaper in China.
But in dollar value, America's is still bigger - for now. But looking at the growth rates, China is set to overtake America within this century.
People say "their growth isn't going to continue like this!", and they have a point. China does have a debt bubble. But that will probably just be a temporary hiccup. After that, what will stop them from overtaking the US? They have a HUGE population, one which is developing (and becoming educated) rapidly. They have a gigantic manufacturing sector. They have good natural resources. What will stop them from eventually overtaking the American economy? Surely nothing - apart from war.
There are a large amount of state owned enterprises in china and they are among the worst offenders for being over leveraged and unproductive given the massive amount of corruption that is run through the SOE
>he literally doesn't know a goddamn thing about the Chinese economy
I guess that's to be expected from a shart
>source: my arse
Try looking shit up.
The PLA is obligated only to protect the CCP.
Millionaires moving their money out:
Evidence of this?
The only problem I've read about is their debt bubble, which is a problem sure, but they'll recover. Their whole fucking country is booming. Surely they will - eventually - overtake America.
Think about it like this, where are the growth opportunities for America now? America has been growing for the last 300 years, but now where does growth come from? I suppose the migration of Mexican shitskins fuels growth - but it looks like Americans aren't too happy about that little invasion.
And even so, just look at the growth rates, China's has been 2 to 4 times higher than America's for a good long while now. Their population is 4 times that of the US - they've got so much potential to develop.
You could, I don't know, try actually researching this shit instead of blathering on about how China is so great.
>Evidence of this?
Scroll down to the debt vs GDP chart.
>undersupply of women due to babykilling culture
>economy inextricably tied to the success of the US economy
>history of civil war every 100 years or so
Yeeah, nah
>what is the catch up effect
This is really basic economics. Do they not teach that class in bongistan?
They're going to ignore it and continue to believe that America is number one, as they always do when other countries are better than them.
>China will collapse anytime soon, says increasingly desperate imperialist for thirtieth year in a row
>There are a large amount of state owned enterprises in china
That is true, yes, but it's not their entire economy, they have a thriving privately-owned tech industry, for instance.
And yes I've read about China's debt bubble, but even if it does burst, that will just be a temporary set back.
Like I just said to your last post, China has so much potential for growth. Their manufacturing economy is booming, they export so much fucking stuff, look at picture related. They have a huge population which is rapidly developing - and rapidly getting educated.
The only way the US will have similar growth levels is if whites start having tons more kids (which probably won't happen), or if you let all those fucking Mexican shitskins in.
And that's the thing, the elites of your country KNOW that. Which is WHY they want to open the borders!!! It doesn't affect them, they live in cushy houses in Washington or New York or LA, in houses with security and shit like that. They're making tons of cash. They just need more workers and more customers.
Mexicans don't work and when they do they all send their money out of the country.
China is trying to get its neighbors tied up in infrastructure debt so they can control them. Who is the imperialist?
Do everyone in the US a favor and move to China.
Thanks for the complement mate.
Alright I just read this article about the debt bubble:
Thing is though, they still have such a strong manufacturing base. They're still going to be a major player even if they have tumultuous times (which the US obviously had just 9 years ago).
One of the comments on that article says: "China makes 90% of all clothing. 70% of all electronics. 80% of all tools." And if I'm going to trust the accuracy of some random commenter, then that's quite a lot.
Entire tech industry is privately owned, including Foxconn who are the largest private employer in China with 1.3 million employees.
And you might say that stuff doesn't matter if the primary sector state-owned companies go tits up, which is probably true to an extent, but still.
>Their manufacturing economy is booming, they export so much fucking stuff, look at picture related. They have a huge population which is rapidly developing - and rapidly getting educated.
The manufacturing economy in China is already hitting problems. The rising wage requirements of workers is making manufacturing less attractive than automating. Why would a company send manufacturing overseas and pay shipping fees and import taxes when they can just build robots to do the work?
>including Foxconn who are the largest private employer in China with 1.3 million employees.
i wont care if they can figure out better names for their companies. i dont want a xinfhuesjongnam tv or phone i want something that rolls off the tongue nicely like sony
they learnt it from the US. the US has been using the same policies worldwide since ww2. this time it‘s China, they have the power of a centralized party base without inner discent like we see everyday in western democracies. their negotiating teams are top tier.
China got what it wanted from the Nork-US fight - Trump hasn‘t delivered economic regulations limiting chineese imports to the US and further gutting of US jobs transferred to China.
If you haven't noticed the capitalist moved the jobs to communist china.
Sort if like how they helped communists in WW2. All those capitalist factories in china will be pumping out lend lease materials against america.
Good job capitalists
The US isn't doing shit like this:
China is also trying to push its borders. They keep trying to claim more of the South China Sea which is shared by several countries and they are currently trying to claim land from India.
So they blow up, who cares, these things are temporary, just like America's in 2008, just like Asia's in 1997, just like Germany's in the 1930s, they're all temporary.
>economy inextricably tied to the success of the US economy
Sure, 19% of exports going to the US is quite high, but that's 81% going to the rest of the world.
Or 69% if you remove Hong Kong. But still.
exactly. different than the US China is going for colonial power, not economic strangulation.
I feel sorry for the US, especially concerning infrastructure. Saudi Aramco has milked the US and will go for IPO soon. when they‘ve cashed Trump will start up his infrastructure bill and the Saudis will be a major investor.
the west is fucking stupid greedy and lazy lets offshore all of the dirty factories to china high five! instead of going hmmm maybe we should tackle our emissions like the germans... pffft no then we'd have to have all sorts of regulations like them just give the dirty shit to the chinks that's the easiest way to do it.
China is offering cheap loans to undeveloped countries to develop their infrastructure. They were free to refuse.
China has a much larger cost advantage of workers because of their lower cost of goods and lower wage expectations. The US will lose a lot more jobs to automation than China. Even then, China is already shifting to a services based economy.
How are you gonna react when the EU fucking eats you back up because your economy is trash and your tax pays for niggers and their bastard children you crooked tooth dildo dangling cuckold?
> That population spread
Their population is going to drop like a fucking rock once they finish developing
china is going to have to import foreigners one day so itll be the america of asia a melting pot of different asians
There you go! So where's the growth potential in America? Vs. what there is in China?
Hm, makes sense I guess. Clearly you're quite knowledgeable on this subject, which is cool, because I wanted to learn about it.
From everything you're saying, I'm now building the impression that China will probably have some sort of political crisis (when the debt bubble pops) - probably the people demanding democracy, instead of their shitty ruling party. Is that a fair prediction?
I see
OnePlus? Lenovo? DJI? If they're smart, they'll make more names like that. I guess you have a valid point though.
That's probably why those companies do better in the US than Huawei and Xiaomi (although I don't know if those two even sell directly into the US market - I think Huawei might do. Whereas Xiaomis have to be imported.)
>they have the power of a centralized party base without inner discent like we see everyday in western democracies.
Democracies keep the people happy. Autocracies are inevitably overthrown after a few decades when political unrest happens.
There is a reason that Western countries are the most productive and prosperous on Earth, you do realise that right?
And it's ironic that Switzerland, the biggest proponent of direct democracy on the entire planet, is criticising democracy - but I'm guessing you're just baiting.
And of course they're literally building artificial islands and air bases in the South China Sea too
It already is. "Chinese" is 3-5 major ethnicities, though about 60% of them are largely Han Chinese.
>mountain jews
Not even once
Also why doesn't the West just invade those Middle Eastern countries and take their oil? Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, maybe Iran too. Some of them are tiny. Although then again I know that the Saudis spend a lot on defence (hm, looking at this pic, it really is a fucking huge amount), and I'm guessing they would defend the entire region - apart from Iran, of course.
I‘m not critizising democracy, the system we live here works only for countries as small as we are.
you are right that until now every autocratic system has failed, we are watching the EU (I don‘t consider any aspect of the EU democratic) fail as we speak.
In the case of China we have an enormous, ethnically diverse country with a very strong regime. they are the longest standing and judging by the way they handle dissent they are here to stay as they are for time to come. they have reformed their education system and have been catching up. just look at how much tech is designed in California but produced in China. how many brands have appeared that are, from a quality and tech perspective, near the handfull of silicon valley corps that dominated the market for decades?
yes, free societies are the most competitive but they can fail too.
Everybody is greedy and lazy. Your post is literally meaningless.
I wonder what will happen when people seriously start to lose jobs. But then again you could say it has already been happening, and people are just doing different kinds of jobs instead (e.g. look at the whole tech industry which has sprung up).
Their birthrate has been very, very slowly growing since 2000. The last remnants of the one child policy got dismantled recently I think.
92% mate. Not 60%, you fucking idiot.
>Halfbreeds count as pure Han Chinese
Sure buddy, latinos are part Spaniard so the USA and Mexico just became 80-90% white.
You're right, and I think they desperately need to become properly democratic - if they were more democratic I might have voted to remain. The free market of it is good. But at the moment it's not a PROPER democracy.
The evidence for this is clear. How many people know who the European People's Party are? Most EU citizens don't. So then how is that a democracy? It's the responsibility of a political party to knock on people's doors, put up posters, get their word out there, if they want to EARN the consent of the people to govern. That's how it has always been. For too long the EU parties have hidden from this level of scrutiny.
>In the case of China we have an enormous, ethnically diverse country with a very strong regime.
They're not diverse at all. 92% are Han Chinese.
>how many brands have appeared that are, from a quality and tech perspective, near the handfull of silicon valley corps that dominated the market for decades?
Yes China's tech industry is doing very well - OnePlus, DJI, Oppo, Huawei, Lenovo, etc.
>strong regime
If China's debt bubble does burst, it's likely to create unemployment, and therefore unrest. Maybe the Commie Party will survive, who knows. Or maybe they'll get nominal democracy, a bit like Russia, which isn't really a true democracy, just a pretend one.
I hope the US launches a war on those states and destroys them.
tb.h I do expect some economic shakeup in China, but they will probably send the peoples army and force the peasants on another long march.
the US can‘t afford their policies anymore. that is a positive development. I think Iran should be freed of sanctions so that the Sunnis and Wahabis get rekt. let them fight.
fuck the EU, it needs dismantelling. back to its roots, an economic forum for neighboring states, not a menace drunk with the power it grasped.
is the AFD going to be in Brussels too?
>fuck the EU, it needs dismantelling. back to its roots, an economic forum for neighboring states, not a menace drunk with the power it grasped.
Even though I voted Brexit, I don't think the EU is going anywhere. I think it will eventually be forced into making democratic concessions. Maybe they'll have direct elections for a president - this will both genuinely make the EU more democratic, but will also give them an excuse to centralise further. But also the Europarties need to campaign under their own names in elections. At the moment, MEP candidates stand on a national platform. That's stupid. It means the people of Europe are deprived of knowing what their MEP's Europarty's platform is. And that's the only thing that is important, because national parties from individual countries, within the EU, are tiny and insignificant and have no power. Only as Europarties do they have power.
At the moment most people in Europe don't feel like they have control over the EU at all. Nobody feels like they voted for Juncker. Technically the way he's elected is basically the same the way Britain's Prime Minister is elected - he's merely the leader of the party with the most seats in the parliament. But I read a statistic saying that 60% of EU voters, in the 2014 EU election, hadn't heard of Juncker or any of the other leaders of Europarties. That's not a functioning democracy. The EU have completely failed to represent the wishes of the people.
>is the AFD going to be in Brussels too?
Well, many other far-right parties already are, tons of them.
China only exists as a financial power thanks to our patents. Otherwise they'd just revert back to a complete Communist shithole sucking on Russia's dick.
About the same as we did when Japan overtook our economy in the 80's.
Lol like what
Murrican delusion think everything revolves around them, lmao
They never came close you fucking idiot