Here's a picture of Mike Isaacson/ANTIFA giraffe professor wearing makeup and crossdressing.
Professor Giraffe
Somebody found his fetish accounts and there's pics of him tied up in ropes and pics of his profile talking about his sub kinks. I'd post but idk if faggot mods would ban me. Literal cuck.
Post your picture, fatty.
He's also into piss.
In a sane world, this psychopath would be gassed
Good, this guy was talking shit and worse still, he was talking corrupted Sup Forums shit. As in, stuff we've agreed on and ideologically devised then corrupted for him to justify violence.
If we get shitty that Peterson doesn't do it perfectly, I think we're going to take this cunt down for doing it deliberately wrong.
these guys just want a strong fascist to pound their boipucci. he probably has fantasies about a nazi solider raping him
i don't get it
Sounds like you're a bunch of ugly losers so uncomfortable with your masculinity and sexuality that you can't even dress up once in a while. Sad. Sexual repression breeds fascism.
Actually he's into tankie dickgirls, not nazis.
>that flag
saw that one coming hah!
Sounds like we need more sexual repression in that case
If you got laid sometime you wouldn't feel gay putting on some makeup
If you weren't a fat ugly fuck you would enjoy it
He has a very long neck.
This dude is literally a cuckold I don't have the screencaps but there are posts of his where he talks about how hes fine with GF fucking other guys.
have you seen his neck?
Found the giraffe!
>mfw I have a long neck
>urine is sterile
University educations meant something once.
I got them right here, papi chulo.
Do you need to be dommed by a strong nazi, commie scum?
>I asked a kid what he read. He said Greek philosophy. How boring.
Is this guy for real?
I crossdressed back in my younger days. But now I'm a man who knows what he wants and not some confused self-hating child. It was interesting to wear those shoes, as the saying goes. And I'll admit this to anyone who asks.
At the end of the day though, femininity in general is highly neurotic, and submissiveness in itself is a strange psychological phenomenon. After trying to understand and rationalize the submissive mind, I decided that those people hold the WORST political opinions and have no concept of pride.
So yeah, I played around and it just ended up further redpilling me.
(((Isaacson))) Obviously a kike so there's hope yet
He's also into burning bibles.
>I asked a Nazi what he's into
>Without punching him
Is our friend Professor Isaacsberg a Nazi?
He thinks it's oppressive to have to read.
This guy is too stupid to be in academia.
>American universities
I don't want to hear any of you say waterboarding has no side effects ever again.
Sexual depravity breeds fascism... in others.
Weimerica leads to ?
a work of art
Fucking this
Here's the catch: he teaches at a police college. An antifa teaches at a police college
An antifa teaches at a police college
An antifa teaches at a police college
An antifa teaches at a police college
An antifa teaches at a police college
Waterboarding literally is a fetish of his.
I smell his desperation from here.
Missionaries should be killed for being multiculturalists by
Before that, he was an anarchist teaching business students.
>New Jerey accents
I was on board for everything else but this is too far
fascist don't ask for permission. he wants a fascist to rape him while abusing him for the gulags and shit commies did. he just says he wants a girl to do it, but means he wants a fascist to do it.
he'd totally love to get raped and beaten by a fascist
Is sissy wussy protesting capitalist exploitation again?
Pissy pussy needs her buttocks slapped by chad nationalist again.
Is he actually a professor? Like a legit actual school professor?
Time for concentration camp roleplay. Dirty commie jews need to get pegged up their skinny ass until it bleeds.
Yes. Yes he is. At John Jay College. He's currently on paid leave.
>books r bad, m'kay
This is it. We're reached it. Welcome to peak Weimar.
wrong post
lmao these people aren't even serious about what they're saying they're just perverts who want to get fucked and society is letting them run wild.
he wants somebody to rape him and ask him "who runs these streets?" and then while you pound his bleeding ass he says "you do". he'll scream bash me daddy as you fuck him
He likes to eat cummies in food
>you just need to be gay goy!
Nice try shlomo
>a fucking college professor talks like this
Please, let the human race be wiped out by some cosmic force. It's over, we've failed as a species. Go back, start the universe over.
I honestly believe he's making a clown of himself because he hopes someone will come kick his ass. That's literally his fetish.
oh yeah and he's also into shit.
Id pee on him 2bh, prob into scat too, shit on his commie mouht
he looked up to Tucker Carlson.
wonder what went wrong?
Shlomo the homo. I like that.
Have yall seen this interview?
Does anyone know who this tranny is?
>horrid anti-Semitic
funny, he doesn't look jewish
Why does he think Far Left Watch is stalking him? Sup Forums and Kiwifarms did most of the dox work, I think. God damn this guy is dense.
How did he get hired? Someone check how long he has been teaching and how far back those tweets date. If he got hired while those tweets existed under his name, our problems just got a whole lot worse.
That owl hanging on the wall is pretty spooky desu.
He's been tweeting about dead cops since 2011. He was definitely hired while those tweets existed under his name and to make matters worse, I'm pretty damn sure the college he works for was following him on twitter. They just didn't bother doing any background checks. According to KF, he might even have gotten arrested at one point.
>long books are an assault on democracy
Jesus Christ.
A kid raised on television and internet echo chambers all grown up now, ADHD and all.
>that manface
that's a dude done up in photoshop filters, isn't it
He'd have a blast at /k/ meetups then.
That's disgusting. We should stir up outrage about the College. Those fuckers deserve it for being this bad at their jobs. I could understand if it was one tweet buried somewhere, but this many is too much.
>I asked a kid what he read. He said Greek philosophy. How boring.
he sounds like a /lit/ troll
>anarchism (receiving)
aww yiss. ruin this guy Sup Forums
He even told his students about his twitter. So yeah, they could all see his gross sex tweets.
poor dude literally got mindbroken by a 3letter agency
You saw the tweets where he joked about killing his students, right? They're what got him put on paid leave in the first place.
typical jew
He wore his antifa gear during class inspection and John Jay College gave no shits.
Bump. How has this guy not been FIRED (not put on leave) yet? Bullshit HR laws make it impossible to fire anyone these days unless you show up to an "alt-right" rally.
Goes to show that the problem is more than him. I would estimate that 50%+ of college "administrators" are far left.
The college could see all his tweets. They've been following him since march.
Michael Isaacson is a proud shoplifter.
hey buddy I crossdress and am fully capable of rationalizing the knowledge that comes in though my five sense organs. but I am a anomaly so w/e
Id still feel pretty gay letting a woman fuck my ass with a dildo
Years of deep throating evolution in action
Why are they all professors?
They're into experimenting?
>sorry, sorry everybody
people go thousands into debt so they can be taught by people like this.
this really activates my brain tumor
This guy truly is scum.
>Tweet out that "It's a privilege to teach future dead cops"
>People call you out on this saying it's fucked up, horribly offensive, and he should be fired for it
Seriously, watch this shit
>"As someone with cops in my family, I'm offended by you saying it's a privilege to teach future dead cops"
Like god damn, it's like a kid on the playground desperately trying to defend his insults to the teacher
This Undertale cross over of his interview with Tucker was fairly entertaining.
Not shilling for views.
pls no bully
>Sounds like you're a bunch of ugly losers so uncomfortable with your masculinity and sexuality that you can't even dress up once in a while.
I dressed as Dr Frankenfurter in highschool for halloween. I'm entirely comfortable with my sexuality and can dress up for a joke or halloween. This guy is a massive and desperate faggot who needs to be killed.
what a disgusting faggot
kill all faggots and commies 2018 lets do it
>jokes (giving)
>anarchism (receiving)
what is this?
>guys transgenderism is totally natural, being tortured by government agencies for years has nothing to do with my case
100 proof means 50%
>weak bitch who couldn't even hold a 5 gallon jug of water over his head in Basic thinks he's going to be curb stomping nazis
They're actually, unironically, in the most literal sense of the word, delusional.
Somebody should tip off Tucker Carlson; this is the next Eichenwald laugh track.
I wonder why he didn't get tenure.
>I own my own company
>tfw I browse even drudgereport on private and that still makes me a little nervous
Wow they are the worst people in the world and they think it’s ok to put it in full display