Can we have an antifa humor thread to get our spirits back up after the day?

Can we have an antifa humor thread to get our spirits back up after the day?

here's another one that's pretty good

When the Stormer book club protested a "Punch a Nazi" workshop in Huston today

i meant pro-antifa humor, take this back to the nazi threads. This is a political board not a nazi board.

Haha eat shit and die commie!

fuck off lumpenproletariat, go suck more pig cop dicks




The left can't meme dumbass, the only antifa humor is watching them get their asses kicked


Antifa and communists are cum guzzling faggot cucks. Hope you die of AIDS

once again


Why do these people all think they're some fearsome militants?

They don't train; physically or tactically. They have little to no logistic networks organized besides hug spaces on college campuses. Many of them are unemployed and have drug addictions.

What is the deal?

Humor is at its best when it is steeped in irony. The problem with leftism is that their beliefs are intrusively ironic. So when they try to be funny, they only ever end up making asses of themselves because they look retarded.

You seem to think you're back on r/buttplugs or somewhere.



Just like any guerilla group, they are unpredictable in their actions, that's what makes them a problem

fuck wyte pipo they can't eat seasoned foods

>sucker of cop dicks
>Call police because a 20 fascists shows up in your door

This is my thread now ok?

Serious question, pinko.

If real communism has never been tried, then do you blame socialism for killing over 100 million people? And if so, why do you always use it as a foundation for where you're going?

I understand that, personally being on the losing end of a counter insurgency. However, these guys don't have guns. They don't have radios. They're not organized outside of a few types like that shrill Asian professor with a bullhorn. They don't have significant support from the population. They don't have food and water caches. It sounds like they're just LARPing.

Just look at pictures of VC and Taliban fighters then look at the picture of the guy who was twitting about Nazis not letting him leave their self-defense YMCA class. You'll see the difference.

>100 million


This is now a make-fun-of-antifa-and-mock-op-for-being-a-cuck thread! Enjoy your stay, thank you very much!

You honestly trust soviet government to report soviet achievements honestly? Lol I bet you believe Kim Sun Il staved off the American Imperailists too

I suppose my grandfather just imagined his father disappeared in middle of the night.

Kill yourself, Communist filth




Do you consider The Gulag Archipelago a fanfiction or an erotic novel?




this aint your safe space too, you commietard


antifa stands for anti-furaffinity
They're eating their own
I bet he gives good neck to Aryan Brotherhoods in prison



Get fucked, commie faggot.


This is honestly true. Storm cucks ruined this place trying to make a Nazi safe space

>Population is growing in Africa
>Therefore there are no famines in Africa


not politics



It's our's now, commiboi.

This is now a Communist hate thread. Keep going, you beautiful faggots.


Why do commies insist on coming here?

Get off my country, pinko. Actually, you know what, it'd be hilarious if you stayed, since your kind eat each other over here when you're not imposing your fucktarded 'revolutionary tax' on the rural poor. I await the day when Du30 gets tired of your shit.


I honestly can't blame you, you idiotic rightists have no idea when to shut the fuck up and leave a place without a nice big antifa fist to your face or acid to your eyes. Oh well, im staying here and so are my antifa brethren. we are monitoring your threads, we know what you're doing. After the german election, you've entered territory you have no idea about and are about to suffer the consequences.

No more Mr./Mrs. Nice Antifa

Here is your precious lauren southern with a diaper fetish

Who is this turtle?


Fucking A-right, this board is way too dominated by the nazis.


>actually thinking this way

>the commie-caust didn't happen

>b-back off nazi! I'll bash you!

No, fuck you and fuck off to leftypol

Hitler was elected because he got rid of Antifa with incredible German efficiency.

Soooo scared


Did you just assume someones gender?

commies are those fags that hang out at the punk bar talking about the gay shows they watch on netflix or which taco truck they should go to. commies go to hookah bars or burlesque shows with goth single mom wine chugging fatties. commies are mtf muslim sissy furry twink fag boys

You disrespect the Gadsden flag by being this much of a faggot and siding with a Nazi.
eat fucking shit. faggot.

Communism is created by jews to wreck prosperous gentile nations and loot whatever is left.

>No more Mr./Mrs. Nice Antifa

Pfft. you wouldn't last a second here against the most glorious and righteous NPA or our peaceful Muslim brothers and sisters.

>I s-said back off!

>trying to trigger a bunch of nazis
Nigger you people are the ones with the "trigger words". You're talking to what would be the equivalent of the wisest among you on Sup Forums, which says a lot about antifa.

Also, nice "revolution" there NEET


commies are the cuck that hang with sara the feminist in hopes of getting laid but only has a chance by raping or taking advantage of her when shes drunk, commies are that man bun fag who rides in the street when there is a fucking bike lane, commies are drug and alochol addicts with authority problems

Communism was created by retards to lazy to get a job

>Scared yet, nazis?

Nazis are those fags that hang out at the motorcycle club talking about the gay shows they watch on Fox or which German themed bar they should go to. Nazis go to roadhouses or strip clubs with incestuous old cousin fucking meth bitches. Nazis are trap loving closet gay brony proud boys




if you are going to deny that communism killed people, you might as well accept the fact that the holocaust didn't happen.

If that was the case then the main reason we fight with each other is we think the other side wants to kill us, but if it turns out neither side actually does the most logical course of action is to unify with each other in order to take on the establishment

At least use the correct flag, you flaming, raging trap sucking fagboy

>so much for the tolerant left!!!

it's amazing you don't see the irony in your own thought. You people live in a literal bubble

Peaceful muslammaniacs
When was the peace

Man, you must be some 40 year old angry dad who beats his kids. Go home and fuck your dog, nazi fucking statist cuckold

That deadlift form is so horrible it wouldn't surprise me if he snapped his spine trying to lift the bar



>Video game coding is real life
I wonder how this would differ if I colored the NPCs with commie symbols.

Would be much closer to historical accuracy.

>pic related
This is real life antifa nigger. Nothing but peg'd numales who watch their women get raped by niggers and fap to that image the night of




>being this mad over a meme flag
Look at this faggot and laugh.

I hope you get shot, you statist.







Communist == nazzi