Australia has a gay marriage Vote but no weed Vote, WHY
Australia has a gay marriage Vote but no weed Vote, WHY
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>caring how others live their lives
I don't understand this if people want to marry the same sex fucking let them. if people want to do drugs let them as long as they're not hurting anyone else who the fuck cares.
i just dont understand why they dont let us vote on things we actually care about
Pooftas are trying to take over Australia and kill every proud white true blue Aussie. It is the duty of every Aussie to say no to pooftas. I met a bloke the other day and he asked me "how're you voting mate" and I said "mate those pooftas are bad news, they are mobile vectors of AIDS, I'm voting no and you should too" then some poofta bastard heard us and said "how dare you discriminate against us poor men and women of homosexual orientation" to which I replied "fuck off poofta" I couldnt stand being around the cunt, i thought I was gonna get AIDS just by looking at him.if pooftas get married they'll give our German descended children AIDS. remember to vote no or you're a poofta. Also marijuana is the devil's plant, luther said so.
no one is stopping them from doing what they want but why should we redefine the meaning of words simply because some people can't accept that their private parts aren't compatible?
Weed is (((devil))) lettuce to make the youth docile
Not big enough an issue. Most people just go ahead and smoke it anyway, and the cops have more important things to worry about than catching potheads.
Fuck off Joe Rogan
You are such as fucking degenerate shitbag
It is fucking important to stop leftist view points at all times
Faggot vote big smokescreen to keep faggoty fascism.
I agree drugs should be legal and cheap.
A vote for marijuana is a vote for gay marriage
While we're at it can we vote for our guns back pls
Fuck the asswipes who think that weed should be illegal.
>stoned faggots with guns
This was a delightful read, thank you.
We don't have a gay marriage vote. We have a non binding survey on whether or not we should vote for gay marriage. The media has very intentionally crafted an image of this being an official vote, so that they can be especially brutal in condemning Australia when it turns out everyone said NO. They can really lay on the guilt trips so that the next time this happens they get what they want, a YES vote
Fucking Seppo, shut the fuck up you are fucking retarded, Australia should follow Luther's way. Ameripoof wouldn't understand. Luther sent captain cook (a german) here to found New Germany. But anglos stole it from us.
I quite enjoyed that as well, thanks user
Media is run by poofta Catholics. Catholics unanimously support pooftaism. Us Lutheran's know pooftas are evil and want to kill us because they are demons sent by the Devil (who is an Anglo and Jew) to destroy us Germans.
Haha retard Seppo baby man didn't understand what I, a real true blue Aryan said. Learn German you retard.
Apparently there are Germans in Australia. Who knew?
>country legalized faggots to get married years ago on the federal level
>marijuana is STILL, S-T-I-L-L a fucking schedule 1 substance federally
Washington is the ulcer of this earth.
That's because Germans founded Australia. I was born here and I am descended from the first german settlers you mentally challenged Seppo. But (((Wikipedia))) is an Anglo tool to falsify FACTS so you will believe them.
Neat, I always assumed Australia was debtor's prison for Englishmen.
>The more you know!
Good marijuana was made by the Devil (an Anglo Jew) to indoctrinate young Aryans into pooftaism
Marriage is outlined in the federal constitution, and thus it is a federal issue. Marijuana legalisation would fall under state jurisdiction
I cant wait for Australia to be a gay haven
Excuse me, you little bitch? Do not ever talk to me or my wife's son ever again.
The country we evolve into a degenerate shithole. Wouldn't you rather live in a country where there were no faggots, trannies, blacks who promote disgusting black rap culture, etc.?
I use to be Libertarian like you, but then I realized that people are going to find it ok to be a faggot. Now you run a country with a bunch of cucks and gays as your army. You'd be taken over easily if you were next to Germany in 1940s.
Very good indeed
I support both gay marriage and legal weed. I don't see why one can't lead to the other :^).
Didn't your country just ban men from joining the army?
Why would you deny this poor sweet innocent child the right to marry who he loves when he is older?
Stoned gay husbands? Sounds like it just might work.
You know what I said poofta. I am white you are a cuckold and probably a Seppo.
Pooftas indoctrinate young boys into poofta ideology proof pooftas are pedo philes. Further proof that POOOFTAS NEED TO HANG FROM THE GUM TREEEEEESSSSSSSS.
Mass drug use will actually kill a country stone dead. It's been done before, in the opium wars.
Pooftas killing themselves because they know they have AIDS and will die anyway. You probably have AIDS
My cousin attended Sandy Hook Elementary School. He didn't die in the shooting but when he was a teen he injected 3 whole marijuanas and died. I can assure you that really happened.
how fucking retarded do you have to be to be a faggot and a "practicing" chr*stian?
fuck this planet apocalypse now
Free speech, my bogan
Retarded enough to find a man's smelly asshole attractive?
Vote yes actually means kill Aryans in Angloish. Pooftas are pedophiles and Anglos are pedophiles means Anglos = Pooftas.
Your saying the out come of not allowing gay marriage that's a bad thing??? Get an interesting life that doesn't revolve around your sexuality. Or Kys. whichever comes first fag.
Would do these people say when you bring up Lev. 20:13
"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them." (NASB)
Because weed is even gayer than gay marriage.
>comparing opium to cannabis
something something, pearls before swine?
Of course the boy diddling priest is ok with gays. Just as long as the pedo-sexuaily is the next step for you clowns.
>smoking the herbal jew
Good goy
Yeah, that must be why (((they))) keep it illegal as humanly possible.
because weed is degenerate
The important part is motivation, the state doesn't give much of a shit about your quality of life, just motivation to work. Weed fucks with motivation.
I'm alright with genetic dead ends are leaving the gene pool. I just don't want them targeting our normal kids into jumping the suicide pit with them. Hope you enjoy your aids.
how is that any different than any modern form of digital entertainment?
Ms. Emma is ugly and dumb.
They can still play house all they want, nobody fucking cares. But when they become a strain on society without giving something back (kids), it's everyone's concern.
There's no reason this should be legally allowed any more than marrying your toaster. Just declare yourself man and toaster or whatever, or have a drunk friend throw some rice at you, nobody cares. But that's your own little thing, just your private business, and that means don't bother anyone else with it, and live with it if people don't accept it if they find out.
You are disgusting all whites are
You expect a gay to read this shit? KYS faggot.
There are millions of gays worldwide with kids and thousands in Australia.
The point is you have to bake us wedding cakes and we don't have to bake you hateful anti-gay cakes and the courts will continue upholding this in any civilized jurisdiction. Australia, Ireland, U.K., U.S.
look at america, weed is the gateway to all things degenerate.
So that explains the number of sexual abuse in gay house holds. Huh.. go figure.
>thinking that the sexual orientation of your combat troops matter in the age of nukes
wew lad
The blame is on the parents
Solomon was truly a Chad among Chads.
Judaeism is as bad as Islam.
The new testament superseeds the old
The cannabinoids produced in cannabis are complex and powerful medicines that ease symptoms of a broad array of ailments which are usually treated with much more dangerous drugs like opiates and SSRIs pedaled by the pharma jew. Recreational use should not be encouraged as the negative effects of cannabis aren't fully understood but considering its safety profile no one should be arrested for growing or using it for recreation.
Cannabis is a vital and synergistic plant that can be used as a medicine and so much more which is why it's been oppressed by those who seek to dominate and manipulate at every opportunity.
t. dispensary leaf
So why do people always quote Leviticus? What about Genesis? The Ten Commandments?
No. That was your country.
Voting for legalised weed won't matter.
Has Canada gotten their legalised weed yet despite the fact they voted for legalised weed? Nope...
Love one another and love God is the main commandment.
"Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself"
Genesis is an account of the creation of the world. Jesus came to fulfil the scriptures.
Mate I couldn't give a fuck about gay marriage to begin with, stop replying to me with statistics
Obviously the OP of this thread is questioning why we don't have a legalised weed vote but we get to vote for your degeneracy.
Quit the fucking damage control, this thread is clearly about legalised weed idiot. Your retarded spam text messages and door knocking campaign made more people inclined to vote NO.
Now fuck off cunt
Why is there no archaeological evidence of Jesus?
He didnt die he ascended into heaven.
Honestly, thats Christianity 101.
Most of those are outdated and few are from peer reviewed academic journals. Keep posting your 1970s "studies" though.
The head warden is more fine with faggotry than pot smoking obviously.
The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
I'm not even that religious idiot, and I didn't have a problem with gay people until they started harassing me to vote YES
I voted NO because you won't fuck off and shut the fuck up about it. I have gay & lesbian friends btw.
Haha the best thing is though. Im having fun RN.
Can you specify which ones aren't correct?
Its all logic and any person who isnt in self denial can see. You can too be saved brother, I believe and so do thousands of others. Turn to Jesus
A comment as relevant to mine as a vasectomy is to you mate.