Any anons with military experience should join the cia to become a spy or support
Any anons with military experience should join the cia to become a spy or support
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Don't be a fucking spook. Join the FBI, they actually help people.
>Mfw medically retired (35series/army)
To be honest, I just want to relax and live a normal life now. Run a nice store of some sort and chill out.
I'm done with my old hustle n bustle.
This is really just the CIA hoping to hire autists so that can be able to regime change just by shitposting memes
Fuck off, Fort Meade all the way peasants.
Indeed. It will be great when they arrest Trump for treason.
At least then I would be enticed to apply.
vet here in norcal growing weed fuck that.
nice try CIA... now get rekt.
CIA needs multilingual under the 23 non addicted ppl without troubles. And ofc a lot of non milky barbarians.
>FBI and CIA niggers get in fight over recruiting
This shit is gold.
You know what. Sup Forums is my Intel agency.
Is this for real? I have a higher than average IQ and graduated wit h top honors from my school. I would like to work an in intelligence capacity
There's nothing stopping you from working for both.
Yes, and when you get the interview tell them you found the job posting on Sup Forums, you're sure to get hired on right away.
but my only experience is meme warfare, I doubt they would consider that experience transferable. What is a shame because I would be willing to sell out if they payment was sufficient enough.
I know what I'm wearing to the job interview
Agreed. If anyone needs a morality waiver, it's the CIAnogs.
Sorry, I don't want to be a drug runner.
CIA niggers suck, if you join the CIA you will either be stuck in paperwork for days or potentially be running an operation that is a direct counter operation to the current CIA operation because the CIA is absolutely retarded.
my only experience is manipulating people doe
What is Hezbollah's CIA type organisation called? Seems like they are winners:
That's what they want
Will I have to rape/murder babies or does the CIA drug them into compliance for me? Pls respond
I made this unified theory of Trump. do I qualify?
asking that means you wouldn't make the cut.
But how can I be a spy if I'm not a racial ambiguous brown man of average height and build? Unless you're working on regime change in the Netherlands I don't think I'm a good fit for the position.
>$475 for a belt
Why would anyone ever buy that, ever? You might as well just burn money.
just sit on your ass, take the moeny and tell them you are waiting for a sign from kek otherwise it doesn't work
Remember, as a CIA operative you don't necessarily rape and murder children yourself. You film politicians and other powerful people doing it in order to blackmail them.
sign me up
That is of course, after you look them in the eye and shake hands. When they get to the point if the interview where you can ask questions, ask them if they've ever seen the aliens.
nah sorry im not into trafficking children for kikes to rape and murder in their cults.
id sign up if I can smoke weed and trip without them getting ubset
Fucking CIA niggers
>join the CIA you will either be stuck in paperwork
If you don't believe at your own powers. There's always papers and action in CIA. (and more dirty profit ofc ofc)
>Join the FBI, they actually help people.
nobody here can get in, having ever used ritalin or adderall keeps you out
Both the CIA and Mossad should be destroyed.
I think you qualify to be on the threat matrix grid
Why exactly does the government get so bent out of shape over prescription amphetamines?
I'll take that as a compliment.
I bet you think raping children is wrong, fucking sicko.
>t. Michael Morell
So you don't an hero when the job gets stressful and messy
Fuck all the 3 letter agencies, especially the ATF
Nice to see you still care
it's not even the right belt
But effectively everyone "grows out of" ADHD which isn't surprising since it's a made up disease that you only get because placing you're placing children in the entirely unnatural environment of the public school system. It almost makes me think it's just a tool to weed out people who had even a minor non-conformist streak and hire Mormons instead despite their long history of anti-federal government sentiment.
ok. where do I sign up and is their free coffee/soda/snacks in the break room and do I not get bothered so long as I do my job? I don't like being bothered. I'll work like a nigger trying to avoid a beating, but the second you ride my dick and take away my free break room goodies I'll go full assange
the overactive receptors get worn down
CIA is big on the drug market
If i have to choose between selling cocaine and busting coke rings, I'm selling cocaine. CIA all day
Fuck both ya'll. If I'm going to choose, it's NSA. Passive surveillance and lawful neutral all the way.
If I can hack one of your computer defenses(which I cant)... Am I applicable to join?
Fuck if I know. They give them to pilots and special forces.
I think raping public officials, especially agency operatives, is fine though.
To death.
Neither of you guys pay enough really. Otherwise I would have 12 years ago when you asked me to join as a contractor. If you can meet the experience I'm getting in the private sector with that pay, I would consider it.
They don't know the mkultra hive minds they spawned...
I'm gonna need some facts to back that up. The fact that behavioral therapy can be used to treat it would imply that it's not an entire physiological "condition."
I always thought there was something really cool about doing spy shit. Hollywood always made it look so cool. i.e. the recruit, spy game, sneakers, bourne identity, etc.
Tell them you're even ready to become a bronie.
Yeah okay you fuckin nerd, have fun trampling sovereign citizens' rights.
IDGAF. Get to see all those noods plus all that CP MAN. hahahah eat shit
I APPLIED! Ended up hypnotized and under mind control. I don't think it's a normal interview process.
Help people with what? Moving into prison? Fuckers just want to feel like the good guys. Feds are all fucked.
ok, where do i apply? put my resume on the top of the pile?
You guys spent years monitoring our fucking boards and calling us weeb perma-virgins. Now that your enrolment numbers are down, you want us to join you? Fuck off, nerds.
run over yourself, glow in the dark nigger
fuck off, also stop gangstalking me fbi niggers
Yeah you know what, I would. I lived my entire life around you spooks. But ya know what? You kicked me out of the military and denied me a security clearance. Kiss my ass. The only way I'm ever moving back to Northern Virginia is if pigs fly and the government falls tomorrow.
Suck my balls.
RPA pilot here, would they take me? I don't think the CIA has their own drone section, since they come to us (Air Force.)
I love that logo I just hate that the Latin is so wrong
It's not wrong.
No thanks. I fought for the Jews for 12 years already. I've got no interest in becoming one by converting to the yiddish satanists at the CIA.
Trump should do this to these faggots.
Ya'll test for every damn drug under the sun. My dad got out of your business in 2000. Go away!
Fuck that, FBI is 99% lawyers amd accountants. CIA is where all the interesting people are.
I feel like there are many reasons one could hate/dislike the FBI for, and there are many faults with the FBI. But the FBI actually working and getting Shit* done is not one of them.
The spook shit+drug trafficking is just one of many faults the CIA has that routinely fucks everyday Americans. They are lazy as fuck or rather they operate as a "good ol' boys club" for the public sector with corroded old agents/employees that literally do nothing and collect that sweet GS-13 pay check and count the days till retirement and possibly answer a correspondence if a *happening* occurs, you literally cannot get fired unless you do something illegal or put lives in danger through sheer negligence or starting a coup ever 12 minutes..
I'm reclassing to a 35T. Feels good
Nice try, the autists know better than to join ranks with fucking incompetent losers who can't even meme.
No goddamn way anyone who posts on pol would be allowed in
>Kicked out of the military
>Denied security clearance
How in the hell did that end up happening?
This is probably true to some extent, but "interesting" the way that high IQ serial killers are "interesting". The CIA is full of sociopaths. No amount of Ivy League education changes that fact.
Just got 35f myself
What were you before? Non-35?
CIA-nigger go home.
FBI-nigger go home.
If your chain of command offers you any kind of training, fucking take it. Even if it's cross training like Sec+.
Probably drugs
Symbol is birdhead popping out of jack in the box
I got airborne in my contract but ill look out for that extra shit
I've thought about it enough to look at open position/training multiple times but I have no military background. I also have used recreational drugs in the past (not a lot but still). Would you even hire me? Also I have unpaid parking tickets for the first time in my life dammit.
dont be a communist agent for russia
join the judicial body of washington and reinstate the maximum wage
hire foreigners you coward niggers, I can learn languages super fast and I'm Mexican aka I'll shoot niggers without having remorse
The CIA repeatedly dosed me with a cocktail of amphetamines, sodium pentothol, and LSD and subjected me to electroshock therapy and made me watch hours upon hours of film of people being killed, videos of Nazi death camps, gooks getting napalmed, etc.
>needing to write a 5 page paper just to apply for an analyst position
lul these guys are joking right?
Sure - get killed for a minimal wager that any programist makes in a day of work...
Get your brain washed and be mind controlled. Get to do all sorts of illegal shit and sit in some foreing prison for 20 years as your country denys your existance. On top of that - do it because there is Jew muh shecklas mentality rather then for your country...
You want to help USA kido ? Learn - be doctor, scientist - make the world better by your inventions and creativity.
sounds like a good weekend desu, how much did it cost