Sticky just died

Sticky just died
R8 the recent German election

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and so it begins anew.

lots of gains

So who's /ourguy/?


Germany keeps track of who people vote for?

when do we find out if merkel is back?

Most of the increase in turnout are from votes that went to AfD. That's a really good white pill.

The only possible coalition (CDU/CSU/FDP/Greens) demands every party involved to betray their ideals and fuck over their voters. This isn't too bad for most of them, but CSU is usually somewhat conservative, but lost many voters to the AfD for being too lefty. They now proclaimed to fix that, because they are afraid they'll lose their majority in the 2018 Bavarian election. So either they'll pander heavily to AfD voters and make a coalition impossible and fuck over the whole system or they'll cuck and lose even more voters in the upcoming election. It's a basically a win-win situation in the long run for us right now.

Too little too late.

>T. doesn't understand how other election systems work

Wow third place! WE'RE FUCKING WINNING!!!!!!!

I understand how importing voters works. First up on the agenda is getting all these new Germans to vote from now on. Germany is already fucked.

Going from "literally Hitler" tier in the minds of Germans to third place is a pretty huge accomplishment in a Parliamentary system, fellow burger.

So what were the results? Link?

Good insight krautbro.

there is always the grand coalition

and as things are now CDU/CSU can form a coalition with the FDP and greens without the sdp

thou i assume they will give up more power if they form a 3 party coalition

but if the grand coalition is formed and they fuck up the party will go ~10% next cycle

SPD stated they won't form another GroKo under any circumstances. If they don't cuck out (which honestly would kill them off for good, so I doubt they will backpaddle on this) there is only one possible coalition: Jamaica (CDU/CSU/FDP/Green) which will fuck everyone's credibility.

Another 4 years for based merkel. 4th term baby!!! Long live the merkel Reich. Cant wait till she bans afd

I think they use paper ballots

t. 'murican with literally no knowledge of any political system even slightly different than the US'
Jumping from literally 0 seats to this is an accomplishment, especially considering the losses of the CDU and SPD and as stated, the rather complicated situation the parties are put into.
Probably nothing big will come of this but it does show promise for the future. Other parties will either have to compromise and start answering people's demand for stricter immigration laws or watch as the AfD gains support. Pretty sure the same thing is happening is Sweden with SD

Pic related

So does it matter at all the the head of AfD is a lesbian or is she just a figurehead for the election? Does she have any real power now?


If I'm understanding this you're saying that no matter the outcome, it's a win win for the AfD no matter what they try to pull right!?

Shes head of the party anymore, if the Afd got enough seats they would be able to pick who they want as president, which would probably be the head of the party.

They needed a libertarain figurehead next to völkish Gauland. I have the feeling Meuthen would have been in Weidel's place if he wouldn't be so tightly rooted in his home district. So yeah, mostly a token.

So they get seats but no power beyond that of the parliament members? Like the leader of the party doesn't have special powers if not a part of the coalition? Just bizarre to have a lesbian with kids as the figurehead when you are claiming you would sue the government to end gay marriage.

No, being a chancelor candidate or party head only grants party intern authority.



run down of each party?

exit polls

in a few months when Magic Lindner roles over and accepts the Green Party policy of importing another 5 million illegals

it also means the AfD has a shacky future if other parties were to get their act together

she back. Germany is done

>Merkel is center right
>(((Schultz))) is center left)))
>FDP is classical liberal
>Greens are far left
>The Left is far left
>AfD is far right.

they'll shut up snd lose more voters... it is written

With the Greens in a coalition, not one illegal will be deported and millions more will come

mfw AfD is in third

>Die Linke ("the Left"): literal commies, have a literal anti German platform
>FDP: libertarians only in name, caring more about social liberalism than economic liberalism, infamous lobby whores and very pro-EU
>SPD: SocDems, love to scream Nazi and Populism, traditional worker union party
>Greens: meth smoking pedophile hippies (this is actually true, many of them are huge degenerates) that love dead Germans and brown cock, think cars are literally Hitler
>CDU: Mama Merkel
>CSU: Mama Merkel's vassal that only exists in Bavaria and provides its votes to Merkel, traditionally somewhat more conservative than CDU, but as of late got dragges to the left aswell by Mama
>AfD: /ourguys/

I figured it for a lost cause from the start.

it isn't Merkel which is the problem... a coalition with the commie Greens is cancer. Expect millions to wait for the coalition to be in power and then migrate to Germany for gibsmees

>lost cause
It's a parliament style election, user. Think of it like the Senate. They just went from between 0-2 Senators to getting ~15 Senate seats that they can put their own people into.

Best ring leaning newspaper to read if learning german?

Is FAZ good? Any right wing news site recommendations ?

Germany is a lost cause. You haven't seen the post-election discussion rounds. Literally all "Nazi tjis, Nazi that" discussions and "muhh, integration and multikulti". Germany is fucked.

what other parties are these?

To be fair, post-election discussions in the US were just as bad.

I understand the parliamentary seat-splitting system. The results were actually better than I expected, but this is no germexit.

the FAZ is the only quality newspaper... most of the rest is generally infatile shit.

Read the FT and FAZ, that is it.

The louder and more absurd the idiots get the more people will start thinking the afd is not so bad.

Afd got 14% of the vote
Picked up 88 seats
And had 6 million voters

Not even fakenews

AfD is such a laughing stock. Nobody will ever work with them. You will sooner see the CDU making a coalition with The Left than those closet-Nazis.

13 percent
97 seats
5.7 million votes

what does this mean for Sup Forums?

Isn't there another fringe actual nazi party? How many votes did they get?

Thank you sir

and then the real conservatives who still vote CDU out of habit will vote AFD in the next election because the coalition is held captive by batshit leftist retards

NPD? Below 5%. They are a literal meme that is filled with Government plants.

Did they get any seats?

thanks for this quick rundown, Hans.

NDP, and like 10.000 votes. All the Nazis vote AfD now.

Nope, AfD will self-destruct. They're a new party filled with incompetents.

Hmmm alot of ex commies voted afd. What does this mean?

Ossis are uneducated poorfags. They just vote for whoever has the most populist agenda, and this election it was the far-right.


Anyone under 5% gets no seats. Also gas yourself faggot leaf.



holy fug this is big

History is repeating itself.

Heil Hitler

What was the DVP?

No, it's just polls. You go to your voting place, you give them the little paper you got by mail, show your identification, the mark your name as attendance, then they give you the ballot, you fill it and then put it in the box.
> It's a basically a win-win situation in the long run
I'd say it's a "not as bad as it could've been situation". I don't see how millions of mudslimes bringing their families to Germany + X million more coming in that will ruin this country is a "win-win situation".

We're still screwed, just a somewhat less than it could have been, so we take this little victory.

*Shaky. "Shacky" implies it's like or similar to a shack (small wooden structure).

Junge Freiheit is pretty good.

What't the FT?


What happens if no government. Does germany unite with nederland?

deutsche volkspartei, the actual precursors of the AfD


So four years from now. Hold tight lads

explain what you mean with quality newspaper

She looks like a dyke but has 5 kids to date

On the off chance you're not a shill and just genuinely retarded:

>tfw this leaf isnt joking

how secure are Seehofer and Schulz?

NSDAP won 2.6% in 1928. This is merely the beginning.

>tfw no six gorilion


you cant stop the rising eagle kraut

the reich will rise again!


I want to see Jamaica coalition just for the laughter and how other Euro countries leaders try to play each party leader for their own benefits.

Literally rural and suburban retards i guess.

kek truly blesses us this day