Kushner is now Clinton! FUCK!!

you can't defend this. it is indefensible. literally.

its. fucking. over.

Other urls found in this thread:


Clinton got away with it so who cares? Lock them both up I guess, shits kiked anyway so fug it.

Trump is finally STUMPED!! and by his own jew-in-law!

On the bright side, we can agree that we want this heeb out of the white house.

If there was nothing classified who gives a fuck?

Take the cock out of your ass faggot.

>Complied with government protocol

yeah who gives a fuck about principles.

Hes gotta go

1 Thessalonians 5:22King James Version (KJV)

22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Be consistent. If it was wrong for Clinton to do it, then it's wrong for Kusher to do it, too.

fuck you shit head this is why people think Sup Forums is a cult follower Trump wherever he does. Thisi is fucking bad fuck this Kike and fuck Ivanka she need the rope the most

>implying that kike Kushner didn't do this to sabotage Trump

ohhh nooo not the jew dont make trump throw out the jew that sucks


Yes I can.


Fucking antichrist baka

I do.
t. State Department cyber security user

No, you dumb fucking cucks. It is not the fact they use a private e-mail server. It's fucking running a private e-mail SERVER out of your basement, then putting the fucking thing through a shredder when a public information request is made. You are such an idiot.

>implying anyone would care if Kushner gets fucked

As a Trump voter, I'd love to see this rat in prison.




>you can't defend this. it is indefensible. literally.
I think Kushner needs to leave the administration, he obviously has no professionalism, our nations secrets are too important for unsecured lines to facilitate grift

is ctr hiring? i could use some under the table kike jew money

Best news I've heard all day. Hopefully he'll be forced out quickly and take Ivanka with him. I don't know how stupid you have to be to do this after they ran an entire campaign on Hillary pulling the same shit.

Yes, Kushner is a dirty kike. But EVERYONE in DC does this. Hillary's crime was sending classified information from a private server.

t. not even a Trump supporter

Idc I don't like Kushner

Kushner is a dirty kike. Why is it that the people who are kikes or work closely with them are always trying to hide their work related emails and such? Could it possibly be that they're doing something evil and corrupt that could get them fired if discovered?

the issue with clinton using a private email account wasn't that she used it for government business. the issue is that she was using it to send and receive confidential email, and that she had a physical server set up in a restroom so that she could avoid government oversight on those actions.

We wanted kush out of the WH regardless

r u hiring?

actually its all of it. ALL of it.

>shill CTR thread

piss off buddy and face the facts. Kushner done fucked up big time.

yeah and how do we know what Kushner has and hasn't sent or received? best to not do it at all. this makes him and Trump look like hypocrite cucks

>impying he didn't do it with some non-classified, non-top secret, stupid emails and then """leak"" it to the press just to make a point about how biased they are over Hillary... after they hem and haw over him doing so with something so BANAL.

6-D Parcheesi

no we want all jews out. NICE MEME FLAG YOU FAGGOT SHILL

1. He didn't send classified information like Hillary did.

2. He's not the head of a major government department.

3. He didn't delete them and complied with government protocol.

I'm always hiring. I need a picture of your feet before we can go any further in the process though.

how do we know that you don't fuck children?

hillary din du nuffin.. i actually think you might be a real nigger.. and a shill.. whats that like.. knowing your food stamps for you momma.. your babys momma.. and your mommas momma are running out

because we cutting off all your shit?
get rekt nigger


I hope Trump fires Kushner, and Ivanka too t-b-h.

Only matters if they're classified. White house business isn't necessarily.

They're mincing words to create a story from nothing.

>I don't know how stupid you have to be to do this after they ran an entire campaign on Hillary pulling the same shit.

That's the point. Now Ivana will beg The Don to leave Hillary alone because her husband does the same. They probably schemed this up at the Hamptons party with Soros that Ivanka and kushner attended 6 months ago

The worst thing Trump ever did was allow his kike son in law and retarded liberal daughter anywhere near the white house

You can say it's morally wrong, or stupid - sure. But what Clinton did was illegal literally 6 ways to Sunday. What he did wasn't.

What the fuck ever though. Fuck having laws and shit. To the woods with we animals.

hold on i'm preheating my oven, my resume is in the back, can you reach it?

doesn't Sup Forums hate Kushner? wouldn't this be a good thing? is this, dare I say it, a 69D Chess move by Trump to get rid of the Kush man ?

Good I hope they send that filthy fucking kike Kushner to the fucking oven and set that shit to extra crispy

I'm sorry but the position has been filled.

I didn't say resume I said feet, assuming the diabetes hasn't taken them. If that's the case post the stumps.

>liberals having any principles
Have a (((you)))

This is equivalent to alt-right rants based on Alex Jones articles.

>Kushner is now Clinton! FUCK!!
He has always been Clinton, so has Ivanka. They are both commie-globalists and their social circle is the Clinton social circle - Huma, Chelsea, and all the other NYC progressive dems.


I thought Rex Tillerson was secretary of state?

Is rex hosting a private server in his cupboard full of state secrets now?

>what is false equivalency?

So… this is a bad thing? I was under the impression no one liked Kush. I'd think everyone here would be happy alto see his influence on Trunp diminished, and his reputation tarnished. All that's left is Ivanka and Kelly

welp guess Kushner will need to resign. What a tragedy!

i ddi not say hillary din du muffin. so you cant handle the fact that kike-shiner has done exactly what the old biddy did??

if he's selling classified US documents and using a private server to evade FOIA requests about his activities while conducting illicit, scandalous/treasonous shit then lock him up in the same cell as Hillary. Considering Kushner is a warmongering globalist i wouldn't even be mad, bring our guy Bannon back in.

Good. Now hopefully the left gets the balls to go after both Jared and Ivanka and get their kike asses out of the White House.

this is a bad thing because it will tarnish trump. trump is turning into drumpf and i guarantee this will come back to him in 2020

>one was against protocols
>one wasn't protocols

Hopefully Trump kicks that kike out now.

He has no real position. Clinton was secretary of state sending classified info everywhere. No evidence Kushner sent anything classified.

>Jared (((kushner))) is done for
This is a bad thing how?

because it tarnishes trump

>If you're upset when someone operating a car is drunk, you must also be upset when someone operating a phone is drunk.
Different positions have different security measure you Mong. Do us all a favor and move to China.

Yeah, and it's great. He didn't break any laws, what so ever, but if he gets indicted, then it destroys the precedent Comey set with Clinton, meaning she faces indictment as well.

I think 4D chess is real.

Kush and Kill for prison 2017

Kushner is a fucking embarrassment. How did this fuckup get into Trump's family again?

Let's assume for the sake of argument that classified material passed through his server. Did he intend to do it? Obviously not. So to be consistent, he gets off free.

TFW libtards can't land a successful punch against the Trump admin because the Clintons or Obama or both did something equally as bad or worse and Dems don't want to open the can of worms. Back to the drawing board, mates!

This. THIS. Don't we want this slimy kike gone? We should be celebrating this. Purge him from the White House. Get him out of there.

>yfw it was Steve Bannon that leaked this.

Kushner is a fucking kike. He was always going to try to fuck up Trump's presidency.

So we've moved on from BUT HIS SON'S EMAILS THO to BUT HIS SON IN LAW'S EMAILS THO. cringe in all fields.

Remember how Hillary got in legal trouble for it?


But, agreed - he's a fucking Israeli agent appointed to roles he has zero right to be in.

But Trump isnt a Ziopuppet. And he's gunna bring back ar jahbs.

If you haven't seen it...



Iran doesn't have nukes but helps the Lebanese resistance against Zionist occupation and colony building.

Also a potential economic rival.. they're smart.

Also Zios butthurt bc about 30k jews refused to leave iran to move to israel to help wipe palestine off the map

Lebanese are Canaanites. Literally. The ones jew god said to kill entirely



Almost every Trump supporter hates Kushner.

The Jew is not Secretary of State nor does he have any appointed capacity beyond adviser.

literally not the same fucking thing


>Oy Vey!

if its wrong, why hasnt she gone to prison for it? consensus seems to be it isnt wrong now. try to be consistent

Nope, much like Clinton ((((KUSHNEEEEER)))) is above the law, maybe even more since he's a filthy jew rat and his kind are above ALL laws (unless they fuck over other jew rats, like Bernie Madoff did).


>its. fucking. over

Lock them both up

That's anti-semitic.

Comey said it's okay. Everyone on the left and in the media agreed . Who are we to argue?

Kushner is literally the cancer killing the Trump admin I hope he gets locked up.

It's not over, Kushner needs to get kicked out and this gives Trump the perfect excuse.
But it still doesn't rise to the level of Hillary, as she was trading actual classified information on her private e-mail.

Kushner a good boy.
Getting his life together
Gibs moneys for programs

>State cyber security user
Turn over Hillary's Emails you cuck.

Standard "Drumpf Is Finished!" BREAKING NEWS BOMBSHELL template:
>Headline: TREAAASSOOONNN!!!!!
>Story paragraphs 1-50: IT'S FUKKKENN TREAASSSSOONNNN!!!!
>Story paragraph 51: (actually this is all perfectly legal and normal)

HAHA shills btfo Kushner gets arrested than so does Hillary. Shill this on the donald queers we do not even like the anti - christ.

Lock both of them up.

Politico? Will wait to watch One America News to see what the story is (if any). Meanwhile, the owner of Insurance Policy Folder on laptop, The Weiner, gets sentenced today. Muh Russia!!

This is the smoking gun. Constitutional crisis time boys! Hillary will be president by Christmas.

I'd be more worried about this:


He's not doing a very good job with this antichrist business

Welp, pack it in boys, let's all head back to Sup Forums


Shills out in full force anons

Jews tend to be nepotistic, and so incompetent.
They are 100% connections and 0% skill, no wonder all jew-owned nations are failing fast.