Eye rate thread

Eye rate thread
I've got blonde hair but for some reason my eyes are black as night.

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eh, black isn't too bad, could've been worse.


hang on mr fbi agent let me get my phone ill have your pic in just a moment

>saying shit brown is the best color
c'mon mate, it's the nigger of eye color.

>t. eye nigger

t. blue waffle eyes

brown eyed europeans are the ones that built everything meds and anglos

blue eyed ones such as the north men was the niggers of europe back in the day,pillaging stealing and raping

Oh man I am barbecued and that image made me laugh my ass off

My father has true gray eyes, very beautiful, but i inherited my mother's brown eyes.

Tfw color changing eye balls

Dark as fuck where I'm at. Tired as fuck.

Mine have too much white

light brown eyes are the most beautiful. better tham blue or green.

>too much white
There is no such thing

lmao no dude. The ancient meds were not brown eyed, the modern ones are.

Every account of eye color for ancient meds mentions light hair/eyes. The modern Mediterraneans are psuedo-turks descending from 2,000 years of people seeking gibs.

t. le 56%

nobody cares.

get a job

oh, hello, biometric iris recognition team!

Apparently im part blue, part green.


I'll take a pic of my eyes right now CIA.


>brown eyed
the Angles were Germanic, and had predominately blue eyes. If you mean the English, they're mostly of Celtic stock and therefore generally blue eyed too.

Except modern italians are genetically almost exactly the same as ancient romans

yes goys, upload high quality pictures of your irises, such good goys.

nah brah, meds have always been darker than Germanics and Celts.. and with darker eyes too, it's an adaption to a warmer, sunnier climate man -evolution 1-0-1.

don't buy Varg's bullshit WE WUZ tier babble.

true shit


Light brown is underrated is hell, better than dark/normal brown eyes for sure.

ugly as fuck.
Fat as fuck.

Mediterranean people were never blonde. That's why you see Greek deities like Afrodite and Apollo (deities that are supposed to represent perfestion) having a very rare, golden hair.



>has brown hair and eyes

Am I even white?

brown eyes aren't white. eat shit mud-eyes


So every Anglo ever born isn't white?

you're part Slav, so... nah, not fully.

All real anglos have blue or green eyes.
your grandma fucked a nig. gg no re faggot


some anglos got blue eyes, blue eyes are pretty common amongst the English.

that being said, then is a fucking asscunt idiot twat, because white people can easily have brown eyes.

t. blue eyed nordid



Bruh I had to widen my eyes to get a beautiful shot of the Master Race's color in all it's glory.

>They were never blonde, that's why their idols are blonde.

>wut is propaganda
ever seen nazi propaganda posters? all tall, blue eyed and platinum blonde über germanic aryans marching about being all aryan and shit, but truth of the matter is that only 1/3 of all Germans have blue eyes and even fewer are naturally blonde -especially down south near the Alps.

you need to go up here to the real North, Scandinavia, Balticum and Finland to find a majority of blue eyed blonde people, and even here brown hair and eyes are also common.

Celtic and Nordic

>Celtic and Nordic
mixed mutt, eh?

Swed Mom
Celt Dad

Hi Hitler