Is he the most important figure on the Alt Right?
>classical liberals are now alt-right
nice try, rabbi.
where can I find more of these
You must be joking!
No - but he does a good job setting the agenda and talking points for moderates.
Sargon of KEKad is not even alt-lite, let alone alt-right
nice b8 try harder next time
He is an Anglo poofta and probably a Catholic.
Alt-right are sodomites and kikes
Be a true hero like based Roof
No not by a long shot, tradition msm media positions are still more important. Tucker Carlson comes to mind.
He's black.
I don't even know who this guy is....
sargoy of mossad admitted in Jared Taylor conversation that different racial groups have different average IQ, yet still cucks to civic nationalism
no he didnt, stop spreading bullshit user.
>mountain jew
>defends civic nationalism
i didnt defend anything, i just stated that, that user was spouting bs.
Does anyone know if he has posted the convo he was having with that obese multicolored-hair (bamn?) protestor at Berkeley?
They were talking and not shouting. It looked from Tim's live stream that Sargon was recording.
I'm pretty sure it was actually an interview with Dave rubinstein (stein autocorrected and I'm leaving it). He said "yes, if you look at the average IQ of different races blacks score lower than whites on average but that doesn't mean we're going to do anything about it". It doesn't matter if he's on our side or not because he attacks the right enemy far more than us and does get normies to be more open to our ideas simply by virtue of rejecting feminism and multiculturalism.
Hes way too edgy and extreme for me. Genuinely scares me. I think he may be the incarnation a nazi general. Stay away for your own mental health. I couldnt BELIEVE he called Jared Taylor out on not being extreme enough.
be a good merchant and stay netural
Also there are a lot of people who don't know that blacks are different from whites on the inside too. This is because people self segregate, and if you have a friend group that is 90% white with one black friend he is going to act civilized to fit in, thus they have very limited experience with other races and simply think "hmm, I've never seen my friend get really angry over nothing and nearly kill someone, this must be the rule, not the exception". If they ever are told there is a study that shows that's not true they might just be curious enough to look into it
do any of these alt right fucks have families?
Yes, along with thunder foot and the amazing atheist
Sargoy of Cuckad will forever be remembered for his terrible episode on the Joe Rogan Experience. I bet Joe never did get all that spaghetti cleaned up out of his studio.
someone needs to add Dickie Spencer to this image and it'll be perfect.
richard spencer isnt one of them, he's nazbol now