Are there any Jews that are Sup Forums approved?
Pic related is my nomination
Are there any Jews that are Sup Forums approved?
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Yeah. Pic related.
Jerry Seinfeld
You must be new here.
Jesus Christ faggot.
Only Christ
the self hating jew that works with trump, forgot his name.
i think there are some in here
Ben Shapiro
Rodney Dangerfield
Don Rickles
Mel Brooks
JESUS Christ.
Gene Wilder
The Three Stooges
They're not even alive any more!
Roy "Electric Shock for Shylock" Cohn
dead jews are my favourite
Still the last conservatives jews in the business
none of these kikes even made good art
Sure why not? Jews tend to be amazing writers, it's not like their bad reputation would change my opinion on that.
Pic related
fpbp, also underrated
Of coursh. Jewish history is the history of a jewish civil war. Pick the good ones.
Jerry Lewis. He got in shit over supporting Trump and telling Syrian refugees to essentially fuck off. He also said he didn't want to see anymore dead Englishmen or dead Frenchmen.
YouTube "Jerry Lewis Syrian refugees."
Gad Saad. Despite looking like the King of All that is Kike, man has some true wisdom about down to earth evolutionary psychology.
Yeah, me. Gun totin semi-redneck, pickup driving, blue collar and a prepper too. I justed split a cord of firewood this afternoon while you were watching apes run around and catch a ball.
That's true, Wilder was a good man and an amazing talent
Bobby Fischer was redpilled.
Pour some acrylic and hardener and you can have a nifty pool bottom!
Our Israeli posters are awesome.
>creates a line of Hitler-inspired clothing
> Tanks minorities' businesses with blatantly racist business plans
> Says all races are NOT equal
Don't gimme dat look Brule
What is that in the mirror?
He also donated $150k to the Vancouver holocaust museum. I don't care
makes a show that relies almost exclusively on making fun of immigrant entrepreneurs with a poor grasp of english
accuses company of being racist nazis because they honored a german mountain climber in their merch magazine
nathan for you is a perfect example of being a gigantic kike
You're so full of shit! There is no such Jew.
+1 youvote
This guy.
This guy also.
yeah they usually look like this though.
Norman Finkelstein
Author of "The Holocaust Industry" and "Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History"
Nathan for You is the funniest shit I seen desu senpai
Dave Rubin imo
>No one noticing the old fag beating his meat in the rearview
I admire his charisma
Stanley Kubrick and Bobby Fischer are the obvious answer.
Personally I like Larry David.
Mel Brooks just called out PC culture a few days ago though.
thats the joke
Nathan Fielder is so underappreciated it's insane. You're in for Louis Theroux, Borat tier shit, I envy those who haven't seen his show yet.
whats a good starting video
Noam Chomsky.
He's a leftist but isn't afraid to call out mainstream liberalism, Israel, Marxism, Jews, or postmodernism.
ben schapiro
King Kirby.
Is his show still going?
jerry seinfeld is literally a spokesperson for a globalist cryptojew plot to create a 'global country of world peace'
Based Dragon Man
Kubrick is pretty much the only master artist of film though.
Isn't he a mick?
>Mel Brooks is literally quoted as saying now that Blazing Saddles couldn't be made today
I guess we weren't overreacting
The Apostles.
Mel Brooks.
Steven Miller, apparently.
Yair Netanyahu.
Regular Jews are alright.
The ones with the fuzzy hats are okay too, they like to talk; so do I.
I think the ones who are referred to, or call themselves 'Zionists' are the ones people don't like. Haven't met any to verify.
Weev is okay I guess
Michael Malice
Dave Smith
Come on Ben, we know it's you.
Low energy bait.
Lets see:
diaspora liberal jews= no
zionist brutish jews = no
literal kike orthodoxs = hell no
comedian jews who subvert our values = no
rich jews who con us = no.
i think the hebrews are getting anxious about the incoming shoah.
daily reminder that the reason the JQ has survived to the present is because goodgoys let their aryan empathy override their rationality and let some Jews survive.
only nathan and eva green will be spared the ovens
Mel brooks is still alive you dumbass.
>comedian jews who subvert our values
Kill yourself.
Norm still believes the Shoah happened.
Here's the kicker. Read about his death. I'd bet good money that it was a staged suicide, and that he was murdered before his ideas gained any widespread following.
pic related
Now that's spicy
Stephen Miller. With all the staff turnover he seems overdue to resign. Trump can't stand to have someone around him for longer than a few months.
is that jewrbils?
>George Gershwin - autistic apolitical patriotic musical genius dead from a brain tumor
>Amy Winehouse - sensitive jazz singer jewed by (and effectively killed by) her father
Most Jews that lived a long life were not /ourguys/
Richard Stallman. Gnubro just wants you to have freedoms and he's been that way since the 80s. He has character and conviction which is uncommon in the Jew.
>Are there any
he jewed the jews, should be on the $5 bill