Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Learning Japanese is easier than understanding girls, so it should be easy to learn Japanese.
>making new threads before the old one has 404'd
Don't do this, it gets the mods booty-blasted.
>context: demon eating a soul
What's よか? Some antiquated form of より or something?
That's the only thing I can think of, because のよりマシ is such a common expression and makes sense in that context.
My 明鏡国語辞典 has an entry for よか stating that it is a corruption of よりか.
Thanks m8s.
does that imply girls learn japanese twice as fast or not at all
[to learn japanese] is easier than [to understand girls]
Girls cannot learn Japanese because they don't read eroge, which is the main method of practice.
So, now it makes sense why all japanese girls are sluts craving for a cock (according to my h-doujins).
They all learned japanese through eroges, so they must be (closet) sluts.
>they don't read eroge
fuckin spewin, what a shame it is to lack penis; always afraid and held to some invisible, unobtainable standard
ちなみに妹さんは? 死んだかな
>dat fake imouto
Read the guide but forgive me for a ridiculous question... To clarify, the absolute first thing I should do is memorise Hiragana and Katakana, right?
One thing I'd recommend against the general guide is to study grammar after picking hiragana/katakana.
You'll pick some basic vocab on most guides from examples, some kanjis as well, and when your grammar is SOLID, you can read pretty much anything with a dictionary as you build your grammar.
Just so you don't end like those anons "I know all the words but I don't get what they mean"
Thank you. I'll leave with silly questions now.
That's a waste of time. You can just use a program to convert everything to Romanji and become fluent way faster than these nerds
yes but dont swear ヲ so much
*as build your vocab, ffs
I doubt the guide ever tells you not to start with grammar asap.
Cheers. I'm going to try a few different approaches but I don't want to get too swamped by resources. If I have ten apps, five Anki decks, four books all teaching the same thing I'll never get anywhere.
i rarely see ヌ much either, still trip over シ ツ and ソ ン
No, they're controlled separately, as well as my fingers.
Sometimes I only want to drink water but my body grabs soda instead, it's annoying.
It's very easy to tell them apart once you see them written next to each other.
Just look at the direction and order of the strokes. ツ is written from left to right and the long stroke is nearly horizontal, while ツ is written from right to left and the long strike is a lot closer to vertical.
yeah i see all that, in normal fonts.. some handwriting doe... some 'special' fonts also
im getting better just on the idea of common phrasing as i read more, not individual stroke nuance
2 days after I decided to learn Japanese again, it seems I can continue this learning.
No, you can't.
Fucking nips, man.
Remembering what these chinese hieroglyphics mean is easy. Why is remembering how they sound so hard?
Both are easy when you know japanese
Yes, then after that you have ~4000 kanji to learn.
No problem. I have the rest of my life to learn.
It's been the opposite for me
Maybe you're associating them with the meaning but not the sound as opposed to what I do
The sound is easier for me to remember when I know the word. I used to read 通知 as "michishiru" back in the days when I didn't know the word.
Can someone explain what 流れぬままですか means?
流れ is the masu stem of 流れる but I've never seen this ぬまま grammar before.
It's some kind of old-fashioned negative, I think.
What did he mean by this?
When I look at a chart saying how many unique kanji a porn game contains is that amount the total number of unique singular kanji or are the total amount of words made up of two or more kanji considered unique kanji also
English isn't my first language.
I take it this was a retarded question
You should be able to figure it out just from the scale of the numbers
182 days to go!
Enjoy forgetting 2000 of them before you actually come across any words that use them
Which is the correct romaji to use? "Genki desu ka?" or "Ogenki desu ka?"
It depends. Ogenki is more formal than genki.
Drop romaji as soon as possible though, if you're studying Japanese.
>What's more, if you open the window, you can hear the voice of the cicadas
>Not only that, but you can hear the sound of wind-chimes too
This bit is pretty straight-forward, but...
>It seems like summer and it's good, you know.
This just seems like a really awkward thing to say, so I'm not sure that I'm getting it properly. It also doesn't really feel like it follows on properly from the preceding lines. I would expect something more along the lines of:
>This is what's good about summer, you know.
Is there some sort of nuance that I'm missing?
I want to hang Zoi and put her brain in a jar.
I want to kill myself
No, you're just an attention whore. You want to tell everyone how you want to kill yourself so people will feel pity for you. If you really wanted to kill yourself you would shut up and do it already. Seriously, kill yourself.
anyone wanna summerize the guide for me or tell where to get a 日本語 keyboard
くて kinda implies that there's some connection or sequence between the thing before and the thing after, so literally 夏らしくていい is like "it's summery and therefor good", although just "it's summery and good" would also be fine and sounds perfectly natural
You should stop trying to have shit make sense in English, because you will fail
Stop translating
Try to understand it directly in japanese.
>Is there some sort of nuance that I'm missing?
Not really, but it sounds like you're still in the Tae-Kim mindset where you need to translate everything to English first. It might be awkward in English but that's a really common way to express that something sure is nice. You'll get used to it really quickly because of how frequent it it.
>...they sure do give off a nice, summery-vibe!
Or something like that.
I only do that when I can't figure it out. As a fallback I try breaking it down bit by bit in English to see if I can somehow make sense of it.
I think it's a bad habit anway.
I try to repeat the same sentence with different intonations and giving particles different meanigs.
It' usually works.
Try to use english as a last resort
Doing that is probably just going to make you more confused a lot of the time
I'd suggest if you're stuck on something look up other sentences that use the same grammar to get a sense of how it's used in Japanese
Jisho's pretty good for that, it has English translations as well to make it even easier to see how it works, just type something in Japanese with #sentence afterwards
If you can't translate a sentence into English then you don't really understand it in Japanese.
How is anyone supposed to ask a question about the meaning of a sentence without translating it to show their interpretation?
For a beginner it can be hard to keep a 3 lines long sentence in head, especially if it has 5 new words in it that he just met and looked up.
That's why it can help to translate parts of it into English and focus only on the small part in Japanese that you didn't understand.
Translating something into English and having something make sense in English are two very different things
In that user's original post he was confused because the Japanese sentence sounded "awkward", but it only sounds awkward in English, it's perfectly fine in Japanese
Writing is so much harder than I expected. I'm struggling with あ, although it is my first day. I filled an A4 sheet and maybe 10% of them look decent.
It's like learning to draw. Is handwriting much more strict in Japanese? Are there examples of bad, but acceptable writing?
When you get used to it, you'd be surprised at some handwriting you find on some professional works...
I'd say anything goes, as long as it's recognizable.
at least tell me whats a good japanese keyboard to use
>Is handwriting much more strict in Japanese?
Just get one of these from ebay
holding your pen/pencil like a brush kinda helps
does anyone else do this? ive heard thats how youre suppost to write jap
Please explain.
If you have a pen, it does not matter
You do realise that there's no real technical difference between those keyboards, right?
>Please explain.
The majority of Japanese handwriting is atrocious, it's the same kind of fast sloppy shit you'd expect in any country but with three times the complexity and 10+ more strokes than you get with English letters, I'm sure you can imagine where problems arise
The other day I asked a japanese guy to write something and take a pic, pic related.
I still haven't been able to fully decipher it.
So yeah I'd say it probably doesn't matter as much as people make it out to be.
also it'd be nice if someone could transcribe the whole thing
Good job
of course this happens