Is Earth flat or round?
Is Earth flat or round?
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Flat and round, but it's also a cube.
I've done extensive research into the idea that the world is flat. At the pinnacle of my research I discovered that it's true. Traps are not gay.
Round, but we're on the inside of a hollow sphere which surrounds the sky
space-time curves
The ultimate red pill.
it's a single point on the tip of my penis
Flat, you retard it's flat i don't why so many retards on here keep saying it's round. Since when was it ever fucking round. Jesus christ take off your tin foil hats!
the Earth is OVAL SHAPED
>all the plebs still think it's perfectly round
get redpilled
Honestly though why are some people seemingly cultish in believing the flat earth stuff? At least with most other politics there's either greed or I guess religious dumbfuckery to explain it, but flat earthers?
Dumping some more truth bombs. So that hopefully more people will wake up.
It's just more CIAnigger disinfo, to see how conspiracy memes are dispersed.
fuck off faggot
Wow you really disproved me, you sure showed me right.
Neither. It is spherical.
Ayyj lmao on /x/ literaly just confirmed earth is round and called tazmania a shithole
Flat earthers just got intergallactially BTFO'd
ᴹʸᶻᶦᵃᵐ please come back. we're galactic marker 0422, don't forget fellas
I still can't believe an user gave his coordinates and he actually took a picture of an ayy
I suppose that could actually work, get the tin-foils to reveal themselves. Though I'm not sure they're dangerous.
If that is your comeback, than it appears he really did disprove you.
kek I need to see this thread
Sup Forums has always been pro-flat earth.
Mainly because of the potential KEKs but also because its fun to see how far you can go with pure shit.
It's fucking flat. Don't believe the shills. Don't let them slide this thread
Lol round duh
Go look at any long causeway or bride with a lens that has a narrow focal length
Under the same bridge in Louisiana
it's pear shaped
This is a set of transmission towers adjacent to the bridge
It's a screenshot taken from a flat earther video, used to claim the earth is flat
Its fucking hollow. The Flat Earth is a psyop to discredit this theory. You see the media and celebs talk about the "flat earth" never hear an mention of the hollow earth. I wonder why?
And yet it curves.
The earth's flat but it's the hardest red pill to swallow that's why some Sup Forumsacks still trying to swallow it.
that's a long bridge
round ya fucking dingus
It's a time cube
Which earth is REAL?
Nasa and EESA make BILLIONS every year, yet theres no real pictures of earth. Beyond cgi/fisheye lens, which futher casts doubt.
Why not just take raw footage of the earth NATURALLY??? We cant take pictures of other planets, right???
Why fake this AT ALL????
EESA (Europeon NASA) fucked up their CGI, see 15:10
The fact that people are KNOWINGLY using fisheye lens and spending tons on CGI to procure an artificial curve on the earth speaks volumes.
If the earth has the correct curvature we're told, why give flat earthers any ammo by using a fisheye lens or cgi replica AT ALL??
The easiest way to end this argument is to have a REAL UNEDITED pic of earth!
"It is photoshopped because its its its... it has to be"
Why fake something that shouldn't require "collage/composite work"
We pay nasa 60 million... A DAY! Why not just take a raw, natural picture? Why give flattards any ammo?
Proof you're a fucking retard who has never traveled.
Webcam footage, sun distance seen 3:30
Pay attention to the lack of curvature shown had extreme height, also see the small and local hotspot below the sun.
IF the sun is 93million miles away and GIGANTIC, why is this hotspot so SMALL???
>implying flights cant be delayed or flown faster or slower
The image of a disc with water falling off is psyop propaganda to throw off the scent.
The uncomfortable possible reality is that we live on a infinite plane where the sun carved a pool of water from ice. You dont fall off the edge, the image of a disc is psyop propaganda.
Anywhere you go south, you reach the southpole -- because its a sun-carved ice ring that surrounds us on a flat plane
>Admiral Richard Byrd (first man to transverse north AND south pole) said theres more land to be discovered outside of south pole
>Byrd says antartica (south pole) is full of uranium and mountains of coal that could "generate enough energy for the entire earth for centuries"
>Byrd says theres a continent as big as america beyond the south pole from south america
"... Strangely enough theres left in the world today: an area as big as the U.S. thats never been seen by a human being, and thats beyond the pole on the other side of the southpole from middle america - and I think its quite astonishing that there should be an area as big as that unexplored." Admiral Richard Byrd
It enfolds.
old maps
When you fly east/west, using a compass using the magnetic north pole, you are moving in a circle in either direction.
Using basic trig, we can find the truth distance of the sun approx three-thousand miles above us by measuring the suns rays to the point of origin.
Worse part is that most of these people that believe in the globe, get REALLY defensive when you try to have a debate.
The truth is right in front of us
It is flat at a immediately close local level like all spacetime is :)
Its sad. Some people are open to listening and debating, most will yell and become upset. I almost got into a barfight, I WASNT EVEN TALKING TO THIS GUY!
Been banned, deleted, blocked, etc.
This is a scary concept. Modern science is less of a skeptics tool and more of a world religion.
If you try to redefine what others perceive as reality, it incites questions of the unknown which creates fear and contempt.
Its comfy to assume with know everything and that scientists have tackled all the hard questions. Living on a ball rather than an infinite plane greatly reduces those questions.
Heres some visuals of sun rotation
>why not just take raw footage of the earth naturally?
Because you don't know how cameras work? You'd have to put an extremely large camera on a satellite, and then move the satellite extremely far away and out of orbit, but still close enough to be detailed enough to mean anything, then you'll have to actually take the picture in true color, which would be extremely shitty because of the way things light up in space, at an angle where the sun shines on the earth brightly enough to illuminate it enough for true color while not actually being in the picture. You'd also have to build and launch a satellite just to do this. For what?
Is the earth hollow? Did the nazis really find Asgardia?
>How can you explain the Midnight Sun?
During Arctic summer, from the 22nd to the 25th of June, at a high enough latitude and altitude, you can watch a phenomenon known as “the Midnight Sun” where the Sun stays continuously visible in the sky for 3 days straight! The “Midnight Sun” rises on the 22nd and for the next 72 hours never disappears from sight, slowly ascending and descending every 12 hours, showing 3 brilliant “sunsets” and “sunrises” without ever actually setting below the horizon. If the Earth were actually a spinning globe revolving around the Sun, the only place such a phenomenon as the Midnight Sun could be observed would be at the poles. Any other vantage point from 89 degrees latitude downwards could never, regardless of any tilt or inclination, see the Sun for 24 hours straight. To see the Sun for an entire revolution on a spinning globe at a point other than the poles, you would have to be looking through miles and miles of land and sea for part of the revolution! Anyone below the 89th parallel could never witness the Sun for 72 hours, 3 whole revolutions, straight because to do so would be to assume you are somehow seeing “through the globe” and to the Sun on the other side! Since such an assumption is ridiculous, and yet the Midnight Sun can clearly be seen as low as the 65 parallel, this is another absolute proof that Earth is the flat, stationary center of the universe.
We cant take pictures of other planets.... RIGHT??!!
Honestly, who the fuck knows... Flat Earthers do ironically have a more convincing argument as to why the earth is flat instead of round compared with (((NASA))) and other space programs that claim it's round instead of flat.
Each to their own I guess.
My theory is that NASA isn't even a space program and the US funds them money for military experimentation purposes.
>3x earth rotations
>1x star rotation with shutter open
Makes sense
didnt have this one, thx user
NASA even says it themselves....
Wow I guess the earth is flat and look the sun is the same distance from the earth as a streetlamp, no wonder I get sunburns.
I suppose the clouds have nothing to do with the diffusion of the lightbeams hmm?
NP mapbro
You supposed correctly
Timezones now make more sense....
Eric Dubay, And greatest story,never told. Are the two biggest red pills
it's raptor shaped you faggots
It's a cube.
>we can't take pictures of other planets
First off, those are either composites as well or taken whole passing a planet in extremely shitty quality, ya cunt. Do you even understand how a camera works? You ignored literally all the issues I mentioned about quality, lighting, relevance, storage, transfer, lens type and size to just say "why don't we move the camera farther back? " That's not how cameras work, dipshit. We're not dealing with you taking a family photo here.
>earth isn't round, its oval
Blue marble (official NASA pictures) says round, like So it's either round like nada showed us.
Or oval and NASA lied, but if NASA lied, then odds are that its not even course to spherical (ovaltine)
>not understanding that the outer part of the map is distorted
All one of you flat earth idiots would have to do to prove this is steal a commercial plane and fly it over the antarctic, there's a whole new world to discover, apparently, what's stopping you?