Defend yourselves
Pol existentially BTFO
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the point of this cartoon is that the further back you go the more sense people make??
except for in the first panel. the 2014 fags are cucks and the 2016 people are just starting to become uncucked.
also saged cuz this stuff is just sort of gay
>The two guys are holding N64 controllers in frame 1
>frame 1 set in 1992
>N64 released in 1996
Stop screwing with my perception of history, leftards.
jim crow laws were probably the most sensible and measured response to our nations racial issues. they worked well for a really long time and many blacks were actually very happy with them. too bad libs ruined those :(
i love these cartoon threads OP. i saged at first, but actually i'm happy to bump shit like this. it's shit like this that just highlights how fucking retarded the left is, and i want posts like these to have more visibility.
I don't get it.
Nothing to see here, move along.
here are some facts about jim crow the media won't tell you about
>they only applied, meaningfully, in a handful of states
>they always applied equally to all races, no matter what
>many blacks supported jim crow laws
>miscegenation laws were the only jim crow laws that were actually widespread in the country
>in the northeast there were no jim crow laws, but blacks fared no better socially, so the constant "but muh jim crow" excuse for black failure is essentially bunk
>the law clearly stated "separate but equal" and this was enforced, the pictures of "inequal water fountains" that you see are largely due to companies and local governments having to front costs to install double the facilities, NOT racism
>much of the rationalization for separate school systems was the same rationalization that the left and BLM uses today - > that blacks should be kept separate from whites, and learn separately, because they have different views, values, ideas and versions of history that they prefer to teach.
>on modern day campuses "segregation" in the exact same form of many jim crow laws is openly advocated for by BLM and black activist groups. one could see it as hypocrisy that they decry jim crow while advocating for the same policies themselves.
jim crow really wasn't such a bad thing. it would be better for our nation if we went back to those days IMO.
Am I having a fucking stroke? This doesnt make any sense, what the fuck is it even trying to say?
this desu desu
Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population.
Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population.
Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes. >
Young black men kill 14X more than young white men.
Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims.
42% of all cop killers are black.
Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks.
In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population.
Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America: 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock.
67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians.
In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites.
At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states.
Some facts on intelligence levels of blacks: 1) Whites on average have a 15 point higher IQ than blacks, across many different studies. “There is a long-standing 15 point or 1 standard deviation difference between the intelligence test scores of African Americans and White Americans, though it might have narrowed slightly in the then recent years. The difference was largest on those tests, verbal or non-verbal, that best represented the general intelligence factor (g).”
2) IQ across different ethnic groups in the US: Blacks have an average IQ of 85, whites of 103, Asians 106 and Jewish Americans 113: The study found that the average IQ for African Americans was lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 113, respectively; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994, pp. 273–278)
3) Overall, 18% of Asians have an IQ over 120, 10% of whites do and only 1% of blacks. Nearly 84% of blacks have an IQ below 100, which is slightly below the average IQ for whites. The ratio of white Americans to black Americans who have an IQ over 125 is 30:1. The IQ gap between blacks and whites in the United States—15-17 points—has not changed since it was first measured nearly a century ago. Both races’ test scores rose during the century, but the gap remained as large at the end of the century as at the beginning despite considerable social change.
4) For those who claim that IQ tests are biased against blacks and that’s why they keep getting lower scores, there are IQ tests like the Raven’s Progressive Matrices which don’t have any language and rely entirely on visual pattern recognition. It’s simply finding patterns in visual shapes. Even then there is a marked difference between black and white IQ scores, not only in America but internationally as well, like in Africa between white and black engineering students:
5) Harvard psychologists took a look at how black children adopted by well off upper-middle class white families at a very young age perform on IQ tests once they grow up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions. Black children adopted by white parents average 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). White children who grew up in the same households and had white biological parents on average scored 109. Even with the same socioeconomic upbringing, the racial IQ gap remains. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study examined the IQ test scores of 130 black or interracial children adopted by advantaged white families. The aim of the study was to determine the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the poor performance of black children on IQ tests as compared to white children. The studies’ general findings were that the IQs of children of a particular race did not differ significantly depending on whether they were raised by their biological parents or by adoptive parents of a different race. The gap between black and white IQ scores remained even if growing up in the same family.
6) East Asian countries have on average the highest IQ scores. African countries have on average the lowest. European countries are generally between the Asian and African countries.
7) Blacks performs substantially worse in standard school tests than whites. From the higher education achievement perspective: In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites.
8) From the elementary education achievement perspective: At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states.
9) For those looking to pin the lower IQ scores of blacks on socioeconomic factors, IQ is largely genetically determined: Estimates in the academic research of the heritability of IQ have varied from below 0.5 to a high of 0.8. (where 1.0 indicates that monozygotic twins have no variance in IQ and 0 indicates that their IQs are completely uncorrelated) Various studies have found the heritability of IQ to be between 0.7 and 0.8 in adults and 0.45 in childhood in the United States.[6][9][18]
>Defend yourselves
in africa, black people literally fuck babies because they believe it will cure them of AIDs. this has the effect of infecting more babies with AIDs
slavery was legal in parts of africa until 2007
over 1 million white christian slaves were held in africa during the same time as the atlantic slave trade
slavery has a rich tradition in africa, dating back far before whites or colonists ever arived on their shores. it only ever ended there (officially) because of white western pressure. it continues to be a serious (unofficial) problem there to this day. often practiced out in the open, and in larger numbers than anywhere else in the world.
ignore the 8 ch an fag!
this is jeb low energy meme'ing
American blacks should have their own country separate from American whites. Then they would never have to suffer racism again.
(edited for proper visibility on the links)
in africa, black people literally fuck babies because they believe it will cure them of AIDs. this has the effect of infecting more babies with AIDs
slavery was legal in parts of africa until 2007
over 1 million white christian slaves were held in africa during the same time as the atlantic slave trade
slavery has a rich tradition in africa, dating back far before whites or colonists ever arived on their shores. it only ever ended there (officially) because of white western pressure. it continues to be a serious (unofficial) problem there to this day. often practiced out in the open, and in larger numbers than anywhere else in the world.
Blacks were actually more successful under segregation because they didn't have to compete directly with whites. So they had their own businesses and weren't outcompeted for labor by whites. When segregation ended, black labor participation plummeted.
much research has been done to prove that blacks are not the victims of society, but are in fact born with innate genetic deficits that cause them to be less intelligent and more violent than whites. see middle column of pic related.
>not wanting blacks to riot and attack cops and whites after justified police shootings is the same as supporting jim crow laws
Editorial cartoons, the absolute lowest form of political discourse
this was practically the whole point. it was the most human way to deal with them. they have always been a burden to our society and our society has always bent over backwards for them. no matter what, them and their defenders find ways to twist and manipulate the reality to suit their agenda and paint whites as "the evil white oppressors" or whatever, when blacks have in fact ALWAYS lived at a higher standard of life here than in africa. this includes for slaves, who were already enslaved in africa (the kidnapping natives stories are almost entirely fiction). the only difference between slaves here and in africa was that here they could breed, would not be castrated, and could be relatively sure that they would receive 3 hot meals a day and substantially better treatment than back home.
as muhammed ali famously said after he got back from visiting africa "thank god my granddaddy got on that boat".
>knowing anything about history
Pick on and only one.