I met President Trump today on a WH tour... did I do good?

It was one of those things where he just happened to walk by our group and felt obligated to stop for a few seconds to chat. He could tell I was star struck, I think. I shook his hand just like he describes in the Art of the Deal and he asked me a couple questions. I told him, "God Bless You, Mr. President" and thanked him.

He asked me about what issues were important (he clearly had to go, but was being very obliging and hospitable). I had so much that I wanted to say, but basically stumbled through the importance of the immigration issue, being tough on DACA, and the Wall. I told him I didn't care that much about healthcare, but tax reform was important.

Before he left, I... and this part is making me cringe now... I told him about Sup Forums. I basically blurted out that I posted on Sup Forums and that we are his biggest fans. He gave me a look that I didn't really understand and said "I'll have to check it out." I asked him if he wanted me to write down the URL but he just rolled his eyes at me.

Anyway, I got weird looks from other people on the tour. At the time I didn't care and felt like I was on Cloud 9. Now I feel kinda... pathetic.

I dunno, did I do good?

shhh dont blow his cover you dumbass!

I dunno either

I honestly couldn't tell if he knew what I was talking about or not. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but he was really ambiguous about it...


>I dunno, did I do good?
Yes. I already think, though, that someone in his administration is already familiar with Sup Forums and the daily Trump General thread. If not, then you did real good by getting the info to him. I hope that Trump reads the Trump General thread once in a while. He will get a feel for what real Americans are thinking and feeling.

Good job! Most people would have gotten tongue tied, so don't worry about it.

you didn't even leave your bedroom today post pics of you and trump or gtfo

You did good. If he gives an awoo I'll say you did great.

>dat pic

Blueberry Hill, Sweet Home Alabama, and "Killing Fields" by Saxon

Your honor is forever forfeit. Post dick. I will tell you if you can at least become trap sex toy for a real man.

>I told him I didn't care that much about healthcare
That was the only mistake. Healthcare is huge and one of the most important issues for most Americans, especially Middle Class and unemployed. Huge issue. But, you still did good.

Is he tall in real life? What does he look like in real life? Does he seem genuine?


i think trumps rendition of just a girl was both mesmerizing and disturbing

Donald, if you're reading this, I want you to spray your cum all over my shit logs deep in my rectum so I can have your anal shit-babies, thank you.

whenever i do dumb shit i just think about niggers.

If you've seen footage of him, he's exactly like you'd expect. I almost felt nostalgic seeing him. It's like I'd seen him in person and talked to him a million times before. I didn't want to call him Daddy or something faggy like that, don't get me wrong, but it felt like I knew him.

He was really tall, but then again I'm 5'8.

Maybe. It hurts to hear, but I'm sure you're telling me the truth. I will pray for you.

The shitty part about politics now is that there is no real issue that you can't do half assed. Healthcare is about 1/6th of the economy, and Obamacare or Universal is just two ways of completely fucking it up.

Seems like you did fine, but healthcare is huge. Just ask the poor bastards paying up to 4 times more than they did before. Fucking sucks.

I met him at a rally. He's a good guy. I still have the MAGA sign he autographed.

>I almost felt nostalgic seeing him.
Interesting you said that because I have felt that I would react the same way If I met him in person, just because I have watched pretty much every rally and event he appears at so it seems we have become part of his family in a way.

Telling about Sup Forums probably wasn't the best idea, but he'll probably forget that so who cares.

I wasn't trying to be mean! You didn't hide ur power level!

I live around an area where Trump had one of his casinos. People I know were employed there and said Trump would pay visits to his establishments constantly, he'd talk to everyone there, even the janitors, in a very polite and down-to-earth manner. He'd even tip cleaning staff and bar tenders hundreds of dollars just to be nice. Trump sounds like a genuinely good guy as long as you're good back.

His three sons are Tyrone Obama and um Lil wayne yeah that's right.

>thinking someone that ran a political campaign for a year and a half doesn't know what Sup Forums is
this. he totally knows what it is, but if he said something, it'd be all over the news. DONALD TURMP IS A NAZI WHO BROWSERS THE INTERNET BAORD "THE Sup Forums"

but i think you're larping and wasting everyone's time anyway

>told him about Sup Forums
how autistic are you

Jesus get some perspective. No one gives a fuck about this little fucking forum faggot especially the president. Fuck me you faggots have the minds of children

>name three hits by don

1 you gotta go back
2 build a wall (around my heart)
3 winning bigly feat. Kanye


> being this delusional.
Senpai, most americans support amnesty.


BUT... maybe not?

>pic related

Please be real, maybe Trump will ask Barron about it

Make America Great Again
Buy American, Hire American
You Have to Go Back

This happened today? 9/24/17?

I met Trump the other day. I was out playing basketball with my friend, and he came up and asked if he could shoot some hoops with us. We all were so happy he was there and wore our trump hats to play. I was going towards the basket when Trump pulled my hat over my head and slammed me into it. He proceeded to make a goal and asked if I was ok saying "you're a pretty sweaty guy". My friends started laughing at me and started calling me a wetback. I had the ball again and trump stuck his leg out and tripped me. He then threw the ball in my face and made another goal. He walked over and said "what's wrong little guy? can't handle the wall?". I told him these move he was making were illegal but he punched me in the face and said "I'm the fucking president I can do whatever I want to". While I was lying on the ground, he lit my trump hat on fire and put it in my pants. He said "you'll be fine the sweat will put it out" He asked his secret service agents to break down my door and grab a sandwich from my fridge. They came back and said there were no premade sandwiches so they just put the whole fridge on the back of his limo and left.

>I didn't want to call him Daddy or something

wow i just remembered how hot that spider was...

Of course we do, but you forgot the most important part. We support amnesty in exchange for a yuge reduction in immigration

That's weird. The last time I met Trump he kept opening and closing his hand in front of my face while saying "HUH? HUH? HUH? HUH?" and he tried to leave the grocery store without paying for his candy bars.

Do you have Asperger's Syndrome?

What a cocksucking loser
>soft on immigration, is open to amnesty now
>did nothing about DACA
>no wall
>silent on blue wall and the erosion of our freedoms (his guy is pro property seizure and still treats weed like a retard, American grown for Americans means more money)
>gets bullied by Mexico
>fills the swamp by pardoning that faggot arpaio, literally let thousands get raped so he could lock up wetbacks
>no Hillary indictment
>the Russian connections while not illegal are far deeper then he said they were at the beginning
>oh yeah NAFTA is still around
>hasn't shut down globalist traitors

The only thing he did right was not be Hillary and shut down TPP

>oh yeah ISIS still isn't crushed
>still wasting millions in Iraq and Afghanistan
>still wasting millions in Syria

fake and gay


Would like to point out that Trump has been at one of his golf resorts and not in the WH all weekend according to the news.

>bing bing bong bong

>are you going to the train

>I wouldn't go to france, because france is no longer france


Just remember
The MSM, The Hollywood elites, The DC insiders don't hate Trump
They hate YOU
They told you who to vote for and You didn't
They told you how to think and you ignored them
They told you to hate Trump and you defied them
They hate YOU because you broke the conditioning'
They hate YOU because you don't vote how they tell you
They hate YOU because you publicly disagree with them
When Colbert is bashing Trump his contempt is for YOU the people who voted for him
Remember now and always The MSM, Hollywood, and the DC elites since the 60's have been calling YOU racists, sexist, theocrats, hatemongers etc
They encouraged the BLM rights and cheered as people were attacked and neighborhoods burned
They encourage and PAID thugs to attack Trump supporters at rallies
Bernie celebrated shutting the Chicago Trump rally down
They celebrated paid goons and Antifa shutting down free speech
It isn't Trump they hate and fear it is YOU because you do not follow their instructions

Was this on a WH tour? Id like to talk to him

>I dunno, did I do good?

No, FFS no. Dear god man, get your autism in check.

> I asked him if he wanted me to write down the UR
Please, please be fake.


No white house tours on Sunday dipshit.

Underrated post

aww, the tuck so sads

Trumps Songs

Build that Wall
Mexico BTFO
And my favorite song F*ck you kim bing bong

it was her voice okay... and how handsy she was
its not like im physically attracted to spiders...
unless they look like pic related

you did good.

damn, potus don't fuck around

Okay guys, we may play carry on and banter among us but you guys FUCKING KNOW if we confirm Mr. President we're going to blow a collective nut.
>inb4 >143000000 get is from yours truly