I didn't expect it to be so good.
One of the better dramas I've seen.
It's a pity it gets overshadowed by shit like clannad.
I didn't expect it to be so good
Other urls found in this thread:
good music too
Saekano is miles better, this is just rebbit-tier drama.
Clannad is really better. Well, its different though.
Clannad is about life, this one is pure drama romance.
Sweet, i just downloaded it.
anything like shigatsu?
Yeah, the music is great. Made me play a bit of the white album song on the piano.
I really enjoyed the visual novel feeling they preserved in the adaptation.
It's shit, even school days is better
>Dumb magical AIDS plot
>about life
>not getting the message
delicious NTR
It's shit, even boku no pico is better.
Literally kill yourself, I mean it. Fucking put the bullet through your temple.
Would wife Setsuna in a sec.
Holy shit I didn't know I could resurrect dead people with some magical light orbs.
Literally kill yourself.
dont silly user.eveyone knows that the last ep was fanlfic. Clannad ended with Ushio's death
>good romance
>literally a setup for the story afterwards
i was so triggered when I read the next game is set 3 (maybe it was 5) years after and they end up together anyways. high school romance is serious business
>No Season 2 in sight
>Game TL halfway at best
I've started learning Japanese as a Plan C.
I like this show.
Similiar to SAO because of the harem and good music
Well baited
Also, I read that the first part, which the anime covers, has a terrible english translation.
I think it's been fixed. Someone said it used to be machine-tier, but the bits they rechecked recently had gotten better.
I want to be by Setsuna's side when she is feeling lonely, and tell her that everything will be ok, that I'll be always near, so she can fall in love with me. And when she has opened her heart enough for me I'll kiss her gently and start making love to her, slowly and with care, hold her hands and see her face full of joy and satisfaction, and right when she is about to climax, when she's showing her most vulnerable and human side, tell her "I love you Touma" as I cum inside her.
Seeing how her face changes from extreme happiness to despair with just those words, would be glorious.
There was something surprisingly sincere about the characters and this show that I wasn't expecting for a romance anime. They didn't all annoy the piss out of me. Now he writes absolute garbage for Aniplex shows like Saekano and Classroom Crisis which is the inevitable fate of any previously unaffiliated person that does anything remotely decent in this industry.
Setsuna is too 3D for me. Really well done character.
In the sense that it might emotionally cripple you for days. YMMV. I still need to watch Shigatsu.
Fuck you, I got a boner
I have the piano+vocals version set as my alarm.
Why? Because I'm right? Everything Maruto learned from WA put it into practice into Saekano. The huge difference of success between both series is undeniable proof of this.
i dont like either series but you're actually retarded. anyone can see wa2 is better than saekano. saekano sells because it's a harem that gives the illusion to LNfags otaku is something not to be ashamed of
Saekano sells because it has good characters, not just because it's a harem.
i love that scene, also the one after fucking, who can a director be so based?
>Comparing a drama to a non-drama
Key VNs are so unique that in Japan people recognize their works as their own genre, they even have a name for it.
Best day of my life
>The huge difference of success between both series is undeniable proof of this.
I hope you like Naruto.
OP here, nobody asked but I agree that the comparison isn't really adequate, honestly I was just hoping for more replies because every time I create threads in a more civil and humble tone they get ignored while bait ones always bomb.
I thought of Clannad because it, while still enjoyable, left me with a sour taste in anime dramas, I was annoyed of how "over the top" the scenes were. Almost if, by trying too hard to get me to cry, I was put off by it. However, in WA2, I could get way more invested in the emotional scenes because of how much I got to care/appreciate the characters themselves. Because of that I was crying at some parts without the need of so many visual and sound effects, as in Key's style.
Cruel but delicious.
It was ok for what is basically a Visual Novel ad.
The conclusion (or the lack of it) is what really holds back this series.
Also, Setsuna was shit and not as interesting as the other two leads.
"And they lived unhappily ever after" is a kind of conclusion.
English translation wouldn't work because of language barriers, personally read a blog that translated all the scenes and routes and the translator added notes to what would have been missed in an english trans
What? What would be so difficult to understans from a romance VN?
I'm feeling nice so prepare your angus
That's absolutely retarded, no matter what's your approach on translating something there will always be something lost in the process. It's the translator's job to try to avoid losing as many nuances as he can.
WA2 was like 5/10.
Top kek.
I will never not be absolutely livid about this. Probably the scene that makes me the most angry and I've been watching anime for almost 20 years.
Indeed. The characters where fleshed out and surprising well written for this kind of story. Even as Toumafag, this scene made me as happy as sad. Even more so by knowing that they will probably never adapt coda.
>Even more so by knowing that they will probably never adapt coda.
>Quads of truth
The sad thing is that WA2 would probably go down as one of the best animated dramas if CC and Coda got a full adaptation.
All y'all niggas need to watch White Album.
I hear MC fucks everyone EXCEPT twintails. That's some bad taste.
But fucking the best idol ever is the only thing you need.
I was going to but I couldn't find a non-bloatgirls torrent for it
>See? Told you he'd show up.
How is it compared to WA2? I've never heard anyone recommend it.
It was bad because the anime combined all the routes when omnibus format like Amagami SS might have served it better
Reminder that you don't have to watch White Album 1 before WA2.
altho WA1's song is god tier, story wise kinda meh compared to WA2
basically MC fucked every gril while his gf is busy singing or some shit
>remake with Kurehito's art never
Pillowtalk CD:
Passowrd: pomf
Mari >= Kazusa > Setsuna >= Koharu >>Chiaki
A complete mess.
MC's girlfriend has becoming more and more famous as an idol and he still can't do shit.
Chiaki: "kodoku na ~"
Chiaki: "furi wo shiteru no"
Haruki: "Ouch...!"
Chiaki: "what's wrong, Haruki?"
I cut my finger.
and pretty deep at that.
Haruki: "that song just now..."
but what comes out of my mouth is not related to something trivial like the cut I just got.
Chiaki:" you mean Todokanai Koi? It's played on the University's radio every week, you know?"
My finger is stained in a deep red, yet I don't feel any pain from the wound.
Chiaki: "I heard it for the first time during the winter of my freshman year, and I've loved it ever since."
Haruki: "that... a fact?"
Because there's another, stronger pain spreading through my chest."
Chiaki:" I like the vocals and the melody but, I especially love the lyrics, it's not like they really good but, they somehow move me."
Haruki:"I see."
Chiaki:"I can even sing the whole thing."
I wash my finger with the flowing cold water, rinsing the blood"
Chiaki:"hey, you graduated from Houjo high, right, Haruki?"
Haruki: "yeah, I did."
Chiaki: "then you must have heard this live, I think it was played 3 years ago during the highschool festival"
Haruki: I probably... didn't"
Chiaki:"Is that so"
Haruki:"yeah, I was always studying, and didn't have interest for events like that."
Chiaki:"you don't say...."
uwaki-extension TLanon?
Best girl won, literally nothing wrong with that
I like the first one more.
Don't believe her lies.
Is this the equivalent of ayy for nips?
I for once actually liked it. But yeah the MC is a massive idiot. Nonetheless worth watching in my opinion. Not least because of pic related.
One of the reason I won't ever read Maruto's romance again. Every MC is a selfish human scum. Douch. Trash.
Kazusa: I am... the worst.
Haruki: that's not true
Kazusa: but if this was a movie or a drama, character like me that's an hidrance should abandoned the story already.
Haruki: ...
Kazusa: but I'm still in it, and managed to steal the main character and make the heroine unhappy.
That's wrong, it seems she dont know much about movies and the like
Kazusa: I'm not able to do anything, and expect the main character to solve everything, I really am a terrible woman.
what she's talking about is the rules for the premise of a happy ending.
a development that only exists in old Hollywood movies, where everyone ends up clean of sin
the path we're walking won't lead to a happy end.
Haruki: what happens in this story is not you fault, it's decided by the main character, me
Kazusa: you suck
Haruki: yeah, it's my fault
Well, that escalated quickly.
>That's wrong, it seems she dont know much about movies and the like
Yeah, I was gonna say...
>You will never take Kazusa to the movies
Is it safe to jump to White Album 2 without finishing the first white album? man i'm on episode 10 and i can't stand that shit anymore.
It was shit, and Toumafags are cancer.
Clannad is better.
you nigger, WA and WA2 are unrelated, so yes, drop that shit if you want.
>Kazusa: but if this was a movie or a drama, character like me that's an hindrance should abandoned the story already.
>Kazusa: but I'm still in it, and managed to steal the main character and make the heroine unhappy.
Glad she realized she's trash. MC is too.
Is there a term for self-loathing dere?
(Haruki answers the phone, he's in house with Kazusa)
Takeya: hey haruki, it's been a while!
Haruki: what? we talked the day before yerterday
Takeya: we're all drinking over here, we all gathered since it's Friday
Haruki: yes, I can tell that
Takeya: what about you? you working? what time can you come join us?
Haruki: I still have a lot of work, I'm in a conference with the editor in chief
Takeya: I don't think you'd talk to me if your chief was next to you. so what is it? are you just busy?
Haruki: I told you the other day, this whole month I have to...
Kazusa: (whispering) you can go if you want, don't worry about me
HAruki: anyway, I have a very important deadline right now
Takeya: ah, you told me something like that, so yu're late on that?
haruki: yeah sorry about that; i won't be able to join you guys
takeya: okay okay, I'll stop insisting, but I want you to listen just one thing, listen carefully okay?
Haruki: ? okay...
Takeya: okay then, one... two...
Io, Takeya, Tomo: Congratulations on your engagement!!!
Haruki: !?
Io: Haruki, Haruki, I'm so glad for you guys, who'd have thought this day would come!
Haruki: I-Io
Tomo: hey hey, how did you propose? repeat it for us
HAruki: why do you....
Takeya: haha, you told Takahiro to keep it a secret right? well, that was useless
Haruki: ah...
Tomo: we've Setsuna hostage over here, if you wanna see her again, come here right away~
Io: don't worry, her life isn't in danger, we'll let you hear her voice now
Setsuna: Ha-Haruki-kun, I... mmh sorry for this...
HAruki: Setsuna...
Setsuna: I got called by Io all of a sudden, she said she had something urgent to talk about...
Setuna: seems like Takahiro spilled the beans to Takeya-kun, and it ended up like this...
(sudden noise of a door opening and then closing)
Haruki: ah...!
The sudden noise of the door closing made return to my senses
Setsuna: I'm really sorry, even though you're so busy...
Haruki: ...
Setsuna: HAruki.... kun?
Haruki: it's not your fault, no one's at fault here
Haruki: send my regards to everyone, there's no need to apologize
(sound of hanging the phone, then sound of opening the door, scene changes outside Haruki's house)
Haruki: Kazusa!!
Gotta rewatch BD later, good ost