The Steelers were standing in the hallway because their coach wouldn't allow them onto the field. Not one of them knelt.
The media doesn't want you to see this, they weren't letting anyone take photos.
The Steelers were standing in the hallway because their coach wouldn't allow them onto the field. Not one of them knelt
you're ruining our narrative, gtfo shill
>submitting to a nigger
that's worse
that picture... lol
The teams in the locker room are being hidden as to not expose players who kneel.
The human chains are the whole "blacks, don't hate us for standing. Muh unity."
Staying in the locker room is... "Holy shit, this is getting out hand. Let's hide. We don't want to alienate our blue collar fans because one BLM activist."
All the NFL has showed off is that they have a plague of cucks, pussies, and black zealots.
this. where were these retards last weekend? let alone last year? oh wait trump hadnt tweeted anything about it yet so no one cared about some shitty qb(did he even make playoffs???)
what are these faggots paid for doing again? how about we make it worthwhile and give them swords.
But now the blue collar fans assume the entire team was staying in the locker room of out disrespect, so I don't get how hiding was supposed to help at all.
Media fucked them. Tomlin basically said as much. He don't want to piss anyone off and he wanted "unity." So he hid his fucking team so the team didn't look "divided."
But then the media tried to make it look like they stayed in the locker room to protest Trump.
Being a pussy backfired.
Tomlin hates veterans and white people.
Uh oh...
Still one of my most despised teams along with the Seahawks and I'm a Billsfag, get rekt Broncos.
It's been a rough 20 years, hasn't it? I have a Losman jersey!
>fitting name
Your move Jews
Kneeler Nation
>coach wouldn't allow them on the field
What the fuck? Why not just go? What's the coach gonna do if the entire team goes on the field? Shout at you in the lockerroom?
Not even being on the field for the anthem is a whole new level of disrespect for this country desu.
Now would be a good time to look up the words "Color Revolution."
Numbers check out
What does belgium have to do with a color revolution?
Being a pussy is now leading to him being taken out of context.
Sounds like he wanted them to stand but some of his players were hardliners. He's trying to juggle the issue and wants nothing to do with it.
Tomlin knows what's at stake it seems.
No, their niggers acting like niggers. You know they weren't lynched back in the day for """"NO REASON"""" right?
Niggers have always behaved this way.
There's no point in them kneeling if no one can see their virtue signaling.
He is exactly Middle for qb rating. Steve Nash didn't stand for the national anthem to protest the invasion of Iraq. Reasons why he got away with this.
1) he is Canadian
2) literally America was invading Iraq
3) he was one of the best players in the league
'America' isn't killing niggers. Police are killing criminal suspects who aren't complying with their commands. Kneeling during the national anthem says only that you are a brain dead nigger with no concept of patriotism (no surprise). I haven't heard many useful dialogues started by any of these spoiled, concussive millionaires.
It is happening here in the US. Anyone who spends a few minutes reading or watching videos on stealth tactics and cold war subterfuge knows what the fuck is going on.
They're not gonna 'win' though; all of this nonsense is distraction from WAY, WAY bigger conCERNs.
>muh damage control
There's no point in kneeling because they're not in view of the multitudes and are on hard concrete. It doesn't mean that the Steelers aren't loaded with a bunch of anti-white blacks, including the coach.
Who knew NFL kneels for Nevertoomuch Fag Love.
we'll civil war these leftists. it will be ukraine x1000 and it's going to be a blast.
>Muh hard concrete
Every single one of the players is wearing body armor, kneepads included. They just had one meathead who couldn't resist grabbing national attention and do a reverse-Kaepernick.
>Negro Felon League
I think this all checks out
No, they weren't kneeling because they couldn't be seen. The only point in doing it IS to be seen doing it.
Villanueva made it to the field so I'm guessing the others could have too