She needs to be reminded of the things she's said about white people
Lena Dunham crying like a KIKE
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump for liberal tears
harass her about Israel
Israelis think they are gods
The word God = Godin = Odin = our ancestor.
Your kike demon's name is YHWY
See if she thinks she's one of Gods Chosen
Can’t argue with those digits
God, you people on this site won't fucking BELIEVE how much I hate whiteness. You're fucking right about white genocide. FUCK WHITE PEOPLE. They've been the most noxious race to ever inhabit this earth. You know why I'm glad you larping neo-nazis have taken up the cause of white genocide as well? Because everything you touch becomes illegitimate in the circles that matter (i.e. intellectual circles). No self-respecting white person can ever take up your cause because they'll be associated with all of you faggots. kek! That's why I don't give a fuck when I tell you losers that IT'S ABSOLUTELY TRUE!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!
let her pedophilic tears flow
Pic unrelated
do you think lena's cuck boyfriend just passive aggressively trolls her social media accounts when he's upset because he's too scared to confront her?
Bumping for more tears
>t. self-hating white kid from a small liberal arts college and no job or life prospects and who's never met a nigger
Does anyone have the pic or gif of her posing on a sofa?
>didn't put the hat shadow on the cat shadow
What are you guys up to now?
bump this is a good strategy. Easier to convert normalfags by tweeting postive things about whites and having them get shot down then saying negative things about nigs
She admitted to raping her 6 year old sister.
That's the only response her tweets deserve.
You are walking through the streets of (((New York))), the strong scent of ammonia burns your nostrils. Ahead of you is a wandering pack of upright apes clothed in red, you've heard tales of their violent nature and duck into a nearby alley to avoid their path. As you make your way down the dank corridor, you hear a clacking behind you, like someone jiggling a bag of pebbles. You look back and catch a glimpse of whatever is following you, its waxy, pallid, flabby form flitting between the shadows. A low, nasally moaning voice emerges from its gullet, "Oh I just CAN'T WAIT to get my fingers inside of you little boy! You evil little Nazi, pants down!" Your quivering boyhole puckers at the sight of her stubby fingers, moving slowly forward ready to penetrate your precious Aryan ass. "My little sister sure loved a good game of tunnel explorer, I'm sure you'll manage too." Pebbles fall one by one from between its legs, faster and faster they clatter against the pavement. You back away from the encroaching monstrosity, too frightened to turn and run. You can't take your eyes away. You slip on a diversity turd laid fresh by one of the many Undocumented Mexican Americans and tumble into a nearby trash heap. Girls Season 1 dvd sets fall all about you like a waterfall as the looming silhouette of your pursuer gets ever closer. “You will find,” she says, “that there’s a certain grace to having your anus broken.”
sauce on the grill in the background?
>Circles that matter
>intellectual circles
Pick one,fucknugget
Your "cosmopolitan opinions" won't serve you well outside your liberal hivenmind social media circlejerk.
You know you are irrelevant irl...
Its why you came here to test your meddle with weak bait like drivelposting...
Congratulations on your VAGINA tho
Almost forgot pic related
>bawww people said mean things to me on the internet
Get a fucking grip you loser.
It's literally part of being a public figure these days.
who even says this anymore lmao is this lady in 5th grade
The heels in this picture bother me a lot. The woman in white looks like she is wearing stilts, and that goblin on the left looks uncomfortable as a result.
>New York
Sure you don't mean San Fransisco or Chicago? NY has very few alleys - that's why the streets are so dirty - garbage is picked up in the front of most buildings.
San Francisco
>white men are gods
Has anyone ever unironically said that outside of race play porn? Sounds like a false flag if you ask me.
No wonder her sister turned out so degenerate.
Somebody needs to photoshop the disgusted Mexican valet kid's face over the girls
She wrote a long article about how oppressed and hurt that picture made her cause she was a fat ugly goblin amongst supermodels.
Fuck that's disgusting.
jesus, Tobey Maguire really let himself go.
Is that a tranny?
Fucking midden
sauce please i will jack off to that
Did it take her mind of that time she raped her 6 year old sister?
>i.e. intellectual circles
That won't matter when the intelligentsia are drug into the streets and butchered like animals. (I.e., Gadafi.)
talk to your history friends and have them remind you what society does to smart people every now and then.
if you're lucky you'll sit in prison for a decade or two for your role in the sedition. that should keep you somewhat safe (you don't mind being some big nigger's rape slave, do you? how's that for reparations?)
>like a KIKE
she is a kike.
how can one be so fat and have 0 ass and tits
“She” has the face of a 14 year old boy
Is he drinking coffee?
Imagine getting upset about that.
Imagine if hearing a black person say we wuz kangz n shit gave you mental anguish.