How true is this Sup Forums?
How true is this Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums
>liking KLK
Why is Sup Forums's list so outdated?
All that moeshit
It's shit. Most of those Sup Forums series are either never talked about or very polarizing.
why does Sup Forums have good taste?
That Sup Forums chart is pretty much Sup Forums now. Just look at the catalog.
I like all of these those
>Sup Forums likes osomatsu-san
That explains those god awful Matsu threads.
>like all those anime from every section
>browse Sup Forums exclusively
Such is the curse of actually liking anime
Same, but I split my board time between Sup Forums and Sup Forums just about even and Sup Forums it up every now and then. Kinda works for the chart, I guess.
>all these non-anime boards have better taste than Sup Forums
Is this chart supposed to make Sup Forums look like shit?
>anime board has the worst anime taste
The most accurate one is probably the /m/ one but it could be better. Otherwise it's complete shit. Don't know about Sup Forums though.
Because Sup Forums is capable of great discussion on its own, right?
Don't kid yourself
Why does Sup Forums have the best taste. Those guys are awful.
>klk in Sup Forums
I think this chart is designed to trick people into watching shit anime, so the most hated board gets the best anime
As a convert from Sup Forums. That picture encapsulates me pretty well. Although I can tell a year from now I'll probably be watching moeshit while crying myself to sleep on a bed of used tissues and crusty socks.
>FMA brotherhood
>Gurren lagan
Sup Forums has the better shows, Fuck you for this lying image.
These kind of threads bring out the worst baiters, crossboarders, and newfags.
I have contempt for all of you and you disgust me.
Still better than Oreimo, K-on, and fucking Lucky Star.
I'm going to watch and discuss all the shounen and you can't stop me :^)
This is too real. I need you to hug me and tell me that everything is going to be okay.
Fucking 10/10
>Anime Sup Forums talks about
>Anime Sup Forums likes
>Anime /m/ likes
>Anime Sup Forums likes
Anime that Sup Forums likes changes every season.
This. Sup Forums enjoys garbage flavor of the month shit.
>Sup Forums thinks Lucky Star's intended audience is little girls, and the people who watch it are creepy pedophiles.
Sasuga Sup Forums
Piping hot from /r9k/
Sup Forums has the best taste as usual.
I also like anime. I even watch it.
I think it's fair to say /a has a love-hate relationship with anime in general.
>I don't like it so Sup Forums must love it
Nice shitposter's logic
Why the hell Sup Forums has the best taste ?
Where Samurai Flamenco should be?
Image is outdated Sup Forums talks about current anime most of the time.
Why does Sup Forums like cuck anime made for little girls so much?
All anime is shit so i don't see a point of liking any shity cartoon
>Sup Forums liking Osomatsu-san
Is that a demeaning "really?" or a genuinely curious "really?"
Nobody knows, since that picture is just for trolling purpose.
The only one of them who is really accurate to some degree is the /m/ part.
Does anyone want to ask Sup Forums?
Sup Forums's list is horribly outdated and wrong. Like, where's Princess Tutu, Utena, Bakemonogatari series, Code Geass, Baccano, and Eva? Also, take KLK out.
That being said Sup Forums's taste changes the most since we are the most up to date on new shows.
The latter.
I figured Sup Forums's was pretty outdated.
You guys can switch yours up if you want.
It's currently doing the rounds over on Sup Forums
I want that "anime Sup Forums likes" to include /c/.
Well in the thread for Sup Forums's picks it was mentioned several times and people are doing a mix of what they like and what has themes that fit with the board, in which case Osomatsu-san's simplified style is reminiscent of western cartoons.
I wish I were a janitor so that I could arbitrarily delete all of your shitty threads, fucking crossboarding faggots.
>Board vs board thread
Not Sup Forums
don't forget that they also think these images are bait, these people are worse than Sup Forums
Its true though
It is Sup Forums. We're discussing the anime we like you retarded faggot. How is that not Sup Forums related.
>other boards have better anime taste than Sup Forums
in other news water is wet
Kill yourself
We should ask Sup Forums for their favourite anime.
Git rid of Stardust memories on the /m/ side, it's fucking garbage. Replace that shit with turn A
Not him, but we don't care about your taste you dipshit.
So not Sup Forums
>Crossboarding thread spammed on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>Talking about other boards
How does this look
Well deserved. Sup Forums doesn't get that we don't do rec threads though
>all that moeshit
Still garbage
Works for me.
I like it.
literally autism
Assuming this isn't some elaborate bait, it's fucking dumb to put Sup Forums on there since this entire fucking board is dedicated to discussing anime. Literally anything you put on there will have 10 faggots screaming it's shit.
It's like making a shitty chart labeled Sup Forums's favourite video games or /m/'s favourite music. It just doesn't fucking work. You can make an exhaustive and semi-objective list of influential anime for a particular time period or genre, but then I'd tell you to fuck off since there are plenty of rec charts out there.
desu, I do think works best
But they are all anime, I don't understand.
Is this 'tism?
I think it would be more fun to list the kind of anime that other boards would like.
Not what are you doing is talking about other boards just putting anime at the end of a thread doest make it Sup Forums related specially when the main topic is crossboarding.
It's just Sup Forumsermin that's always eager to pick a fight with us. Just ignore.
>Avatar for Sup Forums
>Ro-Kyu-Bu for Sup Forums
>Digimon for /vp/
This fucking list.
>/fa/ isn't paradise kiss or kuragehime
>Sup Forums actually liking anime
Except they aren't talking about just other boards. It's discussion on what ANIME Sup Forums likes as a whole, and what other ANIME other boards enjoy.
Surprised no one has replaced Heroman with OnePunchMan for Sup Forums
/mlp/ likes MLP
There's never enough rec charts.
Just wait till /wsr/ gets spammed with them. It'd be glorious.
Take your shitty memes back to Sup Forums you faggot.
You could swap Sup Forums and Sup Forums and no one would notice.
>All of these proud crossboarders
Jesus fuck, Sup Forums is dead.
add Kids On The Slope for Sup Forums
Sup Forums has been dying a slow death for a while but it's gotten a lot worse the past few years
I for once have come to accept general threads on Sup Forums.
>boo hoo people have interests in things other than anime
You're part of the problem
Cry harder
Keyword is proud, no one gives a fuck about what you do on other boards or that you go on other boards. Keep the shit you do there, there.
Point at the faggot and laugh
>Sup Forums and /m/ have better taste than Sup Forums
No surprise here.
Iron blooded orphans should be in /m/ ;)
Heroman literally has Stan Lee in it.