Iran is about to invade Iraqi Kurdistan.
Turkey might invade too.
Iran is about to invade Iraqi Kurdistan.
Turkey might invade too.
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>Iran is about to invade Iraqi Kurdistan.
>Turkey might invade too.
Stop speculating you retarded fuckin nigger. You don't know shit.
Why the fuck are these countries butthurt about Kurds?
Why the fuck does it matter if the Kurds vote for independence?
Commie Feminist Muslims are hated by the Sunni and Shia for obvious reasons.
It's the only time Sunnis and Shia get along.
The Iraqi oil fields are in Iraqi Kurdistan
Dipshit, nobody cares who's a commie
>Dipshit, nobody cares who's a commie
Sunnis and Shia do.
Communism isn't Sharia.
so this shit is going to end in Christians getting genocided while the west continues to appease muslims instead of cutting them off entirely from the rest of the civilized planet.
You stupid fuckin newfaggots come along and shit up the board with your retarded memes and plebbit spacing. Fuck off with your Twitter shilling.
When do referendum results come out?
So in an Iraqi Iran Turkey three way, who do we back? Turkey is NATO but Iraq is a US protectorate more or less.
Don't know. Referendum is being held today.
Basically the Kurds are similar to the Jews in that they piss off everyone around them, a nation ruled by them would by necessity be aligned with foreign powers. We really should have pulled an Israel with them back after world war 2, would have pissed off those stupid Turks to no end.
Iraq is ganging up on the Kurds too.
We have forces on the ground working with the Kurds. There is a good chance we will continue to back the Kurds, they have proven to be the most effective and loyal ally we have in the region.
We don't have any "allies" in that region you retarded niggerjew.
kurds aren't christians. they're commies and we support them because we are literally incapable of learning from making the same mistake repeatedly in the middle east.
How can i make money on this?
Based. Fuck kurds
We shouldn't be supporting anyone.
Turkey doesn't deserve NATO status
for fuck sake they attacked Cyprus
Kurds are our ally.
Persia 2.0
I need sources
Friendly Reminder that Iran successfully tested a rocket yesterday capable of carrying MULTIPLE warheads to (((Our Greatest Ally))). It's clear who we should be supporting.
Allies to the foreign powers that control our government, maybe, but not to American citizens. Again, we have no allies in that region.
>Why the fuck are these countries butthurt about Kurds
Because Kurds are tools of America, and if they gain independence the state would be an American client, which means it would have an American military presence.
they're just more car bombing terrorist sandniggers even if they kill roaches
fuck them and the camel they rode in on(who is coincidentally also their mother)
Get on twitter. There is all kinds of reports of troop movements.
The kurds are one of the only competent military powers in the region, who have a semblance of cohesive ethnic culture and recent direct Western support.
This may not go very well at all.
>but Iraq is a US protectorate more or less.
Iraq is basically under Iranian control and.has been for a while. It's part of the whole reason the USA gave ISIS and bunch of equipment there to fuck Iraq and prevent them allying completely with Iran.
t. Iranian shill
fuck off back to /sg/
>18 for a P-mag
They're over paying tbqhwy, that's like $15 max, it's not even windowed
Butthurt zogbot detected. Subhuman Kurds and your antifa buddies about to get raped.
If you can piss off Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syria without being Israel or the United States you're doing something right
Kurds are actually pretty based and like the US.
Saladin was a Kurd. He was basically the only based moslem to ever live. I don't know if that means Kurds or based now or what.
Yeah, based antifa. Truly our greatest allies, after Israel of course.
Because "Greater Kurdistan" includes territory inside Iran and Turkey.
So where is the proof Iran is calling for a withdrawal of citizens?
sondakika1921 does not seem like government or even news...
now they're just another group who wants to redraw the map
I knew there was a reason I wasn't sleeping. My body must sense an oncoming Happening.
So was the taliban at one point
"Polymer magazine 18$
Eotech and magnifier $1079"
Nigger what
Now thats what I like to see... WW3 here we come boys. Think about it, Iran invades Iraq or "Kurdistan". With support from the Russians and Chinese. We would be forced to intervene to protect our allies the Kurds. And BOOM recipe for WW3. Heck even North Korea can get ballsy and push onto Seoul. Am I imagining things, or can this really be it lads?
How the K*rds gonna spin this, US, UN, Iraq, Iran, Turkey are against this referendum, the only support are from Isreal.
This is it.
>t. shitskin
no thanks
And anyone who the muzzies hate is okay in my book
>Iran is about to invade Iraq Kurdistan
They would have to invade the rest of Iraq to get there. Kurdistan is on the opposite end of Iraq to Iran.
Go look at a map and delete this post.
Bump in hopes of WW3.
Kurds trigger Turks so they're okay with me.
>How will they spin this?!
They don't have to, they're an autonomous region. Their government votes for independence, and their enemies refuse their right to do so.
There is nothing to spin, this particular breed of shitty arabs is in the right on this issue.
WWIII won't happened. Russia is already leaning to support the kurdistan referendum.
Norks call their ally, Iran.
>Gonna start a nuclear war tomorrow. How bout you?
Iran invades northern Iraq.
Just when you thought there couldn't be anymore wars going on in the Middle East...
maybe this is why
wait what?
Why would Russia be pro kurds?
I can't wait to see the film on pornhub
I'm ready
Can somebody please make this into a webm?
They empower women and cherish Western values.
We sent guys down to train the kurds
Kurds are like niggers of turkey
Plus they are shitskin and commies
It's about the referendum, nobody wants an independent Kurdistan, note all the drills on the border being staged as a threat
If they go independent it will just mean closing off borders and more threats no actual invasion. Nobody in the region wants another independent power plus the whole "Greater Kurdistan" being half of Iran/Turkey as well.
Literal desert gypsies used as useful idiots to the US and Israel and used solely for landgrabbing from sovereign Nations.
It's just posturing. Iran would have to invade Iraq proper which would bring them to their ultimate demise and Turkey won't do shit because they havent since Ottoman times (I heard that went well). The US has enough firepower to BTFO of both countries, and as much as they want to open that can o' worms they can't because they're a cunt hair away from providing me a free ticket to Inchon as a reinforcement. Fuck you history and your cyclical nature.
>Expecting us to trust your Turkroach drivel
Filth, I say.
So Lord Commissar Putin and Emperor Trump are going to glass the middle east right? Opened of course by a suit case nuke on board a 747 flown into that fucking cube thing in meca on 11/9.
praise kek.
I don't care about Iran but I hope to god T*rkey does somwthing stupid. The only time I wouldn't mind getting drafted is if shit went off with them. I would love to kill roaches
Same, shooting for the 75th ranger regiment. Very ready to die
Turkey has talked of Invasion since they've done it to Syria.
Iran did it to Iraq during Bush.
The roach is right though. Fuck commies.
Thete's different parties.
Libs, Coms, Ethno-Nats, etc.
Please stop. I can only get so erect.
they just deleted it i think
Are you ready user?
I'm 30 years old. Am I old enough to avoid military service and continue to fap to trap porn? Didn't things stay mostly normal for German civilians in WW2?
aw shit :(
Fuck... WWIII might happen.
If Iran invades Putin m8ght have to help because the US will def. help the Kurds. Looks like Turkey is Putin's new friend. Maybe. Syria hates Turks.
Then the region is no longer under control of thier puppet state
>mfw Iran gets CBRN'd while tactical nukes strike north korea
Why push a country whose borders you cannot threaten?
Iran would not Invade Kurdistan..
But there will be Civil War between Kurdish..
Why they want Independence, when they already had Autonomous Region & Iraqi President position and rule whole of Iraq..
Yeah they empower women by cutting clits off and honor killings. Very liberal and western kurdish culture
thread theme:
Japan might fight Iran in a few years if Iran does invades. Doesn't Japan want a military to go to the ME?
northern iraq is isis land. iraq managed to take a lot back from isis especially since they only ever had a slice but i doubt iran is going to invade any one
they might have got word of some shit going down though