Reminder that it's only socially acceptable (even cliche) to make fun of blue haired SJWs and feminists because of him

reminder that it's only socially acceptable (even cliche) to make fun of blue haired SJWs and feminists because of him.
you owe him so much Sup Forums, but still you reject him just because he has a slight mental illness that makes him crave male penises.
very sad. he is a hero.
INB4 "he's jewish"
Hitler allowed 150,000 jews, that he KNEW were jewish, to serve under him. what makes you think you are better than hitler? stfu Sup Forums. you're full of retards.

Other urls found in this thread:,867,133,38,35/10,168,9,12,1,13,185/432,431

how many blacc cocks does he have to suck before you dumb sjw will stop the nazi crys?

True. Even though he has a chequered past I find it hard to hate the guy. He's put in a fucking good effort when he could've just kept quiet lived the sweet life as a neutered good goy liberal pet. He's owed one, Sup Forums.

>please buy his book.

>he could've lived a comfy life, but he chose to exploit my emotions and get rich.

Sup Forums is truly full of keyboard warriors who don't know what it's like to stand up in public and speak out about these controversial political topics. if they weren't, they'd know what sort of risks and personal trials milo has undertaken to do what he does. they'd have more respect for people like him, alex jones, richard spencer, lauren southern, even a piece of shit like sargon of akkad, who i fucking disdain, i won't deny that he did his part to end feminist authoritarianism too. these people all take tremendous risks to do what they do, putting their face out there. meanwhile faggots on Sup Forums try to put them down for what they do in their bedrooms, or when they hold back and don't go full out naming the jew (like jones). it's fucking sad. you people are sad. you need to wake the fuck up and realize how shit is out there. and realize that you aren't doing SHIT by sitting here and shitting on the only people who advocate for you in this god forsaken planet.

he was raped as a child. i don't think that's a "checkered past". i'm still miffed about how anyone can take offense that he would speak openly and honestly about his own personal experience as a victim of rape.

Eh. I'll let that one slide, if he can enrage leftists and help create a whole industry for that express purpose then I'm more than happy to put 'muh principles' on the backburner.

I'm not talking about that incident, apologies if I come off as crass and intend no disrespect on that part, child abuse is fucked and noone should have to suffer it-I'm referring to his other internet activity beforehand

not this fagget again.

i don't care if you're rude or crass bro it's Sup Forums. thanks for the apology tho, just not necessary.

the only thing i know about him from that standpoint is the he wrote for other outlets in his youth and some of his views changed over the years. but that part i thought was normal. it's normal to move more to the right-wing as you get older. i know that's sure as shit what happened to me. when i was 18 i voted for john fucking kerry man. holy fuck.


Nobody cares about your stoopid speech.

Holy shit this nigger is still around?

So has he made his "return" yet? Seems like he's back but only reddit is talking about him.

I don't hold the fact that Milo craves cock against him. His arguments against the left are sound.

He's actually a great person to cite to shut down the fag hags.

I call Milo Daddy, whatchu talmbout?

>slight mental illness
>craves cocks

Fuck off faggot

Are you rounding up? Was it 144,000 Jews, not 150,000?

Saw him live today, praying for US. This guy is my hero

I like Milo

He's OK. He was smart enough to distance himself from the (((altright))) and maintane his status. He was smart enough to be both Jew and Catholic.

He's actually pretty smart. I can't hate him for being smart. I'm Aryan and it's not in our nature to hate for excellence in combate or art.

he is my hero too, lol. i dunno why Sup Forums has rebuked him. fuck man, you can think negatively about gays without wanting to condemn every single one of them. clearly milo is not a part of the gay problem. clearly he is one of the good dudes out there, fighting the good fight.

and these fags on here put him down, but have they ever showed their face in public to stand up for their views?? no. they put this guy down for being gay as he is out there defending america and american values and conservative causes, and they bury their faces in their little keyboard and whine "wah wah wah but he's gay" or "wah wah wah wah but he was raped and talked about it openly once and i didn't like that very much!!". fuck off, bastards. you're all a bunch of entitled, bratty hypocrites, who are lucky as fuck that you have people like milo to FIGHT YOUR BATTLES FOR YOU. none of you know shit about the world.

Hey milo.
You belong on reedit.
Stop stealing our fucking jokes.
Fuckin faggorlt.

SRSLY imagine being raped as a child, and then being disowned by the right-wing, which owes you so much, just because you spoke openly and honestly about it and about your own experiences recovering from that ordeal? fuck man. it's amazing that he can still bare to associate himself with "conservatives" or "right-wingers" after what they did to him frankly.

Outsider here. Why do you all love him if he doesn't hate "niggers"/black people because of race but hates them because of culture and who the individual at question may be?

When you all hate niggers probably/literally just because of the colour of their skin and can't notice a good black person... hmmm.

Whatever else you might think about them, they are successfully standing up against the entire leftist cultural complex and slowly dragging the Overton window a little bit closer to us.

They're helping to change the culture. And that will in turn change politics.

wow it's obvious you really are an outsider here. holy fuck

i will answer you bro, FWIW.

milo doesn't "hate" niggers at all. if you read that, and you believe that, you've absorbed some media lies. milo says nothing but positive things about niggers. that's the main problem people have with him here. i can't even imagine what it's like to be someone like you, just believing everything you read in the jew run media.

in contrast, most peoples issues with niggers is their behavior (call it "culture" or whatever you want). their issue is the behavior. the crime. the politics that are pushing us to our limit.

so your views on milo are just totally wrong, and your views on Sup Forums seem to be more in line with what you think milo's views are. you've got lots of things mixed up.

pic related is some of what drives our hatred / strong dislike of the blacks.

You're still using the term "the blacks" though to describe an entire race of people. It hurts to admit there are some hardworking, law abiding black men and women doesn't it? I'm white myself before you turn on me.

fine but the problem with what you say is that that's literally what Milo is doing, and Milo is actually doing it effectively, whereas 90% of Sup Forums is just people sitting around shitting on the public figureheads of the right-wing movement, which i'm sorry, isn't actually that effective.

there was a time on this website when you could come on here and find facts, citations, high level discourse and discussion, all sorts of interesting stuff. and maybe THAT had value.

but what happens here now?? posting black dicks and saying "how can whitebois compete", and the blasting conservative figureheads like alex jones and lauren southern and Milo?? nope. sorry. Sup Forums has fallen far from grace and it's not really making any headway as a political force anymore, IMO.

i hate to say it, because i subscribe to the popular view here that T_D is cancer, but they're actually doing more for the right-wing and right-wing politics than this place is, despite their oft obvious cuckoldry.

i will turn on you no matter what your color because you're picking apart language, and gaslighting the political realities of our world and the differences between different groups, specifically the races

you want to know why people have problems with THE BLACKS??

Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population.

Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population.

Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes. >

Young black men kill 14X more than young white men.

Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims.

42% of all cop killers are black.

Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks.

In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population.

Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America: 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock.

67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians.

In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites.

At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states.

whats wrong with his mouth?!

Some facts on intelligence levels of blacks: 1) Whites on average have a 15 point higher IQ than blacks, across many different studies. “There is a long-standing 15 point or 1 standard deviation difference between the intelligence test scores of African Americans and White Americans, though it might have narrowed slightly in the then recent years. The difference was largest on those tests, verbal or non-verbal, that best represented the general intelligence factor (g).”

2) IQ across different ethnic groups in the US: Blacks have an average IQ of 85, whites of 103, Asians 106 and Jewish Americans 113: The study found that the average IQ for African Americans was lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 113, respectively; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994, pp. 273–278)
>, J. Philippe et al. ”Performance on Raven_s Advanced Progressive Matrices by African, East Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa." Intelligence 31 (2003).pdf

3) Overall, 18% of Asians have an IQ over 120, 10% of whites do and only 1% of blacks. Nearly 84% of blacks have an IQ below 100, which is slightly below the average IQ for whites. The ratio of white Americans to black Americans who have an IQ over 125 is 30:1. The IQ gap between blacks and whites in the United States—15-17 points—has not changed since it was first measured nearly a century ago. Both races’ test scores rose during the century, but the gap remained as large at the end of the century as at the beginning despite considerable social change.
>, J. Philippe et al. "Performance on Raven_s Advanced Progressive Matrices by African, East Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa." Intelligence 31 (2003).pdf

4) For those who claim that IQ tests are biased against blacks and that’s why they keep getting lower scores, there are IQ tests like the Raven’s Progressive Matrices which don’t have any language and rely entirely on visual pattern recognition. It’s simply finding patterns in visual shapes. Even then there is a marked difference between black and white IQ scores, not only in America but internationally as well, like in Africa between white and black engineering students:

5) Harvard psychologists took a look at how black children adopted by well off upper-middle class white families at a very young age perform on IQ tests once they grow up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions. Black children adopted by white parents average 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). White children who grew up in the same households and had white biological parents on average scored 109. Even with the same socioeconomic upbringing, the racial IQ gap remains. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study examined the IQ test scores of 130 black or interracial children adopted by advantaged white families. The aim of the study was to determine the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the poor performance of black children on IQ tests as compared to white children. The studies’ general findings were that the IQs of children of a particular race did not differ significantly depending on whether they were raised by their biological parents or by adoptive parents of a different race. The gap between black and white IQ scores remained even if growing up in the same family.

6) East Asian countries have on average the highest IQ scores. African countries have on average the lowest. European countries are generally between the Asian and African countries.

7) Blacks performs substantially worse in standard school tests than whites. From the higher education achievement perspective: In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites.

8) From the elementary education achievement perspective: At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states.

9) For those looking to pin the lower IQ scores of blacks on socioeconomic factors, IQ is largely genetically determined: Estimates in the academic research of the heritability of IQ have varied from below 0.5 to a high of 0.8. (where 1.0 indicates that monozygotic twins have no variance in IQ and 0 indicates that their IQs are completely uncorrelated) Various studies have found the heritability of IQ to be between 0.7 and 0.8 in adults and 0.45 in childhood in the United States.[6][9][18]

I like Milo.

>reminder that it's only socially acceptable (even cliche) to make fun of blue haired skeletons and feminists because of him.
any other history youd like to rewrite or will that be all today

No, I'm more or less agreeing with you. They're effectively changing the culture in our favor but the typical response here is to shit on them.

"MUH REKT FEMINISM" feels quaint now, but it was a vital battle just three years ago.

congrats, now you have aids. sorry i dont make the rules.

I've read that and understand your facts. And I don't want to know 'what's wrong with the blacks' a third time. But you bring me straight back to my point, does it hurt to admit that there are hardworking, law abiding black men and women. I'm talking about the remaining masses of blacks who do not commit crime.

> being as narrow minded as you
> muh blacks are degenerates

I love milo. Especially on ice cream. Chocolaty goodness


Noone is taking offense that he spoke openly about his abuse. People were alarmed at how accepting he was of that type of relationship IN GENERAL. For me the tipping point was when he said he has attended Hollywood parties with underaged boys doing drugs and getting fucked.

As a victim myself, if I was ever in that situation I'd blow every one of those pedo's apart, but obviously I have my own bias. The reaction of the 'alt right' to Milo was the appropriate one. Maybe if Milo was on the left and his fans were leftists then they would defend him, but on the right you don't get an excuse for supporting child sexual abuse.

I see him as necessary for now

i know dude, i get what you're saying. it's weird to think that a 20 yr old kid who is just getting into politics after the 2016 election will have no concept of what things were like just a few short years ago, when literally making a joke about a feminists "blue hair" was considered egregious, dangerous, and condemnable. when literally saying "there are only two genders" was a fucking brazen move. or disputing the provably fake wage gap, which milo was mostly responsible for doing, and was really the only guy willing to do so publicly, was something that could get you branded public enemy number 1.

it's great that our culture has changed so much, and moved away from that obama bullshit in the past few years, but it's also sort of a shame that some people don't know what it was like to live under that BS, because it would really make you appreciate what we have today. and it would def make people appreciate milo more too, since he was the most instrumental part in beating all of that, IMO. obv along with Trump and prob Alex Jones too, in some respects.

>For me the tipping point was when he said he has attended Hollywood parties with underaged boys doing drugs and getting fucked.
jesus christ he's the only guy that was willing to come out and say that though. do you know how dangerous that must be to come out and speak out against hollywood like that?
good god, i'm sorry, but what you're talking about is literally one of the things that made me say "wow, this guy is truly legit. he is truly one of the good guys".
i think you don't know how the world works man, with people shutting you down for saying things you aren't supposed to say.
and BTW when milo said that, people weren't talkign about that issue. it's not like when the pizzagate stuff came out and that became a hot topic.

alt rights reaction to milo is totally inexcusable and yours is too. you're constantly mischaracterizing the nature of what he said and the spirit of what he said. and the dude has done a lot for you. he deserves a lot better than you're giving him. that's the truth.

yeah ok i mean i have provided you with so much info, and so much hard fact, and all you can say is some tired old "bu bu bu bu bu but SOME are hard working! hurrr durrrrrrr!"

it's not even really true. i don't even think SOME are hard working. i've never seen one that was hard working in my entire life. not personally. not with my own eyes. but it hardly matters anyhow.

i mean the whole issue is that they are genetically different from us. period. it's provable. it's demonstrable. they are a genetically different animal. they are not "the same". they are not "equal" and should not be treated as such. they should not be allowed in our nation and if they are we should return to jim crow era, where they can have their own businesses, their own communities, and run their own economy, which is actually more humane to them because then they won't have to compete with whites.

and not only that, jim crow is what they openly want now too. in campuses across the country all of the BLM and "african american studies" groups are advocating for segregated field trips, segregated classrooms, segregated spaces. and the reasoning? it's the exact same reasoning that justified the jim crow laws. THE EXACT SAME REASONING. that blacks are different, have different views, differing opinions, and want to be separate, and do their own thing, among their own people. nothing wrong with that. more power to them. they should be allowed to. and likewise we should be allowed to as well, as whites. and they should be forced to stay the fuck away from us.

Then you're narrow minded, like I literally just said. I beg to differ that I have seen hard working black people in my life time. You must live a very secluded life living off things you see on the internet. I would hate to be like you.

yeah you know what?? i hate to use a cliche but "then ur narrow minded" is "not an argument". alrite??

and this "bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu but i saw a hard working nigger once" doesn't mean anything. nothing. it means absolutley nothing. we're talking about sociology. we're talking about averages. we're talking about groups. we're talking about generalities. and the reality is at the end of the day a hardworking nigger is as rare as a god damn unicorn. it just means nothing. you clearly have your own agenda. and you're clearly not interested in facts or reality.

nothing you're saying means anything to me now, i'm sorry.

Also, you think repeating the same things is going to make your argument valid. No. The entire black population are not criminals. Yes. There are some very hard working black individuals in the world.

That's like saying the ENTIRE white population are cucks. Not a single non-cuck. That's what you sound like an you're awfully convinced. Get help.

>have seen hard working black people in my life time
...And where did you see them, circlejerk? On telebision?

I am very much interested in facts as much as you love yours. Facts are that there a hard working black people out of hundreds of millions. Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but you're contradicting yourself, Mr Facts.

I like Milo and respect the work he's done but I'm afraid you are mischaracterising what he said. He stated that relationships with older and younger guys CAN BE beneficial. On this point he is probably not wrong. If you are a flaming faggot like Milo it's not gonna fuck you up and you'll probably even enjoy it.

BUT most victims do not enjoy it and are coerced into doing these things. Even if some people benefit, the practice should be totally condemned due to the damage it cause to most.

Milo was not condemning the act. When he cited the parties he had attended, he was trying to say that these type of relationships exists more than people think, without explicitly endorsing or condemning it. By more standard of morals that is as good as endorsing it.

Let's face it if we were talking about girls and not boys, no one would deny that condoning sexual activity with minors is wrong. If Milo was at a party where middle aged men were fucking 14 y.o. girls then we would expect him to condemn it and would be alarmed if he didn't.

Gay people are held and hold themselves to a different standard as the culture existed in the shadows for so long. If Milo can't step out of the culture and see the practice for what it is, then he not to be pushed to the forefront as a representative of conservative ideas

My work, actually. I work next to hard working people who are black.

But don't veer away from what I said now, you just can't accept it can you.
> not being able to accept there are hard working black people

you're missing the point of the argument or deliberately strawmanning it. the point is that the black race is *gasp* fundamentally genetically different from the white race. lol. like this should be obvious to anyone. and it's 100% demonstrable (see pic related).

there is no parity between blacks and whites. any overlap on the bell curve with regards to intelligence or diligence is far too minimal that justify any of the points you're trying to make. you're an ideologue and you're just resisting accepting facts that you don't find pleasant because they're incongruent with your worldview.

funny how i keep posting research, facts, historical realities, current event realities, and you just keep saying "ur small minded and blacks r hard working hurr durrrrrr".

like yeah ok dude, it's just hard to take you serious.


i have def not mischaracterized anything, you have. you're attributing malice and acceptance where there isn't any. Milo has literally gone after pedophiles in his career. he has outed 3 of them. he spoke out about what was going on in hollywood in a time when nobody else was. he was slated to give a pizzagate talk at one point too, but called it off because according to him he got phone calls from "the halls of power" telling him not to.

he's been incredibly forthright with everything that has happened to him and his views on pedophilia and what's happening in the world regarding it. to try to label him as a pedo apologist is just wrong, and you fucking do it because you want to. not because it's real. and it's fucking sick. it's fucking sick how you people use "pedo" as this end all slur that shuts down all reason and conversation the same way the left uses "racist" or "nazi" or whatever.

and milo saying those relationships "can be" beneficial is a very common sentiment among people who were the victims of childhood sexual abuse. many, if not most, choose not to see themselves as victims, because that's not always the most psychologically healthy way to deal with what happened.

BUT the dude clearly said in the same video tape that the age of consent was good and should stand as it is in the west (where, by the way, it is the highest of ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD). which means he thinks pedos should be prosecuted, even if the younger party did "benefit" in some way from the consensual relationship.

i agree fully with milo. it's really not that controversial of a thing to say. bill maher has said it a million times. many have said the same thing. age of consent is fucking 14 in germany. nonexistent in much of europe. and was 14 in canada until just a few years ago.

jesus christ, let it go dude, you're dishonest.

i mean the problem is just that black people are fundamentally genetically different than whites. there's very little overlap in them, personality wise, or when it comes to values, work ethic, beliefs, or how they will react to any given situation or stimuli.

different animals. that's the reality. you can keep saying "i saw a hard working black once!" like he's fucking bigfoot, or the lochness monster, it won't change anything :(

Your "research" means nothing. Because, do you know what? Facts and research are based on reality. And when you tell me there is not a single hard working person on earth I find it difficult to take you seriously. I believe what I see in real life over what I see on the internet. I am the opposite of you, which reinforces my original point of you being narrow minded. Now when you continue to take "research" you found on the Internet I am stuck with the decision to either cringe or call you narrow minded. You don't strike me as a open minded individual.
No matter what "research" you present you can still not change reality, that there are hard working black people in the world. No matter their profession. Like I said, imagine saying every single white person in the world is a cuck or that every single muslim in the world is an extremist terrorist. You're just so retarded it hurts, I won't say what else you are as I'm you already know by now ;)

single hard working black person**

Also, ridiculing blue haired feminists, dispelling the wage-gap, exposing threats to free speech and just generally moving the overton window are all great things. They are all important and relevant issues to myself and obviously to society at large.

Young boys getting rapped is also an issue. It's an issue I take very seriously. If someone is condones child abuse I becoming a 'single issue voter' if you like. And I am not apologetic for it as frankly I would happily have a blue haired feminist scream in my face about the wage gap for the rest of my life if it could save one boy from getting raped.

and before you go to your savior internet and pull out another crime rate graph, try and get out more and talk to people. As your opinion will never be taken seriously until you have understood every aspect of what you are talking about.
Like me, I have read and understood your "research" and I work with and know hard working black people.

so if blacks are so hardworking then why do they fail in africa? and you can't say "muh colonialism" because even places that weren't colonized, such as ethiopia, are shitholes, and in fact they're even bigger shitholes than the rest of africa because they didn't benefit from the much needed guidance of whites

now do you see pic related?? this is the difference in distribution in IQs between blacks and whites. it's fairly stark. it's very relevant. the "diligence and work ethic" gap, i would imagine, is fairly similar. i don't think that's controversial to say, as if you measure out the differences in unemployment, welfare receipts, crime and other factors, it generally tends to produce some sort of visual representation similar to the one in the picture.

beyond that, even ones that work hard, or are of well-above-average intelligence for black, are just fundamentally structured differently in their genes. just because they're smarter, or able to hold a job, they still aren't "built" the same as us, genetically. we will always be different animals and we will always be socially incompatible with one another.

so that's what we're talking about here. your whole argument of "i saw bigfoot once.......oooops i mean i saw a hardworking black guy once" is just not really very relevant in any way :(

shut the fuck up, loser. he didn't condone anything. he said the age of consent was right, which means he believes peopel should be prosecuted for statutory rape. and he's outed 3 pedophiles in his career. and spoken out about pedophilia many, many times. way more than ANYONE ELSE I'VE SEEN IN THE MEDIA except for like the "catch a predator guy".

and he wasn't even talking about "children", he was talking about biologically sexually mature individuals, who would be mating and fucking and producing babies in nature.

we protect them in our society because they're vulnerable, and those laws are important, but that doensn't mean that the biological reality disappears.

Being raped as a child and having outed rapists that he's never met is not an excuse for covering for child rapists that he knows personally. His apology should have included outing the grown men that he was covering for that had raped young boys that are still children today.

honestly people like you are so sick. what have you done to combat pedophilia? because you're talkign about a guy who has caught THREE of them. and has spoken out about the pedo problem in hollywood. and talked about human trafficking and all of that shit many times. just STFU loser. you people are so awful. you wonder why the right will lose.

So can you summarise a bit better what you think Milo said? Here is my understanding
>sexual relationships CAN be beneficial for minors
>age of consent laws should stay the same
>pedos should be prosecuted

One of those things stands, out can you guess which one? Why does it stand out? Is it perhaps an unconventional view while the other two are not? So why would Milo say any of this? Is he itching to show his support for age of consent laws?

No, clearly he was trying to make the first point and everything else he was saying was covering his ass. I don't think Milo is a pedo. I do think he condones sexual relationship with minors under SOME circumstances. I disagree with Milo on this point. This point is more important to me (by a lot) then any other topic Milo has addressed and therefore it is prominent in colouring my opinion of him.

Now I've got you saying/implying hard working black people exist. Brilliant.
And also, I said I work with hard working black people, not that I once saw one. You're trying so hard to make your point valid. I didn't want to keep on repeating myself but when you keep on ignoring the facts I'm giving you it gives me no choice. It hurts you to take in what I'm saying. It doesn't hurt me to take in anything you come out with, in fact I have taken in what you're saying having acknowledged what you're trying to say. Cringe.

He speaks ABOUT pedos in Hollywood and refuses to OUT pedos in Hollywood

you genuinely do not have your facts right here though, unfortunately. the only person he "covered" for was the person who raped him personally. he said he didn't want to reveal the name. that's his prerogative and personal decision, IMO.

aaaaaaaaaand lets all not forget that if milo was banging a hot 25 yr old teacher when he was 14, and said he didn't want to come out and have her prosecuted or whatever, we wouldn't even be having this fucking conversation. everyone would think that was just fine.

god you peopel are so stupid. i am so far right-wing, honestly, but i come here and i talk to you braindead morons and i move ever so slightly to the left every time i do.

What is your position here? That there are a fair number of good, hard-working, non-violent blacks out there? I'd agree with that, it's obviously true.

But at the same time, the average IQ of black Americans is about 85, with a standard deviation of 12 (as opposed to the 100 with 15/SD of whites, and higher yet for Asians). Their crime rates are much much higher, likely due to the combo of IQ plus other factors ("extreme warrior gene," testosterone, etc). Black nations have very very rarely created anything approaching civilization (Mali, which lasted for how long) while everything turned over to blacks (Haiti, Rhodesia, South Africa, Detroit, etc. etc.) always turns into a shithole.

So yes, there are certainly good blacks in the world. But on the whole, they are overwhelmingly worse citizens. And worse citizens make for a worse nation.

I don't hate all blacks, that's a foolish position. But if I were building a happy and healthy civilization from the ground up, I certainly wouldn't include many of them in it, either.

when you were 14 would you have benefited from banging a hot 25 year old teacher?? stfu, you know you would have. esp if you had a bad homelife, and had nothing else going for you (sort of like the situations most gay kids find themselves in).

just stfu man. you people are honestly so ignorant and full of shit. it's no wonder you're all going to lose. you fucking deserve it. i want to unhitch my wagon from your horses, frankly. you're a sinking ship.

Did you masturbate in shit and smear it all over your face and into your mouth because you are talking like a stupid shit eating retard. Go to Walmart and buy a fucking fact.

Now you are openly admitting it. You really have changed your tune after I basically forced facts into you. You're so easily manipulated. Goodbye ;)

I think female teachers that bang students (even 18y.o.) are morally reprehensible and deserve to be condemned. You previously said that Milo has been to Hollywood parties that involved underage sex. You said he was 'brave' for saying this. Yet he has not named names. That is covering.

How many 15 y.o. do you think these people have fucked since Milo was there. I think he said it was 10 years ago, so there are a decade of victims out there that Milo could have saved.

And if you don't think this is an issue then there is something morally bankrupt inside you that says 'people should be allowed to exploit people for sex because we are biologically hard-wired to do it, it's natural guys...'

Just admit this is an issue and that Milo is on the wrong side of it.

>shitpost irl so hard you trigger a libcuck chimpout literal state of emergency of a whole city
>be literally banned from CNN
>literally spending tens of thousands of dollars to be able to redpill people at the totally subverted unis
>be maniacally , hysterically hated by libcucks,footsoldiers of the kikes

>polspatics " biggest PR campaigners" hate you , literally in line with libshits , their supposed ideological arch enemies, bacause you happened to be gangraped as a kid and now are traumatized into being a fag
this is why we have absolutely no future as a
political movement

I'm not the guy you were talking to earlier, retard. So how do you deal with the undeniable facts of human biodiversity?

Holy shit I can't believe you condone teacher/student relations Thanks for showing your true colours.

The first time I had consensual sex was with a woman 20 years older than me while I was in high school. She was fat and missing teeth. We smoked ice together and fucked. I thought I enjoyed it at the time (I went back twice actually) but I was wrong. It fucked me up and it look about 3 years for me to regain my self worth and start trying to fuck attractive girls my own age.

When people fuck there are consequences, for adults and for youth. People are have a biological drive to fuck. This causes them to act selfishly and ignore the consequences their actions have on others. This is why age of consent laws exists. If you start making exceptions i.e. 'I would have loved to fuck my teacher, therefore statutory rape is okay in some situations' then where do you draw the line?

The truth is you don't know how fucking someone is going to affect them. That is true for adults and kids. For that reason we protect kids and we don't make exceptions or excuses.

Lines at Walmart aren't that short. Biodiversity in defense of someone that hides the identity of child rapists. Get triggered. Get raped. and Get The Fuck Out.

>Holy shit I can't believe you condone teacher/student relations Thanks for showing your true colours.
never said i condone it, that's a total strawman, but the statement "sometimes a teenager can benefit from a sexual relationship" suddenly becomes a bit less controversial in that light.
obviously there are some teenagers that will benefit from that. so i just don't see where the controversy in milo's statement comes in.

what you're doing here is typical of what the right is doing is, and it's the same tactic that's normally used by the left. strawmanning and moral posturing.

>The first time I had consensual sex was with a woman 20 years older than me while I was in high school. She was fat and missing teeth. We smoked ice together and fucked. I thought I enjoyed it at the time (I went back twice actually) but I was wrong. It fucked me up and it look about 3 years for me to regain my self worth and start trying to fuck attractive girls my own age.
ok you did this and you're condemning milo? lmfao. nice. talk about your toppest of keks.
if you were smoking ice, and the bitch was ugly, and 20 yrs older than you, obviously it wasn't going to be a positive experience lmfao.

and i still think the woman who had sex with you is a predator. as i'm sure milo wouldn't doubt. but the statement "sometimes a teenager can benefit from a consensual sexual relationship" is obviously fucking objectively true. you're intellectually stunted if you can't recognize and accept that.

>I think female teachers that bang students (even 18y.o.) are morally reprehensible and deserve to be condemned.
i think they are predators, and need to be held accountable to the law because young people are a vulnerable group. but that doesn't mean that some of the young people don't benefit. i dunno. that's just the intellectual reality. lol, some teenagers benefit from having sex. i dunno why that's controversial to say. fuck 2017.

>You previously said that Milo has been to Hollywood parties that involved underage sex. You said he was 'brave' for saying this. Yet he has not named names. That is covering.
yeah ok so look at what happened to alex jones for even slightly, sort-of, maybe broaching the pizzagate thing?? he got threatened with legal action, and he was even openly saying that nobody should be investigating alefantis and shit.

your problem is that you don't understand how the world works. you don't understand how power works. you don't understand the threat people like milo face. and if you did, you wouldn't condemn him for what he did. you would be applauding because it was a dangerous thing, and he took a risk to bring light to an issue that's been buried, and which other people have lacked the guts to speak out about at all.

and funny that he should be labeled "a pedo" after that.

>Just admit this is an issue and that Milo is on the wrong side of it.
you are so wrong, and you have been so badly manipulated by an actual pedo media establishment that coordinated this hit on him, despite him speaking out against pedophilia and pedophiles for so long.

oh also todd nickerson, the "im a pedo but not a monster" guy, and NAMBLA were always prominent targets for milo in his talks.

the dude has done way more to combat pedophilia than you ever have, but still you judge him based on fucking nothing.

pathetic. you people make me lose respect for conservatism. honestly, that's how bad this problem is with you.

Yeah because making fun of sjws will bring us the ethno state and an intergalactic pan european empire

Way to go Milo, wtf he's my leader now. Based alt lite, based jews, based NIGGERS, fuck white nationalism!

"Sometimes a teenager can benefit from a consensual sexual relationship (with an older person)" is obviously true, I agree.

However it should be followed with "despite this many sexual relationships between teenagers and older people are unhealthy for the teenager. As you cannot know for sure what the mental health outcome will be, you should not engage with it." I dont think you can say the first part without the second and not be trying to make teenage/older person relationships more socially acceptable.

Fucking someone underage is basically gambling that persons future for your own sexual pleasure

"Sometimes a teenager can benefit from a consensual sexual relationship (with an older person)" is obviously true, I agree.

However it should be followed with "despite this many sexual relationships between teenagers and older people are unhealthy for the teenager. As you cannot know for sure what the mental health outcome will be, you should not engage with it." I dont think you can say the first part without the second and not be trying to make teenage/older person relationships more socially acceptable.

Fucking someone underage is basically gambling that persons future for your own sexual pleasure

the right wonders why they lose, and why they will always lose. this is why. they're fucking retards and they can't defend their own. ever.

the right always cucks to the slightest bit of moral indignation. that's why they were controlled by the left calling them "racist" or "misogynist" for so long.

for so long, whenever a lib needed something he just had to say "racist" and conservatives would bend at the knee.

now they finally learned that trick, but there are many others they're just TOO FUCKING STUPID to realize.

calling a man who devoted much of his career to exposing pedophiles and speaking out against pedophilia, a pedophile, is one of them.

milo was the most effective member of the right. the. most. effective.

he singlehandedly won the fight against feminism. not alex jones. not trump. not richard spencer. not anybody. just milo did that. with maybe a little bit of help from genuine cuck sargon of akkad, but only in the beginning because he is ultimately a leftist.

that's the whole reason they went after him in the first place.

the right will lose. whites will lose. whites will die out and they'll be clinging to their hypermoralism and virtue signalling bullshit, and burying their own, and they won't even be able to figure it out.

they'll die out in total ignorance of how their own stupidity caused it.

well so what's the issue with what milo said then?? i'm not following. he clearly stated that the age of consent was a good thing in the very same breath that he made the other comment. so what's the issue?

How do you go from zero to ethnostate? You need intermediate steps. People like Milo push acceptable thought closer to the goal.

personally i do want a white ethnostate. not because i hate blacks even, but just because it's the most practical. fucking multiculturalism sucks. it's fucking awful. and blacks / people of other races can't vote for small government. they can't vote for libertarianism. they can't "live and let live", so i just don't want to live with them.

"hatred" or anything like that doesn't factor into any of it for me, personally.

i do NOT want to live in a national socialist state. i do NOT want to live in a world where people aren't allowed to be degenerate like Milo. or even where they are immediately condemned and unpersoned for what they do in their bedrooms.

and i mean, believe me, i understand not liking gays, i don't like them either, but i can't understand condemning them on an INDIVIDUAL level for their personal preferences. only on a group level.

that's just me. most of Sup Forums disagrees with me. most of Sup Forums is not very libertarian anymore :(

My country would need a Milo desu

Please read Why even bring this topic up if all you are gonna say is 'some relationships with minors can be beneficial but most aren't so the age of consent laws should stay the same'

This is clearly not the point he is trying to make. I love Milo and the work he has done, I will always respect him and support his work going into the future. The reaction he got was deserved even if it was pushed as a character assassination by leftist and neo-cons. I hope Milo did some reflecting on the issue and won't run his mouth on such an important topic that his own bias clouds his view on. He will come back stronger than ever, only this time he won't (accidentally or otherwise) condone sexual contact with minors.

Got a lot of respect for this dude, OP. He puts himself out there to be assassinated by libtard fanatics on a daily basis. Sup Forumstards work behind the scenes or not at all, but this guy is the real deal.

i did read that and responded to it when you posted it originally, but i have no idea what you're talking about now. that is EXACTLY the point that milo made. literally, exactly. anything else is just your own strawman interpretation of it.

the dude was raped as a child. taken advantage of. he feels he benefited from the relationship. that's not really uncommon when it comes to consensual underage relationships.

stating that absolute reality is in no way tantamount to "defending pedophilia" or even "defending statutory rape". it's just stating objectivity.

it's almost like *gasp* this issue is complex and nuances, and you're trying to boil it down to something really black and white, the same way the leftists always do.

you can both recognize the reality that some teenagers benefit from consensual sexual relationships, while recognizing the reasons why we prosecute and condemn the older (predatory) parties in those relationships.

these aren't mutually exclusive terms. they only are to the most empty-headed and intellectually depraved.

i agree and it's so funny if you watch his career and everything he has done to combat pedophilia in it, that he would get labeled as a "pedo" by keyboard warrior Sup Forumsacks
>routinely spoke out about todd nickerson, the "pedophile with a heart" who was being paraded about by the left as a "good pedophile"
>personally outed 3 pedophiles through his reporting
>openly spoke out about the pedophilia problem in hollywood, presumably at great risk to himself and his career (and probably his safety too)
>routinely talked about NAMBLA
>was slated to give a pizzagate talk, when nobody else would even touch the subject, but claimed he had to cancel it because "people from the walls of power" told him not to. oh well. at least he tried. and that's much more than anyone else in journalism can say.
but yet Sup Forumsfucks who have never done a single thing in their lives to combat pedophilia, or really ANY of the issues they have with the world, sit and complain about him being gay, or sucking a black dick, while the dude goes out and puts himself on the line, takes the risk, does the dirty work to advocate for THEIR POLITICAL INTERESTS.

Sup Forums does this to everyone on the right, but milo gets it the worst.

Sup Forums is full of nothing but entitled brats who shit on the people who put themselves on the line, while they cower behind their keyboards and attack the small handful of people on planet earth that is actually willing to defend them, or at least treat them fairly.

You're right this is a nuanced issue... FOR THE VICTIM

For everyone else it should be pretty black and white: sex with kids = bad.

The reason Milo copped flack is because he was speaking as a victim but people are not used to this side of Milo. He developed a reputation for rationality. So when he talked in a positive light about his experiences as a minor, people assumed he was condoning the activity. IMO based on the tone of the conversation he was condoning what happened to him. Logically this means there is room in Milo's world view for consensual adult-child (teenager) sexual relations. This is at odds with the views of most of his fans.

I'm sure if Milo was thinking more rationally on the topic he would not condone what happened to him, but as you said he was speaking as a VICTIM.

You can't blame people for not recognising that when he has spoken openly about how negative the victimhood culture is.

I think Milo unconsciously supports the abuse he went through and this caused him to say what he said. Therefore he was wrong.

ok you literally say it's nuanced, and then you immediately try to reduce it once again to black and white terms.

so what are you trying to say, that anyone who is not a victim cannot openly state the reality that some teenagers benefit from sex??

wow......well that's weird dude. that's bizarre shit you got going on in your head. i dunno. have fun with yourself and your weird, bizarre views.

i will just have fun watching the right implode and whites die off, because i have done everything i can save you morons from your own god damn stupidity.

No this is not a nuanced issue for you. Do you want to fuck someone underage or something? Why do you think that fucking a 15 y.o. is a 'nuanced issue'?

Is it because it can SOMETIMES be beneficial for the teenager? Keep it in your pants bro. As I said before fucking someone underage is gambling their future for your sexual pleasure.

I would also argue that most benefits from from a teenager/older person relationship can be had WITHOUT sex. So no having sex with teenagers in not a nuanced issue.

GETTING RAPED is a nuanced issue. Can you see the difference. One is an objective witness deciding if an action is moral or not, the other is someone who had a dick shoved in them trying to figure out if it was okay or not and how it affected them.

A victim can say whatever they want, so can anyone, but they should expect consequences for their words. If you develop a reputation for being a logical debater, who can't get up and condone child sexual contact even if you are only taking about one case. You held others to a standard of rationality and now people hold you to that standard. Milo was wrong to condone what happened to him, even if it was benefical, but that's just my opinion man...

i love how sick you are.
i state the reality of how it' a nuanced, complex issue and it sets you off
you're literally accusing ME of being a pedophile now, ok.
i see you and i see every reason why the right FAILS when they get into power. why they drop the ball. why people don't want to be associated with them.
my god

yeah, guess what? it's nuanced no matter who you are. the issue of sex, and consent, and human growth and developement, in a psychosexual context, is fucking complex and nuanced. that's the reality.

i mean what i say 100% here, if you're going to call someone a "pedophile" for stating that, and you represent the conservative hivemind, then i'm just as well going to vote fucking democrat, because you've basically lost a whole lot of your moral highground, and you represent the sort of ignorance and intellectual bankruptcy that i do not want to live under.