Black Antifa and White Antifa aren't getting along
Black Antifa and White Antifa aren't getting along
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Let the left devour itself
My fucking sides, nigger antifa are redpilling white antifa for us. What a fucking timeline.
The left eating itself - my favorite show
>it's in your blood
>it's in your DNA
Gee, whiz, seems like i've heard that before :/
I was a liberal and fully supported the left up until Donnie got elected. After the inagauguration I realized white people still had a chance to take back control of society and government. So I changed my views and started thinking more like a conservative. That's has slowly evolved into me being full on racist and segregationist since the election. The drastic change in my views scares me Sup Forums. Should I re evaluate or continue down this path. It feels way more natural than the liberal veiws I held about a year ago.
>This Tweet is unailable.
I wonder if someone's almonds are being activated right now
Fantastic, just fantastic....
lmfao, maybe now those cucks will get the message that minorities aren't on your side, they want all white people dead and you're a cuck if you're a liberal
Don't fight it user, soon you'll be full 1488
i was a green voter up till clock boy,found pol afterward
>We see you
I'm now 100% convinced that whenever someone says "we see you" it's a nigger saying it.
There's a surprisingly big amount of niggers online
play stupid games, win stupid prizes
>i'm just going to align myself with people practicing identity politics and hope my presence have worth
White privilege is attending antifa/black lives matter rallies and expecting to fit in
>orc alert
it feels more natural because you always knew it in the back of your mind. there's no going back now. your old ways will just feel like lies.
>punch a nazi!
Hahahhahahahahaha this cannot be serious
Kneel to your Kangs And Quangs white boii
Leftist always end up fighting themselves.
Ehhh nah just let it go
I re-evaluate sometimes but always come back to the white nationalist position. It's the only one that practically makes any sense
And we continue to humor these subhumans . . .
>Racism is in your blood
>Racism is in your DNA
But apparently ethnic behavior is not. They are fucking mental.
>antifa starts dividing by race lines before the literal nazis
this timeline. i love this episode. i guess when all you have on your side is pointing out races it's bound to eat you once you run out of other things to scream.
>it's in your dna, you're inherently racist
my oh my. we have more in common than i thought.
Not far enough. They need to be exterminated at this point and then their countries of origin targeted for the same to prevent the problem from repeating.
shiiiiieeeeeet currently im on the untermensch path. need to drop the hate.
he said it he be doing it for 3 years
Imagine my face when American blacks started this movement in Germany circa 1933
>useful idiots intensifies
>do what I say or you are pathetic
>DAE hate fascists as much as my black skin does?
>so oppressed by you not punching Nazis right now
>*useful idiots unintelligibly*
Niggers gonna nigger.
This poor kid will be one of us soon. Shitlibs have no idea the monster they are awakening with their rhetoric. And the more ironic part is that they believe this is the only way for them to win. If the were just quiet and didn't attack whitey they would conquer the nation democratically within a generation. All they had to do was be silent and breed, but the communists are too dumb to do that. Now we have drawn them out into the light, their hubris will be their end.
I'm so hard right now. Easiest race war ever.
Most left wing decentralized protests disintegrate because of too many different factions fighting for what their idea of "inequality" is.
This is why MLK was successful and Malcom X is a failure. MLK always protested for a specific purpose (either against the busses or for more voting rights) while Malcom X fought for vague shit that resulted in violent assholes jumping in and claiming that they were on his side (which lead to Malcom being gunned down by MB)
Continue all the way. You know it to be true. It is your destiny
> stop calling antifa antifascists
wat, that's literally what it stands for
>you're still white
>this is your fault
>You're inherently racist
>It's in your blood
>It's in your dna
Web lads
I thought it stood for anti first admendment
holy shit how fucking cucked is that faggot
"Performativeness" "Performative"
Fucking Niggers think they can into English
This just shows how much feminist cunts are instigating these culture wars. Woman cause all this fighting and drama.
Where in my post did I claim they were black?
like pottery
I remember back in college, any time you saw a fight break out it was ALWAYS because some roastie whore was baiting two guys against each other – or jealously fucking with another bitch.
Dear far left white people:
They will never love you no matter what you do for them.
It's embarrassing.
Same timeline for me. We were lied to, now it all makes sense.
The white left doesn't understand, it's browns vs whites. The browns assault and harass white allies. If there is a civil war every BLM, black national, and La Raza thread says they will shoot whites on site. White Antifa will find itself surrounded by enemies but think it is everyone else's fault. Our side could end this peacefully by changing immigration law.
The white left invites in their own destruction and fights it's only salvation. We have barbarians at the gates and they let them in. The barbarians will never like you.
It literally stands for Anti (F)ascist (A)ction.
European dominance has partly to do with the discovery of the Americas and partly to do with culture/genetics, capitalism has to be controlled to serve the needs of the workers while allowing for entrepreneurial leadership, and Christfaggotry is cancer. Hope that sorts everything out.
>if they were quiet
This. They had us by the balls. Then they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
She's not Hispanic, she's another half-blood mulato who can't into her white half, so she's trying to be "super intelligent" nigger instead.
Typical. Females telling the men to do all the punching. Lazy fucks,
Just like religious nutjobs that have the godlier than you battles. Progressives have more liberal than you battles. Which is, the most angry you are and hurt, you win. Problem is, there is never a winner in a battle of self-victimizing
That and Beown people are the ones destroying the planet. They have to be stoped. Just letting them breed as much as they want and feeding them is a stupid plan. They will turn whole continents to desert. They overfarm and take herds that smear all the roots on migration paths around the edge of the Sahara making it bigger every year. The last Tree in the Sahara was the center of a fucking Forrest when my great grandfather was a kid.
For our survival and that of the whole planet, these subhuman apes have to be stopped.
If a real happening occurs I will scour the internet for videos of these cucks saying "wait I'm one of you I'm not racist!" as they get hacked to death with a machete by their shitskin "pets."
Tyrone and Paco don't give a single shit about your fictional communist utopia. They only care about what resources they can loot from you.
That yellow mechanoid is the white guy in monster antifa. He just doesnt belong
The resurgence of white identity and nationalism is directly the cause of the left who have prodded and been racially hostile towards white people.
How does the left figure its going to flood our countries with mass immigration while simultaneously calling us all racist and blaming every concievable social problem on us because we are white.
"Non-whites can't be racist" is a lie. Its the left attempting to redefine racism so that the harsh racial hostility that exists on the left isn't scrutinized. They basically invented a way to be racist and apply racism without being called racist. They also have set the standard for the destruction of racism on the removal of white people from their own institutions.
TL;DR The only way to not be racist is to give everything you have away. Dismantle your "privilege" as it were.
Like i'm going to bend the knee to a bunch of fat feminists with social "science" degrees claiming on their own authority that I suffer from privilege and need to give them my property. People who fall for this shit are weaklings and I don't care if they live or die because at the end of the day they are in my fucking way and god help them for that. I couldn't be happier to see that white faggot get a taste of the future he is actively fighting for. Somewhere in the mythology of the shitskin moral superiority these faggot whites bathe themselves in, they have also concluded that a shitskin world will be a naturally fairer world. A world of peace and understanding. Just absolute the state of these fucking people.
"peak performativeness".
She is all about race-realism tho.
They also love the word utilize, and think it's a better, more intelligent sounding word than use, simply because it has more letters. That's a red flag for an idiot who thinks they are smart. If you haven't noticed it before, you will from now on.
Surely you jest. The entire concept behind anti "fascism" is to create a false narrative of fascism (meaning authoritarianism in this context) so the authoritarian extreme leftwing communists can't be accused of fascism. (authoritarianism).
It's quite brilliant as far as manufacturing a false narrative goes. Scream about the violence of racism while bashing someones skull for ethnic reasons. That type of thing..
> (((screams out in pain while striking you)))
>You may not like it but this is what peak performativeness looks like.
>In philosophy and gender studies, some theorists, notably Jacques Derrida and Judith Butler, have argued that even commonplace communication and speech acts are performative, in that they serve to define and maintain identity.
but professor Shekelstein told me that race is a social construct and there is only one race: the human race.
If this was true, how can there be one specific race with genes full of hatred?
so they perform an act so we have another hitler?
Someone make a Nazi winning techno vicking gif
>It's in your blood
>nipples protruding
>in his blue shirt
do not befriend any ex antifa members
destroy them, survival runs their brain, cowardice their heart.
the left eating itself, beutyfull
lmao, now hang him for being a traitor
you know theres only one correct answer
after awhile you start to mellow out.
When I was young I was more liberal. Then I realized I was fighting for (((them))) so now I fight for ME. All liberals want white death, so I fight against (((them))).
kek these people are retards
It's amazing how little exaggeration there is to the cartoon of this.
ahh Sup Forums always has fresh supplies of dank memes, ALWAYS EVERYDAY.
>racism is in your blood, it's in your dna
Well she's white you know.
This is what happened in Haiti.
How have you guys been doing since the earthquake? Stay safe, Mexibros.
Tfw OG rust players will get this.
That pic without the moustache would be amusing
There is nothing wrong with the instinct to survive and prevail. Go and make some white kids, buy guns, protect your rights and above all do not be swayed again by those lefties. God knows that the world it's better with whites on it. Trust me, I am a spic and even I am ashamed of what antifa is doing.
(Please don't send us back the chicanos)
>I am ashamed of what antifa is doing
why should you? you arent responsable for other peoples life. lefties are scum on mexico, usa and all the world
>(Please don't send us back the chicanos)
this, you can kill them if you want, we dont want them
>Its in your DNA you will always be evil
>Go to jail for us. Get hurt. Youre literally expendable
>its not about your actions but yous skin colour
>you will always be the enemy
Fucking SPREAD this.
Ive seen more Antifas that got redpilled bc of shit like this. Most are beyond saving. Some just rolled into it bc friends etc, but they have some capacity for reason and crirical thinking left.
Bump 4 redpills