An internet sleuth from MPC found the following skit from Saturday Night Live in 1986:

This was supposed to be an absurd skit. It's only slightly detached from reality now.


Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, if you didn't pay attention, leftist Jew Psychologists in Germany in the 1910s and 20s also did this shit. When people talk about Nazi book burning, they're not talking about science books or history books, they're talking about pornography and the works of these sick jew psychologists, including instruction manuals for sex change operations.
When the Gay movement was oppressed here in the US in the 60s and 70s, Transgenders were a huge part of that, too.
The amazing thing is that SNL in the 80s was actually mocking the people who push that woman trapped in a mans' body shit, where-as today the skit would go entirely the opposite direction.

fuck that skit wouldn't even fly today, it's depressing

Skit would go differently, it would be about how bigoted Bill Murray's character is

Thats a good find.

this isn't comedy in 2017


>jacob hoffritz

why does it have to be this way?

eddie murphy is also a lot less PC in his "delirious" special

>Gary Hartman
gone too soon....

Whud dha fugg.

Reminds me of an old Mr. Show skit where Bob is playing some corporate CEO guy and jokes about wanting more trannies because they buy for two!

Is there a good source on this?

Jesus christ.

This is whats happening today just usally the crazy ones are the parents trying to veer their kinds into going trans so they can virtue signal.

That was horrifying.


Sum it up. Not going to the site.

wtf is saturday night live?

I like the joke at the end about her mother letting some guy rape him, and that is the reason he mutilates all the children. Thats how you know this was made in Hollywood

it basically predicted the clown world tranny madness perfectly

shared. thanks.

Holy fuck we've gone so far down the rabbit hole

FYI guys, download and spread this, normies need to see this to realize how absurd trannies are

jews set the tone for the pace of jewlywood.

the gaslighting shall continue to occur at
political rate necessary for whatever agenda must be accomplished within the us for the powers that be.

Makes sense now why Phil Hartman was murdered

"The movement for world government is, therefore, contrary to human nature, and is not supported by the natural instincts of ordinary men and women. Its origin must be found in the basic instinct of some unusual breed of mankind; in the deep ingrained mental motivation of a peculiar people who, first, believe that they are destined to control the world and that it is to their particular advantage to do so; second, that they are a special people, apart from and superior to all mankind; and finally, that all mankind must be reduced to a homogeneous mass without special distinction or individuality; a robot, passive multitude that will serve the master-race without thought or question. Such a people would necessarily be characterized by a passionate instinct of exclusiveness in their relationships with each other, and an aggressive internationalism in their relationships with all others. They must present one face for their own people and an entirely different face for all others. Most of all they must have and continue to nourish a deep contempt and hatred for all people other than their own. They must have, as a cornerstone to their religion, an abiding sense of destiny in their mission. They must exercise a dual morality in which the right or wrong of things is determined only by the purpose to be served. Where their mission becomes unattainable by the sword and the engines of war, it must become not only proper and right, but mandatory, that they continue on their course with stealth and cunning. Ideas and ideologies become weapons of war to be used and discarded, and their strongest allies must be recruited from among their intended victims. Such a breed must be capable of the most complex treachery. They must possess the ability to appear to be all things to all men, and yet be only themselves. An indestructible nation, they must destroy all other nations."

Its about a doctor who has delivered 200+ babies and all of them are girls. statistics say no so interviews is sent to find out whats up, turns out he gives babies sex changes because he has mommy issues an thinks boys are dirty

do you guys trust doctors? any of you have and weird stories with doctors?

I saw delirious when I was about 20 and I was shocked at the vision I had of Eddie growing up compared to when Eddie was my age. Funniest stand up ever.

Maybe we can use this sometime to attack SNL for committing historic crimes against trans people.

>download and spread this
yes, if you have the time.
>normies need to see this to realize how absurd trannies are
no. do it so they realize how the media goes with the tends and how all those "funny" men who say things that are "so true" are just milking them for money and would be heiling hitler if their was profit in it

It feels like watching a video of yourself in your carefree youth while halfway through a life sentence in prison.

I miss Phil Hartman

every day we drift further away from god
look they know trannys are mentally ill and victims of abuse
even lesbians are made fun of
we've always known the same way kids who see fags kiss make a disgust face naturally
fucking kikes

Holy fuck this is genius


They always play the long con. The globalists don't plan on short term. They plan 50, 60 years ahead. Its scary.

I have no strong feelings one way or the other. I have never really needed a doctor so I have yet to see use for them. once I went to see a doctor because of knee pain, I told her my knee was creeking, she put her had on it and said "yep its creekng" made me pay 4-5 times more than was reasonable and told me to comeback in few weeks so I could pay the same amount for someone to pup liquid into my knee. I never went back.
>stories with doctors
I had a same dentist since I was 14 and did not realized how shit she was until I went to my relative who was also a dentist. since we are related she was not lazy and was frank with me. another dentist forgot the nerve killer in my jaw and told me my temporary fix was the actual fix

Remember when it was funny to joke about all our boys being turned into girls?
for people like 142822977


Old SNL before they jumped into bed with the DNC and became their official propaganda outlet was occasionally decent comedy. They also would have on some extremist musical guests but these days it's all safe space watered down comedy, time delay (not even live), and musical guests lip sync for the most part.

>This was supposed to be an absurd skit.
It still is, at least to anyone that still has common sense and decency in a society that claims mental illnesses are normal and should be accepted as such.

>kids who see fags kiss make a disgust face naturally
don't give me that bullshit.
>every day we drift further away from god
there is no god

...kay then.

at least we remember, imagine if it was a longer con and it the days were evidence was harder to find.

>they're talking about pornography and the works of these sick jew psychologists, including instruction manuals for sex change operations.

I know Wikipedia isn't a good source but they have a source mentioned for this:
>In Berlin in 1931, Dora Richter, became the first known transgender woman to undergo the vaginoplasty[45] surgical approach.
>This was followed by Lili Elbe in Dresden during 1930–1931. She started with the removal of her original sex organs, the operation supervised by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. Lili went on to have four more subsequent operations that included an unsuccessful uterine transplant, the rejection of which resulted in death. An earlier known recipient of this was Magnus Hirschfeld's housekeeper,[46] but their identity is unclear at this time.
From Wikipedia article /Sex_reassignment_surgery#History

I won't comment on any other points in user's post.

"Dr. Jacob Hoffritz"
Oh, they knew all right. Good old Phil Hartman, murdered by a deranged womyn. RIP in peace.

I know, dude was one of my favorites

Also, thought it was Phil Hartman

Hitler called Hirschfeld "the most dangerous man in germany"


The problem with the book burning is along with degenerate filth, there were a lot of blacklisted books that had no place being prohibited.

For example: 'all quiet on the western front' was banned for being defeatist.


Defeatist books should be burnt

sometimes i feel doctors dont care about helping people out. You go to the doctor you tell them whats wrong and their like "here take this pills' and it fucks you up even more do the side effects.


The media doesn't go with the trends. Triggering liberals is trendy right now. Is the media going to cash in on it? Why not give Milo a Netflix special? Would that not get more views than Bill Nye's tranny rap song? There is money in right wing content, but they're going to force leftism as though it were trendy anyway because they have an ideological agenda, even when everything they touch loses money. Look at video games, the NFL now, they will shit on their target audience and let their profits suffer, just to push a leftist agenda. If anything the media SHOULD be thinking only of profits. We'd all be much better off.


No this is reality in 2017

Josef Mengele had nothing on this guy.


Jesus, this was pretty fucking dark for an SNL skit.

Too bad that shit wouldn't fly in this day and age.

They do and do not care. It usually depends on how overworked they are. also they are doctors, not your therapist

i would agree if we werent at war

get me out of this hell

No response tho this fag? Not surprised a fag would be atheist either. Disgusting subhumans the lot of them.

If there is money in the right wing than youtube media should be doing better. + the bust has been sudden, they need time to make sure it will stick. If its still hot in 5 years than they will start jumping on.

Dude, this what they do in Hollywood and in the elite. Look at Demi Moore's daughters, they are boys.

What, satire has been reality for some time now. This shit still surprises you?

Holy shit!
I remember seeing this on reruns when I was about 8, scared the fuck outta me so badly I remembered the episode so I could tune it out the next time.

Even during a war the dissenting opinion has a right to be heard. As long as they aren't shirking their duties or actively subverting their own country, why should they be banned from protesting something they do not believe in?

What's wrong with the second one? Except for the "mandate to rule comes from the masses" bs it was quite logical.

So this is what they mean when they say
>SNL used to be funny.

anarcho syndicalists crawling around in filth while preaching about how great their system is

Fucking Jews

Also PAT

I ain't clickin that shit but the Androgynous Pat is another one that wouldn't fly today

demi moore isn't a tranny herself but she's been under the knife at least as much as one. look at poor bruce summoning all the acting power he has to try not to let his children see that they disgust him. the eyes give it away tho.

Excellent post but
I too want sauce

Even YouTube is pushing leftism at the expense of profits. It has no financial incentive to censor Jared Taylor, or to cancel Scare Pewdiepie. The establishment media will NEVER be right-wing. And again, in other forms of media we've already seen that they consistently put ideology before money.

Oh my god. Juxtapose with bill nye.

>Even during a war the dissenting opinion has a right to be heard.
In fantasy land, sure

The line is very thin. When real hardship hits you need unity more than anything and dissenting opinion will not only lower moral but will also lead to desertion. yes they could then go case by case but why work on cures when a preventative measure can be as good?

>the people of girth

reminder that Stephen Colbert voiced Ace

That makes absolute perfect sense though. Without a sense of individual property everything wallows in shit

Mpc confirm snl never funny.

I miss white doctors. When I was young, almost all doctors were white. Now I can't seem to find one that is, and all the pharmacists are Chinese or Indian too. How are you supposed to trust a doctor who you can barely understand? And when did this turnover happen? Where did all of our white, American doctors go to?

Sorry I guess I misunderstood your first reply.

I didn't post it because it was nonsensical, but because parts of it mirror today's political climate.
Antifa/anarchists/commies, not MY king, etc.

>Lili Elbe
holy shit is this the danish girl? from that movie with that faggot

>downloads that clip before it gets deleted

Hmmm a fag would say that

Oh I see what you mean. See, these Antifa types are what Yuri Bezmenov called "The Useful Idiots." Their only purpose there is to help wipe out stability of society; so some wealthy plutocratic elite can swoop in and destroy the previous regime completely.

If that happens, these Antifa fucks will be the first ones to get the bullet. If the elites don't come to power, but instead populists do, Antifa will still get the bullet first.


This is genuinely horrifying

Rumer is a fuckin troll

There are still things in world that can make me smile -- and the fact that the useful idiots will get fucked no matter what is one of them.

I just want the world to make sense again

GenX (43) and watched this stuff in the 80's. The world has gone mad.

The Onion used to be good too.