Is Jerry Sup Forums incarnate? New Rick and Morty just said that he was a closet racist, beta-male. So yes, he is

Is Jerry Sup Forums incarnate? New Rick and Morty just said that he was a closet racist, beta-male. So yes, he is.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that American Dad or something?

It must be true if a cartoon said it

I don't watch Reddit and Fedora.

Hitler 2.0

Why do all these shitty new cartoons look like they were animated by the same person?

>reddit and memey

Oh yeah the new episode came on, where's the link to watch it?

Same Asian kids doing it I guess

Its the singularity of talentless hacks. Its gotten to the point where all the bad cartoonists are somehow all bad in exactly the same ways.

This one is done by the guy who used to do the pop tart commercials, I think. His art style predates most other cartoons of this decade.

wtf I love niggers now!

Dude what the fuck, why do you have that?

>not being an openly racist alpha male

what the hell is going on in this?

>New Rick and Morty

Few things on this earth have been shilled as hard as the new Rick and Morty.

Don't claim jerry, claim /ourguy/ rick

It's posted in basically every chink hate thread, redditfag


>closet racist,


also race-ism doesn't exist. It's a social construct and a thought crime based on Trotsky's love of killing people in concentration camps.

>Nihilistic degenerate atheist

How many days ago did you start browsing?
How old are you?
If 18+ show dick. Want to know what a normie dick looks like.

Neat you had the answer to your own question. Why start a thread?

You just used a cartoon character as a conduit to talk shit.

>full of insecurities
>think's he's clever or funny regardless of life showing him otherwise everyday
>prejudices and jumps to conclusions with very little proof
>will never admit he is wrong
Sums Sup Forums pretty much.

No jerry is just the anti Donald Draper. He is the exact opposite of him as an adman

Blame Adventure Time.


>"Look, I'm a closeted racist, and I'm sexist and selfish and I drug us all into my sexist, racist bad things because I'm stupid."

Go on, you pathetic fucks.

based rick

jerry is reddit incarnate desu.

this is the projection fantasy of redditcucks.

Give me her number. Now.

you on the left

just goto everything is on there

For liking the show you sure don't adopt it's philosophies of not giving a fuck and nothing mattering.

When I watched two people run past the kid, the first time I watched, I thought why is no one watching the toddler? LOL

tfw i tell all the blacks i know that i am a hwite advocate and do it in a very respectful way.



Nigger, how are we closeted racists? I call my black friends niggers, I call my asian friends chinks and they call me honkey and cum skin. And we all talk openly about how much we hate chugs. While my family looks on in horror. Go back to smelling like cum and watching Netflix alone every night lol

you on the left

sage faggot

Woah. That website is awesome.

Episode 9 isn't on there tho.

Closet racist are beta.
The more racist I am the more girls respond positively. Just don't go full retard.

it will be soon but just search "rick morty s03e09 streaming" and a site on the firs 1 or 2 pages should have it

yeah no need for netflix or anything with that site

And then it turned out the alien was a whore.
What's your fucking point?
Also the "beta male" line was shoehorned in by
>female writers
so I wouldnt take it too seriously.

Kind of like this. Have to go back an watch that show. What was it called again?

here you go faggots this sould be a larf.

reminder that these kikes are shitscared of us and so have to project.

Xavier Renegade Angel

xavier renegade angel

every fucking time this pic is posted. this time faggot, you arent getting the name.

the filename is the cherry on top of this sundae



no we king star king. trying to get virgin snow white. surrounded by pure choas.

It's been a while, chap.

Thanks, lads.

Choose a character to become:

>Suicidal grandfather that no longer finds joy in anything because he feels superior to everyone in the distinguished field of pseudoscience, so he turns to traumatising his grandson for kicks
>Alcoholic workaholic mother of two who puts her family through family therapy because she's a cunt
>Plain jane daughter who is a social outcast at school
>Retarded son
>Level headed middle aged white male that has recently been granted an exit from an emotionally abusive wife and father in law
>No other notable characters because the show is a flippant meme that won't make it past 5 seasons

I'd pick Jerry, lift weights and hire prostitutes. Living in the Rick & Morty household would be a nightmare. He has a job, right?

Reddit: the show


wouldnt be surprised if he had a small dick desu



le epic punching bag character

Reminder that Dan Harmon told his wife that he would kill himself if she left him and is now divorced but has the audacity to write shit like this.

>implying I'm a closet racist
>implying I wouldn't plow both your mother and gf

>level headed
Jerry picks the worst decisions all the time and consistently lacks the sense to hold his temper when appropriate and to not hold his ground when threatened. It's surprising that Summer isn't even more of an idiot.

Just goes to show that Rick should have invested more time with his daughter and prevented Jerry from knocking her up in the first place. For all his genius he sure doesn't seem to know what's important.

Maybe Jerry is Dan Harmon like Brian the gay dog is Seth McFarlane

>level headed
Jerry is one of the most pitiful people I have ever seen in tv media. The person you would want to be is Summer, because her only imbalance is confidence issues yet is still highly intelligent, though not nearly at Ricks level


nice flag.
nah, if jerry is like Sup Forums, he would believe jew did 9-11 and faking holocaust, which is what rick would say since Rick has more balls and much wiser and hates everybody.

The Family Show

Its because he is projecting onto the character of Jerry. I am surprised she even wanted to do 2, let alone 1 season of Harmon Quest

It will be interesting to see the effects of the family guy tier crowd consuming Rick's nihilist excusal of psychopathy

>Jerry picks the worst decisions all the time and consistently lacks the sense to hold his temper when appropriate and to not hold his ground when threatened.
I wouldn't know, I've only seen a couple of episodes where Jerry was thrusted into wacky situations where his intelligence was insulted from the get go. As said, punching bag character. But I'd still rather be him.

>Rick should have invested more time with his daughter and prevented Jerry from knocking her up in the first place
So why doesn't Rick just kill & replace Rick in a universe where he did prevent that? 'le because he needs a morty'... fuck off this show doesn't make any sense.


Jerry is literally me. Told again and again what's wrong with him and what he needs to do, which is shake his cowardice and fucking move, but he's just too much of a lazy coward stuck in his own neurosis to do anything.

I can't even kill myself. Fuck me.

Jerry is literally one of the writers projecting their own frustrations onto a character , I can guarantee it

But, he is also shown to be a piece of shit person in some of those episodes, where he eats pity for a living. You would see that in this episode.

He's not just a punching bag, he's the epitome of spinelessness, dullness and shallowness.

It's honestly lazy characterization, but seriously you would not want to be Jerry.

Man up faggot.

dont let anyone kill yourself, i know you can do it, go for it

Don't drag yourself down , Jerry is a shitty cartoon character, you ultimately are your own white man, embrace it

Just hire someone to do it then. Or get a therapist

You can tell me that and I'll know that I have to do it, but in the end, I still won't. Idiotic. Just like Jerry.

digis confirmed jerry is harmon the limp wristed unfunny cuck

You shouldn't , focus that on self improvement, even if it's just eating 3 meals a day and getting out of bed before 10 oclock.

Then do something that will force you to man up, like joining the local military. At least then you get paid for it

Rick and Morty is The Big Bang Theory for people who hate The Big Bang Theory and can't shut the fuck up about how much they hate The Big Bang Theory.

I literally tried and they turned me down due to literal autism.

>It's another Dan Harmon misinterprets Nietzsche episode

Unironically this, they will make you make you fix your shit


Then try other branches, or the coast guard or literally anyone

>taco nigger that won't he and his rabid kind eat dogs
Try harder faggot. Compare Sup Forums to a cartoon fag drawn by an old man with Parkinson's and we'll be slowly throwing your kind back over the wall.

Maybe the narrator. I'm just here to lurk and watch the world burn

Deep inside the depth of Sup Forums all you will find is Nihilism.

Leftypol comes here to post shit because no one is on Leftypol anymore due to shit content and awful people.

>posts shitty Dick and Faggy memes
You can buy mirrors at a Walmart cunt, I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself and stop watching shitty cartoons

Oh yeah. And then there's Season 3 Episode 7 where they have a class divide in the citadel where the Morty's are stand-ins for niggers and the Ricks are stand-ins for whites.

>Rookie Rick cop goes to his partners car and sees a Morty Cop, "Oh I wasn't expecting one of you people." (or something like that).

Later in the episode the Morty cops talks about how other Morty's are like animals and he doesn't feel remorse in killing them (in fact he actively tries to kill them).

I really didn't get where the whole "sexist and racist" bit came from. When has Jerry ever been shown to be sexist and racist in the show?

XRA nigga

rick is clearly the alt right character
>atheist/non-denominational christian
>everyone has inferior genetics but me
>my seed is a literal infinity

the only reason he doesnt care is because there is no threat to his total universal domination

its like being threatened by ants.

he already won the race war against the whole universe 10 times over