This is confusing to me. Do they usually stay back...

This is confusing to me. Do they usually stay back? Did the coaches say "Stay in and stand up we don't want the press" and the one dude just fucked the franchise with his bravery? What?

Some of them have their hands on their hearts, and the kneelers absolutely want to be seen, so I don't know why they're in there and he's not. Have they said anything about this?

They still fucked up bad with this one. I want to figure it out. Until then spam it

>#Pittsburgh Kneelers
>#Pittsburgh Kneelers
>#Pittsburgh Kneelers
>#Pittsburgh Kneelers
>#Pittsburgh Kneelers

>"So rather than having one guy kneel, one guy stand, the conclusion was made by everybody that the best thing to do was to stay in the locker room (or in the tunnel, if you will) and show respect that way."
Lol, they tried half measures and only got fucked harder

So, what? This one guy went out and fucked them? Have they made a full statement on it and are planning to punish him or what?

People are losing their shit and burning all their Steelers merch, they really should have just come out or said they like him or something. This is baffling.

>punish him
You literally can’t punish him, his Jersey has already become the best selling one after today. They have to eat crow and make a bullshit statement like they did saying they fully supported his decision

They chose to play the Jew/SJW game of enabling this childish behavior and now they can’t go any direction but further left.

Holy fucking shot can you imagine if they fine this guy? They’ll burn the stadium down

I am pretty sure your image is shopped.

Anyways, yes he fucked the team. The kneelers wanted to kneel, and others didn’t, so their nigger coach just told the team to stay in the locker room as to avoid controversy on both sides.

This player, who is a Vet, said fuck that, and went and stood for the anthem. His argument was that standing for the anthem should be the default, and that it was everyone else making a political statement by staying in the locker room, not him standing for the anthem. He is correct.

Now, the rest of the team looks like anti-American haters and idiots - as they should. Perfect.

The line I quoted was their statement. Make no mistake, staying in the tunnel was a protest.

the negro coach of that team said he wanted a 100 participation rate in whatever the team decided to do for the anthem (which obviously was nigging out when left up the players) so this dude basically told them all to fuck off and came out of the tunnel alone

it might be a little bit of grandstanding on his part but it still took tons of balls considering he has to work and socialize with these nig nogs every single day

either way hes a legend nao

Well put

Pretty much what I said, and this.

If that image is indeed real, it means most of the team wanted to stand, and their nigger coach chimped out because of it (if you watched his press conference after the game, its very obvious he is pro-BLM and anti-Trump) and made them stay in the locker room because he didn’t get the support for the niggers that he had hoped for - which is actually a pretty big scandal. Mr. Rooney should fire his ass.

Pittsburgh burned the coal by hiring this guy.
Now they can pay the toll.

And either way, every player that stayed in the tunnel was cucking

And even more importantly: the left went way to hard on this and they are just now realizing how bad this could be for them. They’ve been cheering this shit all day (nig power, fuck white people fuck fuck Donald trump) and some of them are trying to sneak back. This picture embodies what half the left will b doing tomorrow -“I hid in the tunnel but that is my wayhonoring the flag”

Reminder that Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin held a Hillary campaign fundraiser last year.

This. You could feel the momentum physically change through the day as liberals frantically checked Twitter and realized most people are against this.

Roger Goodell fucked up massively with his big gay statement on Saturday. He likely cost his job. Apparently a few owners, including Cowboys owner Jerry Jones (most powerful man in Football) are absolutely fucking outraged at what happened on Saturday and today.

>the negro coach of that team said he wanted a 100 participation rate
Its an absolute failure of leadership, do you think we can get the Steelers to fire him? He does r know or understand his players and his strategic thinking is very suspect

>punish him
>fine him

That's a slippery slop that would work to the Right because observably they fucked up

As outlined in my above posts, I do think this could get Tomlin fired if Steelers fans freak out the way they did online today. He acted like a fucking idiot in his press conference, and appears to be the kneeler-in-chief in that organization.

pretty sure thats Charlie villanueva who was a green beret before being a football player

im pretty sure the real rooney, as in the original one who ran shit, just died recently this past year. it was a pretty big deal around pittsburgh. that guy was famous for being an old-school handshake only type of goy who was super philatnropic around his home town, self-made and extremely loyal, a practicing catholic who left his mark on the world et cetera et cetera

i think the current owner now is his silver spoon grandson who inherited everything he ever had and may or may not be a cuck so i dont know how he'll play it but the butt hurt yinzers on steelers twitter seem to think that the original rooney would not have stood for this type jewery

Well, that's what I figured. This is fucking huge. The Ravens bit in London was bad enough, and then following up the Steelers right after? The Steelers are really popular and a point of pride. Also, the point of the picture is to show it isn't shopped, look at the top and the positions of the people, that's a hard shop.

They fucked up. They fucked up bad. Glorious.

>Black players kneel in protest
>All that happens is the blackest head coach in the nfl gets fired
Please god

Spaniards offically confirmed white

When the rake comes, please wait in your back yard for the rescue helicopter.

i have never watched an entire sporting event in my life. the most i see id when the games are supposed to be over and a program that i want to see is being interrupted because the game went too long. i have never or will ever buy sports stuff.
i've even been given tickets to pro football, baseball, and hockey games and i gave them away or gave them back

He wouldn’t have. If he is still alive, Tomlin’s ass is toast. If he isn’t, who knows.

People are more mad at this anthem thing than the rape thing.

What would it take for these guys to stop protesting? I'm being serious, what are their goals?

>Muh police violence
And what is the solution to that? Eliminate trial by juries or innocent until proven guilty?

Thanks burger. I’ll gladly take the rake with my fellow Canadians ching-chong ping-pong and mohammed though. We deserve it for electing Trudeau.

They will try to explain this away to save themselves. They may have even thought that their plan really was an elegant escape route. It will only invite more scrutiny and more outrage.

They will try to save themselves because they must. They will fail to save themselves because they can’t.

Trump has successfully baited nags into ruining the entire season every with virtue signaling trash. Just like with the Mizzou sjw protest, we'll have to wait a year or two to see the full effect

The point is virtue signalling
That's all the point has ever been
Colin didn't start this shit till his career was already in the shitter.

Sport is gay and very very boring
I will never watch Americoon 'football' again.
That'll be difficult.

They knew it was wrong, but they were pressured by the management.


If I were the NFL, I'd make a rule for all teams that says if you kneel during the national anthem, you're fired. But if you don't want to stand for it, stay in the locker room until game time. Would solve a lot of problems. They might get pissed they can't demonstrate, but too bad. Compromises need to be made to keep fans happy.

They are just waiting for their Jewish-funded social engineers that it is okay to stop being mad.

They will never stop being mad as long as the social engineers tell them to be mad

>i gave them away or gave them back

You should still go at least once to know what a large scale sporting event is like in real life. It's different in person vs tv, really different. I've never really been a huge fan of live sports always being too much of a personal jew to spend the money. So life time I've been to exactly one pro baseball game, one NFL, maybe 3-4 NBA games being I have a home town local team.
They all really felt like a huge massive once in a life time sort of event due to the size of the crowd and the interactions. Yet they are not, being it's just another game but they feel like it's something special. It's hard to explain but it's the effect of 10k or more people some where as a group.

Unironically this.

Once this hits the (((bottom line))) the players will be on the street and the protest will end. Roger Goodell is a fucking retard for picking a fight with Trump that he is garunteed to lose.

>If I were the NFL

That's why you aren't.

>stoolers pull this faggotry
>lose to the Bears, who are terrible
Trump wins again

Our vets didn't die so that Americans had to stand for the flag. They died so that we could choose to sit or stand.

Did any of the Bears kneel?

He didnt fuck them hes a veteran and he chose to go out on the field. They didnt stay back in protest they just didnt want to force their players to take a side.

its textbook subversion goy

there are no lines in the sand, only goalposts to be moved when convenient

Shower any NFELONs, players or the massers, with stones.

>and the one dude just fucked the franchise with his bravery?
Yeah, he did the expected self-congratulating attention whore thing, what a brave guy.

His team tried to just stay out of what they knew was going to be a day-long clusterfuck of political butthurtery, and this meathead just couldn't resist grabbing the camera.

I'm sure you sit when you pee

I thought having more cameras so we could instant replay every shooting was part of fixing injustice.

For police to stop killing and incarcerating African Americans disproportionately as well as ending all racist policies such as profiling or stop and frisk.

Rangers wear tan berets, dumbass.

These are the people protesting "injustice."

Maybe they should commit fewer crimes.

>If I were the NFL, I'd make a rule for all teams

It's not that sort of league or even company. It's a small group of very rich and powerful people and only a handful of teams. There is also a player's union to set up a basic guide lines. The two sides are sort of at odds with each other but they need each other anyways
Owners vote on rules, NO owner is going to risk having a rule that could effect their team only and cost them millions of dollars. Owners want to deal with this issue on a case by case level. A set rule just fucks them over, it's never going to happen.
Keep in mind most NFL contract are not guaranteed, they could cut anyone they want right now really. They don't being players are a product you make money off.


what if I want blacks to ease their disproportionate addiction to the wholesale slaughter of my people?



Probably because he didn't rape anyone, you dumb kike shill.

That's already being rolled out in Police Departments all across the nation

They can't say Kaepernick is the issue because if kneeling in the NFL is what costs Kaepernick his job all these other guys would have been fired today much less these past few seasons.

The problem is right wingers always deflect to that but never want to address the reasons there is higher crime in black communities. That's what this protest is trying to bring awareness to.

>the wholesale slaughter of my people?

meanwhile back in the real world, blacks killed hundreds more of their own today and no one cared.

Blacks make up 69% of all people shot by police officers but make up 79% of all people who shoot at cops.

If anything cops have about 10% wiggle room to fit more shootings in that they are squandering.

Steelersfag here, I'm fucking pissed. They deserved to lose to the Bears and get smited by the Trump Curse. Disrespectful dipshits.

the reason is because black areas are filled with blacks

>always deflect to that

Yes. Because it's the core problem, and the reason nobody wants to improve the "reasons" black communities suck so bad for blacks.

Black areas have more crime because they are full of black people, retard

There's higher crime in black communities because blacks commit more crimes.

This. Just look at Africa.

the reasons might have been more acceptable a hundred years worth of catastrophically diminishing returns earlier, before we knew that the ratio of investment:crime-reduction in these places would be so pitifully, embarrassingly low


We have trials by juries for criminal convictions, where evidence is presented

He just rode bill cowhers coat tails and won with the team that bill built.

When the blacks stop saving nikes from hurricanes and committing the most crime while being 17 per cent of the population?

You do know they werent even protesting? They didnt want to cause distractions.

Trump trap is full, he will lay another

Of course they do.

Leftists claim blacks are committing crimes because they live in poverty, like it is an act of desperation. Studies have shown other races living in poverty do not committ such a high crime rate, but blacks do comitt violent crimes around the world despite the environment.

The Government pays the NFL to play the Anthem. Trump should cut funding for the Anthem so the NFL has nothing to protest.

Set your alarm clock and wake up early tomorrow to call into Pittsburgh talk radio morning shows. Say you want Tomlin fired and you stand with Trump 100% and the team embarrassed itself yesterday.

If anyone in this situation is ridiculous it's the 'MURRICA bud light drinking rednecks who get so worked up about niggers nigging and respectin muh flag

Tomlin should've had them all stand. Complete disgrace.

Will do.

> tfw libs keep losing to a man with a one-dimensional deck built entirely on suitutional trap cards

Tomlin, staff, and ownership decided to hide the team to protect the few fuckers who were throwing a tantrum.

Tomlin sounded like he wanted them all to stand but some players were crying about it. So they told everyone to stay inside and ride out the category 5 shitstorm.

One dude said fuck it and called out the staff for being pussies and not forcing everyone to stand as they're supposed to according to the rule book.

Tomlin and administrators should have just let them on the field and let those who wanted to bury themselves do it... then fined them.

NFL is full of cucks and pussies. They are getting dragged down by the BLM zealots.

They should have stopped this ages ago before it got out of hand by handing out harsh fines. This is a league that will fine a wide receiver for fucking high stepping or pulling an Ochocinco... signing a fucking ball.

Sauce on that skinny teeny fuckhole.

It's a sad day when a team from chicongo has to put a bunch of faggots and niggers in their place.


Strange way to say "camwhoring" but I guess whites see this type of pitiful things as "brave"

but user nig nogs are way more violent and do more crime. what are you even going to do with all that? bake them an avengers cake?

Told you cumfags this dude was a buddy fucker

Dan Rooney did die. The "DR" clover patch on players' chests is for him.


Well obviously the reason is those areas are full of niggers, why do you need a protest to bring awareness to that?

t. Shitaveous McNigger

If they would simply hand out belts in the niggery areas, they wouldn't always be trying to keep their pants up which is very much the same motion as reaching for a weapon.


We need to meme an NFL strike into happening. That will bring it down. Tweet a bunch of virture signaling crap and the left will latch on.
>"Yeah. Kneeling isn't enough."
>"We will march with you. So awesome."
Get the dindu players into a picket line. They get fired. Life goes on.

Mfw when Shitaveous is a real pooskin name.
Mfw I have no face

I'm black now..

According to Josh Cracker Von Hillbillyhonkey

Ooga booga indeed

So is Airwrecka.

Yeah right, you can't tell an army ranger MAJOR to hide in the tunnel when the anthem is played. He stood because that is what he believes in. I dont care if you are patriotic or not, you don't get to tell that guy how he has to express his beliefs just like i don't get to tell niggers they have to be patriotic or decent human beings.

I feel like this the exact same situation when the two negresses went up on the stage Bernie Sanders was at that one rally and Bernie checked his privileged and didn't dare challenge them


There is no solution other than telling the people protesting that they're wrong.

Like the BLM people are just flat out wrong that there is a trend of unjustified police violence towards blacks, it doesn't exist. When you start picking apart their stories that they rely upon to say there is a trend, they start waffling and try going "well even if that one story was false this other one is true" and so on.

Fact is they're just wrong and people are not sympathetic to their shit. People were fine with them doing their antics off the field and in their private lives, but when they started doing so out in the open and disrupted traditions, they fucked up. Because most people understand the police are just doing their jobs and also like their country, trashing the US is not acceptable in most any area of society where there is a sizable number of whites.