I got my close friend (who is more of a normal fag) to watch EOE with me with the condition it had to be the English...

I got my close friend (who is more of a normal fag) to watch EOE with me with the condition it had to be the English dub
I noticed a lot of sound effects were added most notable that "gerslosh" sound when Misato shoots a man while protecting Shinji...why did they do this?

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I looked all over online and I cant find a legitimate reason given by the staff.

Is there a list or some video of all the sound differences or does anybody remember and particular sound changes I'm just curious.

Asuka seems to speak more German in the Dub

I remember hearing somewhere the director or someone found it "funny". Shame they did that I personally enjoy the English dub more for eva but stuff like that is just a piss take.

dub va actually knows german

she's also the biggest Asukafag on this planet.

I highly doubt that

The biggest somewhat succesful Asukafag on this planet.



Are you implying that her 'collection' is supposed to be impressive or something?
With all the otaku who love Eva it's safe to say this deflated old woman is far from the biggest Asukafag.

don't bully the middle aged waifu fag.

She looks like a dried up prune.
Maybe her faggotry for Asuka is her way to feel young again. That's pretty sad.

>close friend
>normal fag

>forcing friends into anime

>having friends

God I hate Asukafags so fucking much.


Because the English dub VA of Rei was put in charge of direction of the dub.

If you listen to the commentary track by ADV you can sense how everyone there basically hates what she did but they don't come out and say it.

the Japanese Seiu demonstrates so much nervousness and struggle during speaking German during the first time we see Asuka fight in the original series, it's cringy and embarrassing compared to the apparently shitty dub.
We are supposed to be convinced Asuka is not only a Forenier, a German but also fluent in German as well.

Welcome to Anime.

Sup Forums will continue to praise every bit though