Seriously why the fuck did the Australian government let internet be privatised by companies. For 2 years internet has been fucking disgusting for me and my family. Now it has gotten to the point where I can't even load up a page. My ping is constantly 200+ and my son can't even play games with his friends. You call up your isp (mines optus) and you are put in a call with an Indian who couldn't give two shits about your internet. It should be illegal for isps and other companies to employ over seas workers as there are plenty of Australians who could use the jobs. pic related (Australian Internet).
Seriously why the fuck did the Australian government let internet be privatised by companies...
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Not to mention fuckin power prices and rolling blackouts during summer.
Its not even all of the companies though. Just one.
Vote no you faggit
nah optus and telstra are just as bad as each other.
yeah fucking hell I'm gonna be dreading the days when its 40 degrees and shit
I don't think privatisation is the issue when it comes to speed, more likely your government just isn't taking enough of a role in being involved in the development of Australia's telecommunications infrastructure, which the UK government for example has and we've seen fibre rolled out everywhere.
We get foreign call centres in some of our ISP's too. It shouldn't be legal, I agree. Well put your money where your mouth is and find an Australian ISP that uses Australian workers & can offer you better speeds. Surely there must be a few ISP's to choose from?
also there's another problem, I'm in another 2 year contract with them and it would cost me alot just to get out of it. I'm talking around $5000+.
How can it be that high? Are you paying $200 a month?
Just use strong wording talking about being unhappy with the service, problems, lower speeds than advertised, and mention involving lawyers if they don't let you leave the contract for a small fee...
Really I can't see them charging you $5000, what did they give you a free $100 router or something? That's the most they can reasonably charge you (set up cost).
If you can make your internet ultra dogshit, you may be able to get out of your contract for free, i'm talking cut up the adsl wires or pour water into the pit in your yard, that way they aren't delivering the speeds they need to and you are able to get out of it.
After that lodge a complaint with telstra and they will fix it for free because it's technically their property
3rd world reporting in!
30/30 fiber, unlimited, 15 burger dollars/mo
They charge you every week that is left in the contract. $5000 might be an exaggeration but its around that range.
Can you post a traceroute?
I didn't realize it was so bad there. I pay about $80 a month for 150Mbps, but it's actually rare for me to pull under 180Mbps. I usually test around 190.
Jesus. I used to get better than 200 ping (like 90) when playing CS on dial up.
This is kek punishing you for all the shitposting you people do on Sup Forums. Good riddance faggots!
well if all internet is privately owned they handicap everyone's internet without backlash as no one is offering better internet. Also most Australians couldn't give a fuck about internet speed unless they can't stream videos at a good quality.
Because neoliberalism is unquestionably the best, the free market is always right guys?
Go to the TIO, explain the terrible service, they'll get you popped from your contract.
Just watch the rest of the country go down the shitter as we privatize and outsource our infrastructure and livelihood to trans nationals who of course only have our best interests at heart. And politicians of every stripe line up willingly to whore them our capital at every possible opportunity
>Australia has slower internet than Africa
check your contract for their promised service. You might be able to get out if their service is subpar.
Also: €35/m for 200 mbps, avg 10ms ping
Yep, welcome to a Monopoly marketplace. Telstra owns all the infrastructure and has no competition, so they charge whatever they want and give shit service. I currently get 1mb down 512k up.
It's the same here with telkom though, but telkom is 99% nigger and doesn't know half the time what it is doing. I get my data and "line speed" from a different provider though.
My line speed is 8mbs down and 2mbs up and I pay about $55 us dollars converted for it monthly.
Setting up internet to a remote continent is expensive, the only reason Africa has better internet is because we've been throwing money at niggers for centuries in the hopes that they'll become normal.
>Implying any of that goes into infrastructure
My internet speed is better than yours. Damn.
Damn, I feel bad for you. This is from a local Vietnamese coffee shop.
I'm following advice and complaining to them. Complaining to optus is like talking to my mother with dementia, it doesn't get me anywhere and its a waste of time
Your download/upload speed is better than mine, and I pay $100 a month.
>his upload is equal to his download
The government did start rolling out fibre. The biggest problem we are having at the moment. ISP are not purchasing enough bandwidth. So people pay extra for 100mbit but they aren't getting it because the ISP isn't purchasing enough bandwidth for the amount of people they have on their service. I know plenty of people bag out Telstra but they seem to be pretty good speed wise. Internode used to be the best but they went shit once iiNet bought them
nigger no internet in the USA is worse than what he posted, you're mistaken, post your test result pic
The internet goes in underwater fibreoptic pipes which were set up by countries outside of Africa. When I said throw money at I didn't mean just the money that goes to the Apekings.
Feel bad for OP. This is a 7.5eur/month cheap-ass speed in Bulgaria. (a country with pretty much free WiFi on every corner, as far as coverage goes, also fuck you Germany for not having free Wifi, and thanks EU for free roaming)
Do you live in the woods because the USA has more Internet infrastructure than any country in the world.
get a static IP address
I think it has something to do with symmetrical and asymmetrical connections but I have no idea what that is.
Where do you think our internet comes from? Magical wifi magic? A star gate portal?
>7 mbps
that's fast as fuck, I get 200kbps
Underwater fibreoptic pipes set up by countries who foot the bill for niggers having wifi.
Monopolies suck what's new?
Competition gave us what was at a time the best 4G network in the world. Monopoly gave us the slowest transition to fiber optic internet imaginable.
What do you think happens when Telstra is given a 100 year monopoly of the existing infrastructure & every other company has to rent from their exchanges? Same thing that happens with electricity companies mostly.
No but the moment we talk about demonopolization you cunts come out with your "muh natural monopoly" bullshit to stop us from even attempting it. Inb4 Telstra & Optus state created shit show of central planning.
could be worse OP
>Fully private internet companies
>Copper lines regularly deliver reliable 80 - 90 mbps
>Can get fibre to the home for 1000 mbps
>Australian government tries to roll out fibre across the country
>runs out of money, starts doing just fiber to the exchange
>Even then the internet is slower than most copper connections in the US
>This means of course that we need to give the government even more control over the internet so that it is completely monopolized and there is zero competition
aus are pathetic.
it's megabits not megabytes
Private ownership is really only a problem if there's collusion between ISPs to keep speeds down and prices up or whatever other bullshit they may want. I'm generally anti-regulation, but I tend to agree with anti-trust laws.
200 kbps... My cat probably receives better Wifi through the tail, don't you have better options? Is it really only 1-2 providers?
So is his, kilobits per second.
k I was wrong, I was thinking of my old internet when it was 4-5 mbps. I'm on AT&T now.
I'm in West Texas btw.
What is neoliberalism? Are you referring to the resurgence of classical liberalism that led to Libertarianism or the neoliberalism that was coined by Rustow and Lipmann who did not favour laissez-faire?
you calm down there Wayan
This is all your fault for breaking up the Bell company you make it law for them to provide service to everyone then break them up because smaller companies can't compete then complain all the baby bells have shit service because they don't have the money to maintain the plant or advance technologies like there Ma did
If Ma bell was still around we would all be on fiber by now
Underwater fibre optic cables, which both of our continents use. What the fuck is your original point?
say you have a 100mbit line speed. The fastest you could download would be 12.7MBps
Holy shit, that's pretty fucking good compared to ausbro. Btw, your like only the second Nepal guy I've seen since the quake, and I used to see you guys all the time before that.
>static ip will change your internet speed
7mbps(megabits per second, not megabytes per second) translates to 825kb/s
There is a solution. Kill 1 ISP member everyday until they fix the internet.
That other countries aren't going to build those pipes for Australia, but they will for Africa.
oh. kinda fucked up there
I heard the NBN has 60% of its users disconnected still.
NBN has been a fucken disgrace
we already have the fucking pipes, the ISP are being cunt's and not purchasing enough bandwidth on them because everyone is used to having shit internet. Normies are getting cut when they pay extra for a speed and someone has explained how fast it should be
To compare:
It's why niggers have better Internet than Australia.
You need more pipes.
Nigga i don't even get internet or any cable on my street. I'm on my phones fucking mobile hotspot.
we don't we need for companies to stop trying to rip everyone off over here
not bad, fellow third-worlder
but you have much to learn
I get this, plus a landline and satellite TV, for 30 burrgercoins a month
Lol all these 3rd world countries.
That Slum wasn't exist again.
Your internet so pathetic.
t. My internet, located in rural sumatra, middle of the jungle
There isn't enough bandwidth to give everyone 250mbps.
>government just isn't taking enough of a role in being involved
fucking idiot nigger
You are going on it all wrong, the indians are irrelevant, it is the ISP providers you are having that do not give a flying fuck about you, that's the reason why they outsource your job to people who barley speak english and have no capacity to actually help you.
When commies fell from power here, in the mid 90ties the only way to have internet was through a government owned adsl network using the existing mess of copper wires to provide internet as an afterthought.
However local providers sprung up to hook up the towns and cities, block by block. Although messy and not really up to any form of standard, the said local networks were leagues and bounces from what was transmuted by copper wire.
After the initial chaos, the mobile companies started to buy the mentioned local providers, mainly due to the already build infrastructure.
Yes, you still see a jumble of internet cables hanging between commie blocks but our speed is in the top several countries with the best connection.
You guys need to start working small in order to go big.
Average ancap thinking
Get them to check the line in your area. I had spotty internet for ages and it turns out the phone lines in my street are fucking spaghetti and had leaks and shit.
I get this for 11$ a month. Don't need TV because i stoped watching it 7 years ago.
You are talking out your absolute ass. Tell me what provider you or should I say parents are with so I can see these costs for contract termination.
>That feel when 100NBN
>That feel when in 2 months I move into my new house and get gigabit NBN.
This. Your embarrassing yourself Britbong
Nice! But your country is so far ahead of us. If you are 3rd world then we are 5th. lol But they do offer TV along with it but we dont watch TV. Everyone is on facebook and youtube 24/7.
ok that is actually impressive
The bottleneck is here:
Somebody has to fork over the cash to build major trunks to other continents.
I get 350mb/s with ethernet cable, but it's preddy gud for living outside the city in a house.
I'm in supposedly developed place.
yeah same here. tv only gets turned on when I have old relatives visiting
>no adblock
Wew lad
romanians have faster internet than americans.
Bernie even said it in his Campaign, Also called them dirty gypsies.
Yeah, I better get that.
nice upload cap, Sven
call me back when you have Internet, not "residential fiber service". Oh and btw you have so much bandwidth BECAUSE you live outside the city.
Yes I am jelly, why do you ask?
Romania is much smaller than the USA. The USA has spent more than any other nation on earth on it's Internet infrastructure and will need to spend much more to have the coverage of a postage stamp nation.
Eastern europe reporting in
fucking ecuador has faster internet than us
>The state of Canada cucks.
>Posts picture with his IP.
>Uses google chrome.
>No adblock.
>Shit internet.
Really makes me think.
If you block ads, jews win!
I know about it. But their other infrastructures are better too. They are almost 1st world while we are on Africa level.
> Government gives you a monopoly on existing infrastructure
> as long as you rent some lines to competitors
> no competitor is allowed by councils & state governments to undertake massive infrastructure works
> get your monopoly/privileged position in profitable areas as long as you service rural areas
> it's okay you get a full legal monopoly out there anyway
> and you get to run it at a loss at tax payers expense like negative gearing for a single telco
> now no startups/foreigns/competitors can go rural to build infrastructure to get a foot in the door
> no one is getting serviced in rural areas anyway
> refuse to abide by your SSU or ACCC guidelines
> refuse to upgrade infrastructure until the government can get tax payers to build it for you
> lump on an NBN tax to help pay it back after using tax payer dollars
> waaah! the market doesn't work!
Wew, what did this country mean by this?
The problems with the internet aren't solve-able by government. They are only made worse by government. Take the NBN, for example. Government took over parts of the internet, now the NBN is the only choice for the section between our homes and the ISPs. They removed competition, replaced it with one single expensive government option, against which it is illegal to compete. Internet can only improve in this country after the NBN is sold off, and competition restarted.
Bullshit, i bet you can get faster internet in Novosibirsk compared to the USA.
American internet is shit because of few companies with monopolies on the internet.
my internet is fast than that pleb
> will need to spend much more to have the coverage
burgers making burger excuses
similarily, they spend more than any other nation on healthcare, but their health is gone to shit
Can't wait to be 1000 down lads.