yandnere kawaii
Yandnere kawaii
Other urls found in this thread:
>you will never have a yandere stalk you
>you will never have a yandere give you bloodstained chocolate on valentines
>you will never have a yandere tell you to stop talking to women
>you will never have a yandere pleasure your every need how crazy it may be
>you will never have a yandere suck your blood and feed you some of hers
>you will never have a yandere try her best to cook just so she is the only one ever feeding you
>you will never have a yandere feel bad when you tell her you dont like her talking to other boys
>you will never have a yandere and you talk for eachother to the other gender
>you will never have a yandere you dont like her going outside and show herself to others
>you will never have a yandere end up as a loyal and cute housewife fullfilling your every need
>you will never have to deal with other women as she will provide you with all female love you'll ever need
That whole segment was kind of sad.
>suck your blood and feed you some of hers
I just imagined my waifu doing all this even though she's a genki and I'm both sickened and aroused.
sounds like you dont like your waifu enough
I need more yandere in my life. Any recommendations? Any media will do
>you will never have two yandere simultaneously
>you will never fuck both of them together
>you will never watch them kiss after a threesome
>you will never fuck a yandere.
>you will never have cute yandere daughter with her,
>you will never tell her that your daughters are the best present she could ever give to you.
Just kill me already.
All you have to do is hone your yandere detection skills to the point where you can fully see the yan potential in many characters. A whole new world will open to you.
If you wish to learn this one simple trick, go watch Durarara. Everyone is a shade of yandere, and even the writer said it's a tale of twisted love.
school days had some stupid endings but those threesome endings really made it all right.
Imagine the animu going with the threesome ending.
>You and your wife will never be cute proud parents when your daughter brings home friends
>The two of you will never tease her about boyfriends or girl friends
>She will not ask you to help her learn how to use weapons
It's sad.
Only if the two of them killed all the other other girls and forced Matoko to live on the boat with them.
Is the age of yandere truly dead? Why are there never any new shows with yanderes?
well the writing of them is usually terrible. I often notice they make some yandere light characters in harem shit. Like iwth oreimo ayase was given some yandere elements. And in other cases obsessiveness is there.
But seriously fuck yandere hurting the person rather than the girls trying to get his dick
Reminder of the best yandere
is that the same VN as the one where the heroine welcomes you back but if you come back months or even years later she gets mad and eventually sad?
Not that guy, but yes it is. Goes up to ten years I think.
>But seriously fuck yandere hurting the person rather than the girls trying to get his dick
Yeah, way too maybe people make the girl hair trigger for no reason other than 'lol yuno yandere queen' and shit like that. It's way less satisfying.
Somefag said yandere?
Blood Sign might get an adaptation since it disguises itself as harem when it's really all about the MC and his literal god yandere.
>Yeah, way too maybe people make the girl hair trigger for no reason other than 'lol yuno yandere queen' and shit like that. It's way less satisfying.
its really annoying and non-sensical. It should be that if a girl looks at her lover the yandere should intimidate her and tell her she is gonna fuck her up if she dares to talk to him again. But instead they either kill them or for some reason get angry at the person they love. Or you get something retarded like the ending of the oreimo VN where ayase suddenly chops of the limbs of kyosuke and wants to keep him in a box. Its just stupid.
A yandere should be sweet outside but obsessive. Not a deranged butcher
Only when they get violent with other people and not her love interest.
>you will never bury your wife after your daughter kills her out of electra complex
>you will never get back from work and see your daughter threaten you to kill your wife if you dont also have sex with her
>Not telling they that you can't live without one or another in your life.
Talk with your yandere, as weird it can see, she can understand your will.
>you will never have a cute daughter
>you will never have a cute daughter with said daughter
>you will never love your family like Tomaru does
yandere tri romance is probably the most probable of any harem. They know about love without being able to give up on it. That said as soon as your daughter wants you dick your wife will have to share your dick
But user, some have enough to go around.
of course. That isnt anything I denied
>tfw want to break up with yandere girlfriend because our relationship is broken but she says she'll kill herself if I do
I wish we'd never gotten together.
>wanting to break up with a woman that is completely loyal to you
I don't really hate murderous yanderes. It's just that making a yandere go full slaughter/kidnapping should take more than some minor conversations with people. I liked Yuno before the kidnapping too, so it's a shame the writer jumped the shark. She has such a cute design.
I dont hate them. Its just that they are completely retarded that most of them jump the gun as soon as it even seems to be a problem. A yandere should be about dropping a horse head into someones bed to warn them. Not killing t hem at first sight