Flying Witch is a better anime than Re:Zero

Flying Witch is a better anime than Re:Zero.

I haven't watch Flying Witch but I am inclined to disagree.

Only Sup Forumstards would disagree.

That's obvious, no need to post it.


Re:Zero is mediocre. Flying Witch is pretty good.

I mean, I wouldn't expect any level of intelligence from a Re: Zero fan, but you could at the very least hold your tongue if you haven't watched both shows.

Obvious statement is obvious.

I know you started this thread for no other reason than to bait and shitpost, but you could at least be more subtle about it.

Different genres can't compare.

Still FW is better

Flying Witch is still a better anime though.

I like both but I agree that Flying Witch is better, at least for now. Re:Zero still has a lot of episodes left.

Apples and oranges, faggot

>you can't say that Eva is better than Absolute Duo because they're different genres

I'm watching both. If you even want to compare these two you should probably consider suicide, because you're fucking clinically retarded.

Flying witch is better if you have insomnia

Re:Zero is fucking garbage. Flying Witch is AOTS.

Both are harems


I want to be lazy with Akane.

Apples and Oranges. Also none of them have the hottest girl of the season so nobody should really care about it.

I want to try her LSD laced candy..

How could you even compare a slice-of-life comedy with literally no plot to a show like Re:Zero?

Re:Zero has conflict, story progression, world-building, characters with complex motives and exciting plot twists. Flying Witch has... moeblobs sitting on the floor, eating food with each other, and walking around outside?

It's like saying your McDonald's Happy Meal is better than the Mona Lisa.

Flying Witch and Re Zero are the two best shows of the season.

She's 12, user. She's also fairly stupid, there's that too.

Does anything even happen in Flying Witch?

The amount of false-flagging in this thread is staggering.


Why would anything happen in a show filled with witches and magic?

Stop being weird, user.

Sup Forums is being very slow and boring today.
Whatever country got banned from posting on Sup Forums must have actually had lots of funny guys who at least put some effort into their funposting.

it was Russia that had a lot of it's IP ranges blocked

Fuck off, it's monday, most of us are working or hang over or both.

Also australia is asleep now.

>vietnamese in charge of Sup Forums servers

Chink m00t is at it.

Why can't people like both without having to shit on one?

Posting Al-haz Red.

Would Akane be welcome in Trump's America?


In your dreams, pal.

A McDonald's Happy Meal tastes better than the Mona Lisa.

This image is the only good part about the show because it shows a lot of soles, other than that, wasted an hour of my life watching this shit.

If you're a child maybe?

You should watch more have so you have more anime to compare to

Being a child does not make it likely you would rather eat an oil painting than actual food. However, being a child DOES make it likely you would prefer juvenile action anime to subtle, thoughtful slice of life anime.


Exactly what about Flying Witch is "subtle" or "thoughtful?" You are pretty much shutting down the conversation by appealing to some kind of secret shared wisdom among SOL fanatics.

>Exactly what about Flying Witch is "subtle" or "thoughtful?"
You could answer this yourself if you've actually watched it, Sup Forums.

JoJo is better than both, though.

Nips, Sup Forums and Sup Forums agree.


The sol genera is about nothing. Whoever claims to be a deeper meaning than this is lying to you or just plain trolling.

You can't really compare Jojo to most anime. It's in a league of its own.

A genre can't be about anything, it's a set of tropes. If you're trying to say that no SoL shows are about anything then you're still wrong.

At being gay.

See what I tell you? This a troll.

I think you're the troll desu senpai

Re:Zero is shit, so it's not tough competition.

>55 posts
>28 IPs
You're fooling no-one, Sup Forums. Get the fuck out of this board.

Nooooo. Please, don't banish me back to that place.

Re:Zero, like most anime, has a shitty, infantile plot. Flying Witch bypasses this common anime pitfall and is the better for it. This is why SoL is objectively the best genre: it avoids the pitfall of the shitty, infantile anime plot.

Can't we just turn this into a Flying Witch thread?

Why was Akane so gloomy and creepy when they explained that Kei doesn't have a girlfriend?

She's afraid he is gay, like the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, so she was momentarily happy to hear he had a GF, only to be disappointed.

>we`ll see about that
My guess on her creepiness.

So Glasslip is better than both?

Why would you make a thread stating something that is universally ageed upon?

By the way, I want to cuddle with Akane at noon.

The only way Flying could be any interesting is if it was yuri.

Dropped Flying Witch after like episode 3.

1) The setting fucking blows. "Witches are secret" *FLYS ON BROOM IN FRONT OF EVERYONE* lol whoops.

2) Episodes are shit. The spring faggot was so fucking stupid. Oh, and the big drama is UR SCARED OF SPRING MAN OH TEH NOES HE IS NICE. PLZ LIKE HIM.

3) The setting makes no sense.

It's just garbage. She does not even do anything useful as a witch. It does not even look like Witches in general do much.

The characters are all paper thin and nothing happens.

>nothing happens
This is literally the point tho.

>The spring faggot was so fucking stupid. Oh, and the big drama is UR SCARED OF SPRING MAN OH TEH NOES HE IS NICE. PLZ LIKE HIM.
Chinatsu's reaction was cute as shit. I don't think you have a soul.

I like shows where nothing happens.
Kinda reflects my life but in a positive way.



I agree. That'd make it AOTY.

have you literally ever watched a slice of life

they're both decent shows

although I preferred FW after getting into it

I think Re:Zero is good and has good and interesting plot and characters, and I also think Flying Witch is a very good SoL and am enjoying it quite a bit.

Is this allowed?

>I think Re:Zero is good

>comparing two completely different genres
Are these the only anime you've seen?

What is actually wrong with it? Is the backlash just because it's popular with malfags or something?

Re:zero is just doing the classical formula of "pretentious and DEEP anime, where everyone has TRAUMAS and are TROUBLED", which popularity had a huge boom ever since the S;G anime (which, despite not being as good as the VN, was quite entertaining).

Just see BokuMachi last season, for example.
>MC has """problems""" (obvious otaku self-insert)
>His "waifu" is suffering and he has to save her (so that the otaku can feel like they are actually doing something; pure narcisism and self-serving bias, some even bordering grandiose delusions)
>MC passes through many "hardships" (with no permanent consequences, obviously)
>Magic solves all his problems by the end

This wasn't the case of Boku Machi, but most times, the MC will end up with his waifu, which happens to be the same as the audience, obviously.

Also water is wet.

12 is just a number, her body is what counts. Also, dumb also makes for great doujins.

It's fans seem to hear nor see nothing bad or even subpar about the show.

They're not even comparable.

How can you even do that.

>MC passes through many "hardships" (with no permanent consequences, obviously)
>Magic solves all his problems by the end
I can't wait for Arc 3 to start.

This, and it's so disgustingly blatant, not even trying to hide the emotional pandering.
>let me just bawl out my eyes and monologue my pain to the audience

I'm not saying it's perfect, but I don't get the strong backlash against it. I find it hilarious both sides of this argument are playing the pretentious card.

I grew out of action anime when I was like 15.

>the MC will end up with his waifu, which happens to be the same as the audience, obviously.
>MC passes through many "hardships" (with no permanent consequences, obviously)
>Magic solves all his problems by the end

>he doesn't know

It's so fucking easy to spot shitposters.

>They're not even comparable.
Jesus Christ tripfag, half the thread has already said this. Saying it again won't make it correct.

Off to MAL with you.

Re:Zero doesn't particularly have a lot of action going on so far.

Its below average across the board in terms of characters and plot and only has the added bonus of being suffering instead of blatant wish fulfillment

Guess I have to marathon flying witch now

>huuurrrr if you have different opinion then you don't belong here
You don't belong on this board in the first place for making such a stupid and awful comparison because you cannot stand people watching different things. Get the fuck out.

Just look through the archive for an argument about the show, people who defend it will defend every aspect of it straight to the grave without giving a single inch.

>Its below average across the board in terms of characters and plot
How so?

I wouldn't, it's pretty easy to burn out on SoL, especially SoL as laid back as Flying Witch.

>m-mommy, they are telling me that taste isn't objective, w-where is my Kant book?

Every fucking time.

>marathoning SoL

But that's true for every argument about almost anything on this board.

>oh look, it's another "I don't like the fanbase so I will shit the board about it"
Why are you guys such insecure faggots?