How Sup Forums ruined my life

In every field, Sup Forums has helped me see and know the truth, but it also taught me ignorance is bliss. I know more than not just my peers but many of my professors in university, so it's hard to care in class when bullshit is the topic. My friends think I'm racist when I don't hate people and want to improve everyone's lives but I'm honest about genetic differences. My marriage-material ex won't get back together with me because she thinks I'm sexist when my thoughts on gender and sex are in line with thousands of years of human thought and nature. Everyone I meet is unimpressive and seems shallow. Music only sounds like rhythmic propoganda now. All of the media IS propaganda. People actually think Russia did anything in the election when it's so easy to go on the internet and learn about Crowdstrike or Seth Rich or the password being password. There is "something" nefarious in the Podesta emails (being as withheld as possible to be on a level we can all agree on). My family member came out as transsexual and all I can think of is the nazi book burnings. I know Zionism is real and not the Jewish race by DNA but "the Jews" actively work against western nations. Whites are being genocided but when I talk about it no one cares. No one cares about anything I care about.

Sup Forums isn't the only influence in my life regarding my thoughts, but it's a significant one. I will always love this board for the way anonymity breeds honest discussion, even if it's uncomfortable, but goddamn I almost wish to have the veil pulled back over my eyes. Has anyone else felt the same? Especially since the election, when I realized just how many people have no fucking clue about reality

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It was all jokes until it became too real. This gif sums up my time on this forum.

you're not alone

I don't take anything said here seriously.

i wish i was bluepilled sometimes

I truly feel bad for the untermensch. Those without any path to real self-improvement should not take the red pill imo.

>tfw you became the 3rd option but skipped the /fit/ part


I know that feel. I'm on a similar boat but my gf is awesome and completely understands. If you come from money like me, become wiser and wiser and crest a YouTube channel or write a book. Gain a following. If you come from not much, join the army military, get into spec ops and maybe in ten years, you can take out congress or something. God speed

Appropriate that it replays infinitely.

It's okay, user. You are not alone.

Ya gotta learn to hide your power level.

It's ok, you sound young still. Give it time.

I've found that when I say nothing people assume I'm agreeing with them and keep rambling. That helps me a lot sometimes.

Read a book and stop caring about what people think. You're not as enlightened as you think you are.


Sounds fucking CIA as heck

You definitely aren't alone.
I used to go on the internet and cringe at people or kids who are getting excited at some videogame, making amvs, engaging in discussions about their favorite superheroes, cosplaying, etc. but honestly now I kind of envy them.
Like sometimes I literally wish I could go back in time to my childhood and be entirely ignorant of the world around me, only caring about what gifts santa is going to give me for Christmas, or whether I can beat the final boss on kingdom hearts.

Knowledge is incredibly alluring but I'm beginning to think it's honestly overrated.

Maybe ignorance truly is bliss.
Maybe that's why God forbade Adam and Eve from eating of the fruit of knowledge. It was for our own good.

Feels bad, man

>tfw option 2

TruthThat's just it, I don't want to. I don't sperg out but I want 2033 to be better than 1933. In a world where anything could happen I would want the President to temporarily usurp the constitution and seize authoritarian power like Julius ceaser to LOCK HER UP

You need to find actual good music OP its one of the only places where I am able to find new things that when I hear them can change things for the better!

/po/ did not ruin your life.
I'm not fucking JIDF, but I say go down the rabbit hole further.
But there is no going back.
The Hitler black pill makes me cruise Sup Forums not to see if they are catching up.
In a year it will happen, but yeah, say goodbye to your blues.
And the red leads to black.
Be wary traveller.

My post? Or the company? Yeah the company probably has some CIA influence

No, I always want the truth. If I want to get married, I look for a reasonable conservative wife, and give her a few facts that any thinking person can swallow. You could also approach this in a different fashion: separate modern Jews from Jesus Jews (obviously not the same). In any case, you seem like you cannot talk about anything else, which may be your problem. Give a different impression. Stay away from topics MSM loves. You need to put care and tact into your words. No need to name the Jew. Deep state is enough for some. Music is only inspiring again if you also try learning an instrument.

>My family member came out as transsexual
That's rough

No good music?
What do you like to listen to user?

Sometimes I wish I could go back to being bluepilled. Life was so much easier back then. But in the end I'd rather know the hard truth than be comfortably ignorant.

Pretty sure I'm option 4 because I lift but I'm filled with nothing but hate for everything around me.

No. You basically have a weak mind that got brainwashed by the hordes of clueless retards that post here.

Ignore people like this cunt.
Find your own path, not only that...
but what can you fuck up for the (((chosen))) when SHTF?
Incorporate hate into everyday life
Pay back the capped people with an arsehole wipe on a coffee cup.
Inner peace. Chaos is a ladder for the people that live in the underworld.
And I think pretty much are that.

lmao are you for real
you actually let Sup Forums ruin your brain
>I know more than not just my peers but many of my professors in university,
hahaha what a fucking autist

I have great discussion all the time. Maybe you just browse the shill threads?

There are about 50% honest people on /po/, but they don't post.
25% is leftism/wealthy parents.
25% is spam of counter ideology.
Don't believe anything and if you down the rabbit hole, use Tor and a random WIFI.

Trying to learn clawhammer banjo to preserve American tradition. It's fun, bluegrass is white man's genre

>Music only sounds like rhythmic propoganda now.
Anyone have the link to the old guy showing how America had a strong folk music tradition that was corrupted by Jews like Irving Berlin?

Don't blame us for your depression.

Your innate hunger for truth is evidence in itself for the Creator of truth. He has put you on this journey because He wants you to find Him. Take the bread pill, user. You've seen the abyss; don't let it stare back into you. Look to God, who has conquered even the abyss.

Wish I could get away but I’ve been a NEET the past 6 months so I have no other outlets besides twitter which is like you said beyond shallow to me at this point

Read more. Be sure of less. Jesus this is sad.

You have no idea. My mother told me I really hurt my father today because I told him the day my brother kills himsekf is the day he loses both sons :( part of all this redpilling or whatever is I've lost my delicate touch, especially when things directly affect me

For example, one professor recently said they love the New York Times

Even better,
zero day a major corp and give the middle finger whilst taking the high paid job.
Fuck em.No fortune, but the glory is infinite.

Lmao you disrespect your father like that and your brother is a trap yet claim to be redpilled. Honestly kid it sounds like you need to get your ass beat for a wake up call on what reality is

Old you is dead?
Now it's time for you to make yourself a you who can handle this kind of shit, who can help push the world into glory and away from this madness.
Your fate is in your hands. Not in those of some god, or society, or even your family. You are responsible to you. Make your ancestors proud by making something real out of the pieces of your former self.
Best of luck, user. See you on the eve of our victory.

You lost your brother?
Sorry man.
I love mine but he hates my guts, he's a fucking hippy.
I cant imagine losing my mortal enemy.
I hope your relationship was better and sorry to hear it.

>Judging others as weak minded

Sounds like you're projecting some things onto others you need to accept about yourself m8

best feels thread ive visited in a while

I had my (((historian))) professor proclaim to my class how "the founding fathers were hypocrites, how could they have slaves but believe all men are created equal?!". This was a 65 year old white man by the way. You should shake that appeal to authority bullshit when it comes to any field where you can read a study/primary source and already posses the knowledge to understand it.

>No one cares about anything I care about
I know tfw

I'm actually convinced on the fact that I'm a bit unhinged, I start using an alter ego of being a stupid brainwashed benevolent retard to learn about people and get to talk more than I do(People love to talk about themselves when you shut up & you slowly crawl into their secrets.) You actually can have great effect on changing people's ideologies when subtly floating ideas like
>Hey I love the Somalis and muslim and all but my sister keeps getting harassed by a pack of peaceful muslims and she whispered to me the other day that they are threatening to rape her etc
then show a supposed photo of a girl being followed by niggers, the chain events always smoothly lead to us openly discussing race realism and the negative effects of multiculturalism, ofcourse I have my saved and cited statistics and documents in my handheld and nothing but their feelings would ever counter my arguments, THAT is how I keep destroying the base of their echo chambers because I think they're largely blinded because they think of us as neo nazi white trash that are the bottom of the barrel of society but that is not case whatsoever.

It mentally aches how discussing with people that are "really up there" and supposed to have merit of some sort, they parrot what the current narrative is and feel as if they have the know-all about the current state of events when they could not be further from the truth, it's the sort of thing I've been doing for years now since I basically gave up trying to establish an discussions in this marxist Islamic shithole, then again there's something exciting about infiltrating different types of closed echo-chamber communities and seeing how people shift their agendas and were they get their sources(almost entirely cited from the controlled mainstream or some kike newspaper.)

Yeah the Hitler one is especially brutal for us Americans and Brits.. pretty much all our fucking fault and worse yet cucks here are proud of it

This will fix:
Then cry like a bitch.
I do with deaths:

"All men are created equal" is a lie, a fairy tale. Darwinist natural selection, discovered some 80 years later, disproves it.

Finally one of the silent 50%.
It's a fucker isn't it?

Lincoln had to become a dictator to save the Union

Trump should do the same

are you fucked? i was into this until i just read what you did to your dad.
what if your dad some day becomes embittered with, or even comes to hate your brothers stupid decision to go trans? you going to let him look to suicide because he agreed with you but couldnt stop you from leaving based on something that you both could have helped each other cope with at the FUCKING LEAST, AND AS FAMILY???
coming from a guy whose wanted nothing more than death since he was 11-13 years old until his late 20's. im a selfish asshole but id never do that shit to my senpai, especially for your stupid fucking logic

How is his brother being a fucking trap a knock on him being redpilled, he cant do shit?

And disrespecting his dad? All this as if its his job to do what his father couldn't (or maybe worse, wouldn't)?

I know it was disrespectful, but I don't think he or my mother really understand what's at stake. He would've voted for Jeb, if that tells you anything about his worldviews. I've already apologized :( I just want my brother back and I know he wants his son back, I wish he would work with me to come up with a game plan to intervene on my brother's mental illness

Its not hard to become a proffesor. You know the saying "those who cant do, teach"? Its completely true, proffesors are usually people who become too adjusted to the comforts of academic life as a student that they never leave. They get sucked into the university hug box. Most of your proffesors will be bluepilled, with few exceptions. They wont be able to empathize with people who live day to day in the real world which makes most profs leftists. Its a hard pill to swallow but the best way to find truth is to look for yourself and become a true skeptic. The people you need to be most skeptical of are the so called intellectuals of the world.

It's a fucking proclamation in which they rejected the concept of the Divine right of Kings. It's in the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE FOR FUCKSAKE. This shit needs minimal context to understand what it was meant to convey and here we are, with 99% of the country getting one of the cornerstones of our founding ideology dead fucking wrong. OP is right, most people are a joke.

No. You must be hard on transvestites. They are abominations.

More like always


Hrs not dead, but lost in the true sense of the word. He has lost his way, but I will help him find it again
Thanks. Smirk at my pain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Embrace the madness and chaos. Transform yourself, become your own god. Will to power.

Sucks to hear. At least you progressed forward. Keep your head up too, user

This isnt old Sup Forums when we talked people to death (literally).
Don't neglect you have feelings too men.
We are programmed to not feel, fight it by having emotions.

Ironically this made me think about pre trip to Mecca Malcolm X.

based dude holy shit me too maga bretheren praise kek :)

I only have two feelings. I feel hot and I feel cold. That's all I need.

In other threads I rejoice about your downfall but irl I'm sad for you sven. Do Muslims really openly threaten rape? Could you give me any sources?

It's ok user.
I know your feel. I lost a majority of my friends due to this. Well they weren't really friends to begin with. Normies are breed to consume and die. They lack thought, critical thinking or any sort of intelligence. They're lambs to the slaughter. It's far better to be alone and stand with the truth.

DMT him lad.
Make a burner email, I'll fix (Chemist).
Fix my life.

Pol hasn't affected me badly at all
I'm a right wing tradionalist gay who voted for weedman2015. I already hated blacks other other annoying races.

I just come here to leaf you serious faggots.

wall of text did not read

It's true :( it's not the Americans fault though it's the Jews and the international banks. Hitler did nothing wrong and should've won. He was at Moscow. In the end his humanity was his own downfall. If he was the man his/our enemies say he was then he would've won no doubt but he was a loving person

One is shit, one is good right?

You are not an Oldfag, nor are you a Newfag, you aren't a commie nor are you a massive faggot. You are like me. You have hit a level of full blown Sup Forumstist. It is the only way and you are not alone. I know people I met and it is surprising how many people are redpilled. Never underestimate black people either. They are waking up. They talk more about these kinds of things than white people just they might mis inform or get some facts wrong about certain things for whatever reasons but they aren't all in the dark either. Some people may want to keep political things to themselves. Even if they agree with you. Those are Cuckservatives as a full Sup Forumstist would know. Some people you will find will be your enemy because they themselves are an enemy to them self. So if they can't respect or honor them self or small creatures. How can we expect them to honor or respect us? They sell you and your kind out every day for something they then say you are evil towards. Some people are high on false righteous Ire. They are the main problem in my opinion. The fucks who act like they are the standard of living. Like they know what is or isn't offensive for everyone else. They are bastards of the Nation since its Revolutionary roots. Which was some what misconstrued too.

Masons like Benjamin Franklin and others not so savory.

It's still factually wrong. I don't care if it's some metphorical fuck you to King George, it's still not correct.
You want to explain birth defects, genetic mutations, c-sections, when supposedly all men are created equal?
It can be some poetic thing to you, but to me it's just factually untrue. Maybe the divine right of kings never really died out.

Come down South. Many of us are wealthy and totally welcoming of this shit. Though, many of the people I meet, even though they claim to be Republicans, they don't really follow politics/political history/Jewish evil. So called Christians who know nothing of Christ.
Oh well, at least they aren't faggots!
But there is a handful of Liberal faggots in the South too.

>be me
>literally just discover Pink Floyd
>literally this album first
>one week later
>very close friend dies in car crash
>I gave him his last earthly hug
>mfw I can't tell heaven from hell
Drugs make it fun and stuff but this era Pink Floyd is thinking man's music

>are you fucked
No I'm just a boy who doesn't know how to save his family :c

The silent lurker speaks.
There should be a board for the political lurk.
Not just "Muh Juch", "Muh NatSoc".
Get blackpilled, and avoid this cunt.

Just tell your brother you're never going to stop calling him by his actual name if it makes you that emotional

youre a newfag because you (like me) were a summerfag in old Sup Forums.

stop lying to yourself, i just realized something][]

Maybe you're just a dumbfuck who can't into nuance. Yes, user, I'm sure the founding fathers didn't notice any of the phenomena that you just listed. They were clearly mentally impaired, just bumbling around in the dark.

That you are the same fucking thing?

I'm not an expert so sorry for butchering, but in the Illiad, Achilles is represented as alpha male, but he spends most of the book fucking crying. The takeaway is that it was his extreme emotion that was perceived as hyper masculine

Honestly never touched on the X, care to elaborate for me?

Hey edgelord faggot, enjoy!

lol the irony is you are not the only one who feels this way especially when you try to bring up topics and dispute them as being true.

It took me about a week and a half of visiting Pol to and just reading and looking at the photos, videos, comments to realize how much propoganda is so false against conservatism and how much even our conservatives and republicans are so cucked by Zionist jews.

Its just so much info and eye opening revelations that i became a full time poster on here and am trying to redpill my friends and the world on what is going on. But you my friend are opening your mind to the truth and sometime in the future the rest of the world will as well.

The same pattern of thought exists everywhere. Genes and genocide are an urgent tangible problem so they break the trance, in a deliberate, sky is falling way. The only way out of the rest is an offensive, tangible result, oriented mindset. Most people are not there and just talk a load of shit; practically all internet personalities. The tell is always their emotion.

To that end, learning about hypnosis, persuasion, and psychological warfare is useful. I believe hypnosis is the most generally applied of them all. Everything we're concerned with is fundamentally trying to get people to believe something for themselves that forces them to act a certain way. Everything is phrased at us to this end, trying to slip something into unconscious belief.

There is no panic in reality, only physical consequence. Panic and other emotions are a sign of trance; it is the sensation of unconscious imposing on the conscious mind. You can supposedly align the conscious and unconscious with each other through hypnotic and other techniques; ending the 'willpower' meme. Finding those methods is a mission of mine.

" just bumbling around in the dark"

That's what I was telling you mate.
I should fucking cry more.
Instead, I fight people.
They have removed what man is.
An emotional killing machine.
I want to cry when I shoot something...nope, not allowed.

It's like I want to scream PROVE ME WRONG. It's not a challenge, it's like a request. I wish I was wrong about so much of the stuff I've learned but I'm not. The world sucks

He's just a guy who saw through most of the bullshit and was smarter than most anyone in the room at any given time and took quite a bit of shit for it.

I know he was involved in stuff I don't like but I think he also agreed with me in places? He's on my list of people to learn about I've just never gotten around to him. If you think my current state (change is constant) is similar to pre-Mecca X I'll look into him just to see if I can't learn about myself in the process

The Majority of Sup Forumsacks will become or are already Untermensch

I have no expectations for people except for me.

sure bud

>never had the privilege of innocence post-puberty

Forizzle. Take it from me, an extremely jacked mex-american who is in california public uni and understands media

Yeah you probably have similar nationalist perspectives. I think The Autobiography of Malcolm X is a great read whether you agree or disagree with him.