Weed is the biggest meme of our time

> most of you saying that you can quit smoking the herb "anytime you want" can't actually quit it
> im convinced that everyone who smokes this crap on a daily basis is addicted to it and they're only using it as a crutch
> even though this crap isn't as bad as alcohol it can still fuck up your brain especially if you're brain isn't fully developed which happens around the age of 25
> it lowers your testosterone and for some people it can trigger psychotic symptoms like schizophrenia etc



i have quit several times and am currently clean
i was literally raised on a pot farm have been a drug dealer and a loan shark. currently working 9-5 clean and paying taxes. self discipline is key and most people lack any at all, mostly due to the public school teaching all children to be pussys

>and they're only using it as a crutch
the absolute mad lads

sounds like a cool ride

you can say the same about booze OP are we gonna try to ban that again too? Why not just tax weed and double down on imported drugs like coke and heroin. Oh wait, the cia niggers need money never mind.

also fyi weed is the best way to get pussy have literally never in my life smoked with a girl 1on1 and not at least gotten a BJ not trading for it either just sharing with them females are dumb af about drugs

> im convinced that everyone who smokes this crap on a daily basis is addicted to it and they're only using it as a crutch
cool evidence retard

some people live to survive I live to get high


People who cosumedrugs every day are addicted to it?

You mean like Tabacco and alc?
You are so smart user

You are absolutely right and not a faggot.

Weed addict here currently two weeks clean. The shit absolutely breaks down your mental structures. So it's good for redpilling--I think weed-induced psychosis helped me break the conditioning. But if you're already redpilled it is slowing down your thinking and research.

So I know a lot of niggers. When they smoke, they are exactly the same. No personality change.

I also know a pale-ass Ashkenazi Jew who says he can't smoke, it freaks him out.

Which of those two do you think has more brain activity? Ah, now you're starting to get it

especially if you're brain isn't fully developed

if you're brain isn't fully

you're brain isn't

you are brain is not

are brain is


>you're brain

>you're brain

>you're brain

OP, stop smoking weed and posting on Sup Forums.

"""YOU'RE BRAIN""" obviously has some developing left to do.

>being this autistic
Try some weed

I haven't thought about that, weed freaks me the fuck out and every time I bring that up to stoners they imply I am mentally weak.

>> im convinced that everyone who smokes this crap on a daily basis is addicted to it and they're only using it as a crutch
No shit.

Thanks Jamal

It is fairly easy to quit in my experience, I don't think you should smoke weed unless you're fit, healthy, of good mental health and your life is in order. I smoke occasionally and simply stop at a moments notice for a few months when I need to focus on something.

I'm high-IQ and weed might as well cut my tongue out; word-processing is GONE when I'm high. Can't even read or shitpost.

I mostly think about torture when I'm high. Or hell. Or Roko's basilisk. It's a kind of spiritual training, I guess, terrorizing myself. Or it was. I'm done now. Done with caffeine too--now I can sleep without bud!

Lol my name is Brian stop calling me that

True for the most part, and I say that as someone who used to smoke daily.Chemical addiction and dependency on a drug are two very different things, but essentially lead to the same long term results in your life. You can absolutely become dependent on the shit, for a myriad of reasons, and it absolutely acts as a crutch when you use it as such. It fucks your ambition,energy, and most of all self discipline, and destabilizes your personality because the way you deal with everything becomes just blaze. I've also seen multiple friends develop legit diagnosed schizophrenia after being daily smokers for a long time in their youth. Any faggot in this thread disagreeing or asking for evidence I guarantee smokes and hasn't hit the wall yet, or they have and they fully realize how much of a degenerate fuckwad they've become, but lack any self worth, self discipline, or braincells to change that.

Should be legalized, it makes sense from an economic standpoint, but even 24/7 blazed faggots realize there is no reason to smoke daily except maybe terminal illness, to cowardly to do anything about it, and having been there I know that realization eats away at them daily.

LIbrarian in elementary school called Brain Brian when she read us Arthur books. Wanted to kill the bitch

>quit several times
What did he mean by this?

>falls for "marijuana reefer madness" terror propaganda of paper/prison/pharma industries
>indirectly sucks the cock of federal reserve

wow sure is bluepill in here

They caught him by the drinking fountain

The reason most human-shaped trash smoking week or doing others drugs is stereotypically retarded is because of two reasons :
1) the most important, you have to be a retarded to use drugs, this is a self-selection process
2) drugs either kill neuronsor imbalance the brain chemistry on a generally permanent timescale

Basically, drugs lower IQ, but since you have to be low IQ for starting with, the average druggy is a complet retard.

the stigma against weed is a good thing

Hemp != Smokeable weed

In fact, the cannabis strains that create the best rope, twine, paper, industrial usage, etc... are not the same strains that quote "get you high"

i mean i have quit for months at a time because it suited me and i had no problems besides moodyness for the first two days (normally salty af anyway)also am white descended from Norman and welsh, ancestor was man who killed Richard the 3rd (England) sooo


There was a time where I smoked weed every day for about 2 months. Waned off and stopped completely in pretty much 1 week. No cravings, no problem.

Porn on the other hand...

I'm week into nofap and it's fuckin hard.

>bruh, you're weak cause you don't sedate yourself
They're fags, ditch them

I stopped when I started having trouble remembering statistics. Made me feel like a dunce. Nothing wrong with meeting life sober.

so the niggers of the anglos? makes sense

using drugs for social reasons is wrong those people have very small minds and you should stay away

10 days here, i also started getting redpilled when i started smoking weed but after a while i was justo a druggy who couldnt enjoy shit without being high

hahahaaha got me there.... at least im not actually black what is your ancestry

this have a (you). sage

What's worse is that pot makes you fucking worthless as an individual. It destroys your motivation and memory, it makes you not give a single fuck about anything.

I know this as both a former user and someone around current users. Potheads are the most disgusting of drug addicts, because they seem to think the thin veneer of function they can portray in society makes them better than a similarly addicted drunk.

Well, congrats, dopeheads, you have managed to normalize your DOC and thereby make our society complacent and lazy.

A horrific death to all you fucking potheads.

.t speed and booze user.

Weed gives you insight to how shitty of a human being you are and how fucking retarded the world is. It's a tool. The issue isn't weed it's the human being using it.

Kill yourself, degenerate.

Except weed isn't addictive only small minded people get addicted you just have to stop.

Maybe I will.

But one thing I know for sure is that suffering through a lens of life that is composed of an ocean of THC that entombs my neurons and makes me a lazy piece of shit is something that I will certainly exit stage left from life rather than smolder within indefinitely.

You worthless pothead piece of shit.

Wait, don't just kill yourself, kill your druggy friends too.
And as much jews ( aim for women and girls if possible ) as you can, it would be great thanks.

>, kill your druggy friends too.
>And as much jews ( aim for women and girls if possible ) as you can, it would be great thanks.

You just made the worst mistake of your entire life, kid.

Yes i know interacting with drug addicts is not something you should do, but i couldn't pass up the occasion to do good.

So what user? People who are crippled into self-hate by the jews (directly or indirectly) will often sooth their pain someway, somehow. It's better that they become potheads than alcoholics.

>interested to try out weed
>get some
>smoke few times, clean, no tobacco mixing utter degeneracy
>get stoned
>get so stoned I lose interest in smoking
>forget about stash in my drawer

Weed is a total fucking hype.