Why can't the alt right look this fucking badass. They look like they could be the new cast of The Expendables
Why can't the alt right look this fucking badass. They look like they could be the new cast of The Expendables
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I'll blow that little faggots head off before he could even get the chance to ready his bow and arrow what a massive cuck
The two white guys look like substitute math teachers who hung themselves because not even the 6th graders respected them
They look like pussies.
The sheer accuracy of that statement
They ARE the new cast of the Expendables. For every one that gets hurt, the impetus is used to encourage 10 more.
Attack the belief; not the individual.
Or new kids on the block
And fuck the alt right you Reddit faggot
Out you go
The atheist is going to blow his nuts off.
Cuck scarf spotted on dweeb #1. Do all leftists wear this "uniform"?
barefoot spearchucker hahaha
>Assuming a redneck who killed wildlife his whole life with his AR-10 would get killed by some nigger with a shotgun.
Learn how civil wars work
After I outbeast and murder the bowman, the rest would fall quickly.
I see all these photos as "free weapons"
Simply said, the alt-right are basement virgins.
The real guys who would fight in a civil war are people like my friends and I. Former 10th Mountain Infantry, and would love bagging liberals.
Here's the thing, we have jobs and don't want to be arrested since society is still functioning. If civil war broke out though, the rules would pretty much be off and action would be easily justified. People like me though, we're not men of words. We're men of action. I'm a Mexican-American, personally if I was white I'd be looking for a militia to join up with right now. Raised in Texas, living behind enemy lines in Commiefornia.
ITT: name this band
alt left
Cant shoot straight
Bow guy is the only smart one.
No one is going to steal his sneaks.
Ginger cuck
>Limp wristed faggot
>Looks downsy
>Going to shoot his left foot off
>Faggot scarf thing
Wimpy nignog
>Carry his GLAWK FO'TY like a nigger
>Going to shoot his dick off
>Fedora, headscarf, earrings, glasses
Four-eyes cuck
>Fucking barefoot
>God damn bow and arrow he stole from his archery class
>wearing a shitty unfitting flak jacket
>Scrunched up together because he doesn't want to touch either nignog on either side of him
Last nog on the right
>Fucking nose piercing
>Shit-tendrils dreadlocks
All of the guns looks kinda fake, and none of them look intimidating whatsoever.
Why is the niggers gun holstered in his pants?
Why would the 'alt right' do anything?
There will come a day when these commie shits push it too far and trigger a response from the National Guard.
It's inevitable.
>Old Hotness: Tactical Shorts
>New Hotness: Tactical Boxers
ever seen die hard? Remember the broken glass scene?
Don't forget general butt naked who went into combat nude
New Fantastic 4 featuring Stewie, The Flash ,The Arrow and totally normal black man of color under supression of the white patriarchy. Follow these heroes on a journey of bashing the fash!
82nd here. There's so many of us waiting in the shadows.
Everytime I see antifa and modern punks I remember those old side scroll brawl games with random collored minions.
I'd sneak up on the nigger and pull the trigger
>doxing yourself
Do you think they flash opposite colors when you punch them?
Logged and cited.
Enjoy being catalogued in a database, you stupid cuck.
There's a million other Mexican American veterans from Texas lmao who are you trying to fool
Go ahead, I have nothing to hide. Like I said, if anything really happened, the FBI would not be what you need to worry about.
It only takes about 3.5% of the population to topple a sitting government, when American citizens have to start debating whether to shoot other Americans that is when all of these law organizations will simply break down. The Army would have massive desertments as people would refuse to shoot citizens and would venture on back home to help their families. It would be pretty bad, but I think good would come of it. Perhaps as a society we are too docile, we need a happening.
Hey there, you fuckers never PMCS'd your vehicles and you loved shooting dogs. Other than that you guys are pretty cool. Leg for life.
They look fucking retarded!
How many use his (likely) static IP, though?
Just lol @ you if you think the NSA isn't always watching
>Putting a gun in your pant and pointing it at your dick
>so cool
I realized something that took way too long. the left is fueled by peer pressure.
>4chinz the Mongolian throat singing forum is srs bizness!! XD
kek looks like some dumb movie
>edgy barefoot
Nice try.
>It would be pretty bad, but I think good would come of it.
What good came about from the last civil war?
>There's so many of us waiting in the shadows.
What does this even mean?
101st here. As soon as SHTF, we are ready.
left wing legolas there
Yes, they prolly flash the opposite colors. lol
They look like they're about to suck each other's dicks.
correcting you
>le gaylas
The last civil war was a time before mass direct media. Abraham Lincoln jailed over 300 reporters for wrongthink.
It means if there was a power grab, you'd have every Afghanistan & Iraq veteran arming up and doing the right wing death squad thing. I'm Mexican-American and I was half-joking earlier with another Mexican-American friend of mine who was an Army Ranger. We were talking about finding some niggers and stringing them up. I'm not even racist, but shit like this really gets under our skin. Don't poke the bear. When you play stupid games, you will win stupid prizes. These communists are a joke to actual threats like us. It's the truth, not even egoboosting or anything.
I have veteran friends of mine who feel the exact same way as I do, but we all try to stay clean because we are getting jobs in police departments and federal agencies. We have the resume for it, no need to fuck it up by losing our cool in a shitty rally against an unemployed commie loser.
You just figured that out? Everything they do is an attempt to get kudos from their peers. That is why it's called virtue signaling.
bahahaha nice legaylas perfect
Fuck you spic you aren't American.
>looks at pic
we're fucked boys. we can't compete.
As an individual of privileged complexion, I'm ashamed that the two white guys are the only ones that look retarded
Would kill all with my Hoyt recurve 11/10 again.
You're right, I'm a Texan at heart and a southerner second, those are the principles I maintain.
>he thinks it matters how "serious" things are
>he thinks the NSA dragnet collection algorithm discriminates
>he thinks all his posts on here aren't sitting in some data warehouse
Here's a real redpill for you
"Please let me drink the cum from your black cock as it dispenses from my wife's anus...she has kids to feed" - Louis CK
>the left is fueled by peer pressure.
It's their staple to grow stronger. You'll be shunned if you disagree with them.
I love this.
101st here.
I honestly could give a shit. I have nothing to worry about. If anything was going to happen to me, it would have already happened. If it is bound to happen, then so be it, i'll handle that when it comes. As of right now, I give no fucks. I'm in the hiring pipeline right now for an agency, I have a real good chance of getting in. I'm looking to be the guy monitoring you anyway lol.
If I can't get into the fed then I've got complete options in the private sector too. I'm good son, and I have nothing to worry about, mainly because I'm not a basement virgin unlike y'all.
Oh shit, same.
OP's definition of "badass"
Same here.
I've got my AR and half a dozen other funs ready if the SHTF. Most weekends I'm camping with my fiancee or hunting with her brothers. We'd all like nothing more than to cut loose and clean our city's streets. But if things never get that bad ... well ... I'm an ed doc and they're police. We ain't risking the jobs that put a roof over our families' heads.
God I hope something does kick off though. Trump was my last hope for a political solution and he's more of a disappointment every day.
really... every fella on Sup Forums is either airborne or a ranger
101 isn't airborne
ITT: ex military fags acting like they wouldn't shit their pants if they ever saw these 4 men irl
I guess I knew somewhat but not to the extent of how much power it holds over them
>calls in air support
(i'm just rusing ya'll)
To be fair, I knew about 6 people in my platoon who browsed Sup Forums in 2008. My former squad leader browses Sup Forums. Trust me, we're real.
17th RAF Ranger.
It's international mate.A storm that will amuse me, I get to bow hunt communists.
Unless there's another 101st I don't know about
disgusting. leave beaner.
I know that bow and arrow guy is really fucking with my head. I thibk there might be pee gathering in my boots!
>It means if there was a power grab, you'd have every Afghanistan & Iraq veteran arming up and doing the right wing death squad thing.
You're assuming the entirety of the military is republican, which it isn't. You're also assuming the republicans would side with you during a conflict instead of hunkering down somewhere.
>Don't poke the bear. When you play stupid games, you will win stupid prizes. These communists are a joke to actual threats like us. It's the truth, not even egoboosting or anything.
All you're doing is ego boosting. You're fucking grandstanding on a sudanese rope burning forum. You need to acknowledge that and live with yourself.
>I have veteran friends of mine who feel the exact same way as I do
I also have veteran friends. Not all of them see the way you seem to. I also have very conservative friends with armories in their backyards and I can promise you they're not going to die for a republican or democratic senator.
Fuckin Based Black guys.
> you will never doing this
More like the expandables
u passed my snif dest friend :DDD
It still has the airborne tab, but it's not an airborne unit.
If I had 5 arrow and you at 800m running away, yeah, id get you.
An AK wouldn't pass, but a broadhead will.
Did you actually read it or no?
>In mid-1968 it was reorganized and redesignated as an airmobile division, then in 1974 as an air assault division.
The only airborne people in it are the division command group and the parachute demonstration team. I think thats 12 P slots total?
I sat and watched that replay about 15 times. The speed of that punch was fucking impressive. Wiped the smug right off that cuck's face.
fucking saved. you'll be seeing this one around a lot.
thanks for fighting bro. i'm 1488 but you sound ok.
A fucking CIA Jew, nice memery.
Lurk moar.
right wing belgian sean bean (the cuck slayer) is based.
How do you mean? What other criteria is there for being airborne? Afaik we haven't done a mass drop in a long while, but that doesn't make the divisions not airborne.
>you running away
Pretty much 99.5% of the combat arms(These are the only guys that matter in a domestic civil war) are Republicans or lean right. I'm a constitutionalist personally but I'm all for heli rides for commies.
Just because you own guns doesn't mean you know how to use them. A good amount of guys who preach about guns and the 2nd amendment are huge pussy's who couldn't hit an actual target that is shooting back. That's not an issue with combat vets. I'm honestly surprised no "PTSD" vets have freaked out and hit up CNN tower or something similar. This patience can only go so far.
>implying spics won't be strung up
They kept the tab for tradition. The only airborne units I know of are the 173rd (my 1st unit), the 82nd, 25th airborne, and there's some unit on fort Hood which is airborne, but they're only like one battalion, and I've only met one person from it. Then of course there's the ranger units, and SF. They have to have airborne school.
I call airshit. Except for the Robin Hood wannabe and drug dealing nigger with the pistol pointing at his dick.
He's ex-Wehrmacht - Jäger Division.
I carry appendix as well. But I do it with an IWB holster, and I conceal it like a sane person.
Comfy, and doesn't print. I carry in college, so I can't risk printing.
Have the Belgian cuckslayer pepe
You're gonna shoot your dick off bro.