Especially those who were already adults when 9/11 happened.
What goes through the mind of a mudslime apologist?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Look at what a good little goy I am! "
Liberalism is a disease
>They are persecuted by us Americans
>They are perceived as terrorists, no wonder they act this way
>This is because we invade their homeland
>They are in poverty and crime is expected
>what goes through the mind of..
Hopefully a 7.62x54mmR
>what goes through the mind
Mostly Jewish liberal propaganda and taqiyya
>minority group that is consisted mostly of non-white people
>therefore all criticism against it must be racism
OK Mr neocon Jew, I'll play your little game.
Islam is shit.
Now what?
You still have race-mixing and faggotry and feminism and everything else destroying the west. The only difference is you don't have based Muslims shooting up fag bars and blowing up degenerate pop concerts.
The thought of the orgasmic sound of that round going through a leftists head.
It's mostly not all muslims, which is true in a sense. Wahabism was a mistake.
Women and children aren't sufficient evidence for allowing a war-like ideology onto your doorstep or in your home when history shows that Islam means perpetual expansion regardless of sect.
We just live in a privileged era of history where Islam got bootyfucked by technological superiority so hard that it hasn't been able to wage war for a hundred years.
Well in my nation we don't particularly like Arabs as they're very different from South East Asians as a whole. They're considered aggressive, and don't even get me started on how we treat Africans. SEA muslims have for the most part been very conservative and not wanting to get into a conflict with others. Wahabism however has changed that, you see more Muslims here getting somewhat radicalized and wanting to be more Arab. Kind of makes me sad really, as just go back two or three decades ago and muslims drinking beer at parties was normal. Pic related, old Malaysian porn comics.
You are a muslim nonetheless
evidently not much
I'm an atheist actually. I just feel sad watching what is happening to my country.
Your country used to be great. A country to look up to for us poor nigger people. But Islam has ruined it and turned it into just another dictatorship shithole. Soon it will be another Indonesia.
>What goes through the mind of a mudslime apologist?
>viewers love me, if i can just get some voice lessons and get rid of my accent, maybe i can get a job at a national network, then it's on to multimillion-dollar contracts with them competing to hire me for my own prime time slot.
i bet you bitches used to even think that Megyn Kelly was /our/ girl
We're only 65% Muslim really, and at the way things are going we might have some chance of getting ourselves back on track.
Also don't call yourselves poor nigger people. Everyone likes the Nepalese who work here.
>public library for porn
that pretty progressive of you, Malaysia
Sounds like you should move to a degenerate western country where you can consume all the wonderful porn you like with your fellow non-Muslims.
Nah, those people are the worst. Now everyone thinks we are poor slave people who go to 2nd world for low level jobs. We are the mexicans the whole Asia. But I don't blame those people entirely, we have a very corrupt political system and backward culture and beliefs.
We are literally on nigger level. Only difference is that we dont chimpout like them.
it's brainwashed doublespeak
>not all muslims
>but all white pride
>100 muslim attacks means we just need to have more discussions about cultural assimilation
>1 white guy attacking means we need to literately kill all forms of white pride
Shrapnel, more than likely.
No that's Bangladesh, Nepalese are more quiter and don't want any trouble from anyone. I've heard of cases where Bangladeshi workers grope and rape, but hardly anything by Nepalese
Thank you friend for your kind words. I hope your country will go back being great again!
Only neocons and faggots have a problem with Islam. Real nationalists understand that they are our allies in the struggle against Jewish globalism.
>defends blood worshipping murderers
Muslims are the only culture with the balls to actually fight degeneracy. You live in a nation that marries faggots.
How bad is it in your country? Does Saudi Arabia have any influence on your countrymen? Does it try to gain it?
Don't full yourself Malayshit your country is spiraling into its own destruction because of your corrupted muslim leaders.
When you have a policy that promotes a certain race first over others, and that race is intellectually inferior to the others (Chinese and Indians> Malays in all IQ fields), you're bound to fail, which you already are.
Real nationalists understand that Islam and its values belong nowhere near our Western nations.
Islam is, itself, degenerate. They literally leveled Roman cities to the sand and destroyed history and culture of Western civilization. There's also no shortage of boyfucking but they keep it on the hush.
>muh western values
Fuck you Kike
Muslim society supported Jewery more than anybody else historically. Literally 1300 years of Jew-love while Christian society was busy expelling them endlessly.
>literally BBC loving faggot jew
emphasis on literally
>he just hates shitkins
at some point you will have to accept that some people have legitimate well founded reasons to dislike certain things even if you don't agree with them
Yeah sure, Muslims are the real degenerates. Keep telling yourself that until you believe it.
There's a reason why they were and are still living in the 1400s while the West left them in the dust, degenerate.
>They are perceived as terrorists, no wonder they act this way
I like how it's ok for Muslims to act like terrorists for being perceived as such but it's not ok for people being perceived as nazi to act like one.
The main problem is that we have Muslim clerics who have studied in Arabia but came back and are trying their utter best to out Muslim each other. Everyone else as such gets mixed up in the crossfire. There is a case where non-muslims aren't allowed in a laundret because of 'cleanliness' issues. Also special muslim only shopping carts.
Our Prime Minister was found with 750million USD in his own bank account that he says was from an Arab prince. I'm not sure how much influence the Saudis are trying to get on us, but it's as if we're trying our best to become their bitches.
Go fuck yourself kiasu chink. Kiasu Sigaporeans always stuck up and think they are better than everyone. Small island state that looks like Malaysia's shit should just fuck itself.
"Oh look at how modern and advanced we are." fuck off lah. You've been under a dictatorship longer than any nation in Africa. Developing your island was more like a long game of SimCity than anything. Even a small kid could do it.
9/11 was literally the jews m8
They are anti white
Ah technological progress! We can now watch our gay porn in glorious 4K and on our smartphones. Such progress! So much better than those 14th century savages with their traditional values.
better than goat fucking, that's for sure
What goes through the mind of a Christian apologist to justify driving millions of gay men and women to suicide, into depression, and into prison for their biological sexuality?
>biological sexuality
No one is born a sodomite
>Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality is No Genetic
Just Over 2% Tell CDC They Are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual
Proof You Can't be 'Born Gay'
Summary of Scientific Findings on Homosexuality
>destroying roman history and architecture and fucking your 8 year old sister
>traditional values
The fact that people who commit suicide don't belong and that it could be worse, we could be chucking you off rooftops and at this pace probably should.
>if I say that what will others think of me?
>if islam is a threat, what should we do about it? Oh God that's too hard, let's do nothing and delude ourselves in believing inaction is great #tolerance
We could roll over and cater to the LGBTQIIAAP's every whim and they'd still kill themselves in record numbers because they are mentally ill.
7% of millennials are gay:
Perhaps historically, but in a modern context absolutley not
at least they aren't throwing you from a tall building
So what is it? Being a sodomite is genetic but younger people are more likely to be sodomites? Don't you see the contradiction?
>muh goat fuck meme
A five year old could come up with a better insult.
Almost like people who live around homophobia are less likely to come out! Millennials live in a more tolerant environment and feel more comfortable being honest with their sexuality.
that's a crossman pellet/bb gun. goddamnit.
More like sodomite propaganda and retarded teens adopting and surrpunding themselves with sodomite "culture" to look cool. If you check the CDC statistics the percentage of men who have anal sex with other men (homosexuality) has been constant. This just proves how harmful gay propaganda is and why it should be banned. Sodomites intentionally target and groom kids
It's your cross to bear. The sin of lust. As a christian you are supposed to over come it.
Just like if you are born with anger problems, that's your cross to bare. You can't use it as an excuse to go around attacking people. You have to overcome it to become a good person.
Of course it is fine when Christians target gay people though :^).
I think you'll find it was Germanic tribes that sacked Rome.
Again more evidence that gay propaganda and public displays of faggotry must be banned. Thanks adding all those pics in my sodomite redpill folder
I think you'll find you're a fucking retard who should shut his stupid bitch mouth before it gets slapped.
The Muslim chronicler and geographer al-Himyari recounts that in 870 CE, following a violent struggle against the occupying Byzantines, the Arab invaders, first led by Halaf al-Hadim, and later by Sawada ibn Muhammad,[70] looted and pillaged the island, destroying the most important buildings, and leaving it practically uninhabited until it was recolonised by the Arabs from Sicily in 1048–1049 AD.[70]
Under Arab domination Leptis disappeared: by the 10th century the city was forgotten and fully covered by sand.[10]
Finally the Arabs were responsible for its ultimate destruction around AD 700.
Came here to post this.
the same thing that goes through a gambler's mind when they make a bet.
that norman bates "smile"