Why are americans so patriotic and "muh military"? Is it because of the pledge of allegiance that indoctrinates them all from childhood? No other country has such cultist flag-idolizing bullshit
Why are americans so patriotic and "muh military"...
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Go worship your jungle animals and abos
Spoken like a true criminal.
because we fought for this country we fight to believe in this country everyday is a struggle for all americans to fight for the unity of all americans. we came to this land to escape persecution, to be free, some of us made some mistakes along the way but we dont look back on it and forget what makes the usa so great. it is our belief in the country, that being born an american is one a privilege. we were born into a country where we are privileged to call ourselves americans and it is all of our duties to preserve the union for future generations as the previous generations fought so hard to give this country to all of us
Who are you comparing against?
aussies believe in nothing, it's a very difficult concept for them guise.
I went to a Catholic school, managed to have an awkward bouncy fuck relationship with a nun. Anyways what was we on about?
>americans unironically pledge allegiance to the flag every single day until they leave school
>americans will then grow up to claim they are not indoctrinated cucks
The state has to indoctrinate the citizenry with patriotism if it wants to wage never-ending war. All warmongering nations do that.
The flag idolising I don't understand, but the patriotism I do, we need more of it here in Australia, let them be obsessed with flags if they want, but they have the right general idea going for them
To my American allies. Apologies for the faggot post by this OP faggot convict. Obviously he voted yes for homo marriage.
>I literally cannot stop gobbling american cock
and here I was thinking that shrimpniggers had good banter
Because the leadership needs to shove the worship of a piece of clothing down your throat to get you to support wars for Israel and feel comradery with all the shitskins they import to replace you.
Because we're all brainwashed to fight and die for the empire.
Good goy, you really think your government is your friend and that those guys at the NSA aren't laughing at your girlfriends nudes, all the while guzzling down taxpayer paychecks to pay for things that you will never have in your life.
Because we care about our identity. You convict cucks live on a Desert Prison and you still fly the flag of your Jailers on your flag.
1. OP is a faggot, don't think that all Australians are like him
2. A majority of the population doesn't live in the desert, Australia being all desert is a meme made by the geographically challenged.
3. 54% faggot eat a fucking corndog cunt
Name 1 (one) difference between best koreans bowing to a picture of kim jong un every day and americans worshipping a flag every day
I would also be hyper patriotic if i were an american. They're number 1 in science research military etc. USA is literally the best place to live in right now. Ungreatful niggers should go back to africa and kneel to their zulu warlord.
1. OP is a faggot, don't think that all Australians are like him
2. A majority of the population doesn't live in the desert, Australia being all desert is a meme made by the geographically challenged.
3. 54% faggot eat a fucking corn dog cunt
I don't know about other schools, but mine only did the pledge of allegiance in elementary school.
It's optional too, but of course kids don't know that and most parents don't care about it. At least not enough to damage their reputation and ostracize their kid by requesting their child sit out of it.
They don't ever really go over the meaning of it so I don't know that it's a very effective brainwashing tool if that was the idea. It's just memorization of the words.
I can only imagine how many times teachers have to correct kids saying invisible instead of indivisible.
>No other country
No other country is as great as America. Bad for them. Good for us.
Said the bong, before having to fend off an "asian" rape gang with an illegal spork
How far up your ass is that burger flag?
Allegiance is not doctrine, kike, it's allegiance. A synonym of allegiance is loyalty. It has nothing to do with doctrine.
Go to any Asian nation, they'll all say that my country is the best country and all the others surrounding me are lower than me. Not all worship their flag, but they are all very nationalistic.
Show your flag commie faggot.
Also, can you prove to me that The United States of America is not objectively the best place to live in?
Jesus Christ. Just shut the fuck up cunt . Tired of bitches bitching.
>No other country has such cultist flag-idolizing bullshit
Thats bullshit. European countries dont have it because they're the ones that were indoctrinated to hate themselves and hate their nation
We care about oir like nation because our forefathers built it into the most powerful one on earth and our family members died fighting for it.
I wouldn't expect you to understand wanting to be unified and part of something larger than yourself
The only pride that should be encouraged is pride in the accomplishments of others. Pride in yourself is vanity. You should set an example enough that other people want to be associated with you. People dont understand that. You can have pride in your brotherhood, pride in your people, pride in your family. But for some reason you leftists act like pride is something you should only have in what you do directly when in reality it's the one type of pride you should specifically avoid
If you're not unified part of a group larger than yourself, and you dont actually care about something larger than yourself then you're a divided individual who will be easily conquered and who will constantly be depressed and alone
yes yes nice memes but you and every other american actually did that shit every single day
>i-it isn't doctrination because it's called the pledge of ALLEGIANCE
don't be a dumb cunt lad, also your argument might make some sense if it wasn't forced upon 5 year old children for 15 years
Did you vote yes? Faggot anti-nationalist cunt
B-but this poll I saw on facebook says that the Netherlands is the best place to live.
In the meantime, chefs in communifornia complain about their foie gras. Fuck off.
>doesnt have the strongest valued currency
>doesnt have the longest average life expectancy
>doesnt have the highest average iq
>doesnt have the highest valued tech stock
>doesnt have the lowest crime rates
>hasnt won a war since the 90s
but sure murica is numba won
slurp slurp
Zero difference. They are both doing the right thing.
you voted yes didn't ya you Poofta you have FaG in your ID and Your DNA
How can it be indoctrination if there is no doctrine involved?
Are you retarded?
>I wouldn't expect you to understand wanting to be unified and part of something larger than yourself
unfortunately for you this "something larger than yourself" happens to be 44% non-white and the epicenter of jewish tricks worldwide
I'm gonna give an honest response.
The reason is because America is actually a nation of immigrants, and the only thing binding us together is the culture of the democratic republic.
So we start each day committing ourselves to a higher ideal than race or gender or religion: the ideals of America (inb4 muh civic nationalism)
That's why Trump is gonna win this NFL thing. Because the fans know that we play the anthem before each game to remind everyone on the Red team AND the Blue team that we're all Americans and this is just a friendly comeptition. Refusing to participate in that marks you as NOT American and an outsider.
You completely failed to name a greater one, faggot. Tell you what. Why don't you figure it out, then move there. Put your money where your mouth is.
Fuck the netherlands and fuck cuckerberg
Of course a commie would try to shit on the USA kys
Well they have been the winning team for the last 200 years or so
The United States was built up in the Post-War era as an ultranationalist bastion against Communist infiltration. This had a few requirements:
1: Religion. Religious people resist communism effectively because Communism is itself a religion--a sick and retarded religion that requires the obliteration of all others, sort of like Islam.
2: Nationalism. The ludicrous idea of Internationalism is fortunately far weaker and more inferior than the natural and human idea of Nationalism. This is because class consciousness doesn't exist--all that exists is tribalism along racial, ethnic and cultural lines, usually concentric ones.
Communists actively destroy culture because culture creates nationalism. Only in a totally cultureless world can communism endure.
3: A cult of militarism. The military is the single greatest gyre of nationalism possible--it allows one to create effectively any amount of highly patriotic and nationalistic individuals. Moreover in order to stand against Communism the nation must be willing to fight effectively any war.
It is for these reasons that the Left opposes all of these ideas--because without undermining them, the Left can never, never *possibly* triumph over the United States.
We sang the national anthem at school.
Piss off you faggot. You probably sniff petrol with Abo's in the outback.
I wish we were still indoctrinated in our education centers. Nowadays nobody has to pledge allegiance to the flag and people can do whatever the fuck they want. A lot of schools in America don't even have American flags in them anymore. I miss the 24/7 pro-America indoctrination of the 20th century, it's certainly a hell of a lot better than the Marxist/Leninist/Postmodern indoctrination we have today.
>implying any of that prevents America from being a global hegemony.
keep slurping their cock maybe they let you bomb Iran
I wish we had more of it. Maybe we wouldn't be so fucked....
>So we start each day committing ourselves to a higher ideal than race or gender or religion: the ideals of America
I've never met anyone who does this outside of schoolchildren, and I'm not even sure they do it anymore because I stopped in 3rd grade.
why are nonamericans obsessed with what happens in america
fuck off
i pledge allegiance
to the fags
and to a puppet state of Israel
and as for republics
they cannot stand
one area
under goddess
with pornography and handouts for all
Because we live in, literally, the greatest nation that has ever fucking existed. We have more freedom here than you can fathom; we shrugged your imperialist, monarchic, bullshit system and it worked. We love our country, we honor our ancestors, we will lead you to victory.
Also, fucking sage.
>Be Brit
>Get run over, raped, stabbed and blown up on the way to work by Muslim.
LOL this is the biggest load of bullshit. You sound brainwashed as fuck.
why are americans obsessed with sticking their noses in foreign affairs
you fuck off
>i-it's not me hurrr
you vote for those people
I pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the republic, for which it stands
one nation
under God
with liberty and justice for all
Every single school day for 8 years and I'd do it all over again.
America was destined to be a militant White nation that would conquer the world. We've steered a bit off the trail though.
Nice strawman
You were born in america and had no choice in the matter. Stop taking credit for what your ancestors did.
That's the problem with the kids today.
Not that midles repetition of the pledge is good, but we've lost a sense of unity, which has always been represented with the flag. Why do you think the 2A people all love the Gadsen flag? Flags give Americans boners.
Because flags represent THE BEST FUCKIN PLANET ON EARTH
Why do you care so much about what other people are doing? Go pledge the flag 5 times a day if you want. Just cause someone doesn't follow your same tribal traditions doesn't make them any less american.
Indoctrination. Duh.
Because USA is a Israeli colony were the youth are brainwashed to blindly worship everything the USA does without questioning it, believe they have the highest standards of living with all other countries inferior, and worship Israel. The ironic part is they believe they are the most "free" on Earth and the NKs or Nazis were the brainwashed ones. The opposite is true. Its a country wide cult. Very effective at controlling the population.
This is why Americans, unlike all other people's, cannot even have any joking banter over their country. The brainwashed conditioning is too powerful.
Patriotism, if not taken to the extreme, can make any country great and prosperous because the people are united. It is a lack of patriotism in America today that is turning slowly turning it into a third world country where the people have no common will. There are people in America who unironically burn the American flag and nothing happens yet they are crying facism. This is a great timeline and I can't wait for bloodshed.
>if there is no doctrine involved?
wew lad, the doctrine is the beliefs that 99% of you sheep brainlets have that america is the best nation on earth (despite ranking low in basically every category) and pledging yourself to the country uncritically like good little cucks
it's because our country isn't a vassal to the emu state
the jews don't care about who wins elections
Because Richard Stans was a great, great man.
... and to the Republic, of Richard Stans...
It’s only the white people dude. White Americans are the purest form of cancer. But not all of them, it’s mostly just the conservatives, they seem to permanently have a stick up their ass.
The revolutionary war started off as a minority uprising. Americans were always sheep who backed the person carrying the biggest stick.
Buh- but my forefathers
Still mad based USA with the help of france kicked your ass? Fucking james.
I pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the republic, for which it stands
one nation
under God
with liberty and justice for all whites
You don't honor your ancestors. Fucking penal colony's lasting legacy.
we are going to do that anyway, that's what friends do.
Here is something that no one talks about. The DOD pays the NFL with tax payer money to have these shows of patriotism. NFL owners don't do it cause they love their country, they do it for money.
>implying being proud of your father is wrong
You were molested as a child weren't you.
being proud of your father and taking credit for what your father did are two different things though
Virtue signalling for cuckservatives.
Says the country that likely would not exist anymore if we were to give your enemies free reign.
spoken like a true welfare cuck.
Yeah it actually does.
>No other country has such cultist flag-idolizing bullshit
Everything starts as a minority uprising, you fucking dipshit. you discredit the men of intellect and bravery, orders of magnitudes above yourself, that gave you the life you live today. If you have a problem with America then leave. There are places in Europe that will L I T E R A L L Y pay you to live there.
>anti-nationalism bait thread
>dumb cunts like eat it up or are part of the shilling
>Says the country that will not exist anymore in 20 years no matter what
Most common British baby boy's name is Muhammad.
Niggers get the justice they deserve.
>Why are americans so patriotic and "muh military
Because they're good goys
From ushistory.org
Name one country that can defeat us.
thanks for proving my point, sheep
They're not anymore. Haven't you seen people shitting on the flag while everyone claps?
LOL a bunch of rapists and baby killers. No thanks, you sound like you have PTSD.
My guess is that most muricans feel as worthless as rat shit so they need something to replace their empty ego and nationalism is one of the easiest sources of undeserved pride for weak-minded losers.
>Oh shit this goy might wake the slaves up, better blindly appeal to patriotism, that always works on the sheep
>HEHE 1766, your just jealous! America numba 1 right go-guys!?
Our worst city (London) is demographically better than the entire United States. Not to say we aren't in deep shit, but compared to you, we're floating in the clouds.