To me it's the ultimate cuckoldry, thinking you're making a difference while being replaced by inferior races.
This dogshit ideology needs to be purged.
To me it's the ultimate cuckoldry, thinking you're making a difference while being replaced by inferior races.
This dogshit ideology needs to be purged.
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No need to exterminate them, just keep hammering the race wedge and most of them will make the leap on their own.
what if i told you i'm pro segregation and for the deregulation of hiring quotas and subsidies in the work place? And for the requirement of drug tests to be qualified for gibs? And for the return of the death penalty and public executions?
I just want to know how the fuck "I don't mind a few based black guys here and there" somehow turned into the "I DON'T MIND IF WE GET REPLACED BY SHITSKINS AS LONG AS THEY BELIEVE IN FREEDOM BASED BLACK GUY PLEASE FUCK MY WIFE XD" strawman. I'm not a civic nationalist but I'm still open to judging people based on their merits, for Christ's sake. I'd be neighbors with Ben Carson over John Oliver any day.
They'll exterminate themselves. The wall they planted themselves between will crush them into paste.
This, MJ is the one who broke my pure race ideals.
We simply kill them, it's not fucking rocket science mate. Grab your baseball bat and start flogging cunts.
It's almost like you babies don't even know how to fucking fight back for your country... jesus fucking christ... god save us.
>tfw MJ was so woke he literally started turning white
>tfw someone would not still be a nigger if they were truly redpilled
I hope a nigger rapes you. Hitler was an insane faggot, narcissist but didnt mind small numbers of those whom possessed 'good character' at least in the SS/Wehrmacht. See pic related, you stupid nigger.
hey FBI
Pretty sure that leftist bong isnt a Trump supporter. Probably votes labor for the gibs.
I'd probably deserve it thanks to being a decendant of Churchill, but fuck that. I am nobodies bitch!
Mate, stop being in denial. You are fucked too, fighting is what the Jew wants.
Simply search 'Kaizen theory' into a search engine. The kikes have been planning this current mess for centuries, WW2 like Trump (the latter to a small extent) is a small blimp in their malevolent schemes.
Also start reading The Occidental Observer, if you can prepare for the short term troubles and long term survival. A short term 'race war' is incredibly unlikely and Ausfag gun laws are even worse than UK gun laws.
Don´t talk about purging, we need this window in history to change the overtone. As hard as it is, we need to accept civic cucks for now. Eventually there will be plenty of ways to convince our fellow whites to not interbreed with the other subspecies. To get to that place where we can savely propagate this however we need to carefully infiltrate the mainstream culture first without scaring away the normies. Be disciplined about this. Our journey will take decades to complete. God speed and Heil our people!
>Being this retarded
>Chooses 'muh states rights' fag flag but probably isn't even an NRA member.
Pal, that bitch is "British" by name/origin but as low IQ as it gets for a "white" (again only by name is she white).
Her picture is great propaganda quality and represents OPs sentiments almost too well.
Listen mate, I don't know what the fuck you are on about. Seriously put your words together correctly
I'm interested in the part where you mentioned
>Short term troubles and long term survival
Explain more on that please. Redpill me perhaps ...
>Shits on me for stating facts.
She is a bong and likely a labor supporter she sure as fuck didn't vote for Trump.
I'm not FBI idiot. It's basic truth
You want your country back from niggers, go fight them, not that hard. I can't say that you won't be arrested for it though. At least you did something that you believe in
Accelerationism is the only solution.
First you use civic nationalists to kill the left, then you kill the civic nationalists
>based black man
An ape taught to support a side of politics is still an ape, wake the fuck up.
Ben Carson is a fucking neurosurgeon, my dude.
anyone kind enough to redpill me on ethno-nationalism, most explanations i see are quasi-religious and metaphysical, and possibly one to convince normies considering many would just say "well if everyone becomes mixed race innate racial preferences will cease to exist"
>exist in a multiethnic population that will never be homogenous again
>i know what would be a viable political ideology: ethnic nationalism!
what did brainlets living in fantasyland mean by this?
no more nationalists fags
internationale forever
Once again... For some people going full Natsoc is instant and for some it's a slow process. You can probably get a decent amount of CivicNat to become NatSoc if you work hard enough on administrating the pills
The only real explanation of ethnic nationalism is very simple. People that look like one another, speak like one another and share the same values are far more likely to be successful. Trust extends from your immediate family to population at large because you know the other people next to you on the street have the same background, goals and values you do.
Compare that to modern day America where a white, black, Asian and Hispanic walk next to each other on the pavement. None of them trust each other because they look different, were brought up different and have vastly different goals in life. The result is a cutthroat, my way or the highway society.
They’re useful idiots while we move the Overton window.
Ok, that part i understand and agree with but what if the lines that distinguish race become blurred and lets say that eventually america will be similarly homogeneous (brown shit) , i get this is bad but when confronting normies many bring this up and see it as perfectly normal that white people should taint there genes with non whites. And instead of deducing that we should enforce segregation to end racism ect, we should instead subsume other ethnics into our genetic fibre
>dat 100 BBC stare
Essential Sup Forums reading list
make them live in gypsy and other assorted brown people ghettos
it usually takes anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months to change their minds
Because BLACKED, because texas is going to be 25% white in 2050.
The brown singularity race America is heading for will be an abject failure because it lacks the history and culture that goes hand in hand with a successful ethnostate. Example A, the Japanese are successful because their ethnicity is based on thousands of years of shared values and history.
The racemixed browns of the future in America will have no history or culture. Martinez the 5th won't remember his white great grandmother fucking a Mexican immigrant. No one will remember their past because it's so twisted and mixed.
Thanks,, and i guess if they pull the "nothing is wrong with that card" or the "we will build our own history and culture" i guess you can just define them as spiritually and culturally deficient scum, especially they are degrading an already great culture and history by promoting the creation of a new one.
Civic nationalism makes sense in some places, south america, north america where historically there have been many races living on the same land
Take it up a notch and follow the Brazilian integralist approach and turn that nationalism into civic fascism and diversity could work in this specific context
You trying to rationalise your flawed beliefs only makes you a bigger part of the stereotype
You're trying to insinuate that I can't want a white majority country and still be friends with a black guy.
And I'm telling you those two things are mutually exclusive. As evidenced time and again through history.
If you've got a plan to get whites on board for exterminating 40% of the US I'd love to hear it OP.