Do you stand with israHell and zioNazi or with Palestine, pol?
Do you stand with israHell and zioNazi or with Palestine, pol?
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Whichever one stops us being involved.
Let's just stay out of Jewish wars
Only correct answer.
Kek, that's a clever one.
Neither it's rightful pan roman clay.
Fucking jew....
I think Israel should destroyed by matter what it did to Palestine. The whole country is aggressive and destabilizing region.
Palestine because jews are the bigger threat.
Palestine 100%. Monumental crime what happened to those people.
reminder that nazi flag posters are 90% achmeds trying to hide their countrty
They all need to die
Israel in hat case. I hate muslims more than them and palestinians are the worst liars
>inb4 JIDF
No, I support the ground zero ocean
i support our best ally, of course
I'm from Cali, and I say we killem' all!
Civilized man poses a greater threat than a savage becaise he is a more sophisticated enemy.
Andread Breivik was a civilized man, he alone cinducted the most successful attack ever and got away alive
You better deal with 10 savages than with 1 civilized enemy.
I am surprised the palestinians are still tolerated, Israel should annex Gaza and West Bank once and for all and execute palestinian leaders, they are the same as ISIS deep down
As a progressive liberal you must feel that Israel must first open their borders to the Palestinians before there can be true peace. Surely, you agree that allowing all the Palestinians into Israel would resolve nearly all of the Israeli/Palestinian conflicts.
Only the Nazi are against open borders. You are not a Nazi are you, user?
There is no such thing as Palestine. Mohammed himself chased the jews away to settle at that area.
Any mustards are there against the wishes of their own prophet.
Peace with palestinians/animals is impossible.
>Standing with anyone
You are a part of the problem
How can one leaf be so based when it comes to teaching world history to ignoramuses?
Wrong my dear sweet maple syrup user. Israel must first want peace with Palestine before peace can ever be possible. Israel must open its borders and allow the Palestinians to be free and only then will the fighting stop.
As Bibi claimed before invading Iraq and taking out Saddam there will be "enormous positive reverberations throughout the region".
Take Bibi's advice and take out Israel's borders and allow for enormous positive reverberations throughout the region of Palestine and Israel.
Israelis != Jews
Yes, they were faggoty socialists for a long time, but eventually came around.
Israelis are some of the most racist people you can meet. They have no qualms calling other races "Monkeys"
Its the new york secular jews who are the faggots
>Israel must first want peace with Palestine before peace can ever be possible. Israel must open its borders and allow the Palestinians to be free and only then will the fighting stop
how about some White Phosphorous bombs instead?
I don't know, it works against jews?
Because I used to be a liberal 10 years ago, full anti-Israel, called them land thieves and else until someone opened my eyes on what they truly are, islamic savages and liars. A muslims is a muslim, cannot trust and must never help
Fuck palestinians, dirty muslims, Egypt and Jordan can have them back and I don't give a shit about Bibi's words
Nations for Christians
Nations for muslims
Not even 21K sq/km for Jews
Bow to your overlord, bootlicker
Surely, my oven dodging friend you are not suggesting bombing innocent women and child is a laughing matter? What would your fellow Jews say about such comments and presentation of disrespect towards human life?
I hope they both get vaporized.
Clearly, my moose loving neighbor to the north you are full of racist anger and maybe it is time you stop spending so much of your time around these Jews who apparently agree with your fears of diversity.
Palestinians are nothing but filthy snakes, that should be slaughtered on the spot, among with theur mothers, for creating more beasts as such
Palestine was never a country so I'm forced to stand with the Jews on this one.
Jews must learn to embrace diversity and assimilate other people's into their lands -- diversity is, after all, our greatest strength. Once they agree to open their borders to the needy they will truly be ready to have a country of their own.
We wuz British n sheet
Your "people" brought nothing to the world. The only purpose for you is to spread terror and lies torwards the innocent. This times we won't play along, dog. This time we will fight for our safety
How can this be my olive skinned enemy that you hate your neighbor so much?! What feels you with such fear of the overwhelming wealth that diversity can bring to Israel?! Surely, you do not believe Israel is only for the Jews!!! Israel is for everyone no matter their religion. Palestinians deserve to live side by side with the Jewish people of Israel. It goes without saying that we can agree with at least that much.
Israel has tried peace in the past, the Muslims always reject the more then generous offer in favor of lobbing more rockets at civilians.
EVERYONE can be Jewish -- no matter your color, race, or religion. It's time for the Jews to realize that the goys are the new Jews and let them into Israel where they belong.
What would the fine folks of Redddit say if they were to hear one of their precious Jewish brethren speak such a way about the Palestinians?! Surely, a Jew in Israel has enough soul remaining in its body to realizing that a Palestinian life holds no lesser value than that of an Israeli Jew!!!
The next week Israel will ask nicely for some more money and weapons to combat terrorism, but don't be fooled, they see murrica as dogs.
The greek tried to exterminate us, and so did the romans, and both failed. What makes you think that your exuse of an ethnicity can even try and face us? You rodents will run im fear as soon as we launch our rockets and drones to slaughter you and everything you love.
They all deserve to be gassed just to end the bullshit for the rest of time
It is never too late for Israel to take the ultimate step of peace and open its borders to its neighbors. The only way to bring peace to Israel is to do the one thing that has not been tried and that is to #OpenBordersForIsrael.
Nah, that's the Diaspora Jews - not you, the low IQ untermenschen. Try being less of a kike in future though - you're always shitting on them when you get attacked, but then taking their credit when on the offensive.
What you life's value is doesn't bother me. As long as you will try to get rid of us, 10000000 Palestinian lives are not worth one Jewish fingernail
This is why they always win. First Zionist invasions destabilized the region, and now they're effectively harnessing general anti-Islam sentiments to work in their interests.
*Even louder GASP*
My ashes, soap, and lamp shade Jewish pal you can not mean what you say!!!
God's chosen people would never wish such harm on others.
neither but I respect their rights to maim and kill each other
I can not believe what I am hearing from our Jewish friends hear today. I feel Israels future hangs in the balance and only Israel chooses to open its borders will it survive.
I can only hope and pray that God's chosen people choose to make the right decision and #OpenBordersForIsrael.
Yeah I'm pretty sure there borders were opened by force during the 6 day war, didn't end well for the Arabs.
lol israeli bootlicker thinking hes the overlord . LMAO . Ure literally like a nigger in the hood thinking hes morgan freeman
I would stand with palestine on principle, but they are such big cunts that I sympathize with anyone who is their enemy. Also it has been 50 years already, at some point you should just let it go.
Palestinians are the new Jews, though. And Jews are the new goyim. Diversity!
Thats right my sushi eating buddy!!! Religious, ethic, and racial diversity WILL BE Israels strength!!!
>"free palestine" people are anti-semitic neo-nazis
>"I stand with Israel" people are islamophobic neo-nazis
you can't really win
This sandnigger
How dare you my sheeny Christ killer compadre!!! You must be having a good time pulling my leg. Silly little kike you. *tweaks your clammy Jewish cheeks*
How come Israel gets to have a wall but we don't?
Because white goyim are the ultimate cucks.
Because Israels wall is fucking tiny in compared to the behemoth you need to build.
Build metaphorical bridges, not literal walls!
mexico doesn't indoctrinate their kids to hate and murder americans
After you're done with his boots, mine are dirty after a day in the suhkut, clean it goy
You must be careful asking such questions around these parts or you might wind up on the receiving end of an Israeli bombing run.
So answer me this. You're happy with your diaspora brothers out there in the world?
That's debatable.
Japan is full (alas!) but Israel will greatly benefit from all the immigrants we're unable to accept.
Palestine can either fuck off and take care of itself, or stop bitching and keep taking the money we put into developing their cities.
I'm not paying taxes so my government will put cash into a place that keeps whining genocide while sucking cash out of it's tit.
Neither. I stand with Jesus and plan on expunging both of the heretics.
Oh no some Arabs you displaced want to get revenge. Shocking.
I bet you don't pay taxes anyway kike
>blow up the King David hotel in an attempt to end British occupation
>complain when others want to blow up your hotels in attempt to end your occupation
The Jews are doing to the Palestinians what they will do to everyone and anyone they have power over.
That's what people need to fucking realize.
Yes, I totally stand with the Palestinian people. That means zero since there is fuck all I can do about it. The bullshit being wrought on the Palestinians is everyone's future if they don't wake up to these mother fucking rat Jews.
One day there will be peace in the lands of Palestine and Israel.
Fed up with zionists and mudslimes.
So what? Don't cry foul when we try to prevent our citizens from getting blown up over something that happened 50 years ago.
I remember you from another thread. You're that Mizrahi 12 year old, aren't ya?
Just laughing at your guys hypocrisy at times. I'm in no ways a supporter of Palestine, but that doesn't mean I have to suck Israeli cock and ignore your sandniggerish ways too.
We have our own problems to deal with in europe. Let the middle east sort themselves out. Its not our fight.
dear mister jewish kikes, would you be interested in investing in my lampshade and soup company?
You sure about that?
Yeah, travel to Turkey instead, no ? wayy closer.
Or will Arduan kill you too?
if there isn't an ysrael, then where do you expect failed slavic peoples to live?
Yes because burger intervention of the middle east caused these refugees in the first place.
do i have to pick a side?
Yes, you EU turd.
Breivik killed Marxists, a good thing
And neoconservatism had nothing to do with Jewish interests?
Arabs > Jews
People that live in their own nations > Gypsies
You're not even real Jews. You are some band of Gypsies that co-opted the Jewish identify some time during the Old Testament days.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Palestinians ended up being the real ancient Jews of Abrahamic times, and you, just some snaky pretenders.
What exactly did the Palestinians ever do to us?
The Israeli MOSSAD is the biggest terrorist group in the world, right alongside the CIA. MOSSAD pretends to be Muslim jihadis and incites and arms jihadi groups. ISIS = Israel