Should non-whites just be exterminated? We will never have true peace as long as subhumans exist, our genepool will continue to be polluted and they have all the good land in tropical paradises. I think it's God's will we get rid of these parasites on this planet once and for all.
Should non-whites just be exterminated? We will never have true peace as long as subhumans exist...
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wow, edgy.
What's wrong with what i said? We always say "China should be nuked, Muzzies need to be glassed" and so on. Wel why not actually do it?
south america
southeast asia + australia
>non white
Because memes on a Vietnamese hentai board do not reflect the real motives of people, you basement dweller sub human white trash.
>Should non-whites just be exterminated?
Yeah, all the blacks, browns, and mongrels.
The only non-whites that can live are the honoraries. (East Asians, specifically the Japanese & maybe Koreans.)
However, the honoraries will live in their own ethnostate & advance their own civilization & continue to be hard workers etc, while Whites/Europeans have a very large ethnostate to themselves and of course, accomplish amazing things & contribute much to scientific progress, advancement, civilization, culture, beauty, etc just like they always do.
A world where the two only advanced, civil, intelligent, and beautiful races are allowed to exist (Whites and Asians) will be a world without any poverty, without crime, without any primitive apes & kikes to hold us back from innovation.
It'll be clean, beautiful, advanced, safe, innovative, the best times we've seen in humanity. It's going to be great.
Create white ethno-states, send the mixed races to rule over Africa as colonies, leave the Asians, Latinos, and Indians alone.
Whites caused more attrocities on this planet than other races.
Whites are the cancer that should be purged off this planet before it kills it.
Just the Jews user! Every other race is manageable and will be trade-partners in a peaceful world utopia not constantly fucked over by the Jew.
>Arctic desert
Did you confuse it with Greenland retard?
Yes, but I don't see how that can ever be done.
It can't. Its just whities being typical warmongering mongolians.
I fucking wish. If it was ''typical'' for whites to be ''warmongering mongolians'' all the shitskins would already be wiped out.
Sounds more reasonable than OP's solution. With strong borders and good diplomacy it will work like a charm.
Calm down Mohamed and get your rabies shot.
t. white kid in denial
White people killed the native americans
White people killed the native australians
White people are killing the syrians
White people are killing the palestenians
White people are responsible for the spanish inquisista
White people are responsible for the crusades
White people are responsible for WWI
White people are responsible for WWII
White people are responsible for Hitler
White people nuked Japan
White people are mongolian tier cancer that needs to be purged
>Calm down Mohamed and get your rabies shot.
As opposed to furries being a normal thing in your civilization.
In a few years your school will not only teach children they can change gender but they can change species aswell.
Atleast our people dont take horsecock up the ass
That is not nearly enough people killed. There are over 1 fucking billion people in Africa. There is more work to be done.
t. mongolian
Why is it that Asians are superior to the white race but have not committed nearly as much atrocities as white cancer?
Lack of technological innovation.
>Lack of technological innovation.
Asians lacking in technology
>Asians invented gunpowder, they used it for fireworks
>Turks got their hand on gunpowder, used it for fireworks
>White cancer got its hands on gunpowder, lets shoot people like our mongolian ancestors did
You're just proving my point, retard.
>asians invent gun powder
>have no clue what to do with it
>whites get their hands on gun powder
>invent some of the most important inventions in all of history spurring a technological boom and leading us into the industrial age
Based latvian
Why is Australia not white?? Also why would u want to nuke Japan?
The white race only knows how to kill people like your mongolian fathers did.
Thank god the jews are breeding you and replacing you with muslims.
I think we may finally have peace on the planet.
>Also why would u want to nuke Japan?
Inferiority complex
Most (((((Whites))))) are Jews. And their atrocities are primarily committed by Jewish profit extraction schemes that take the monies but leaves the guilt for the goy.
>it was the big bad joos all along
nice try.
Jews are saints compared to the white race.
We don't know the atrocities of the other races since they failed to document their deeds through lack of written language.
Asians are superior to the white race in every area.
They're have superior intellect, and a non degenerate culture.
It made whitey feel threatened, and we all know what whitey does best.
How does that relate to the question i asked..ur autistic
Only a handful of white countries made all the inventions, and Latvia is not among them.
We could combine all the atrocities of the other races together and they would still not hold up to yours.
Cancer is cancer and the white race must be purged.
White people:
>Lived in mud huts for thousands of years, waging war on eachother to please the tree gods
>Finally get tech boost from actual arab and chink Kangz
>Use tech boost to kill eachother for another thousand years
>Finally on top of the world as the Romans
>Chimp out again and destroy everything because they got tricked by the jews (this will be a recurring theme throughout history)
>Chimp out for another thousand years, getting routinely BTFO by arab and chink nations that rape and pillage
>Stop killing eachother for a few years and manage a decent slave trade and imperial empires
>Can't even maintain this for a century before it all goes to shit and they have a great chimp out, not once, but twice because they got tricked by jews again
>Lose all their imperial gains over the next century, letting non-white nations rise out of dirt and surpass them in every aspect of society
>Make it their mission to spread their various cancerous ideologies and jew worship to every corner of the world
>End up making it even worse for themselves
>Now getting outbred and have the lowest test levels ever recorded
>Literally turning themselves into women and letting invaders enter their countries to breed with their women
>Play videogames while muhammad, tyrone, and chang are getting swole for the race war
>Sit on Sup Forums and complain about how it's all niggers and jews fault that whites can't maintain a stable society
>Claim to be the original kangz and master race despite all the evidence against it because it's the only thing they have left to their name
>southeast asia
you have a very broad definition of what white is
there's only one guy who is actually white and he is a hermit who lives in a small village in western Bavaria
every one else is a dirty shitskin
Smallpox killed the native americans (white people had 2 public health programs against that, but redskinss were too backwards to take heed).
Native australians used babies deemed too weak as sextoys.
Isis is killing the syrians
Zionists are killing the palestenians
Spnish inquista wasn't that bad
Muslims are responsible for the crusades (we had to do it to stop you from taking us as slaves).
Zionists are responsible for WWI
Zionists are responsible for WWII
Hitler was fucking right
Zionists nuked Japan
I fixed these for you.
We don't need to kill them. Just keep them out of our lands.
Would it bring world peace? Yes. Is that really worthwhile? We had peace in the West until we started bringing them in. If we have peace, why do we care if they kill each other? Plus, it's useful to have a subhuman race of slaves to draw on when we need it.
So long as we can keep them out, there's no need to kill them.
may the fuehrer have mercy on his soul
Only way to bring peace is to bring in more immigrants to breed out the mongolian warmongering white race.
Or take the shortcut and kill yourself.
As long as the white race exists we will never have peace.
You're mistaking whites for Jews.
Im not making any mistakes friends.
The white race has proved itself to be a Mongolian tier warmongering race, see for examples
The jews may be manipulative but they're no warmongers.
The white race makes jews look like saints.
You're talking about the colonization periods. The world was unexplored, no society had developed to the point of truly respecting borders, and civilization had yet to reach most of the world. It's a different time now.
Not talking about conquest or colonization.
Everyone did conquest.
White and mongolians just killed everyone they met while doing it.
>It's a different time now.
America has killed more people in the last 100 years than china did in its entire history of existence.
How is different now since the excuse of conquest is out the window.
Because if it weren't for Jewish influence the last 120 years would've been peaceful.
And if its not the jews its the communists
And if its not the communists its the socialists
And if its not the socialits its the SJWs
And if its not the SJWs its the motherfucking Illuminati
Yet aside from hitler you never killed any jews.
>"It's all the jews fault, WE DINDU NUFFIN, WEZ PEACEFUL N SHIET"
Lmao you don't even understand the picture you retarded mongrel. Is saying how people wont name the jew,they say zionists globalists etc but don't realise that all of them are just jews
This guy is right though, whites always had this superiority and grandiosity complex.
We are all human, why can't we just live and trade without killing each other.
I don't like that my Europe is being invaded by shit skins but whites have brought this upon themselves.
You can't just opress, kill, steal and rape and expect niggers and muslims to comply and love you. This only happened with India but Indians are too lazy and soulless to have any kind of motivation.
Idk to me it shows how whitey needs to shift the blame someone else.
American military are just mercenaries for the zionist jews. They took over with their central bank and media and control the politicians with child prostitutes and blackmail. You also forget how imperialistic and sadistic muslims were / are. 10 million hindus were murdered when they tried to conquer india.
Read your fucking koran. Muhammed was a warlord and a pedophile who is burning in hell for all eternity.
Whites have been too merciful towards you subhumans in the past. We will not make the same mistake anymore.
underrated post.
May i save this pasta user? It goes hand in hand with my white warmongering race mongolian race pasta.
>10 million hindus were murdered
I think you mean england not muslims
>Ghandi: white man please, leave our lands we beg you please.
>No! You need more freedom!
Here's the archive
Why is Turkey in yellow, but not in red?
>seriously responding to this leftypol moroccan proxynigger
have a sage
Should all whites just be exterminated? We will never have true peace as long as those warmongers exist, our genepool will continue to be polluted and they have all the good land in prosperous areas free of national disasters and poverty. I think it's God's will we get rid of these parasites on this planet once and for all.
yes, because we all know Moroccan proxies are all the hot craze right now.
No, we need janitors and phone support
The brits ruled over the whole of India and its millions of mongrels with just about 10 000 officials. They brought prosperity and stopped the Indians from warring with each other. Whites really care about other people and the planet around them, you muslims think that praying to vicious god five times a day is the most important thing in life.
>Whites really care about other people and the planet around them
i suppose they cared about native americans too.
I suppose the white race thinks caring = genocide.
More examples of caring
show me your real flag OP so then I can judge how white your country is
there is literally nothing wrong with any of that
stay mad shitskin
>there is literally nothing wrong with any of that
t. edgy mongolian