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Good Morning!
This country must balkanize or there is no hope.
>we won the election, guise!
Awoo is it really you?
get a warrant. i'm sure they can close any bank account they want
Social order and morality are important to a civilization's success, allowing more freedom at the expense of these is detrimental to our country.
Kill her.
>up next on Things That Wouldn't Actually Work in the US
of course it's him, even if he pretends otherwise. pay attention to the way he writes, images he uses ect.
stupid nigger thinks he can trick anyone with meme flags and proxies
I'm sorry, were you asking a question or just awooing?
Good morning.
I thought you were getting deployed?
Catgirls delivered by Amazon?
That is how the US started, you dumb fucking nigger monkey (((federaL))) slave faggot.
whay do you know, you don't even masturbate to toddlercon in s public library, with a bag full of scat loli incest manga
Long story but maybe. Kek, I've not been hiding. If I was shipped out it likely wouldn't be for awhile.
>That is how the US started
What, with catgirls?
yes, you have awoobaker. you're fucking controlling and try to assert authority you don't have. it's annoying. not to mention you're fair weather as fuck and still don't get it
Thomas Jefferson was a staunch defender of the right to import Japanese pornography in his presidency.
Wonna see my daily driver?
Fuck yes.
>Trump is trying
And he will fail. You cannot change the nature of the beast.
Why do you think it's called the United States(plural)? What did "state" mean in the 1700s?
Fuck off Eva you toilet scrubbing subhuman. Awoonigger a true patriotâ„¢ who understands that the only way to MAGA is to bomb North Korea.
Then why don't you unironically kill yourself and get it over with then if all you're going to do is quit.
>Trump will fail
Bannon is going to be on Hannity tonight.
I have not said once that I quit, you stupid fucking nigger. You support the enemies of the constitution: You're a traitor and will be put to the sword when the US decentralizes and the power returns to the people.
Why don't you just stfu?
Bannon is controlled opposition.
Not an argument, globalist commie roach.
>norks are the good guize!
when will you kids grow up already?
>it's all over
>the sky is falling
>you're all the enemy
I'd literally shoot you dead if you came near me with that shit, faggot.
the ACTUAL way to maga is allowing a pissant commie gook to bully you into giving them food
I don't believe so, he did really good with Trump then got pushed out.
This isn't even /b grade shitposting.
Please ignore him. He is a chink shill living on my tax dollars
no, it's to not bomb other people's airfield, but I guess that's too hard for some people to understand
Who are you quoting, shill? You know what is all over? The globalist's grip on the American people. You know what will fall? The guillotine on their heads on the day of the rope.
I just reported you to your loving big brother for making a death threat. See how much you like your lack of freedom in the nigger rape boxes.
Kek, I was the guy who was on here constantly talking down everyone saying that a war with NK is completely not feasible. I am probably the closest thing to pro-NK here since I don't much care for a conflict while many here would be just fine with it.
>And he will fail. You cannot change the nature of the beast.
That`s too much of a blackpill, this whole situation of "let`s just lay it all out, let it burn, it can start again, it`s easier to just destroy it", is the sort of thinking that put everything in this situation.
For a young person is actually easier to "die trying" than actually living through it and trying to make a lasting change.
Like the guy who is your President now lived through all his life and only now managed to do so with much toil.
It`s hard that someone who lives in the United States of America doesn`t see it when I can.
He`s a good example.
Could you be any newer you plebbit faggot?
Bannon, Kikebart, Gorka, Coulter, Cernovich are controlled opposition.
>Tries to take credit and pitch himself as mastermind for everything Trump did
>Start shit with everyone in Trumps circle
>Use kikebart to shill against everyone like the insecure fuck he is
>Try to use Kikebart to back Sessions but in the end Trump was right and Sessions was a cuck
>Attacks Trump for endorsing someone, instead of just endorsing whomever you want and not shit-talk like a faggot.
>Brietbart is literally the CNN of the alt-right.
>Gorka tries to say Bannon and him wrote Trumps speeches instead of Miller.
>When he gets pushed out, immediately goes to 60 minutes and tells everyone what Trumps plan is for China.
Faggots insecure, and butthurt he is an irrelevant sidenote in history and deep down wants to be Trump.
The same powers that seek to destroy Europe today are the same powers that destroyed the US and made it a single country in the 1800s. If you support the current model this country operates under you are a retarded monkey or knowingly evil.
>"let`s just lay it all out, let it burn, it can start again, it`s easier to just destroy it", is the sort of thinking that put everything in this situation.
No. Giving up our freedoms and not dying to the last to preserve them is what lead to this mess. American men must be willing to kill and die to preserve their country, and the majority were not, and so the tyrant Lincoln won his war and killed America.
I hope its honest speech and not Breitbart-hawking while pretending to be a presidential ally.
sure but that doesn't mean we can't let north korea bully us until they have stocked piled a nuclear arsenal that might actual cause some damage,you kike
stale pasta
Yeah dude can you like shut up, you're interrupting our circle jerk here you defeatist.
>norks are the bad guize!
when will you kids grow up already?
The globalist kikes have piled sanctions on their asses for years making it increasingly difficult for them to merely survive, for what? What have they actually done to any other country? Not a god damn thing aside from refuse international hyenas to exploit them.
norks are the good guys, just like assad. fuck off, kike
You cannot change the globalist model. You agree with that much don't you? You're just blind to the truth that the US is a perfect example of it.
I dnno ma8 it seems pretty true
Bannon was a massive faggot larper
So we just ignore that he helped with all this in the background?
>I am probably the closest thing to pro-NK here since I don't much care for a conflict while many here would be just fine with it
Bullshit. Every thread you attack me for defending those evil gommunists and accuse me of being a commie shill.
people who keep writing pastas about "x is a kike, we mean it this time!" are the real larpers
god,these jew puppets and their unfettered imperialism grrrrrr
Like I`ve said, I don`t know what kind of blackpill you have been swallowing, but that sort of despair doesn`t seem natural.
put on a name and a trip, even an ironic one. then, you will see some real autism, if you keep posting with it
Maybe I'm wrong and Trump succeeds, but what does he succeed in doing? Exactly what I desire, power to the states to the point that the (((federal))) government has no power over them beyond the constitution.
If Trump can succeed in a soft-decentralization(he won 't), then great. But don't live in fairy lala land and think it's a very likely outcome.
No, you are just an idiot for defending communists in a positive light like so many people whether or not you are pretending to be stupid. I also certainly don't do it every thread and I don't call you a shill.
Staged. They don't actually do things, they just leak shit on each other, prepare props for staged photos, and look through the FBI employee directory calling individual agents trying to find someone who will tell them how fucked they are on russia
Way to not address what I said at all. The blackpill is the true redpill. The ride to the bottom is a lot faster and a lot more fun than trying to climb up and fix an inherently flawed system: And the momentum from riding down will carry us up an even larger slope on the other side with great ease.
stupid Iranian shill
Iran are the good guys, goy
Submit to your russian overlords
German Culture does not exist.
>And until now, most Germans were willing to believe this.
One of the greatest, most centrally important cultures of the renaissance, enlightenment, and scientific revolution. World leader, and pioneer in more arts, sciences, and law than can be easily listed. Top fucking tier, and yet, somehow, they were (almost) convinced that it all meant nothing, and that they were somehow criminally culpable for all of the long, long list of Jewish grievances. That they, The Germans were the font of Jewish victim-hood.
>The Swedes, curiously enough, have also been taught, since at least the nineteen eighties, that their culture does not exist either.
>Iran are the good guys, goy
north korea IS the end result of kikery
I'm not sure that's believable. I don't know if we were ever given direct evidence of who was leaking what.
What an angry thread
Chillout, friends
I'm not defending communists or communism, I'm defending an ethnostate that despises degeneracy, Israel and globalist exploitation of other countries people. Isn't that what we want? I don't care what tag is attached to their political system but what it fights for and values.
there's a simple rule here
if you're trying to figure out who is leaking
the answer is EVERYBODY
The US in it's current form is a product of globalist machinations. How do you look at what is happening to the EU today and call it globalist kikery, but not see the centralization of the US in the past as the exact same thing?
Let's all just inhale and chillax man.
You seem really young, we might speak a different tongue.
I`m not a revolutionary, I don`t make up a model on my mind and decide how people should live their lives, I agree with you that the former system your country had was better.
No taxes at all, 0 income taxes, barely no property taxes, your money was worth what was written in the note, not a fraction of what it is today, no inheritance taxes, so forth.
Worth fighting to have it back, just what I`m saying, I don`t agree with your immediatism, this sort of thing can be explored by ideologues and people that meant harm, like communists for example.
What are you listening to while you chill and help MAGA?
Stop replying to that cuck, he just wants attention. Fag has been coming here every day for over a year and just shitposts non-stop
It`s just my opinion though, I don`t have power over you, neither power over my own fucking government anyhow.
The Communists are already in control, you idiot. The US is run by the same globalists (((Bolsheviks))) that started the USSR. They took over the US before they started the USSR!
>tfw it took the destruction of the NFL for Boomers to finally wake up
I'm 100% convinced Trump is playing "Le epic 4d chess".
Goethe, Schiller, Schelling, Edmund Husserl and Eric Voegelin would be enough for you to ignore any leftist for the rest of your life and unemploy a lot of people, this is why they have to say it doesn`t exist, and pretend that the "apex" of the German/Austrian culture was Hitler.
The moment he said it, I posted that nfl would be what rdpilled the nation, and I was right. Everybody is now either pro trump/pro americana, or against america, no exceptions
I don't doubt this event is unfolding as Trump intended.
A shame the boomers waited until everyone else already hated them to wake up.
You should only really listen to Christian music.
You are fundamentally mistaken from the very start. North Korea was a creation of the Soviet Union and then Chinese Maoists who were both marxist communist nations. North Korea is a variant form of Communism in every way and one of the most staunch forms of communism in the world today.
People here are free to support what they like and they think varied things because we aren't a hivemind. It isn't a tag that is attached to the NK system of government and the government of others, it is the system by which the nation is run. Fundamentally, communism is the single worst form of government besides tribal factions and anarchy. If you support communism them be more open about it rather than denying it. You're not outlined any policy positions, you only said that NK is a great place. It is quantifiably one of the worst countries in the world.
(((They))) want to strip individuality among different countries and cultures. (((They))) will do the same to East Asians and Poos.
There's no legal authority superior to our federal government like there is in the EU. We determine our country's future, not some group of kikes intent on trampling on the freedoms of their signatory states.
no chance, user
>helped triple ICE agents.
Uhh that was really Kelly and Trump.
Whom Bannon shills against btw.
Dudes a snake, another Ann Coulter.
maybe Goodell will finally grow some balls and ban politics from the sport
It's really too early for this level of faggotry. Also, Eva. I forgot to mention earlier but don't you dare ever tell me to tripfag/namefag again you gigantic fucking faggot.
Are you fucking retarded? The (((federal))) government tramples all over the constitution every minute of every day. The states have no rights, they are the equivalent of counties controlled by the State of America.
I thought the thread was so cancer that you left and got kind of sad. Spooky album cover.
>There's no legal authority superior to our federal government
>our (((federal))) government
Your very language is tainted. Your brain is broken and you are a stupid monkey that knows not his history or his future, only what his master puts in his dish.
good job!
>no chance
one hit. just one.