What do you think about abortion /pol
Should it be done?
Should we kill babies after they are born?
Or we should have as many babies as possible?
My idea for it is to send out excess babies to underdeveloped countries and have low natality rates to make a population boost in the upcoming years
Abortion should be legal, we already have enough people on earth. Also if the baby is born mentally retarded, it should be disposed of right away.
Europeans need to start having as many babies as possible.
I'm against abortion, there are a million ways to avoid getting someone pregnant, the simplest being abstinence.
>Should it be done? Should we kill babies after they are born?
If that was the case you wouldn't even be here. Abortion is saying no to life, literally satanism at its core. The devil hates life.
It keeps the nigger population in check so I'm all for it
Not sure honestly. On one side I support it because you are killing babies, but on the other it does give women a choice.
hahhahahaha epic
Abortions are wasteful.. which is why i advocate a swallowing policy
> Should it be done?
only when necessary, e.g. health risks or the mother knows perfectly that she won't be able to raise a honorable member of society. we should promote bith control/condoms
> Should we kill babies after they are born?
no, unless it's born with really severe mutations wich won't let it live and extending its life would only result in prolonging the suffering
> Or we should have as many babies as possible?
no. quality > quantity
If it means less niggers born HELL YEAH
Just fucking do it within 2 weeks of being pregnant. At least if you're smart enough to fucking notice
I agree with you if it born with defects like autism/disease/conjoined twins that it should be killed but if the mother is a drug user or extremely poor it should not be killed and sent to a orphanage or to another country to increase its population
SATANist scum all of you.
>gets raped
>rapist doesn't use a condom
>welp I guess I shoulda abstained!
i really hate abortion except for the plain fact that most of it is nigger population control. Most abortions are nasty niglets doing down the drain that would be in prison 20 years later had they not been aborted. It is the only nigger population control measure. I can put up with the infrequent white baby aborted for the greater good of the needs of the many.
Yeah so let's kill the baby on top everything else, two evils should cancel each other out.
makes sense except what about the niggers?
No it shouldn't, of course. It's a genocide and everyone who supports it is a jew' puppet.
i guess jesus would've been aborted then :^)
>> When you're stupid and put yourself in a situation where you'll get raped qq.
Abortions are murder, but nature tells us murdering animals is ok. Under certain circumstances.
abortion is as murderous as nutting in a sock.
It's not evil, and it certainly isn't as bad as walking past homeless families with starving children and pretending not to see them.
Abortion is a dilemma.
Without abortion there will be a sudden influx of single moms and we'll end up with a generation full of poorly raised children.
With abortion birth rates are declining and mudskins are outbreeding whites.
no, abortion is not even close to being the same as nutting in a sock. for one you already impregnated the egg and the circle of life already started to evolve there, which doesn't happen when you just blow your load of only sperm. as eggs themselves are limited(!) you effectively destroyed the chance of life and life itself with abortion. the whole process that is behind pregnancy, how it changes the female body in and out and a little human gets forged, is not really at the same scale as nutting in a fucking sock for 20 minutes or less. you sicken me with your "logic"!
A truth that is tough to swallow. Imagine how many more niggers would be on this planet if negresses had maternal instincts. Also (((spellcheck))) doesn't think that negress is a word.
I don't know. Religions tell us that it's not okay and its murder. It looks fine to me but maybe that's because i've been corrupted by the modern society.
In 2007 Portugal liberalized abortions up until 10 weeks. Ten years later we have 15% less abortions than before and the lowest abortion rate in europe.
People should be encouraged to live in misery, no matter what! Only then death becomes attractive and can be sold to various prices with luxury addons.
Yes. Imagine satanist going to back-alleys of abortion clinics at night to buy freshly aborted babies for satanic rituals purposes.
Population growth is easily the largest threat to the West currently. All other problems fall into place if this is solved. My proposal is to put in place a system whereby people must apply in order to have children. In exactly the same way that adopted children's foster parents are checked to make sure that they are capable of supporting a child. This will lower the population, it will result in much less infant/child abuse, neglect and scarring.
Not to mention condoms are cheap as fuck
So does taking away welfare
White/black couples
>Illegal to reproduce
Muzzies, inbred chinese, mexican, brazilian, mentally retarded or phisically ill
Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.
Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.
These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.
In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.
So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.
Why the fuck are condoms in the US about 50% than in the EU
*50% cheaper
I don't honestly care about abortion, less nigger babies
Because you have to control niggers.
Abortion should be illegal if the baby is white. Otherwise it should be legal and even encouraged.
one jew down = good
>symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.
just what has our world become...
>hm my wife just got raped and the guy nutted inside her
>guess i will just raise his kid and shake the guy's hands now
this is the very proof that Sup Forums is filled with autists
you seem to miss that i didn't say aborting a rape baby would be bad, but that his example of what abortion is sucks.
as far as i am concerned, rapes wouldn't even happen if we had countries filled with mostly whites and limited immigration (which also means seriously only their best and only if needed), because rape itself wasn't a problem in white countries before this whole multiculturalism shit started. people used to keep the fucking door unlocked, for fucks sake.
First you had to consider the following:
1. Does human life have inherent moral worth / should a human life have a right to not be ended? If no, then there's nothing immoral about abortion. If yes then:
2. Can you objectively measure the precise moment life begins? If yes, then you could reasonably argue that to be the cut off for abortion. I think that would be a poor argument but you could do so. If you can't measure said moment, then:
The only tenable position is to treat the beginning of life as the moment of conception, in order to avoid the immoral killing of a human life which, if we have made it this far into the argument, has been established as having a right to continue the process of living undisturbed.
Even outside of a religious context this still holds up. In the United States for example, you have a right not to be murdered. If you can't prove when life begins then do you not run the risk of violating said right in the context of a human in gestation?
Furthermore I'd like to have a look at some arguments posted here in favour of abortion:
>But poverty!
Not the fault of the child. You don't get to kill someone because they are impoverished or may be a burden.
>But rape!
Not the fault of the child. You don't get to kill someone because of the immoral and heinous act that someone else has committed.
>But the health of the mother!
Arguable. The only case in which I would concede ground. If it can be shown that the life of the mother is at risk, then I think a moral case can be made for abortion. But these cases are rare given how advanced modern medicine is now and making all encompassing policy because of an exception to the rule is bad policy.
>But nigger control!
An abhorrent argument not worth considering
Birth control is cheap and readily available in the developed world.
I think it's a disgustingly indicative of the fall of Western morality how the sacrosanctity of life has been carted away to the slaughter house due to laziness
>Just fucking do it within 2 weeks of being pregnant. At least if you're smart enough to fucking notice
HCG doesn't show up in the urine that soon. It's incredibly common for periods to be early/late by 2 weeks even in healthy women.
the pre-born child is not considered a human, but a fetus, something that is less than human...and it therefor, has no rights
while I, and many other people, see a human that is being killed...society has deemed them "fetuses" which is a word that has had the affect of dehumanizing humans, many liken pre-born children to parasites or tumors....only a person has the right to life, and, thanks to some careful language, society doesn't think of the pre-born as people, but "fetuses"....
I'm for abortion. I just wish I had been aborted.
Simultaneous ban on sex outside of marriage and abortion ftw
what's the purpose of these posts ? soley to slide boomergate and chemtrail theads ?
>What do you think about abortion /pol
I agree to it especially for medical purposes. My country has overpopulation problem so legalizing abortion might lessen the problem.
Doesn't matter what you think about abortion
Women are mostly OK with it + male whiteknights
They have the numbers
Jesus Christ! I just ate so much fried too! .... *burg-burgle-BWWWAAARF*
>we already have enough people on earth
In Africa and Asia but White countries have a dwindling population. We are being replaced by shitskins from other countries on our own land.
Africa is set to double by 2030. People in those shitholes should be sterilized in exchange for aid.
if sheboons want to murder their little niglets i have no problem with it
We need the immigrants because European populations are declining. We just need to assimilate them. So far that process is going well. The majority of immigrants are turning to European culture.
Oh fuck off you kike cunt. We can grow our own population with the need of importing Niggers to replace us.
I didn't know Americans could be this reasonable. Hats off to you!
If its too big start with yourself and take a long walk off a short pier.
100% Atheist. I now don't believe abortion should be legal for the reasons below and because kids in the united states are pepper with information about how to not get pregnant from as early as 4th grade on. Ignorance and avoidance mechanisms didn't exist in such plenty when my mom was in her 20's. Today, there's no excuse for getting pregnant other than being lazy or making dumb decisions.
These videos changed my views, as well as Ben Shapiro's Arguments against abortion:
1st Trimester - Pill
1st Trimester - Surgical Abortion
2nd Trimester:
3rd Trimester:
Ben Shapiro on Abortion:
Underdeveloped countries don't have that problem. Developed ones do. There ya go bud.
More importantly, do you really want to "boost" our population in shithole countries so that new population isn't brought up in an "enlightened" culture?
>Abortion should be legal, we already have enough people on earth. Also if the baby is born mentally retarded, it should be disposed of right away.
He says from a country suffering deeply from a reduced birth rate. Fucking classic.
Your logic that we need immigrants is based on population decline being a bad thing. Usually people spouting your kind of media parroted nonsense believe the world is overpopulated anyway, so what gives?
A better way to do that would be to limit welfare to a defined period that is shore.
That's such a bullshit false dichotomy. Women have the choice before they get pregnant. It is killing a baby by all measures.
Abortion is murder
If you don' t want children, don' t have sex.
If you still want to have sex, use condoms and the pill.
There. Problem solved.