>Nazis wanted to extermina-
Nazis wanted to extermina-
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fake pics.
Jews are the real racists!
Now kissssssss
>being this new
Of course that's your flag lol
There were niggers and muslims in the Wehrmacht you idiot.
Nationalsozialismus wasn't about killing all other races, it was about living side by side with these races without mixing up culture and race.
Real Nazis hated Jews, nowadays Burger nazis are nothing but mental retarded rednecks who don't know even to write their fucking name; real nazis were inteligent, powerful, proud and strong people who fight for freedom against the capitalism and Jew powers.
So self hating people of color supported racism... so what?
post more pics.
These people were happy to get their own countries back from "white" globalists.
looks like a photo of commonwealth troops that have captured a Nazi strongpoint
>self hating people of color
lol I think upper middle class white kids are the only ones who hates themselves
>Burger nazis
I'd push the insult aside and say white nats are consuming a malformed version of german nazism because Sup Forums and not understanding why Hitler pushed a socialist reform agenda to respond to what he foresaw taking place in Germany at the hands of Europe nations to put in place a global commonwealth. Hitler wanted Germany to remain independent and free from outside influence. That's all no more no less but history will have you understand his intent as wanting to divide and conquer because ((jews)).
Right on user. It was never about race. Everyone here larping nazi without proper education would know that. Hitler was not the jews version of the Holocaust. If you call yourself redpilled believing that junk you're a lost cause.
>It was never about race.
>Hitler pushed a socialist reform agenda
Not sure if bait, or brainlet.
A lot of current Nazis unfortunately believe in Allied propaganda about the Nazis.
Hitler and the Nazis were an anti-Imperialist force, they hated the colonial empires of the world. They wanted to help peoples liberate their nations in the same way they had liberated Germany.
They also embraced all that was powerful and strong and healthy in other races.
Germany wanted to give these people their country, their culture and their freedom back. The allies wanted to see these people dead and enslaved.
Who is the real enemy now?
does anyone have some kind of documentary or sources for this ''Nazis arent racists'' claims. Red pill me
no one hates niggers for their skin, they hate them for their behaviour. but niggers seem to not understand that and follow their puppeteer, acting like wild apes.
>Hitler wanted to kill all non whites!
but user that just looks like a 80s photo with nazi flags photoshopped in
They were racist, their enemies just lie about what their racist ideas were. They believed race-mixing = destroying races, that each race had its own unique destiny and was strongest in its own racial nation state.
See also:
That's Pele in the movie "Escape to Victory".
You overlooked or just plain ignored
>without proper education everyone would know the nazi platform was not a race war
What you're bringing up with Strasser was power mongering Strasser was gaining more influence hence a threat to Hitler uprising. He changed his stance last minute. Typical politics.
I don't think normiefags know who she is
forget also the jewish field marshall and the Lehi jews that wanted an alliance with Italy and Germany
NO user. American Blacks are a [Former] slave-population. What does that mean? Many of them who could have resisted have been culled by the jewish-anglo profiteers. That doesn't mean they are hopeless but their situation is highly manipulatable by the Anglo-Jews, so they use them, trigger them, weaponize them politically, etc.
Africans are not a slave-population for the most part. They are regular people who are trying to resist the imperial jew like Germany did in 1933.
Mussolini > Hitler. If you know at all Mussolini influenced Hitler to talk socio economic and political repression. Crediting Hitler with promoting flat out racism is wrong.
Not Mussolini, Ataturk and Ataturk was creating a nationally-mobilized population that came together as one to advance the nation onwards.
Hmm thx for the redpill user
I call myself trying to redpill these mistaken Hitler was a color identity racist belief posts here and have been met with either ignorance or thick headed denial. Either do your own research stop relying on all of Sup Forums to inform your white nats stance or actually participate with kind knowledge like has.
Bless you brother again for the redpill.
Correction ^^^positively participate as this user
Sorry I'm figuratively drunk
no, they wanted to kill everyone that wasn't "ayrans".
You shouldve learned this in high school
And so goes sliding the truth contained this post. Look up and you see why. Please Sup Forums archive these kinds of threads. (((Jews))) are going to infiltrate and obfuscate every time.
Repress the shills!
who are you quoting, retard?
You're one dumbass motherfucker aren't you?
What's your IQ?
>there was no systematic program for their elimination as there was for Jews and other groups.
so they enslave poles chechs and belarussians because?
Wh-whoa ..
We have to secure a future for our white children by making every European country nazi germany and killing brits and french people who cherish their culture and history and heritage and also we will do this with the help of Muslims and Gooks and also fuck slavs subhuman garbage arabs are better
if you don't agree with german supremacy you are a (((cuck))), ok britcucks?
Why don't you flee to white Argentina rather than die for Germany, huh champ?
Nazis were not global multiculturalists. They only wanted Germany to be for Germans and that's it
By the way, anons, while it is true that the Sikh SS division was real, the Germans didn't hide the fact that it was purely a propaganda unit made to make fun of the British by recruiting their colonial forces into the SS. They did see a little combat in late 1944 due to the circumstances of the war but it wasn't nearly as much action as any other SS unit.
Yeah annexing half of Poland even non Germanic areas and also the entire Czech Republic was defensive
We just want to make germans strong and lebensraum like half the entire civilized world what's wrong with that, slavs? Move out of the way subhumans or we'll call the muslims
>Yeah annexing half of Poland even non Germanic areas and also the entire Czech Republic was defensive
You don't think it was?
>Viktor Suvarov - Who started the 2nd World War?
>Hitler's War - the Allies caused the war
>Stalin's plans to invade Europe, proving Hitler's invasion of Russia was preemptive:
>See also: "The Chief Culprit" by Victor Suvarov in the ebooks archive:
This pretty much sums it up. All you misinformed white nats ought to read this
Thank you user but again its too late. It seems to be a null coincidence now that these threads start around a time when Sup Forums is sleeping and end when we're awake and all the uninformed Hitler was a true and blue by jews definition of racist shitposts begin again.
Note to everyone: If you want to be truly redpilled get in the Hitler threads after 2am. Otherwise you're going to be reading jew sponsored and participated hate threads which only serves to push a Holocaust Hitler narrative. Don't believe those rp'ing spastics spewing that junk for even a fucking nanosecond. It's all conspired misinformation to keep us in the dark about what Hitler was really up to. Jews don't want you knowing anything about how they have demonized Hitler in history texts. Don't fall for the everything points to Hitler being a complete ignorant racist meme that is constantly reposted here on Sup Forums coming from supposed white nats. The media is currently painting the very same picture.
That ought to tell you something Sup Forums. Get your heads out of your asses. (((They're))) laughing at you.
The Czech's essentially welcomed the Germans in, Poland could have just gave up Danzig, besides dont forget the Soviets worked with the Germans in hostilities toward Poland. Thus revealing that the Soviets where just as if not MORE aggressive then the Germans. Hitler and most of Europe knew that the Soviets where the real threat. Infact the Soviets and Jewish communism was such a threat that many nations joined Germany in a total war against Bolshevism, hundreds of thousands volunteered from all nations. In a sense yes they where defending Europe from the red menace to the east.
Would you call the nuclear bombs that ended WW2 once and for all defensive as well? After all, they were dropped out of pre-emptive reasons.
Stalin could not even take Finland. If Hitler really was afraid of a red invasion in the east, and THAT was why he signed a pact with Stalin which he later betrayed, just shows what a little titty cuck he really was.
But in the end your argument doesn't even make sense. He was afraid Stalin would invade so he went into an agreement with Stalin which he then himself betrayed to Stalin's surprise because Stalin was going to betray it as well.
You people live in an alternate reality. Go flee to white argentina you white champions you sprayed enough whites for nazi germany.
Hitler would have sprayed your grand father to pieces and here you are sucking his cock. You are a disgrace. You think Hitler was fighting for Britain? He was fighting for Germany. He would have led you with 66 bullets if you didn't submit to German supremacy, which brits and french people chose not to do.
Your grand father is rolling in his grave unless you are a literal nazi who's grand fathers actually fled to the country's of the enemies, in which case you should hate them. Pathetic cuck
I bet self hating degenerates like you would want to live in Nazi Germany over Colonial Britain, huh? After all the Germans were just so superior! Even tho they barely left the continent in their little rowboats.
God you people are pathetic. No wonder the west is going to fuck all. Hitler was pondering on whether to annex Norway or Sweden - we spared him the choice by surrendering and instead he annexed Norway. If it were up to him, Norwegians would have lived in "Germany" now, there would be nothing called Norway today. You support this. You want to destroy your own country's culture and history because muh Hitler.
You should honor your forefathers, pathetic little loser
There were around 150 000 jews in german army,Hitler doctor was jew like many of his close comrades. In Poland we say that jews were killing jews ( ofcourse holohoax is bullshit but many died from they brother hands, mostly from commies ,NKWD for exaple) beouse there was jewish gestapo that been taking care of the jews in closed gethos, also mostly jews were taking jewelery from new arived to concentration camps (with doctors, pools, pianos and other atractions). Before mentioned jewish gestapo were the only one to get any medal from nazis, something about helping with they mission or something like that, I dont really remember much of it, and i dont want to check for one post. Sorry, have a good day
>Would you call the nuclear bombs that ended WW2 once and for all defensive as well?
No, nor the firebombings and terror bombings of most cities in Japan and Germany. What makes the annexation of Poland pre-emptive was that Poland refused an anti-Soviet alliance after the death of Pilsudski (who had favored one with Hilter), and Hitler knew of Stalin's intent to move on Germany at some future time. To let Stalin keep arming himself until that day came was like lying down to sleep on a train-track. If only Pilsudski had lived 9 months longer, Poland and Germany would have partitioned the Soviet union and ended the march of communism once and for all. But that's not the timeline we live in.
Need more nazi and non-aryan pics pls.
This makes leftists crazy to realize it was a thing. We need this
>They were racist, their enemies just lie about what their racist ideas were.
nah. they were racialists. racism contains an element of supremacism that the nazis did NOT have. contrary to jewish lies.
>checks flag
Fuck of, cuck. You can talk shit about Germany when you have the balls to not hide behind Finnish women and children
Sweden shall conquer Europe and exterminate all you losers. Keep waving that nazi flag blaming (((Trump))) for all your problems. It is going to be fun to have you submit to the Viking dick as you delusionally fight jewish ghosts all around you while muslims are raping your mothers. Enjoy Merkel, enjoy a failed Brexit, britbong losers.
Hitler could see the future that's why he acted honorably by signing an agreement which he then very dishonorably broke because muh pre-emptive Colonial Britain will otherwise destroy us!!!!
You are the biggest cucks on the planet. You were a meme that got too much power and you got high on it, killing people left and right. You shall never be allowed to form again.
Colonial Britain is the answer. Not nazi degenerate gas chambers Germany. You guys are subhuman losers who could not even establish a real colony besides what britain allowed you to have. Kraut cucks. Now enjoy muslims breeding your sisters
Aren't you the people who would have disappeared from the planet if Sweden controlled Finland for 60 more years?
my friend, the nazis absolutely believed they were superior. it was just a common idea back then. you don't see the jews talking about zionists who had the exact same ideas, or americans, or the british. doesn't mean they wanted to subjugate other races, of course, bc as we see they were treated fairly equally in the wehrmacht at least. hitler talked about the superiority of his race upon the european continent and how jewish/marxist meddling was upsetting the balance. that's all.
the wehrmacht and the nazi party were seperate entities, however much the lines blurred. i challenge you to find an SS officer or nazi chair who wasn't primarily white/aryan.
>Tend Bundy was a serial kil-
Please excuse the repetition of thought in my argument. I'm just trying be as genuine as I possibly can to inform you all that you're being lied to. Hitler was not a villian. At all.
Yeah. You talk a big game, not realizing all your military prowess came from the church, German mercenaries and your Finnish conscripts. I'd love to see you try it now, faggot.
UK is the reason on why ww2 happened. McKnight Rothschilds originated there. Dumb nigger.
>Nazis had no problem with black people living in Africa
So do I.
>my friend, the nazis absolutely believed they were superior.
No they absolutely did not. Read a fucking book, jesus christ.
So wait you sayin.... you sayin that Allies were dah real racists?
Damn yo, that's deep.
>He was seen with a girl therefore it's impossible for him to be a serial killer
Of course, totally makes sense
I talk a big game? When was the last time you did something, ski fairing retard
>You should support Nazi Germany because this one rothschild once did something and so that means Colonial Britain is always bad and supporting the German flag is right
If you think Hitler fought for whites instead of Germany you are deluding yourself. And if you prefer to live in Germany over Colonial Britain you should kill yourself or move there already. You're an embarrassment.
>Dark skinned people aren't capable of loving their country
Fuck you racist
@ filename
Nazis killed whites
Anglos killed whites
First concentration camps were built for boer women and children.
Stop clutching to old ideologies. Learn from them. Adapt and fight for victory
Who here Sup Forums?
They did want to exterminate or enslave Slavs. Slavic SS units are meaningless, it's just taking advantage of the situation, like Stalin suddenly supporting the Church during WWII.
Blacks were irrelevant, they were considered subhuman, but lived far away from Germany anyway.
>that pic
possibly best version of that meme so far
Why would we do anything? Unlike the burgers, we're not retarded enough to send our boys to die for Israel's expansionist wars across the middle-east and north-afrika.
It's actually true though.
>Hitler didn't snub me; it was our president who snubbed me. He didn't even send me a telegram. T: Jesse Owens.
This is the correct answer. And that's why I hate Nazi's. No one else is as deluded as them and leftists.
Go to school and come back when you know what your forefathers gave their life for. Respect your countries, your great histories, and don't look to fucking Nazi Germany, as an American, for your answers. Pathetic little limpdick losers
>he believes the propaganda
Go get a sauna loser you're irrelevant