Nationalism is dumb. Why should you care about a stranger who you have never met and will never meet just because he was born within the same set or borders or shared an ancestor with you 10 generations ago?
Nationalism is dumb...
the opposite of nationalism is globalism which means caring about even more strangers you have never met.
So literally what is your point?
The opposite of nationalism is individualism.
which is a fancier name for egoism.
not caring about anyone except for yourself is just as dumb as caring about everyone.
The reason for nationalism is simply because people with the same set of ideals, morals, culture and language tend to care more for each other than complete strangers.
This is a case of positive stereotyping and leads to mutual trust and lower crime rates within the groups (because nobody wants to seen as a traitor), see japan.
>Why should you care about a stranger who you have never met and will never meet just because he was born within the same set or borders
Because both of your taxes go to defend that border.
That's not a good argument against nationalism. Why should you not care about the population of your nation? Because you'll never meet most of them? Really? Cmon son.
To care about the nation you live in, and your children will live in is normal. It's the one place you can genuinely change the world in. If you have ancestral history, you can have that bond to the people, the land, or the nation itself. Nationalism is part of identity. Without your history, your identity is not apparent. Look at immigrants, look at how they frequently feel like outsiders. Look at how through fierce nationalism, america manages to be the foremost multiculti state in the world.
A nation does not survive without nationalism. Without looking out for it's collective interests, the people will be exploited or imposed on.
Nationalism is the extension of a tribal behavior to further your interests with the power of many. You caring about many means many care about you. To throw that power away just because you need to see a person to care about them is retarded. Don't worry though, the nation you live in still cares about you. They let you drive on their road, live on their land, and participate in their economy. You better throw that all away because you don't care about people you can't see in person. I hope you don't vote, because clearly, you have no empathy for anyone but you and the people that buy you food.
this is the most based post i've seen in weeks
The importance of "social trust" is overrated. Read a microeconomics textbook. It shows that individuals acting based on nothing other than their self-interest still ends up maximizing the total welfare in society.
Your entire post is hot air. All you're doing is describing nationalism, not actually justifying it.
I don't care about the border.
I care about living in a racially homogeneous society because I like my own kind more than others. Having a clearly defined border and actually treating it as a border helps with that.
But I'm more of an individualist. My country is lost and not worth being proud of anymore. Unless we can get some good political and ethnic cleansings going on.
>The opposite of nationalism is individualism.
Fucking brainwashed.
Globalism turned you all into products and workers for those products
For the same reason you should care what happens in your house>neighborhood>town>county>state/province
Individualism is the opposite of collectivism you fuckturd.
Gtfo anti fa cancer
More like globalism
>Globalism is dumb. Why should you care about a stranger who you have never met and will never meet just because he was born outside the same set or borders or never shared an ancestor with you 10 generations ago?
Nationalism is a form of collectivism.
Globalism is stupid too.
I've never met my neighbors. I feel no loyalty to my neighborhood or town. If conditions here ever got bad, I'd just move to another neighborhood.
>I've never met my neighbors. I feel no loyalty to my neighborhood or town. If conditions here ever got bad, I'd just move to another neighborhood.
But if you did care about the town, or at least if most people in that town cared about the town, it wouldn't turn to shit in the first place. Is kinda the point.
If u study political science, you'll find out ppl are sheep. You may act as an individual but steering the masses in the way desired is easy as cake.
But a shared culture and identity set hurdles as to how difficult, time consuming, and resource intensive it would be.
The Jewish plan to create a mongrel globalist society does away with the hurdles. Makes the flock much easier to manipulate.
Because humans have a need for affiliation. If you dont affiliqte with race, nation and culture all thats left is the brands multinational globalist corporations offer you to afffiliate yourself with. This reduces you to an economic unit indoctrinated to consume and produce and nothing else. Fuck that.
Kinship, kinship is what's important. Most nations are divided based on historic ethnic and cultural lines. Nationalism is meant to defend those ethnic and cultural lines without being beholden to an outside church or a pan-ethnic super-national body.
Nationalism without unique values/ethnic identity and a 100+ year history is pointless.
This is why the Islamic countries born after WW2 will never become anything of value. They will forever be second to a pan-Islamic loyalty controlled by Iran and Saudi Arabia and an ISIS or Taliban can oust whatever power grows to oppose it simply by claiming to adhere to Islam more faithfully.
>born within the same set or borders or shared an ancestor with you 10 generations ago
Cause I have more with him/her in common than with a stranger who was born within a different set of borders and didn't have any common ancestors with me.
It must be hard being as retarded as you...