What do you think the government should do about the refugee crisis?
For people from the netherlands
There is no refugee crisis.
People are not fleeing from all over the world and crossing 10 safe countries to go to Netherlands.
They are nothing but people seeking a better life for themselves. Mostly young unemployed men seeking adventure.
nothing. not our problem. open the dykes, flood the fields. They are not coming in.
Read the post above.
There is no problem to begin with. The problem was created when EU refused to protect its borders and gave welfare to illegals.
None of the people coming to Europe are remotely in need of help.
>sleeper cells
>seeking a better life for themselves
>Throw them in the sea
>Fish eat refugees
>Fish the fish
Leave EU, close borders, no double passport policy, strict Australian inspired immigration policy
Baudet for president
Also actually enforce deportations on a non token level.
A similar reason why there are 11 million illegal Mexicans in USA, simply because too few of them get deported.
>B-but crossing the border is easy
Just about anyone would get tired of trying after being kicked out several times especially if he gets kicked back to Africa/Asia/Middle East
A wast majority of them have no violent intentions.
They become radicalized when they realize that life in Europe is not as great as they thought it would be.
They think that they could not make it because the native population is holding them down.
Little do they know is that it is harder to make it in Europe than in their countries. That European jobs require harder work and more dedication.
>implying they find jobs and work
topkek, how naive can one be?
they live in their own ghettos, run their own economy, education, policing, etc
they are forming strong non-assimilated bases in the middle of europe
this is what happens when the average european (you) has no fucking idea outside of his own worldview
Pillaging and raping is adventure
:) Go to center of ljubljana on friday night, close to AS restaurant and kongresni trg, see gangs of young iraqis and afganistanis. ahahaha ( forgot to add seen 1 small gang of somalis with sticks too ) ahhaha
Wa denkte nu zelf?
Implying you would not want to go on adventure, riding across Africa on an offroad 4wheeler and shooting nigs like monkeys
This. And only apply U.N. law, meaning they'd have to prove to be part of a minority facing genocide or are actively targeted dissidents.
Why do you faggots do nothing about it?
You see nigs all the time but never call them niggers?
sure, they seem funny now, but they will have 10 kids, and you will have 1 or 2 at most, if even that.
once a majority, fun stops
I fight when needed. Can't fight every fight. What about you?
There is none.
>Be a refuge from iraq. Go to school full of bosnians/serbians and the likes ( gypso, albo ). Balkanians subvert all of the middle east as their slaves.
Kek seen it before, it will be again. At least there is that. Čefurji can be really "harsh". Poor refuges, muh feelings.
Immigrants are not a problem if they don't stay in your country.
(Yeah, no one else wants to stay here either.)
Jeez at least redpill the faggots around you.
I hardly leave my house. i am antisocial and i hate everyone around myself.
But seeing the mess we are in lately i am beginning to become aware of the perks of being in a group.
We ought to stick together as fellow huwytemen
They will pick the balkanigger culture.
Imagine a nigger talking like a Bosnian scum. Well they are all niggers to me anyways subhuman brown people.
SAUDI ARABAIA has tons of empty rapefuguees camps they have places to go but want our tax payer money.
We keep a very small part, like familys, not young males.
We make so its temporary, and only documented educated people can come in.
The faggost i know are already redpilled. Seriusly there is not one of them who is pro imigration.
And we all just your typical office workers etc. Literary there is nothing for me to redpill. Even the guy who is studying filofaks is redpilled hah.
I did redpill a few friends, but that's about it.
>mfw they call him Maaj-moon
I was thinking about moving back to Lj but this post.. I guess I'll have to reconsider. I haven't seen a shitskin (aside from gypsyies) for a whole year now.
>We keep a very small part, like familys,
No thank you. Their children are already violent and do not belong in our schools.
doesn't take you 5 min during the day to see some random arab or nigga on a bike that's clearly stolen.
Netherlands has a extreme population density.
We do not have room for them.
Stop giving them free shit
>not kicking every shitskin that doesn't want to work.
They go around and beg for money, offering them a job is pointless, because they refuse it.
I also see a lot of fat Arab women shopping around.
What pisses me off the most is the pregnant broads who already have their little shitstain child with them.
They make me want to flush their newborn baby and their other child down the toilet
How ironic...
all exyu nations are disappearing, each republic loses a decent town every single year, abortions are around the 1:3 rate
You know what is really funny. Listen to this little story from our little country. How a meme is actually completely fucking true. I know of 3 women who were with niggers ( relationship ). All 3 of them got pregnant with them. All 3 of them are single moms now. lol can't even make this shit up! Damn nasty sluts, one of them is well into 30's still single. Nothing of value was lost for us.
Its not funny because in 15 years whose half niggers will be demanding equality and their ugly whore mothers will be supporting them.
I don't like the albanian flag or the kosovo flag, nor do i like either ones politics.
Guess who'll be paying for survival of those monkeys? You got it, you and me.
God dammit we need a purge!
>They go around and beg for money, offering them a job is pointless, because they refuse it.
You described an Albanian. Not all, but a big portion.
Actually, albanians and kosovars do work. Most of them, kebabs, selling veggies in market, etc. The non workers are really a small %
Shit happens...i guess? ;)
I'm not kidding when i say i saw someone offer a job to a begging gypsy, which didn't accept it.
Send them back. Gun them down. Gass them.
Holy shit my people are redpilled.
Where were you guys my whole life when i was redpilling people on Dr William Luther Pierce back in 2014?
Reopen westerbork
We do work a lot, but i think people started to give up because our potatoes and milk wasn't going anywhere.
And our leadership is absolute shit
you mean the migration crisis right?
>be kosovar minister
>Shit weather happens
>Farmers need help
>Buy audi Q7 instead
Being dutch is great
The ones that work are honest workers, I give you that. And the ones that don't aren't really that small in numbers and are just as described.
We've all seen this. And this is the type of subhumans that are forcefully wanting to settle in our lands.
I've said it before and won't stop: the current """refugees""" are just Gypsies 2.0
Ask the Eu to continue to pay a billion per year to keep the refugees centers open around the warzones.
You already do and the EU already do.
The war refugees are there. The people who die in the sea to live on benefits are illegal immigrants.
t. Ahmed Djinitilanouliabian
Social-democrats go first of the day of the rope.
>A wast majority of them have no violent intentions.
97% of French people had no fuck to give to the revolution.
98% of Germans were not nazis in 1935, 95% were still not nazis in 39.
96% of Ruskies didn't gave a shit about communism.
It's the tiny minority that make the world move.
But here is the thing. There would be no "refuges" here, if we were not part of EU. I mean, we still got the better of it how ever you look on it. But people in slovenia aren't a brainwashed sheeps who can't think for themselfs.
No idea why our retards opted to go eu route, when we could be a small country in rise economic wise.
>Checks distance between italy and Libya
>Their boats hardly make 1/70th of the way there before running out of fuel and getting rescued.
Not a single US poster in this thread, only mini Russia's
>There would be no "refuges" here, if we were not part of EU
Just like Serbia rite? They are literally the 'pocket' we were fighting not to be.
As for the solution, we urgently need to force a way to actually deport those faggots the same second conditions have been met. Because I seriously think only a handful gets deported, and this is only to appeal the public and to show something in statistics. Elections are coming, the topic needs to be opened!
Yea this is now Slovenia thread, deal with it.
I completely agree. Most of them are illegal anyway. I hope someone mentions it.
Eh serbia got suckered, we could just close down borders in that case. Look at hungary...That's how you do it.
Yeah, and the "humanitarian" associations receive money from the smugglers, are in communication with the boat and often meet them just before they sink. Throw them all in jail between Buba the rapist and Jamal the fanatic.
Kek I thought the geographic locators broke or some shit
>muh leaving the EU is a good idea
Ever read any of Baudet's work? He knows himself that we need the EU for trade. Our complete economy will collapse if we leave.
>Nearly all refugees have dark hair and brown eyes.
>Nearly always use pictures of semi-blonde light eyed girls
>While 30 year old 17 year old dark haired brown eyed Afghanis are raping everyone
Th-..thanks Mutti
>17 year old
I believe we have pictures of that.
He read Trump's Art of the Deal and realized that you need to take an extreme position to shock your business partners.
Or better still, take away their citizenship/visum and drop them off in Libya.
We should stop acknowledging Islam as a religion, and ban Halal meat.
Than we can close islamic schools, mosques etc. and the problem will sort itself out.
they have got to go back
>implying living in some refugee camp where you get 5 euros per day for food and drink is adventure.
Yeah maybe if you start raping and looting and then get to star in a manhunt you have an adventure.
But I'd rather not have Jamaliquous do that in my country.
This is what Brits were trying with Brexit. They indeed did shock their business partners...
Feed them your meat waste products (Frikandel) all day, every day. They will leave soon enough.
stop falling for the ''we need the EU or else our economy will collapse'' meme. The same products will come in through Rotterdam after a Nexit. Stop fear mongering, plenty of nations outside of the EU that are doing more than fine(better actually).
Economic growth in the EU and the Euro has been terrible. They now try to save face by printing out 60bn Euro's a month.
kek. Frikandel is tasty as fuck tho
I need only one example to explain why leaving the EU would fuck up our country: the Port of Rotterdam. Millions of people's jobs are connected to it and as soon as trade becomes temporarily hard due to leaving negotiations, the Port of Antwerp would take over and millions of Dutch would lose their jobs. Accept it, The Netherlands has always been a country of trade and in an age of globalism the EU is our only way to remain competitive.
we will shock them further when we march on while they die
city of london controls the world goy
Deport all non Syrian refugees (like niggers that come here to leech of our welfare system and rape our women). Close the borders. Shut down Saudi funded mosques. Ban Islamic worship in public places, Ban the burka in public.
>The same products will come in through Rotterdam after a Nexit.
What a fucking deluded retard. You pull a Nexit and you permanently lose your special position as the top port of Europe, something that naval countries like Italy or Spain cannot match, or even industrial powers like Germany. If you want to make Antwerp twice as wealthier at your expense then by all means do it.
Turn them into fertilizer and spray them on your tulps and lekker wietje. We should do the same and france sure can use some biological fertilizer too.
Vrindelijke groet from de moffen
we've had succesfull trade without the EU. Antwerp will never take over because they lack the capacity. Ofcourse, the begin will be tough, look at the UK. Uncertainty is never good for the financial markets.
Since we're in the Euro, salaries have pretty much stagnated. Our pension funds are being ripped by the ECB's short term vision. There is a enormous amount of debt in our country. And small economic setback and Italy and Spain will fall as well, not to forget that they are getting a lost generation with 50% youth unemployment.
this whole thing has been and always will be a disaster. We're not becoming more competitive, we're strangling ourselves for the sake of a ''greater europe''
we're going to annex antwerp after the Nexit you fucking baffoon you have no idea what we dutch are up to
if we do trade Singapore style, we don't even need their shitty harbour.
There are barely any real refugees. Most are niggers from africa. Kick them all out. Deny entry to new arrivals. Deport to country of origin and if that's not possible free helicopter rides for those that don't leave voluntarily.
And while we're at it we need to purge our country of the Islamic colonists.
Send them after the war back, like the syrians in lebanon now do.
We should demand as many of them as possible, even go so far as to go get them from their countries of origin against their will, then ship them to Africa as foreign aid workers, flood Africa with them in the name of humanitarian aid.
Sell them to the highest bidder.
ethnic cleansing.
people moving in from the third world, usually lower class are able to attain a higher status or level of wealth here. radicalization takes place outside of the super poor because they are now able to do things besides constantly worry about just eating. Inviting in third worlders, muslims esspecially, and giving them free fucking money and housing is a recipe for mass radicalization.
Not to mention we already have a massive shortage of low-income housing for our own young population.
no amount of profits or benefits from the EU are worth inviting a literal army of radical muslims into your country or wiping our your identity through population replacement. I live in the randstad and there isn't a day that goes by where I dont hope for a chemical attack or bio-weapon. These people are a fucking scourge.