What should Europe do against the refugee crisis?
Solutions to the refugee crisis
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Not let thim im.
Sink the oats with the migrants still in them.
Export democracy til greater Israel is formed.
New Holocaust
more specific please...
Start having more children and start dying earlier so that theres no risk of running out of workers in 50 years like what is happening right now
that's really it
i don't get why libs pretend like illegal immigration is a force of nature that cannot be stopped
the fence works
sink unidentified ships on sight
BRRRRRRRT patrols, etc
>nigger/arab: "i wanna go to europe"
>we: "okay, but we won't let you in"
That's it. Only faggots construct an entire fucking drama out of this.
Remove all welfare and become hostile af and they'll self-deport. It's working in the US
but how are we going to stop them? it costs a lot of money and resources to control the borders 24/7
Hire Lauren Southern to shoot flares at them.
No it isn't.
They're economic migrants, not refugees
They just want money, almost none of them are fleeing war
Colonise a middle eastern country and make it a european clone state, then they'll go there instead of Europe.
You just need to get a bit more hostile then
But what should we do about them?
There is no crises. The countries that are receiving them welcome them and have generous social welfare benefits. Coincidently they also have shrinking populations made up of elderly people.
Middle easterner's are mostly being processed and kept because Germany expects them to slave in lower class jobs. Black's that arrive via the med are mostly being processed and sent back since Germany has very low expectations for them. This is being done quietly because of the narrative that you have to be 100% pro or anti refugee. If you are pro refugee you are literally a saint and if you are anti refugee you are literally a nazi.
Stop thinking so much goyim. Leave politics to the important people. Ordinary people getting involved in politics is called populism and populism is bad. Okay?
Send them home...
The people leaving the countries are the smart ones who want opportunity and are willing to go get it.
These are the people who are more likely to start small companies etc back home but instead of building their own country they take the better offer of migration.
Send them back, give them interest free business loans and training and mentorship so they can change their communities.
Accepting migrants from a shithole makes your own country a shithole. Half of the migrants are the people who don't want to do anything, they want their country to work for them not them work for their country. Handouts and no effort, no job, no wooing a woman, just take, rape, consume.
if your city centers aren't riddled with crime it's a fairly uncomplicated business to divert police and part of your military to the border
that's what's happening now and it seems to work
not to mention that if all member countries did their part like the EU always says we should, the burden would be negligable to individual countries. v4
it would also be a great exercise towards a unified EU military which the EU also seems to want
pic rel, czech-hungarian patrol on the southern border
You only need to blast a few boats and they will stop.
Instad of pumping billions of Euros into new europeans, pump them into border control. There, again i solved a problem. I'm the fucking problem solver.
There is no "crisis", it's all jew created.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Machineguns on our shoreline
The EU is paying Turkey €3bn to try and stem the tide of migration from Syria. Instead of bribeing an autocratic regime how about we use the money to patrol our shores?
It's not Jews. It's just money. Refugees will accept low wages and work in manufacturing.
That's what I was proposing since day one.
Bring in more
good job, slow clap, bravo
now elect somebody who did not created this mess in the first place
>picture of a boat in India
What the fuck it's like you're not even trying user.
>What to do
Stop accepting immigrants. It's not Europe's problem a bunch of fucking Africans are crossing a conflict zone for welfare and opportunity in the comfy EU. Their policies are literally causing their downfall.
kill them
Militarise Gibraltar, the Mediterranean and the Bosphorus. Maybe fence the Turkish border if Turkey wants.
Solution fixed. Also, get Russia on board with Armenia and Azerbaijan and we should be good to go.
Because we are empathetic faggots
there's actually a pretty straightforward technological solution: drones with IR cameras.
they could patrol autonomously and allow actual humans-in-trucks to be further spaced out.
the media just pretend it's not 100% doable with consumer-tier technology because they don't want it fixed.
>pretty straightforward technological solution: drones with IR cameras.
I am dissapointed burgerbro, simplest solutions are always the best
Don't pay them to live in your countries. P simple.
Really this thing would be solved over night if the coastal states had the will.
Sink every ship leaving from lybia
Sink every ship helping clandestin to reach lampeduza
Everytime a clandestin camp open have the police use riot water gun to get them ou
Film everything and air it everywhere in africa
let them know the open bar is over.
> What should Europe do against the refugee crisis?
Must go where they come from and use force and other means to make it livable enough. Then deport deport deport!
Nobody is letting them in you fucking moron. They show up. Do you know what the Mediterranean is?
Deport them and then proceed to scrap the UNHCR protocols. This is what every western country needs to be looking at doing.
They are allowed in. They are encouraged into Germany and Sweden. Giving them cash and apartments is the proof of that.
akshully, the do use drones and fixed thermal cameras on the border
They are allowed in you brain damaged scum? From where, sum? Oh yeah, from Greece and Italy where they just show up.
Send them all back, and shoot anyone who tries to cross the border. After a few weeks, there would no longer be a problem.
I mean, the reason shitskins are migrating en masse to Europe isn't because it's the only safe place on the planet. It's because left-wing politicians promise them money, freedom and protection, while asking for nothing in return. Without that carrot dangling in front of their face, they wouldn't have a reason to invade.
What, you mean the workers who are going to be replaced by robots?
sink the boats and shoot the ones coming by foot
they dont wanna stop them. cheap fucking labor is the only thing that matters to the 1% and the people will be too busy watching thier back and fighting each other instead of flipping the government. Divide and conquer.
Also hungary is full of gypsies and its a fucking poor ass corrupt country. 3rd world infrastructure, hospitals and healthcare. Worse and worse public education with each year.
source: am hungarian.
I could achieve more in 9 month here in austria than I could in hungary in the past 6 years. Too bad there are hordes of sandniggers here.
Come back with better English. The refugees are being paid by Germany to go to Germany. They arnt coming here because we don't pay them.
Let them fuck your wives, so their descendants can properly achieve citizenship.
Hyper aggressive lab created megalodons.
>the fence works
Go build a fence in the Mediterranean see, moronic savage.
It's a scandal that Eastern Europe is still getting a single penny of EU money considering its behavior.
Shut down migration routes and use death squads for human trafickers and all who aid them. Then we send the migrants back to israel where they belong.
Why the fuck are they always hoards of men?Where the fuck are the women and children?
7,62x51 NATO
Jesus, how fucking dumb are you? You're a nigger subhuman country ... and there's the minor detail that you're separated from Greece by yet another sea.
Our welfare is considerably more generous than most European countries but we don't give it to refugees. We put them in camps. They get food and shelter somewhere shitty and nothing else.
Germany gives them a private apartment, cash and it's in a city. So they go where they are paid to go.
user, please.
Dump them all in Germany.
>hurr durr too bad there is no way to detect ships on the opean sea in the fucking 21th century.
>I wish there was a way
yeah the notorious romulan cloacking technology of the sandniggers is out of hand
they got more bodies to throw than we got bullets
Merkel gets wet just thinking about taking a dump of refugees.
Shoot them on sight...Sink their boats...
Or, (if that's too shocking)...Simply ban non-europeans from receiving social benefits. (i.e. discriminate based on their race) Also tax every business which tries to hire illegals...Better yet send the business owner in jail...5 years minimum.
In other words do something that'll make both the people who hire them and the invador think twice before doing a stupid action. I define a stupid action as something that goes against the interests of the indigenous people of europe.
In a nutshell , just use Saudi arabia immigration laws. (i.e. based on race)
That's the most humane approach...But if you don't give a shit about that...Just shoot them. Both solutions are pragmatic though.
But you and i know that they're never gonna do that. And that our civilisation will die...Collapse...Thousands of years, of sacrifice all in vain..
All because people are more concerned about being called racist, than saving their own country and protecting theur own children.
Such a civivilisation deserves to go down the shitter. Nobody should feel sorry for it.
My only consolation is knowing that maybe...just maybe...some nations, some natives in certain region of the european continent will become more and more racially conscious and resist to their own genocide...
Maybe it'll come from Poland or Hungary or somewhere in Eastern Europe....I don't know.
But the way things are going it seems we'll be reduced to kike status...(i.e. no country of our own...and will have to act like they do to survive)
Germany is relieving Greece that's what Germany does. Just like after the financial crisis. Greece is absolutely drowning sea people. Its economy can't cope.
You're an island of dumb subhumans, that's all you are.
You live in a famous naval superpower so you know how small a sea is.
And when you detect then what, moron??
A malfunctioning CIWS on a stranded destroyer would be far more comical.
I realized you are right. There is no way to stop smelly sandniggers on small boats. I surrender myself to your superrior intellect, m'lord.
>stranger knocks on your door
>"ayoo wassup lemme in yooo"
>You: "come in, good sir."
I am the moron, here?
let them drown.
Sink them all.
say bye bye to your problems
it is a coincidence that the pure, beautiful, powerful and warmth, life giving fire of justice is white?
>What should Europe do against the refugee crisis?
Europe must imposed economic sanctions on America and threaten them to an all out war unless America pulls off their troops in the middle east.
>no more refugees or reasons for them to be a refugee
>what the spanish navy does...
>report all the boats as sunk after losing power
>look it up
>they fought that war 8ooish years ago
>they ain't fighting it again
well, good! if it helps to keep peace, why not
drones + hellfires for small boats
submarines + torpedoes for the NGO cuck ships
ask Polish, Hungarian, Czech navies to patrol med. pay 3 euro for every passenger they intercept, as long as they capture biometric details then turn back
oh, and trebuchet Merkel, Macron, May and co into Mount Vesuvius
10-20% of families are scabs who work for the Judaeo-Masonic conspiracy. It all has to burn to destroy them. They run everything. They are your teachers, bosses, "friends", even relatives. They are in all social classes and races. We all live on a masonic chessboard of lies, treachery, and exploitation. They are without honour.