What's the worst anime this season?

What's the worst anime this season?

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>I don't like something and it is popular and since I am a shill that lacks the ability to think outside of one-track I will call it the worst.
You don't even need to like this anime but to call it the worse is actually stupid

God the mansion arc was fucking terrible.


It's actually End this Ride.

>but to call it the worse
>calling someone else stupid
>but to call it the worse


>I have nothing of substance to respond with so i'll just make fun of a single grammar mistake


>OP got so triggered he quoted himself

This isn't the cutest anime of the season thread.

I'll +1 this, OP
pleb tier at best

Nigga called someone stupid while misspelling a word. That's objectively funny.
It's mediocre, not terrible.


Ypu posted it OP

It's clearly either that or JoJo.

>Nigga called someone stupid while misspelling a word. That's objectively funny.
Not him but that's why I always double check what I've typed when calling someone else out on their intelligence unless I am specifically shitposting.

>I'm gonna make lots of threads about this anime, demean it as much as possible and respond to myself in said threads in order to make it look like it's heavily disliked while trying to have people call it cancerous because of the threads
You're fooling no-one.

Probably Endride or Seisen Cerberus

Let him have this, it's his only source of happiness.

Only watched three episodes of Re Zero but damn the MC is annoying. Does he get better or at least shut up?

Endride is a snoozefest. Watch it if you want to sleep.

At least it's original

At least it has legit fanservice

At least it's short

Only thing I can think of is Enride

>Does he get better
He only gets worse, like the anime itself.


Reddit:Zero is pretty bad, but it's not the worst anime the season.

Worst watchable: Netoge
Worst unwatchable: Cerberus

Why is Re Zero reddit?

Mayoiga and Big Order are the worst. Endride is a masterpiece in comparison.

Because the MC is a meme spouting autist.

Because no arguments. KnK is much more a Reddit-type anime and Sup Forums is swallowing it whole.

It is terrible like Reddit.

Because he doesn't like it. Don't take any post with the word Reddit in it seriously.

B-but isn't Sup Forums the birthplace of memes?


Endride for being uninspired trash with no budget. Cerberus goes here too

Netoge for being wish fulfillment nonsense but with shit girls and Ako trying too hard to be a meme girl (and failing)

Mayoiga for its bait and switch from edgelord trainwreck to not as fun surreal SoL train.

Overall I'm gonna pick Endride.

He does not shut up.

I have more issues with the bland archetypes than MC-kun being a weirdo.

always appreciated

I don't think people who are hating Re:Zero have actually watched it, I think they are just annoyed by its popularity.

Go ahead and tell me something you dislike about it. Be specific so I know you have actually watched it.

We do it on purpose.

This mansion shit has killed my interest.

Mayoiga is worth it just for the meme threads on Sup Forums
Even so it is painfully hard to get through each episode
I tried Netoge, but barely made it 2 episodes in
Endthisride I stayed far away from

That's just what people say when they have nothing of value to contribute.

>if I don't agree with it that means it must be bait

Kabaneri is worse.

>b-but muh shading

It's shit.

But Kabaneri has Mumei to redeem it.


Just finished watching this and there is literally nothing good about this show at all, it's just flat out bad.

You can't even turn your brain off and just enjoy like GuP or Nichijou (If you guys enjoy these shows for other reason that's fine, i'm not trying to insult them, i think their great/only enjoyable things.) ,

Hai-Furi is literally painful to watch be it the hideous animation(I swear there isn't a single on model character during motion) or it's generic characters and thei by the numbers uninspired character interactions.

>Throw in boats, generic genki girl mc, and add in more girls in a boat and see what happens.

All these interactions literally write themselves and i've seen it all 100x before with characters that are actually remotely interesting.

The "plot" and premise is absolutely fucking retarded, you have to be a special kind of stupid to even remotely think it was a good idea.

Honestly the show would be at least watchable if they just made it SOL and just went ahead and dropped the serious setting.

As it stands now, this show is literally shit. Like a 1/10, like worst than sword art online and i mean that from the bottom of my heart.

MC is annoying and loud. Yeah I get its how he hides the fact he has died 10 million times but he's irritating.

>tfw you realize its very easy to typecast male VAs into specific roles

I only pay attention to Subaru because of his VA and probably will try to catch up.

At heart Endride is mediocre but there's two flavors of mediocre; the kind that tries at least like Witchblade and Rakudai and the kind that's content with sucking. Endride is the latter

I think we can all agree that Reddit:Zero, JoJo and Kabaneri are the worst three anime this season.

No matter when I go to a KnK thread, I always see people shitting on the characters and mostly Mumei.

Here comes the Jojo fags.

Honestly, because it's "that" show of the season.

The show whose dick every one is sucking so it can basically do no wrong. Go into any Re: zero thread and the first 30 posts will be nothing but waifucancer. Post a critique about the show or a part of a certain episode that disappointed you to spark discussion and you get dogpiled by showfags for being a hater and by spoilerfags because you didn't just spoil yourself.

>welcome to Sup Forums
Nope, I can have discussion about literally any other show this season, Kabaneri excluded.

It's not even a bad show, it's just incredibly average, especially since it's an interesting setting. Though the poor mans Endless Eight didn't help it.

Mumei went full retard.

So did the plot.


>there is nothing good about this show
What about the cute girls and the cute things they do, faggot?

Re:Zero is the only anime I'm watching this.season. You're not getting your echo chamber from me.

Fuck off.

You need more than cute girls to be good. Otherwise people would tolerate Netoge

Ladies and gentleman, Sup Forums.

Original : Endride
Mango : Terra Formars 2
LN/Other : Ace Attorney

I mostly agree with him, this cute autist is the only worthwhile aspect of Haifuri.

>this popular show is the worst anime this season, debate me!
Every fucking time. Even if fucking Mars of Destruction were airing, you people would still be arguing over which of the average-quality LN adaptation or average-quality SoL were the worst of the season.

I tolerate Netoge. It is better than Reddit:Zero.


fite me lad

First arc was pretty great. This mansion arc with the bland maids, token loli, and shitty curse dogs has ruined any enjoyment I was having. That action and mystery around the loot house was fantastic. Pic related is the only good thing so far.

I genuinely enjoyed the first arc. This arc has done nothing but show me how annoying MC is and how boring and uninspired everyone else is.

>I'm tired of all these MMO anime, when will we get an anime that's just about a bunch of people playing an MMO
And yet people still love to hate on shows like Netoge and PSO2.

The maids are shitty, boring characters and ruined the series.

>playing the mmo

Nope. Sitting around in an inn or going around and buying hacked gear isn't playing.

>Hey hey I don't like this so it's shit
>Please agree with me, I'm just too insecure to flaunt my.shit taste
>You don't agree with me? BOOGEYMAN
Every. Fucking. Time.

I don't understand why you insist on responding to the mentally defunct. He obviously doesn't have an argument to back up his opinion.

Easily memeyoiga. In before reddit hugbox around here bawwwwwwwws

I think think the point of the anime went right over your head.

Reddit:Zero is the Sup Forums'ing man's Glasslip.

>Sitting around in an inn
Have you ever played an MMO?
>buying hacked gear

If you're so obsessed with Reddit, why don't you go sign up for it?


>we have to help rehabilitate this girl
>drags her in deeper
No, I think it went over your head.
Have you even watched the show? Russian got hacked and bought back his gear like 3 episodes ago.

Stop responding to bait you retard, if you want to talk about the show go respond to people with genuine critiques.

If I wanted to talk about Re:Zero I would have actually watched it. I'm just calling him out on his shitposting.

It's an extremely mediocre show, but the concept lends itself well to the type of teenage retards who think they're smart but really aren't like The idea of vicariously living through a high school boy in a seemingly tough situation surrounded by cute girls in love with him appeals to this type of person a lot.

That is an insult to Glasslip.

Sure, he did that pretty much off screen. What about all the other playing they've done? That doesn't count as playing to you?

That's because they're barely about people playing an MMO. Netoge is wish-fulfillment romcom trash further bogged own by Ako's autism and PSO2 is just plain garbage barring Kaichou.

Wake me the fuck up when we get an ensemble cast and more prominent MMORPG themes/jokes like Log Horizon's. Wake me up when we get that except they're not stuck in some garbage transferred-into-another-world setting and then we'll talk about a properly made SoL about MMO players.

I haven't watched it, but I feel that it suffers from the same problems as Mayoiga: it tries to be original (read: moving goalposts like a typical shitpost thread on Sup Forums) at the expense of the overall flow of the story.

Definitely not this.


Probably Anne Happy or Luluco.

Lost VIllage
Big Order

All shit. Just like RE:Zero.

I dropped so many things this season I can' t even say what was the worst
mayoiga, joker game, sakamato desu ga, kabaneri big order are all pretty bad

>Netoge is wish-fulfillment romcom trash further bogged own by Ako's autism
They actually play the game too.
Netoge's problem lies with the point that the closest story checkpoint already happened early on, causing the rest of the show to feel like filler.

mayoiga is pure memes.

>tfw next season doesn't look too well either

>joker game, sakamato desu ga
>pretty bad

Shit taste, user.

Netoge is at least 2,475 times better than Reddit:Zero.

Worst shit this season. So bad no one can defend it unironically.

Sakamoto relied too much on the "Sakamoto is cool" aspect. If you hate it, nothing in the show will change that, and if you like it, you might get burned out of it.

But muh Trigger saving anime!

I smell faggot.

91 days might be ok looks cool at least rest is LN girls anime