Views on Democracy?

Views on Democracy?

Most people dont realise they don't actually live in a democracy.

Protip: nk is a democracy

A bad idea once the scope of the system extends beyond the local community

The only true system for fairly governing a nation when my guys wins
A broken travesty that lets ignorant sheep destroy the country's future when my guy loses

Are we talking representational democracy or direct democracy?

You don't allow kids to decide how kindergartens work for a reason

kike control.

The worst election system ever besides all the other ones


rabble politics via a popularity contest

Requires only intelligent people to vote in order to work efficiently.

When everyone gets a vote, mongrels, retarded people and imbeciles then it's the most useless system.


In a democracy you're either ruled by the mob (direct democracy) or you're ruled by lobbyists (representative democracy).

All hail Britannia!


Tyranny of the majority

True democracy hasn't existed since Athenian Democracy in 500 BC

We are actually at the closest point in the history of humanity in technological capacity to implementing absolute democracy now that we have the internet.

Terrible for the country and the people, but great for the people in charge.

If democracy changed anything it would be illegal

Bang on.

Doesn't work outside of the city-state

Flawed and results into conformity.

Outdated shite. The onlky way forward is an Autocratic Meritocracy.

a slow fall to the bottom, a leveling out to the least educated majority

better than the alternatives, lots of flaws though


It's shit

Really only works as a direct democracy, like in Switzerland or ancient Rome
All people should be well informed and partake in every major action of the state, otherwise it just becomes a waste of time where the illusion of your vote having an impact keeps the populace placated and ignorant.
True democracies only work when it has fascist aspects and a direct democracy is the only way that this is accomplished

shit tier when everyone can vote

Not a bad idea in essence, but I think you should need to meet some kind of qualification to vote (i.e. career experience or military service). 18-year-old kids fresh out of high school having the right to vote is just a horrible idea.

it could be worse, but it's still just a jew trick....
if we could have weighted votes or earned voter priviliges it would be a lot better.

It's fucking shit
It's slow as fuck and nothing ever gets done since the direction changes every fucking 2 minutes...

It’s 2 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what’s for dinner.

Doesn't work, doesn't exist.

Absolute garbage that always degrades into neo-liberal feminist welfare trash. Humans aren't designed with democracy in mind.

very yes

It only works when information can move freely, otherwise the one who controls it more wins