Admit it, whitey deserves everything bad that's happening to him. You were the guys that killed 6 million Jews...

Admit it, whitey deserves everything bad that's happening to him. You were the guys that killed 6 million Jews. Get some balls and own up to it

Pol Pot killed around 1-3 million people. Before European settlements in Africa the Zulus were slaughtering everyone. Every race has been slaves, millions of white Europeans were kept as slaves, remember it was the white devil that finally abolished it after thousands of years of slavery. Fuck white guilt.

Yes, and I also personally enslaved 6 million niggers. saged

And remind me who liberated the camps? Oh yeah whites. The Japanese killed 20 million Chinese. The ottomans killed 1.5 million armenians. Do the Turks and japs deserve all that's happening to whites?

Fuck off chink.

Jews aren't humans, they're descended from dinosaur dna, which is why they're trying to breed humanity in to livestock. You're gonna get the oven, Kike shill.




I wonder who could be behind this post?

It was six gorillion, not six million. At least get your facts straight before you shill.

we didnt but i wish we did

Hey white people, an advice from a chinese...don't EVER feel bad about stuff you did, the whole world can go fuck itself we are the master of our own fate and should answer to no one.
There are winners and losers in this world, if you got killed/enslaved/oppressed/genocided?

vae victis

Why always go back to the holocaust or slavery when whites are responsible for massive racism and violent hate crimes today.

The deep state is on our side, they just gotta wake up the normies too. Our governments need "permission" from the populace to go full 1488.
The path we take depends on who we put in office.

Mao killed 50m in 5 years yet people wear t-shirts with him on them

I thought for sure it was 10 gorillion

Whoa dude, you got anymore epic redpills to share with us my fellow white brother?

You simple fuck, lol. You think "whiteness" did that? Mankind did that. It's been doing that for it's whole existence and "it's THAT color's fault! MY color never would have done that!" type of tribalism is exactly the mechanism that keeps the cycle going. Congrats on doing your part to ensure the next mass atrocity through smugness and superficial considerations.

The Russians killed 30 million Ukrainians and I don't see you complaining about Stalin


>killed 6 million jews

Yeah nah you're a cunt but also


I could use her nipples as fuckign plates

terra fowler.