Is that the sjw german whore that tried to force rapefugees on poland? I thought she was part of merkel's (((tribe))) how did she lose power?
>Is that the sjw german whore that tried to force rapefugees on poland?
No, holy shit.
Learn how to keep track of more than two or three people at once.
You're a goddamned retard who doesn't understand how elections are won.
That AfD chick? What happened? All I know is that they're 3rd in Parliament.
Why did she walk out?
Germans, explain yourselves.
some context?
Remember to archive
Might be because she's pregnant and about to pop a kid out any day now
why did she quit?
She's pouting because the state will not subsidize her bull to fuck her and create mulatto babies anymore
Frauke Petry just quit the afd
She was a (((moderate))).
but why?
>making a scene after geting cucked by the hardliners
Yeah, so moderate she said cops should make use of their guns at the borders.
> Hardliners ever being useful.
She did her part. She is a mother now.
To save the white race, you have to stop REEEing at one point and actually preach what you practice, Patryk.
She was the only sane person. Now old fucks will ruin Afd and praise Wermacht like that one fat retard. Yea, that will show them. This is the way for victory! More Hitler!
>preach what you practice
Kinda cart before the horse here, but you get the idea.
wait isn't that actually fraud or some shit?
she ran for a party and afterwards she just drops and claims her seat in the parlament anyways? this shouldn't even be allowed, people voted for her as member of the party not for her individually?
>women in politics
>a good idea ever
Wew laddie, is it your first day?
Fuck Frau Petry and fuck German people
>gimme that salary
she is nursing and had to leave to breast feed her kid
>trustworthy in any way, shape or form
>people voted for her as member of the party not for her individually?
She won the direct mandate
yeah but still
As of right now she is going to take her seat but as an independent.
She def not taking time off to be a mother, if thats what everyone thinks.
The AFD has been wrought with infighting for a while now.
The two main leaders are now a fairly hardcore nationalist and a lesbian (with a sri lankan partner) former banker (yes its true)
How did she win a direct mandate when another German told me, this election uses a list system?
She once led the righ wing of the AfD to purge Lucke, now she is gettinge purged herself. Why don't these idiots just embrace that they are a right wing party.
this. women are pathetic
seriously. who's idea was it to give the krauts this much control over Europe again??
Probably not legally, but it's fraudulent as fuck from an ethical standpoint.
From the looks of it, it seems like she just latched on to a small group that had nowhere to go but up and then bailed once she got what she wanted from them as opposed to joining a larger party and just being another face in the crowd.
Bongs and you. Russians wanted to remove krauts from Earth.
It's her fifth child. After a women already had 4 children they don't need special child free time anymore. It's all routine.
Parliamentary systems are absolutely fucking retarded. Voters don't get to decide shit. They jut mark a fucking bubble and then the politicians still get to do whatever they fucking want when they "form a government."
I don't know if it's that Germany took power or the rest of Europe deferred power to Germany.
>female leadership
It would be good to get rid of her. The remaining three: Weidel, Gauland and Meuthen are fairly unified and can lead the party.
Especially Meuthen made a nice journey from a (((economic liberal))) to a nationalist.
Yeah, we should do it like the US. Two party systems are obviously superior.
t. smart centrist
She tried to kick/Purge the Nationalists out of the Party so the party becomes "moderate" like CDU or SPD just with a different viewpoint and i guess everyone in the Party doesn't like her anymore because she stabbed her party members in the back
hey retard, word of advice:
Current leader of the AFD:
against racism
used to work for Goldman Sachs
You do the math.
Also OP is a faggot.
You have 2 votes, one for a candidate that runs in your election district and one for a party. Whoever wins the district has secured a spot in the Bundestag, for all the others the list system is applied.
Are you new? People were making nigger ball threads without any context, it's called reading
She wanted to exclude Höcke like Lucke and got what she asked for.
Meuthen is the best there. A little too soft maybe, but the right one there. Gauland cant hide his powerlevel and that is making trouble.
No, just not delusional as to my efficacy in politicking at large.
Best hardliners can ever do is make the moderates look good in comparison, which affords them more power.
vote for the nazis, anything else is a wasted vote
Every voter has two votes. Half the seats are direct and the other seats are given by the list. The parliament in set up according to the second list vote. A direct seats are calculated into the list numbers. So if a party gets a lot of direct seats they get only as many list seats as their share of the second list vote gives them. If a party has more direct seats than their share of the second vote allows, they keep their direct seats but the other parties get additional list seats.
Mummy Alice is the next Hitler?
Meuthen moved to the right bigly of the two years. Two years ago he talked about libertarian stuff, now he unironically says that they are too many non-Whites in German cities.
krauts should vote to kick merkel out of the eu
It's just a phase.
In the Netherlands we had the same thing 15 years ago with the followers of Pim Fortuyn. That party blew itself up.
But then came Geert Wilders with the more stable PVV. And now we have kingmaker Thierry Baudet.
Mommy hormones made her weak.
>Pim Fortuyn
Wasn't he murdered by a leftist when his party got ~20%
i'm sick of seeing women leaders in our alt right movement, are men really so scared and weak we give power to cunts?
enough of the female e-celebs and selfie taking whores, we need our movement to be controlled only by good men
Also, Germany and the Netherlands are very different politically.
Because hating on women will save the West or what?
Because you don't know what a list system is.
No these Redpill MGTOW'ers "Traditionalism is too pro women 4 me" fuckers need to stfu.
No one said anything about hating women. They're simply incapable leaders and no biologically-normal male wants to be led or represented by a female. There's a very good reason why the nazis banned them from the administration
Bitch is going to be all like
>fuck you i'll open my open party with blackjack and hookers
Of course, this absolutely unnecessary in-fighting and seperation kills the AfD before it even really started. Again, because AfucksD learned fuck all from MUH BASED GASHAHN AUF HÖGGE XDDDD.
Thanks, based Frau Kepetry. You are the best (goy).
The Netherlands don't have a new government after almost 5 moths.
The only Germans you can trust are one with funny mustaches.
It's just not true. They are capable women and incapable women as well as capable men and incapable men.
Men might be better in general, but that's irrelevant if we are talking about individuals.
We need to convince women to join the right, we have not other choice in our democracy.
>We need to convince women to join the right, we have not other choice in our democracy.
True. But not by having them head the entire fucking movement - the two most relevant countries in Europe have female leaders of their right wing parties. They just can't rally people behind them and that is also the reason why both FN and AfD are failing like that, and along with their failure, the entire right wing movement. Sad, but that's just how biology made us be. We need a charismatic male instead.
not fraud, parties a voted for their program, and they have a list of members, which means the voter understands there will be a replacement from the list in case those at the top of the list go away for whatever reason
you vote the party, not the individual
fraud would be if they changed their program once they won
We only have men in high ranks in SD.
They still know women can't be trusted to be nationalistic or strong.
I know women who are in SD, they are there to just be social or to marry some ambitious guy and get a comfy job.
Also the women are the usual goofy non traditional girls. Only the immigrant women are traditional and they are few.
you sound like a fucking faggot LOL
He was murdered at some point
SJW women BTFO
Well seems like she was a (((moderate))) and wanted AfD to be in the coalition that was opposed by the party generally. I just hope AfD has some hitler up their sleeve to finally take the opposition role by storm!
rome when it decided to fall
And that is exactly what we need. A redpilled normie who paves the way for others and leads them and not a retarded gauland who uses old natsco paroles. That scares the people off.
Based Nordbot
This happens a lot in Canadian politics, I would assume in the rest of the world as well....
The leader of a losing party will often resign after the election because he usually feels that it would be better for the party if a new leader took over.
If he won a seat there would be a special election later (by election) on to elect a new representative for that seat.
blessed Nordbro, your work never ends, does it?
This is one way to completly fuck over any trust the voters had in you.
I bet she was a government plant all along.
They wanted to destabilize the Afd and used her because she's the weakest link.
>tfw all empires must confront the German Question
When I told you guys that trusting a fucking lesbian as the leader of the right was pathetic and ridiculous you either ignored me or laughed at me, so fuck you all and enjoy Muhammad's dick.
The woman this thread is about is not the lesbian lol