should japan apologize for its crimes in the past? why does it keep trying to deny their war crimes? where's your honor, japan? APOLOGIZE. RIGHT. NOW. why does the japanese government impose the use of secondary education books that deny the Nanking massacre and makes no mention of the unit 731? APOLOGIZE, JAPAN! take full responsibility for your past war crimes
Unapologetic japan
but japan has done nothing wrong
>complain about jews sill using the holocaust
>"japan must acknowledge its crimes!"
The way I see it, if we don't have to apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they don't have to apologize for anything either.
If all you do is live in the past you end up like Jews or Germany.
Better to move on, and it's the same way with all things; relations, jobs, baby stabbing, genocide and so on.
wow man you are really brainwashed Japan did nothing wrong and Hitler was the good guy also Italy cant function without fascism
Apologize? No. Just admit that they did some pretty fucked up shit, and that we didn't blockade them just to be big dooty heads.
We don't learn about this shit at school
what war crimes did japan actually commit and why does it matter? Who is in charge of deciding what a "war crime" is and who enforces it?
I think they should finish the Job they started in China. I mean seriously They are an ISLAND nation that is so freaking small (comparitivly) and they were royally kicking China's ass until the USSR and Us fucked it all up.
Chinese aren't human. You can't commit war crimes on non-humans.
time to cook some spaghetti, mario. go back to the kitchen
they wouldn't stand a chance now. nowadays china is way too powerful for japan to do jack shit against it
you're right, chinese are the new ubermensch. i for one welcome china as the new world superpower
They (((allegedly))) took Nankin and proceeded to rape and behead everything in sight.
They (((allegedly))) went Mengele on Chinese civilians.
They killed Millions in their death Marches, if one person fell all of the people in the group were killed. Gruesome to be sure
My apologies for having to use Wikipedia but:
absolutely not. no nation should have to apologize for things of the past, because its to cut and dry you can't just blame one nation or one people for things nothing in life is that black and white there is always two sides to every story. japan wasn't responsible for ww2 any more than any other nation was because of how many were involved.
why is killing people in a war illegal, who enforces it and why does it matter? Is this just like the UN's unenforceable bullshit?
Reminder that articles on anything even remotely political from wiki have less than zero credibility.
Only once the UK apologizes for Churchill's war crimes.
This whole war crime business has become meaningless now that the actual perpetrators have been buried for decades.
They wont for one reason, it all was inherited by USA. Most research data, some scientists from Unit 731 went to US as a trade for safety. If Japan accepts and acknowledges what they've done, US will be held responsible too.
All is forgiven.
In my (((alleged))) examples, it was the means and victims of killing which were the issue. Shooting a solider is A-OK as they are a fellow combatant. Some civilian collateral was acceptable due to the nature of weaponry at the time. Intentional slaughter of non-combatives with melee weapons not so much.
That said, I don't see many complaints about burgerstan BTFOing two cities of civilians.
>be japan
>be good at war
>others not so good
>others cry about losing at war
>blame you for being loser scum
>ignore them cuz they're scum.
Why are you butthurt?.
is killing civilians seriously a war crime?
And again, who decided that and enforces it?
wrong. daily reminder that reparations are the moral thing to do for war crimes committed no later than a century ago
>Good at war
Choose one
It basically became a crime once wars became more about national interests than pillaging and looting.
Which is good, because at this point purposeful attacks on civilians achieve nothing.
Time rots every principle, thus, all crime is forgiven, when society inevitably forgets itself.
But who decided it was a crime and who enforces it?
>be good at war
>lose every war
wew lad
>i don't see many complaints about burgerstan BTFOing two cities of civilians
what? we constantly get shit for that. japan did some really fucked up things and we got revenge. as far as im concerned, we don't need them apologizing like a bunch of germans.
They bombed the Aussie city of Darwin on Christmas Day! Christmas Day, the bastards.
"Merry Chr"-BOOOOOOM
>good at war
pick one
Except when they suit your beliefs of course.
blood doesn't wash off of peoples hands.
Read up on international law, the formation of the Society of Nations and later on the UN, the postwar agreements.
It's actually really interesting and worth digging into.
At least the Nips wouldn't have surrendered.jpg like the virgin Aryans. The only reason 1 million Burgers lived is because a Bomb or two deus-ex-machina.
Japan apologizes every year.
The problem is koreans are the jews of Asia. Every time there's political trouble in their country, they go on about the 6 million women that Japan allegedly used as sex slaves and demand gibs.
Japan has gone as far as paying multiple times.
Yet each time, Korea comes back and says, "Last time didn't count. Pay and apologize, but mostly pay, for real this time.
Getting "raped" by a jap lol That's like getting shot with a bb gun
zzzzz... name me a country that hasn't committed "war crimes"
"war" itself is a crime
you can commit war crimes all you want, provided you win :^)
>is killing civilians seriously a war crime?
An overall strategy and escape routes are very important in a war.
That's part of why the germans and japanese are so shit at it : they have always been absolutely awful at protecting their interests. that's what happens when you decide to "fight to the death" rather than concede defeat while in a position to negociate and defend your national interests.
You know I used to sort of agree with you, but seeing what civilizational guilt has been used to do to the West I've gotta say they should never be taught to internalize shame like that, all it does is lead to self destruction.
Oh yea just like the soviets did in ww2.
they're right though. why do you keep using censored high school books? very shameful of you, man up
Is this a fandisk or something? I don't remember it in the game.
>is killing civilians seriously a war crime?
Not if you win!
Fir KeK Soggy Sayos Japan Tell them about Ur Samuri Suicide Squad or Kim Shlong Poon will Play Red Rocket and Give Hiroshima part duex. At least the show will be in widescreen, Remember get your shoe laces and blindfold the children 1st.
oh yes, then if you win you get to purge and judge the other country leaders all you want and make the population pay reparations to you because of their "war crimes" while don't giving a fuck about your own "war crimes". You are only a "war criminal" if you lose.
Now, please enjoy refugee, EU!
>no mention of the unit 731
they got to live happy and comfy lives in the USA :^)
The winners of WW2 wrote history so I dont believe in the current version at all like pic related.
That would be stupid.Why apologize.
Apart that this happend way before out time: My ancestors fought for what they thought was right. Yours as well.
The only people who have to apologize is die juden for tricking the worlds young and brightest into slaughtering themself so they can continue their agenda.
>continue honoring war criminals :^)
This. Japan doesn't want to end up lie Germany.
>implying Japan isn't already worse off than Germany
They pretty much can't amend their own constitution without the approval of the USA ffs
Even worse, we need to obey 10 things every year from murrika.
Our politicians are really sneaky though and try to avoid them by finding loopholes.
But things like privatisation of the post office etc. happened in the past. It sucks. Hope abe will change that.
I wish our government would stop this retarded "we are sorry" shit.
There is absolutely nothing to apologize for at this point in time.
99% of todays japanese and german population has nothing to do with that shit.
Shit which got blown way out of proportion with reality btw.
This. My countrymen suffered horribly under jap occupation but thanks to stuff like touhou and Japanese cartoons we are anime friends now (pic related is basically how every interaction goes down)
Never apologize because (((they))) will never let you stop
>Hope abe will change that.
He won't because he can't.
That's the point.
Large pans of the japanese law cannot be changed without american approval.
>including article 9 :^)
>approval of the USA ffs
Stay mad losers ;^)
Also, why do you think you aren't paying reparations and saying sorry every year to Ethiopia for literally gassing them em 1935-6? because you won that little war.
yeah because western shame has really done us wonders hasn't it.....
Unit 731 is some disgusting shit and terrifies me imagine being one of the subjects wow fuck
roll furiesuicidedcoz Japan Didn't admit to past war crimes while Scheming Jews Paid the Chinese to mass produce American hate Through threatening Hentai fueling Sup Forums and youtube poop who love our somalis hobgoblinning A Rearry roose cannon to raunch missires into the biggest garbage pile in the world and he felt bad because every meme that furiesuicidedcoz that he made except for PEPE makes a bigger pile of garbage than that pile of garbage that was the biggest in the world until there was furiesuicidedcoz which was even a bigger pile of garbage so furiesuicidedcoz he is garbage
Making life a constant series of apologies is healthy and productive
>Eggsy Unwin
>Harry Hart
>Champagne "Champ"
>pugs everywhere
>For King and Country!
What happened? Did they lose their friend Woobidy Duurp and his Butler-valet Steakies Jello?
I swear you Britfaggots are all retards.
We'll apogize right after you fellas apologize to the Germans for stabbing them in the back in the last war... Until then go fuck yourself, Guiseppe
Also if you sick fucks want to watch something about the jap experiments, watch Men Behind the Sun
It's graphic but also kind of humorous with some of the reenactments.
I'm sorry for furiesuicidedcoz he lazily copyrited a Jap Cartoon and now you haveto see it, sorrynotsorry, although I am sorry, not for you, sorry for the Japs for saying sorrynotsorry so sorry
Every body likes a bit a killin sumtimes, it's what we're good at, it all depends on your style, take that as a positive Germans were the mutha Fuckin Hugo Boss at Lookin good while killin
Japan should be forced to pay reparations to china.
The world will know the truth at some point user. Can't get away with a lie that big for long.
Oh I'm not so sure.
He is actually talking about changing article 9.
We have vastly grown the 自衛隊 over recent years. Including air power, which was forbidden until recently.
That and we have begun collecting everything for making a atomic bomb.
We can build one now in 2-3 days if we wanted.
So things absolutely are moving torwards japans independence.
You are like juden. Nobody cares about your whining anymore.
Do I need to pack out my anti corean arsenal?
Soon we will be able to pull out of South Korea and ally the Japanese to rule the North.
They will build a military complex to defend against future chinese expansion.
This will allow the USA to re-focus our own budget benefiting both countries.
Fucking wrecked.
you ain't gonna do jack shit, haruto-san. go back stalking weaboos in akihabara
this guy is also an huge anime\manga fan. i remember that the anime industries stock skyrocketed when he was prime minister
they should apologize for tainting our youth with their homo erotic cartoons
You know if you cocksuckers did your jobs, hitler would have had a chance in ww2.
He wouldn't have fucked up in Russia on the return via wasting time helping you dumb cucks against the UK in the dessert, useless shites.
More than you every did.
Better loose in ww2 than be such a miserable cuck like italy. No greater shame.
Why would you apologize for something you didn't do?
Why would they be flogging themselves? Move on; past is the past.
Why does every fucking thread on Sup Forums start with with fake outrage and hysteria? And why do people take the bait?
Italy should apologize for all those fucking faggots, screaming eyyyy, the lost war in fucking somalia and all those refugees taking over small towns, what a fucking disgrace of a country.
Why was mussolini such a autist?
>teamed with strongest nation in europe
>provided with all the resources including fuel and traincars of supplies
>all you need to do is chill back and get fat while germany plans out the defensive manuvering and provide backup
>decide to start new war in north africa for resources that were already provided via germany
>full on invasion which results in over expansion with no defensive units back in europe
>aggro UK
>all of which is at the most crucial time of the russian advancement
>get ass fucked in africa and require rommel and germanies outstretched hand
>furthur weaking the realms defense again now two fronts
>switch teams twice during the war
>claim all glory and none of the axis negativity
>italians gain pride in america ever since and have a whole state devoted to italian culture
>germans world wide are considered demons
>trusting greaseballs even once
in the meanwhile japan is getting beaten up on all fronts by both china, south korea and it's even getting bullied around by north korea. japan's economic growth stagnated in the last couple of decades while south korea and china are booming, soon enough you'll be ashes, mr "asian tiger"
will itali apologise for being utter cowards and traitors bastards that changes as often as they eat pizza? fuck off
t. tree hugger
no because the world is full of fags and you losers deserve to be shit on because we never even gave a fuck
Very few who committed said war crimes are still alive today
Hitler did nothing wrong.
And neither did we.
You should be ashamed of your country.
Italians were the biggest pussys of ww2.
Germany would've been much better off without you wusses.
The Italian Army was literally one of the shittiest armies to ever exist.
Your ships were great for testing our superior bombs though, I have to give that to you.
best episode
Just like youre mom lol
>should japan apologize for its crimes in the past?
Next question.
holy fuck mario, shut the hell up. this is the average italian shitposter on Sup Forums in a nutshell:
> your mom xd
> broken grammar and shitty vocabulary
> some old dead meme here and there
no wonder that you're looked down upon by almost everyone here, you're almost as bad as the finn white knights