What's your opinion on Left-Wing Nationalism, Sup Forums
What's your opinion on Left-Wing Nationalism, Sup Forums
it was a mistake
yugoslavia was built and dismantled by the cia
>muh titoism
>Left-Wing Nationalism
that just seems like nazism with extra steps
also, slavs are niggers who are incapable of governing themselves, they need the german boot until they learn to behave themselves
>t. cucked tractorserb from Krajina
Here something for you to listen too. I believe it's a message from your ex. She wants you back:
>being obsessed with serbs this much
has some serb cucked you so you resort to this fantasizing about revenge?
you are a literal cuck now
Not me who's constantly wishing to reunite. It's almost exclusively Serbs from Serbia and Croatia who are making these threads. Obviously you can't get enough of the Croatian Chocolate, but I have to disappoint you. We don't give a shit about you. Just look at the comments underneath any news from Serbia in Croatian online news outlets.
Also here on Sup Forums. I took a look into the Serbia general thread yesterday. Didn't post. Neither did any Croat. There was not one single Croatian post in the thread.
As soon as there is any Croatia thread in any form it gets spamed by delusional, desperate Serbs who call for a new Yugoslavia.
Tells you about obsession.
Croats are Turks
>I took a look into the Serbia general thread yesterday. Didn't post. Neither did any Croat. There was not one single Croatian post in the thread.
your whole posts screams of your pathology
An oxymoron, even if by some miracle you are a left-wing nationalist every other left-wing entity on Earth will call you a racist transphobe and beg the CIA to kill you.
Triggered much?
It's a mistake, and a big one.
The death of Yugoslavia didn't save just Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Fyrom, and Kosovo, but also Serbia and Montenegro.
every Serb:
You long so much for Croatian approval, it's pathetic. I'm out.
I'm not diaspora. I just dislike Croats. Your country cucks for the EU whereas based Serbs remove kebab.
I'll admit that I'd like to see a second Yugoslavia. Given - it's mostly so that I can watch Vukovar converted to dust yet again after it invariably collapses. I'm insatiable when it comes to Papal Serb butthurt.
Literally nazism for niggers
whatever helps you sleep at night, ante
D&C shill
You mean like national socialism?
left-wing nationalism = nazism
they are communism scum and degenerate, but they deny it still, just like a faggot who like cock while thinking he straight, they will get there with time.